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Orlando Is Giving Away a Trip to Walt Disney World for a Group of 50 People.

Fifty Years of Magic.

Disney World is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year, and in honor of the milestone, the city of Orlando is sending one lucky winner to the Most Magical Place on Earth. The best part? That winner will get to bring 49 of their closest friends and family with them.

Visit Orlando, the city’s official tourism association, announced its latest contest earlier this week with details about the grand prize. Orlando will fly out one winner and 49 people of their choosing for a three-night stay at a Walt Disney World Resort hotel. The city will also provide everyone in the group with Disney theme park tickets. They’ll also be treated to two private catered events organized by a Disney event planner to make sure the experience is magical.

The idea of the contest is to reunite families that the pandemic has separated. To enter, contestants must submit a story explaining why they need a Magical Gathering with their loved ones. The story must be only 250 words and include information about what the group will celebrate once they’re together. Contestants must also have a family photo with their application.

“Being together with family and friends is valued today like never,” Maryann Smith, vice president of sales, services, and events at Disney Destinations, said in a statement. “After so many people have missed so many milestones and special events, our Disney team can’t wait to host the contest winners and other groups for unforgettable experiences. That can only happen at Walt Disney World Resort—especially during The World’s Most Magical Celebration commemorating our 50th anniversary.”

 If you’re hoping to win this trip, grab the best writer in your family and get to work. Applications are open now through Nov. 29 and can be submitted entirely online. They announce the winner in January 2022, and the trip must take place March 4 -7, 2022. 

Alcee Hastings, Late U.S. Representative, House Seat Draws Fifteen Hopefuls Vying to Replace Him.


Field of Dreams

That is the fuel that propels at least eleven Democrats and one Republican, one Libertarian, and two Independent candidates running in a marathon race they hope will end in Washington.
The 84-year-old Former Federal Judge and iconic 14-term Congressional representative Alcee Hastings, who died on April 6, 2021, left a coveted seat in Congress and big shoes to fill.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has set the election date to replace Hastings for November 02, 2021. Fifteen hopefuls, eleven Democrats, three Independents, and one Libertarian (Mike terr Matt), have thrown their hats into the ring with high hopes of riding either a donkey or an elephant to Washington’s field of dreams.

Candidate Cherfilus-McCormick spend more money on campaign ads than all the other candidates combined

The candidates are running for Hastings’s seat span the gamut from experienced politicians to political neophytes. Dreams include current and former state legislators such as state Senator Perry Thurston, Rep Omari Hardy, Bobby DuBose, and former president Florida House of Representatives, Priscilla Taylor. Two of Broward County’s former Mayors and current Commissioners have also joined the race: Dale Holness and Barbara Sharief. And a political neophyte Sheila Chefilus McCormick. Chefilus-McCormick ran against Alcee Hastings but lost her bid to unseat the 14-term legend.

Florida State Senator Perry Thurston’s Campaign Billboard Defaced By His Political Foes

McCormick entered the 2021 Special election race selling pipe dreams and false promises of a monthly stipend of $1000.00 to all Floridians. Ms. McCormick hasn’t said how she intends to pay for the bountiful largess. McCormick has run more television commercials than all other candidates. Chefilus-McCormick has loaned her campaign $3.7 million. Ms. McCormick is a lawyer who has worked through college and law school using grits and determination. However, she is of the Sen. Bernie Sanders ilk that fosters laziness and socialistic ideas for the public at large — suppose she’s given a chance to go to Washington.

Ms. Cherfilus-McCormick will only grow the Mad Squad of Congressional persons comprising (Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Mondaire Jones, Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts, Cori Bush of Missouri, and Rashida Tlaib of Michigan) gang and other socialist claptraps in the U.S. Congress.

Broward County Commissioner Barbara Sharief Running to Replace The Late congressional representative Alcee Hastings.

Broward Commissioner Barbara Sharief is one of seven Broward County Commissioners who refused to back the Juneteenth Holiday as a paid workday for Broward County Employees. Commissioner Dale Holness was the only commissioner of nine commissioners to support Juneteenth as a paid holiday for county employees. Miami-Dade County has endorsed Juneteenth as a paid holiday for its employees.

Juneteenth is the day of celebration that was begun, by slaves, in 1865. This celebration is to honor the “freedom” of slaves under the terms of the 1862 Emancipation Proclamation.

In terms of solid candidate (s) who can fill the big shoes of Alcee Hastings and is ready to represent Florida’s 20th Congressional District from day one:
State Senator Perry Thurston (D)
Broward COMM Dale Holness (D)
State Rep Omari Hardy (D)
State Rep Bobby DuBose (D)
Broward COMM Barbara Sharief (D)
Professor Mike terr Maat (L)
Deerfield COMM Priscilla Taylor
Sheila Cherilus-McCormick (D)
Phil Jackson (D)
Emmanuel Morel (D)
Imran Siddiqui (D)
Jim Flynn (I)
Leonard Serratore (I)
Shelley Fain (I) (Write-In candidate)

If you run, then you will win.

Don’t Bite The Hand That Feeds You; It Might Knock Your Teeth Out. It’s A Hard Lesson To Learn.


Haiti: A Nation In Turmoil — Plagued By Government Corruption, Fuel  Shortages And Violent Gangs


While the American Government has never been exceptionally friendly to Haiti or the Haitian people, individual Americans and organizational groups of Americans have always shown kindness to Haiti. They have tried to render aid — albeit in a minuscule way by some organizations while other groups have done so generously.

They have established charitable organizations to help the underserved people of Haiti. Still, unfortunately, sometimes the donations end up serving the organizers and not the organization or the people the charitable organizations designed to help. A little aid is better than none. Over the years, they have stripped Haiti bare of its natural resources, and they have placed an undeclared embargo on its borders.

The 400-Mawazo Haitian gang that has been terrorizing locals on the streets and hillsides of Haiti for years on Saturday spun out of control and kidnapped 16 Americans and one Canadian Christian Missionaries to hold for ransom. Among the kidnaped hostages are five children, ages 3, 6, 14, and 15 years old, and an eight-month-old infant. The Wall Street Journal reports that the group of missionaries and children is from an Ohio-based Christian Aid Ministries. The Missionaries went there to build houses for orphans.

400 Wazoos held missionaries in an undisclosed location.

On Monday, FBI agents flew to Haiti — Haitian Police officers are assisting the FBI agents in their investigation, search, find and rescue mission of the missionary hostages. The gang’s leader, Wilson Joseph, demands one million dollars for each hostage — $17 million. Wazoo gang members who perhaps were aided by intelligence supplied by sympathetic Haitian police officers on the take commandeered the missionaries traveling in a chartered bus.

Haiti’s Director of National Police Leon Charles resigned on Thursday: Photo Credit The Associated Press

On Thursday, Haiti’s National Police Chief Leon Charles resigned because of cowardice or threats received from Wilson Joseph, the leader of the 400 Wazoos Gang.

The word Mawazo is of Swahili origin, a lingua franca, primarily used in the eastern regions of Africa. Translated to English, it means imagination. To kidnap missionaries doesn’t take a lot of creativity — if any imagination at all. Kidnappings have been taking place for thousands of years. There is nothing new. The 400 Wazoos are just mimicking the behaviors of evil men and women. To threaten to murder innocent men, women, and children is a loathsome thought — but it isn’t novel.

The Christian Aid Ministries doesn’t have $17 million to pay anyone, so clearly, the Wazoos expect the U.S. Government that doesn’t negotiate with terrorists to pay the ransom. That is dumb. Joseph is a Koala-mouse playing in front of a lion, the U.S. military that doesn’t sleep.

A Contemptuous and Contentious Steve Bannon Held In Contempt of Congress: Hallux Valgus.


"He Smells Like Sulfur."

As it stands right now, Steve Bannon, a former White House Chief strategist to ex-President Donald Trump, is in deep dodo. It’s going to be more than bathing in sulfur to get rid of the stench covering his body and wash clean. Bannon needs Jesus.

Former President Donald Trump pardoned Steve Bannon for committing mail fraud and wire fraud, and racketeering after he scammed thousands of simpletons out of their money using the Internet. The Presidential pardon kept Bannon out of prison pushed Bannon’s loyalty to Trump to a level one finds only what wonderful dogs have for their masters. Donald J. Trump did not have a dog while in Washington, but he enjoys the unyielding loyalty of people such as Mike Pence, Steve Bannon, and most Republicans in Congress.

In response to the January 6th attempt to overthrow the federal government by a group of idle people, most of whom aligned with then-President Donald Trump. Congress created a special fact-finding committee to determine who was at the helm of the planned insurrection, or as the Water Gate investigator used to say: Who knows what and when did they know it?

Bannon was a Lieutenant in the Navy and has become a traitor of his oath and his country. He swore to defend the United States against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. As a Lieutenant in the Navy, was he planning to overthrow the government, or did Donald J. Trump corrupt him? The only way out of his sworn oath to the government is for Bannon to renounce his citizenship and plead crazy.

With Congress’ recommendation to the DOJ for criminal contempt charges against Bannon, Attorney General Merrick Garland is under pressure not to signal to the country that he’s going after Joe Biden’s political enemies. Attorney Garland Merrick Garland’s only logical option, as it stands, is to reel in Bannon. If he doesn’t, he sends a message or sets a precedence that court-ordered and or Congressional subpoenas aren’t worth the paper we write them on.

Trump isn’t new to inciting crowds. He incited his followers to attack a Black woman at one of his rallies.

Steve Bannon caused his trouble to grow and spin out of control. He could have gone before Congress and invoked the fifth amendment (the right not to incriminate oneself by testimony before a “judicial body” while under oath. Bannon stacked the cards against himself. One day before the January 6th attack on the Capitol, Bannon went on air and broadcast that on January 6th, “All hell is going to break loose tomorrow.” It’s going to be moving; it’s going to be quick.” Bannon said, “This is not a day for fantasy.” This (forecasting the insurrection) is a day for maniacal focus, focus, focus, focus. We are coming in the right over the target, ok.” Exactly, this is the point of attack. “This is what we’ve always wanted.”

202 Republican Congresspersons remained Duped.

Today The House voted 229 to 202 to refer Bannon to the Justice Department contempt charges for defying the January 6th Committee to investigate the January 6th insurrection. Nine Republicans joined the Democrats’ recommendation to have Bannon arrested on contempt Congress. The situation has become too big to ignore by the DOJ. The Congress of the United States cannot sit comfortably again unless Steve Bannon gets treated as other Americans get treated by the courts, who aren’t above the Land Air Water — LAW.

Kyrie Irving: “I know the consequences of my decision.” Biden Conspires With The Private Sector To Punish Innocent Citizens.

Kyrie Irving: The Face of Millions Of Americans

Kyrie Irving Moral Stance Could Cost Him $40 Million This Basketball Season

Sometimes men pave the road of History with the bodies of many moral human beings murdered by popular opinion — at the behest of men with a bull horn standing in a bully pulpit. Those leaders who kill conscientious objectors gain support frequently from their talking head followers with the loudest microphone. History shows Caesar will always seek to serve up on a platter to a bloodthirsty mob in the arena, the head of the “slave” who dares to challenge his unjust edict. Off with his head, Caesar would scream frantically to the butcher to appease the mob of savages, yelling in the arena, “Kill him, kill, kill him, kill him.” Just recall Colin Kaepernick and Donald J. Trump and his frantic followers. All of this has played out before in the Colosseum of Rome.

Last Tuesday, the Nets Basketball team owner, Joseph Tsai, gave General Manager Sean Marks the green light to banish, from the team, starting point guard Kyrie Irving for not revealing his COVID-19 vaccination status. Kyrie and his team’s managers have been in a standoff since New York City put outgoing Mayor Bill de Blasio Draconian vaccine mandates in effect. Obeying orders from his private financiers — not his real boss — the people of New York, de Blasio ordered everyone in New York City to show their papers to work, buy, sell or trade with others in the city.

I’m from the government, and I’m here to help you: Former President Ronald Reagan (Tuskegee Scientist)

The road of Calvary is often lonely, and those who travel on it are frequently mocked, scorned, by ungrateful, ignorant cowards that line the side of the streets. They feed the travelers bearing the cross vinegar to quench their thirst to make the trek more burdensome. So the mouse says to the cat, “What’s fun and games to you is torture for me.” They took Rosa Parks to jail. Roe versus WadeBrown vs. the Board of Education, Kwame Ture, and Kyrie Irving on the “Trail of Tears.” History is not disjointed. It is a straight road — ofttimes, we refuse to glance in the rearview mirror to inform the present/future. Most men won’t pay attention to Dred Scott vs. Sanford and his neighbor Plessy vs. Ferguson. 

Kyrie Irving hasn’t said whether he’s vaccinated. They brand the star athlete because he refused to divulge his medical records. To date, President Trump has not revealed his medical records — notwithstanding the fake medical history that he paid a doctor to produce. Biden has not announced his medical record except for his appearance on TV showing him taking a “jab.” How about Biden getting a mental evaluation and revealing the results to the public? After all, he is the President.

Like Colin Kaepernick’s cry for justice, the stookers of popular opinion misunderstand kyrie Irving’s stance. Colin Kaepernick lost millions of dollars in revenue for his moral stance, and Kyrie Irving potentially is losing millions. Kyrie Irving says he wants to be a face and voice for the tens of millions of Americans who are refusing to take the “jab.” The tens of millions more who have taken the “vaccine” are under duress and threats that they would not have the money to provide food, clothing, and shelter for their children and family. “When the people fear the government, you have tyranny. When the government fears the people, you have democracy.” Benjamin Franklin.

The public wants to know, has Governor Hochul ever had herpes, how many times Mayor Bill de Blasio caught syphilis? Those are outrageous and disgusting questions to ask those public servants. And the answer to those two questions is: It is none of the public’s business. They made the government up of people, and the people have no right to peer into the government’s bedroom, nor does the government have the right to peep into the private bedroom of the public. The government has no right to dig into the medical records of the people.

The U.S. Will Soon Ease Land Border Restrictions Between Mexico and Canada.

Travel Times Are Here Again.

After more than a year and a half, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced that it would ease travel restrictions on its land border and ports with Canada and Mexico starting in November.

“In alignment with the new international air travel system that will be implemented in November, we will begin allowing travelers from Mexico and Canada who are fully vaccinated for COVID-19 to enter the United States. For non-essential purposes, including to visit friends and family or for tourism, via land and ferry border crossings,” Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas said in a statement. “Cross-border travel creates significant economic activity in our border communities and benefits our broader economy. We are pleased to be taking steps to resume regular travel safely and sustainably.” 

Photo Credit: John Moore

According to the DHS, the decision follows guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and under recent air travel regulation. Starting next month, all international travelers flying to the U.S. will need to show proof that someone fully vaccinated them against COVID-19.

The plan is to accept vaccines that have been approved or allowed by either the Food and Drug Administration or the World Health Organization, including Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson, as well as AstraZeneca/Oxford, Sinopharm, and Sinovac.

Though this new rule will go into effect on Nov. 8 for travelers arriving via plane, it is still unclear exactly when the land borders between Canada and Mexico will open and begin implementing the same vaccination requirement.

The policy change will mark a move towards reciprocity as Mexico has long been open to U.S. tourists who fly there, and Canada opened its borders to fully vaccinated U.S. tourists in August. The border closures never applied to U.S. citizens returning to the country after visiting Mexico or Canada.

Although foreign visitors will soon have to present proof of vaccination to enter the U.S., this rule will not affect American citizens. Unvaccinated American travelers may fly back to the U.S… Still, they will face stricter testing protocols, requiring that they get tested within one day of their departure and show proof that they have purchased a viral test to take after arriving.

“Our strategy to go after this army is very, simple. First, we’re going to cut it off, and then we’re going to kill it.”

Colin Powell: Four-Star Gen Dead At 84.

Today, the top General that top Generals wished to become died of “COVID-19” complications, according to a message posted on Facebook by his family members. Eighty-four-year-old Colin Powell died at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center hospital after fighting a war of which he was not the commanding officer. The enemies of his immune defense barriers and system broke through and defeated his plasma B cells, or white blood cells, the body’s defenders from “enemy” invaders. Several news outlets report Powell had multiple myeloma, a blood cancer that reduced his ability to fight COVID-19, although he had taken the COVID-19 vaccination twice.

Second Lieutenant Colin Powell battled the enemies in South Vietnam, but his fight with a Chinese-made virus. 

The charismatic General turned diplomat served under four Presidents of both parties and twice received the Presidential Medal of Freedom — the last one gave to him by President Obama. Powell also served as the 16th United States National Security Advisor under President Ronald Reagan. Powell said his parents, who hailed from the Caribbean Island of Jamaica (on a Banana Boat), always instilled a sense of service to the country.

In 1989, Gen Powell under Pres Reagan became the first Black National Security Adviser. 

During the Persian Gulf War (1990 – 1991), Powell was the chairperson of the Joint Chiefs of Staff when the United States prosecuted the war under his leadership, along with General H. Norman Schwarzkopf at the helm in Iraq. The United States and several other nations drove the invading army of Iraq from Kuwait by raining down a blitzkrieg upon hundreds of thousands of Iraqi soldiers camped out in the desert, like headless chickens, waiting to fight a conventional war. In the year, 2012 General (Storming Norman) Schwarzkopf also died from lung complications disease. He was 78-years-old.

As news of the General turned state leader went out, there was pouring out of condolences and well-wishes posted on Social Media.
Under President George H. W. Bush, Former Vice President, posted: “I’m deeply saddened to learn that America has lost a leader and state leader. General Powell had a remarkably distinguished career, and I was fortunate to work with him.” Powell was the first Black U.S. secretary of state whose trailblazing set the stage for others to follow.

Four-star General Colin Powell, an elder statesman, dead at 84 from COVID complications.

Madeleine Albright, former Secretary of State and Powell’s antecedent, said General Powell was “a wise and principled man, a loyal friend, and one of the kindest people I have ever met.” They survived general Powell by his wife of fifty-nine years, Alma Vivian, and three children, Michael, Linda, and Annemarie.

“Where are the Clowns? Send in the Clowns; No Bother; they’re Here.” Welcome to Miami.


Miami Commissioner's Court

All Rise: The Zoo Is In Session.

At any minute, one expects to see Zoo Miami’s William Elgar, Director of the Zoo, show up and control the circus, but Elgar was a no-show.
Why was Director William Elgar a no-show at today’s event? Well, this was not Zoo Miami’s Zoo; it instead was Miami City Hall, where the court was in session to determine the fate of police chief Art Acevedo. And presiding over the trial (circus) was Chief Magistrate of the court Joker Rollas, a.k.a. Commissioner Joe Carollo.

For decades, either in his position as Mayor of the City of Miami or as Commissioner, Carolla, has had a vice grip on Miami’s Police Department and ran it through its Chiefs of Police. Miami police Chiefs serve on average about 2.5 years as the top cop. For over 40 years, since Carollo’s appearance as a meddler in police business, twelve chiefs started with Chief Kenneth Harms — a virulent bigot, have cycled out.

Miami Mayor Francis Suarez (With Mother’s Milk On His Breath) Riding On Training Wheels, Standing In The Shadow of Joe Carollo.

Miami’s first Black City Manager, Howard Gary, fired Harms because of Harms’ manifested racial animus towards the Black citizenry of Miami. Soon after Gary cut Ken Harms, the Miami Commissioner sacked him. Carollo was happy to get rid of Chief Harms because he made public Carollo’s illegal demand to the Police Department for a concealed (gun) weapons permit for a Saudi Arabian sheik.

“It’s Deja Vue all over again.”

Thirty-seven years ago, Chief Kenneth Harms stood up to Carollo and his corrupted ways — then Harms lost his job. During today’s City Hall kangaroo court trial, attorney John Byrnes, Chief Art Acevedo’s counsel on record, states for the record that Carollo fired Acevedo because he had the nerve to “speak truth to power” to stand up to Carollo and his henchmen. The suspension/firing has nothing to do with his job performance, Attorney Byrnes said.

Francis Suarez is Miami’s Mayor, but he answers to Carollo and his group. Francis’ mouth is still wet with breast milk. He’s in the Mayor’s seat only because his father Xavier Suarez is a great man with some scruples.

This Cat Should Be Happy The Feds Are Busy

The crew of John Gotti wannabes claims they ended Acevedo because he threatened to punish employees who refused to get the jab. City Manager Art Noriega who acted on behalf of the commissioners, says the chief had “lost the confidence and trust of the department.” Noriega accused Acevedo of “hiring and firing department members without the following protocol, and telling employees that a ‘Cuban Mafia ran the city and police department.'”

Banana Republic: Mayor Francis Suarez And His Band of Shady Commissioners Strike The Chief.


Miami's Vice.

Joe Corolla’s stranglehold of shady politics on the City of Miami Police Department stretches through decades. Had this been any other typical city in America, the voters would send Carolla flying through the doors of City Hall at the tip of a shiny steel-toe boot. But this is Miami, and Carolla delivers for his constituents an unhealthy dose of corruption. They love it.

Any Miami Police Chief who doesn’t fall in line with the vindictive ways of Carolla and at least two other Miami Commissioners (majority rules) is quickly shown the door with a knife in his back. Chief Art Acevado is the latest victim of the City of Miami Commissioners. Today Mayor Saurez put Acevado on notice that he’s out as Chief in Miami.

Rumor was that the City of Miami Police officers are to wear masks when dealing with Black residents

In September, Acevedo alleges in an eight-page letter to the Commissioners that Carolla tried to entice him to use the weight of the police department to attack his (Carolla’s) political enemies. It’s hard for the feds to pin Carolla and most of the Miami Commissioners down. The Miami Commissioners have mastered the art of navigating the channels of corruption. They have double master’s degrees and PhDs on how to avoid the eyes of investigators. They are like drug dealers using Cigarette Boats to run from Coast Guard chasing in a Personal Water Craft vessel. They’re too fast; by the time the Coast Guard catches up to them — they have dumped the contraband.

he Feds would have to go back to school learn how to detect, corral and capture Carolla and his band. How is he living? Is he living large? Does Chief Acevedo’s letter about using the taxpayers’ money (the police force) to target political enemies have any merit?

These aren’t the days of easy targets like Miami Commissioner Miller Dawkins or Dade County School Board member Johnny L. Jones — it was easy to target and capture those guys — and rightfully so. They were corrupted public servants but not schooled in the art of corruption.
In a bid for political survival, mayor Saurez is running for reelection in November, and City Manager Art Noriega made the cowardly decision to show Chief Acevado the door with a knife in his back. Will Acevado bleed out, or will the city end up paying him a large sum of money just to shut him up? Until the federal government steps in, the Miami Commissioners will continue to hold the Miami Police Department in a Vice Grip.

These Five-Star Hotel Are Affordable With Rates As Low As $28 Per night.

Five-star hotels are known for their lavish amenities, grand decor, attentive service, and over-the-top experiences. They’re also known for their hefty price tags. But what if you could have the butler service, complimentary champagne, and other luxuries at a fraction of the price?

Photo Courtesy Oddfellow in the Park

That’s what the team at Top Dollar, a financial insights website, sought to find out with its latest study in search of the most affordable five-star hotels around the world. To find these ritzy properties that don’t break the bank, Top Dollar used Hotels.com to search for a one-night stay for two in July 2021 and found the ten cheapest accommodations for each country. Sale prices were not included to keep them from skewing results, and any countries with fewer than five five-star hotels available were removed.

The results show that sitting in the lap of luxury is more accessible than many assume — think $28 per Night in India (the world’s cheapest five-star hotel); $79 per night in Mexico; or $93 for an overnight in Athens, Greece. These prices fluctuate throughout the year, but the overall messaging remains the same: don’t assume the best hotels are outside your budget.

Photo: Courtesy of Hotel 1970 Posada Guadalajara 

Photo: Courtesy of Steigenberger

Here are some highlights of Top Dollar’s findings. North America

The cheapest five-star property in North America is the Hotel 1970 Posada Guadalajara in Mexico. This Hilton property starts at $79/Night and recently underwent a $6.5 million renovation in 2018. For travelers looking for some stateside luxury, the most affordable five-star hotel is the ADERO Scottsdale, an Autograph Collection property in Phoenix, Arizona. 

South America: Most countries in South America offer excellent and affordable options for a five-star stay. Among the most affordable visits, the most expensive option is the NH Collection Plaza Santiago in Santiago, Chile. The property will set you back $125 per night, which is still a great deal compared to most luxury hotels. Meanwhile, the least expensive properties in Argentina, Brazil, and Ecuador go $71, $73, and $82, respectively. The cheapest of all the five-star properties can be found in Bogota, Colombia, where a night at the NH Collection Bogotá WTC Royal costs $42. 

Photo: Curtesy of ADERO Scottsdale

Europe: The options in Europe may come as a surprise to some, with Top Dollar identifying at least 16 five-star hotels that cost under $100 per night. Most of them are in Eastern or Central Europe, with the cheapest being Kupava Deluxe Hotel in Lviv, Ukraine, at $43 per night. Oddfellows on the Park in Cheadle, Manchester, is the most affordable option for those interested in the UK, with prices starting at $118 for a night in the Victorian mansion.   

The Middle East & Central Asia: In this part of the world, all but two reasonably priced five-star hotels cost under $100 per night. Turkey is home to the least expensive option, with Ankara’s Hotel Ickle is setting travelers back only $32 per night. Other notable properties include Avani Deira Dubai Hotel, which costs $54 per night, and the Crowne Plaza Doha in Qatar for $78 per night. 


Photo: Courtesy of ODDFellow in the Park

Rest of Asia and Oceania:  The cheapest five-star hotel in the world in India, with the Novotel Ahmedabad Hotel costing only $28 per night. But it’s not the only impressive option in the region. This part of the world is home to several five-star properties asking for less than $50 for a one-night stay. In Indonesia, the Royal Surakarta Heritage Solo MGallery Collection goes for $30 per night, while Thailand’s cheapest five-star property costs $32 for a night.  

Africa: Africa’s most affordable five-star hotel is in Luxor, Egypt, one of its most popular tourist destinations. There, travelers can check into the Steigenberger Resort Achti Luxor for $40 per night and spend their days admiring views of the east bank of the Nile River. Nine African countries offer five-star accommodations for under $100, including Uganda, Kenya, and Zambia.  For the full report from Top Dollar, along with maps and infographics detailing the findings of this study, click here.  

Cover Photo: Courtesy of Crowne Plaza, Doha

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