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From US Senator to Vice President to Democratic Presidential Candidate Biden To


American President Joe!

Snatching victory from the mouth of defeat was no cakewalk, nor was it a bed of roses for 77-year-old President-Elect Joe Biden. A president of all the people, not just for those who voted for him, but of all the people is the promise that Biden has made to the American people. A healer, not a destroyer of the American Democracy. Joe has promised to be a man of light, not one of hate, darkness, and divisiveness. The newly minted President has come full circle after serving the nation for 48 years, first as a United States Senator and vice president for eight years.

Kamala Harris gave her first speech as Vice President-elect, In Wilmington Delaware

In his first major speech as President-elect, following his VP-elect Kamala Harris, Biden delivered a speech of hope and healing for a nation that has been torn asunder, over the past four years, by Donald Trump. Below is a snippet of Biden’s unity speech that he delivered in Wilmington, Delaware.

Revelers hold up a sign telling Donald Trump that he has been fired by the American People

We are not red states or blue states, we are the United States of America.

Let’s give each other a chance. It’s time to put the harsh rhetoric aside. It is time to lower the temperature, and to see each other again, listen to each other again. And to make progress, we have to stop treating our opponents as our enemies. They’re not our enemies. They are Americans. The Bible tells us there is a season to everything: A time to build, a time to reap and a time to sow, and a time to heal. This is the time to heal in America.

Now the campaign is over, what is the will of the people? The battle to build prosperity. It is time to get COVID under control. Folks, I’m a proud Democrat, but I’m an American President. I will work hard for those who didn’t vote for me as well as for those who did.

President-elect Joseph R. Biden will be the nation’s second President of the Catholic faith, John Kennedy was the first, and this morning Biden and his family proudly went to Sunday morning church service to seek solace and ask the Lord for guidance in this monumental task that he’s about to take on.

Staff Writer: Clinton Franklin

Authoritarianism: President Trump Suggests Getting Rid of the Ballots and Having a Continuation of His Junta — Win or Lose.

Coup d’état.

The Ballots or Bullets? In a democracy or a dictatorship, there are only two ways known to man for the changing of or the transfer of leadership or power — and they are through the ballots or bullets. Whenever the transfer of power comes about by way of the latter, it most often occurs via a revolutionary war or a coup. While some coups are “bloodless,” most coup de’tats create a sudden disturbance of normal life expectancy. Revolutionary wars aren’t bloodless coups; they are accompanied by horror, a broad stroke of extreme violence, and unnecessary deaths.

Trump’s Miley — The signs are clear, but no one wants to see them: This is how it all starts

For decades, the United States military has defended democracies worldwide, and it has removed dictators from power and helped to established governments in its likeness, and fashioned a semblance sense of stability. The army of the United States falls under the command of the sitting president of America. He’s hailed as the Commander in Chief and the leader of the “free world,” by politicians and journalists.

President Donald Trump’s festered appendages

What happens when that president — the leader of the free world — runs afoul of the tenets that hold our democracy together and threatens to blow up the foundation upon which the nation stands? Will the military that he commands aid and abet him in tearing down the pillars of American democracy and contribute to the most significant internal conflict and bloodbath the world will have ever seen in the annals of the worlds’ history in the last 6000 years? There appears to be at least one United States General standing in Donald Trump’s corner who is willing to support a “strongman” form of government.

A lust for power and craven to ramrod wickedness on the powerless: Mark Miley, Trump’s side kick

History shows that many madmen have risen to power by hook or crook. Usually, these demagogues speak the language of the “common” people and by appealing to their sense of loss and disenfranchisement. And frequently, those unread people are looking for a savior to protect them from (the others) those who are taking what rightfully belongs to them alone. Those despots are fond of fostering a bond between military leaders and “law” enforcement cliques. When it comes to the behavior and the words of Donald Trump, all the signs are there of a despot in the making.

While other authoritarian nations yearn for Democracy, Americans are yearning for Autocracy. DEMOCRATIC BACKSLIDING

As the United States of America goes, so goes the rest of the world. Simultaneously, the erosion of civil rights increase, and several dry runs of martial law is enacted in some states to test the will and the fortitude of the people. The times we are living in are peculiar. As Americans watch its President huddles in private with Russia’s top spy — Vladimir Putin, with no public record of their conversations. What secrets is Putin keeping for Trump? Is Trump being tutored by Putin and Kim Un Jong on how to seize power? Simultaneously many white nationalists who once called for less government intrusion in their lives have now cozied up to Trump and, by extension Vladimir Putin and his totalitarian regime.

President Alibaba and his Lilly White team of 40 merry men

With about 57 percent of 167 countries of the world’s population enjoying some form of a democratic government, attempts of a sudden overthrow of the governments by an internal military (in less powerful countries) than the United States of America has decreased. But with a few corrupt power-thirsty Generals that are willing to play lapdog to a power-hungry President Trump, America could fast be sliding down the road of authoritarianism. There have been many threats made by Trump about switching the current form of government.

Ring the alarm: a peaceful transfer of power?

M1 Abrams Tanks Coming to a City Near You Soon?

When Playboy Reporter Brian Karem posed a question to Trump: “Will you commit to..a peaceful transferral of power after the election?” Trump: “…We want to get rid of the ballots, and you’ll have a very transfer—we’ll have a very peaceful—there won’t be a transfer. Frankly, there’ll be a continuation.” So come November 3rd or November 8th; if Biden is declared the winner, will Trump proceed with his plan to overthrow the American government — lead a Coup and over-rule the will of the American people?

Will Trump use the military to keep him in the White House to protect his financial records?

The only time the Constitution of the United States recommends a coup is: “Whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.” There isn’t anything in the constitution that suggests a coup to support the wild lust for power of a mad man to cover his financial crimes nor to prop up a few lost power-hungry Generals.

Staff Writer: Clinton Franklin

Tyreek Hill Rotten Cop Danny Torres Suspended Six Times Before.


A troubled Miami Dade cop hired by the County using money earmarked by President Joe Biden’s 1994 crime bill has been caught on camera doing what Biden intended him to do — assaulting Black people. In 1996, less than two years after Joe Biden and former President Bill Clinton earmarked hundreds of millions of dollars to create the school-to-prison pipeline for African Americans.

Miami-Dade PD hired Danny Torres. Torres on 10-7, and it is time for the brutal cop to turn in his badge and service weapon go 10-7. The brutish cop Torres has been with the department for almost 27 years.

Torres makes an annual salary of $170,000 (one hundred and seventy thousand dollars) to torture Black people in America. That’s not an insufficient salary for a nearly-functional illiterate to terrorize African Americans. For almost three decades (30 years), Several Dade County Administrators, County Managers, and MDPD Directors have endorsed Danny Torres’ brutal attacks on African Americans.

MDPD cop Danny Torres, who attacked Tyreek Hill, has a history of brutalizing people throughout Dade County. On September 08, just outside the Hard Rock Stadium, four Miami-Dade motorcycle cops pulled over Miami Dolphins wide receiver Tyreek Hill for speeding.

Early in their conversation, they identified the motorist as Tyreek Hill. They knew right off the bat who they pulled over. Radio dispatch and body camera conversation revealed they spotted the speeding vehicle long before they stopped Hill.

According to the citation they issued to Hill, Hill was traveling 60 MPH in a 40 MPH speed zone. The initial conversation between Hill and the first cop stated that Hill was traveling at 57 mph.

During the traffic stop, MDPD Danny Torres, known as a brute to several county managers and top brass, joined the traffic stop. For twenty-seven years, the Miami-Dade mayors and county administrators have turned a blind eye to Torres’ brutishness, and citizens complain about Torres’ brutality.
As long as Torres wasn’t brutalizing them or their family members, they gave him the green light to terrorize the citizens of Dade County. It’s hard to imagine the countless number of Black Americans the brute has framed, beaten, and illegally arrested under the color of law. Will Joe Biden’s DOJ look into Torres’ actions? 

Or will the DOJ condone his brutal behavior under the color of law like the past mayors and administrators have been doing for the past twenty-eight years?

The behavior of denying a Black person’s humanity and humiliating them in public has its history in the enslavement of Black people. The thing is, America was derived from the free labor of African Americans.

Another thing is that the Miami-Dade Police Department.

PD Danny Torres is a freeloader, enjoying the rights and freedom that African Americans marched for, stood in for, sat in for, bled, and died for. And yes, beaten in the streets at the hands of cops like Bull (Danny Torres) Connor. In 2024, there are still cops like Miami Dade (Sheriff) Police Department’s Danny Torres, who plays the 1960s brute beast Bull (Eugene) Connor.

After the attack and brutalization by MDPD’s Brown Shirts, Tyreek Hill began displaying the Stockholm Syndrome. In a televised interview, Hill said, “I still love cops. You know, I want to be a cop. I mean, stand on the table for the cops.

The biggest thing for me is making sure that I’m all right. My family has been doing a great job with that — because they asked me literally every five seconds: Are you? Are you? Are you? I’m like, I’m good. I’m good. I went to the grocery store last night, and my wife called me literally, like, ten times. Like, it’s crazy, so I’m good.”

Since the September 08 incident, Danny Torres has been relaxing on the job, getting paid $170,000 annually.

Two Candidates Running For Miami Sheriff: One Clueless, One Qualified.


Come November 5th, Miami-Dade County will elect its first Sheriff in nearly 60 years. After the August 20th primary election, two candidates of fourteen emerged victorious to vie for the top cop seat in November.
The candidates are Rosario Cordero Stutz, a Donald Trump Maga-ite, and Democrat James Reyes.

Cordero-Stutz hasn’t revealed if she believes former President Donald Trump lost the 2020 presidential election.
Trump has endorsed Cordero-Stutz, a 28-year veteran Miami-Dade police Major. Former President Donald Trump is not known for endorsing anyone who believes he’s lost the Presidential election to President Joe Biden.

James Reyes vs Rosorio Codero-Stuts

On 10-06-2024, both candidates appeared on Channel 10 “This Week In South Florida” with host Glenna Milberg.
Reyes won with 46% of the votes.

James Reyes is the current Chief of Miami-Dade County Public Safety and a former colonel with the Broward Sheriff’s Office, where he worked for over two decades.
During their appearance on This Week In South Florida, Reyes displayed a sense of being versed in policy and calm leadership, while Cordero-Stuts came across as hysterical and emotional. Facts.

Dade County Corrupt Sheriff Talmadge Killed

In 1966, because of widespread police corruption within the Sheriff’s Office, the residents of Dade County voted to remove the Sheriff’s position as an elected official. Since then, the county’s mayor has served as the top cop. The mayor would then appoint someone s/he likes to be the director of the Sheriff’s department.

Sheriff Talmadge A. Buchanan was the last person voted into office as Dade County Sheriff. According to a grand jury report, he led an organized gang of thieves with badges in his department. Sheriff Talmadge A. Buchanan and his deputies were responsible primarily for house burglaries. His deputies watched homeowners as they left for work, and then they burglarized their homes. MDPD Sergeant John Roper headed a crew that would arrest young Black men and then offer them guns to kill their rivals.

Conflicting reports of the Sheriff’s “accidental” death claim that Buchanan was drunk and stumbled into oncoming traffic.
In 1966, after Sheriff Buchanan died from a suspicious hit-run accident, the residents of Dade County opted to have the mayor select the head of the department. Come November 5th, voters will once again decide who will lead MDPD.

Miami Corrupt Police Department

The City of Miami’s form of corruption was unlike that of Dade County. Miami PD is not the usual corrupt cop’s story. Aside from wantonly murdering young Black men, several city cops are known for hyper-extrajudicial killings and drug dealing. The City of Miami River Cops were responsible for a slew of robberies and murders in Miami.

In 2021, Miami hired Art Acevedo, a reform-minded Police chief. City manager Manuel Noriega fired Chief Art Acevedo months after his hiring. Chief Acevedo started peeling back some scabs on an old sore of corruption. Miami City Manager Manuel Noriega is highly corrupt.

Cordero-Stuts vs. James Reyes

Colonel Cordero-Stuts brags about her 28-year tenure at MDPD. Danny Torres, the brutal cop in the Tyreek Hill brutality video, also got hired with Cordero-Stuts. It’s under Cordero-Stuts’ leadership that Danny Torres’ crimes flourished against the residents of Dade County. She intends to change nothing of substance should she get elected Sheriff.

The only policy change Cordero-Stuts agrees on is reckless police chases. She says, “MDPD is right to limit aggressive actions like crashing into fleeing cars. “It can endanger more lives.
We will not risk lives unless a situation puts the entire community in danger.”

MDPD Colonel Rosie Cordero-Stuts is still waiting to be ready to lead. Two candidates are running for Miami-Dade County Sheriff. One candidate is qualified, but the other needs to be more knowledgeable.

Fox News Spread Lies About Babies Floating In Water Caused By Hurricane Helene.

“Babies Are Floating In The Water,” New School Tabloid-esque muckraking FOX News reports.

With Hurricane Milton on the horizon, less than 24 hours away from striking Florida, FOX News continues to torture the victims of Hurricane Helene with vicious lies. The state of Florida remains in a state of emergency as some residents continue the search for their missing loved ones, attempt to pick up the pieces and rebuild.

Now, here comes Fox News with a new wave and torrent of lies about the destructive storm. “Babies are floating in the water,” reports Fox News, “and we are on a podcast?”
FOX News station says it is attempting to admonish Vice President Kamala Harris for taking interviews. “That is what the Harris team is doing,” Fox News griped.

While many citizen journalists are reporting facts on social media, a large swath are sociopaths spreading lies. Fox News is competing with those that push falsities. As the most mainstream “news” network, FOX News falls in line as a purveyor of misinformation and disinformation. The right-wing cable station hasn’t learned anything from an $800 million verdict it paid because of its core mission of being a propaganda machine for liars.

As a core deceiver tried to misinform the public, a FOX News host tiredly tried to get more information on the “babies floating in the water” story. “Where did you see that report of a baby floating in the water?” the Fox asked.

At that point, the tortured tongue liar replied, “We have absolutely heard children are floating…” Skating through law school on feminity. This kind of freebie is one of the significant issues with DEI law school admissions and DEI law school graduates. “We heard,” said a so-called attorney, spreading gossip. There are missing dead bodies,” she continued. We know that there are missing dead people—up to 250.” Two hundred and thirty, the host reassured her guest.

The Biden administration officials are fed up with liars spreading outright lies to the public about recovery efforts.

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) administrator Deanne Criswell says spreading lies makes it harder for people to get help.

The Lies Are So Bad Even Some Republicans Are Debunking Them

Fed up with the lies, Republican U.S. Representative Chuck Edward had to publish realities to help combat the boldface disinformation spreading on Fox News and social media.
Below Are Messages Rep Chuck Edwards Posted to Help Combat The Lies Meant To Harm The Survivors of Hurricane Helene.
* FEMA has not diverted disaster response aid to the border or foreign aid
* The government did not engineer Hurricane Helene
* FEMA is not stopping trucks from delivering (resources to victims of Hurricane Helene
* The FAA is not restricting air space for Hurricane Helene rescuers

The Associated Press is reporting that.

“The U.S. government’s top disaster relief official said Sunday that false claims and conspiracy theories about the federal response to Hurricane Helene — spread most prominently by Donald Trump — are “demoralizing” aid workers and creating fear in people who need recovery assistance.”

“Republicans, led by the former president, have helped foster a frenzy of misinformation over the past week among the communities most devastated by Helene, promoting several false claims, including that Washington is intentionally withholding aid to people in Republican areas.”

Hurricane Milton has reached a record-breaking maximum sustained wind speed. NOAA officials have declared that the storm is so strong that if there were a category six hurricane, Milton would be in that category. To date, category five storms are the highest on the recorded scale.

According to NOAA, Hurricane Kirk lurks in the ocean, about 1600 miles east of the Northern Leeward Islands. It is currently a category-three storm.

Uber Launches a New Safari Experience in South Africa

You may know Uber for its ride-share services, but the company has also been slowly branching out into the travel business. Its latest venture is a new safari experience in South Africa. 

The new ” Uber Safari, ” departing from Cape Town, will be available on Fridays and Saturdays through Jan. 25.
It offers a relatively inexpensive way to see some of South Africa’s most iconic wildlife, including lions, giraffes, zebras, elephants, and wildebeest. 

The day trip costs $200 per person for up to four people and takes guests to Aquila Private Game Reserve. The tour can be booked via the Uber app from 24 hours to 90 days in advance. 
“We’re excited to partner with Uber to extend our bucket list wildlife experiences to their customers,” said Johan van Schalkwyk, Commercial Officer of Aquila Collection, in a press release.

“Uber Safari allows folks to book and enjoy an unforgettable day at Aquila, where they’ll experience the Big Five easily and luxuriously. It’s the perfect combination of modern convenience and natural beauty, all while supporting wildlife conservation efforts that are vital to preserving South Africa’s biodiversity.” 
The day trip to Aquila includes Cape Town pickup in an Uber Safari-branded vehicle. It’s about a two-hour drive to Aquila Private Game Reserve. Upon arrival, guests will be treated to a welcome toast and lunch.  

That’s when the real adventure begins. 
 Guests will board a traditional safari vehicle with experienced field guides and rangers who will take them throughout the reserve. Throughout the game drive, they’ll be able to spot the most popular safari animals known as the Big Five: lions, leopards, rhinos, elephants, and buffalos. 
After the drive, guests will have additional free time to enjoy the reserve’s gorgeous surroundings before returning to Cape Town. 
The Uber Safari is just one of many limited-edition experiences in Uber’s “Go Anywhere” series of travel products.
Last year, Uber offered hot-air balloon rides in Cappadocia, Turkey, and this past summer, the company also provided tours to the best Champagne houses in France. 

Gov Tim Walz And Sen JD Vance Clumsy VP Debate.


On Tuesday night, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz squared off with Ohio Senator J.D. Vance in a Vice presidential matchup. The first and last debate between Kamala Harris’ Vice Presidential running mate, Gov Tim Walz, and former President Donald Trump’s Vice Presidential running mate turned out to be a gentleman’s slugfest. Was this debate about a Democrat vs a Republican? or was the debate about two guys trying to climb to the top of the social ladder?

Governor Tim Walz Spent Too Much Time Looking Down.

Walz has been labeled a socialist because of some of his extreme liberal views. Vance is known for making up and spreading outlandish lies about Haitian migrants. Both candidates agreed on America’s gun violence epidemic. Walz mentioned his son, who witnessed a shooting at a Rec Center. Senator Vance was quick to offer his condolences to Walz. It is safe to assume Vance and his team will check the facts about Gov Walz’s claim about his son.

Governor Walz may have misspoken when he said, “I became friends with school shooters. I’ve seen it.” “I sat in that office with those Sandy Hook parents.

Health Care and Pre-existing Conditions.

Vance comes across as absolutely clueless about pre-existing conditions. Vance spoke as a mouthpiece for his wealthy financiers.
The junior Senator from Ohio mentioned his family members who left Medicaid to get private insurance.
He failed to recognize that his family members left Medicaid for the Affordable Care Act, commonly known as Obama Care.

VP Harris And President Biden Are Censorship Demagogues

Senator Vance did call out Kamala Harris and Joe Biden for frequently trying to get off the First Amendment.
Vance rightfully points out that the Biden and Harris Administration policy on censoring opposing points of view is more dangerous than what the lunatics did on January 6, 2021.

The Vice Presidential debate between Senator J.D. Vance and the Governor was civil and respectful of each other. A civil debate such as tonight’s shows respect for the American people.
Overall, those who are in their Democrat silos will remain there. And Those people who are in their Republican silos will remain there.

Mayor Eric Adams Indicted: Bought For 30 Pieces of Silver.

Many New York politicians are taking a bow. They are taking curtain calls. On July 16, Sen Bob Menendez was found guilty of taking bribes. Among other things, Menendez took 13 gold bars to betray America to Egypt. By September 16, the Feds arrested Rap Music mogul Sean “Diddy” Combs on R.I.C.O. charges. On September 27, NYC Mayor Eric Adams turned himself in on corruption charges and for selling out Black Americans for 30 pieces of silver.

This day is not a good time to be a politician living in New York State proper. But it’s worse to be a Black person and call New York City home. New York City Mayor Eric Adams sold out Black New Yorkers for 30 pieces of silver. On September 25, the Southern District of New York (SDNY) indicted the city’s top sleaze — Mayor Eric Adams.

Great is the number of Black New Yorkers victimized by police brutality, corrupt politicians, and regular street criminals.
On September 25, the SDNY slightly lifted the mayor’s knees off the necks of Black New Yorkers. The SDNY roped in long-suspected corrupt politician New York City Mayor Eric Adams.

The City of Chicago could borrow US Attorney Damian Williams for a minute. Hello Mayor Brandon Johnson.

On September 25, the Southern District of New York (SDNY) indicted the city’s top sleaze, Mayor Eric Adams. On September 26, Adams gathered the usual Black talkers to stand behind him at a press conference. Adams appeared defiant. By September 27, Adams turned himself in on five federal public corruption charges.

“These charges are entirely false and based on lies,” Adams declared with a group of the usual Black talkers by his side. But they will not be entirely surprised,” he continued. I always knew that if I stood my ground for ALL OF YOU, [ he’s starting to sound like Donald J. Trump], I would become a target.” Suddenly, Eric Adams did not commit the crimes; it was “all of you.” “And a target I became,” Adams said.

The SDNY alleged five counts of Conspiracy, Wire Fraud, Solicitation, and Bribery against Mayor Adams.
The long arm of the law has finally collared Adams, who sold the African American community down the drain for 30 pieces of silver.

United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York Damian Williams is a new Marshall in town. And Williams is eager to make a name for himself.
Egged on by United States Attorney General Merrick Garland — Damian Williams has politicians and successful entertainers in his crosshairs. And many of them wonder when they will see or hear the feds knocking on their door.

On September 16, two months after a jury found Sen. Bob Menedez guilty, they arrested Rap mogul Sean “Diddy” Combs.
Combs is not the only big fish that Williams snagged. The Yale School of Law graduate also prosecuted Jeffery Epstein’s fellow child sex trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell. Ms. Maxwell is rubbing up on 25 years in prison.

The founder of Revolt T.V. and Bad Boy Records, Sean “Diddy” Combs, is one of Williams’ latest targets charged in a web of criminal conspiracy, including sex trafficking. And for good measure, the SDNY added a dreadful RICO charge.

RICO is a bold footnote in Damian Williams’ playbook and one of the SDNY’s best friends. Is Sean “Diddy” Combs the most significant fish the SDNY is trying to roll in?

New York Mayor Eric Adams did everything to destroy the livelihood and welfare of African Americans living in New York City. He tried exceptionally hard to please power brokers, hoping they would look away from his alleged corruption. But as the world turned, U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland would not turn the page on Adams. Adams has been bumping heads with the A.G.’s boss, Joe Biden.

Who Snitched On Adams?

Many of the mayor’s office appointees wear the Scarlet Letter of corruption. Did someone snitch on Adams? Or is it, as Adams claims, that President Biden and V.P. Harris set the DoJ on him? Over the past year, President Joe Biden released on the city of NY Black community of over 250,000 people who crossed the southern border illegally into the United States. To accommodate the influx, Adams had to rob Peter to pay Paul.

Adams had to divert hundreds of millions of dollars from city coffers so the migrants could pull themselves up by their bootstraps. However, Lazarus stood at the rich man’s gate for over 400 years, begging for crumbs. The rich man told Lazarus to pull himself up by his bootstraps while denying him a pair of shoes.

Mayor Adams is a sugar pill given to Black (City) New Yorkers as a panacea.

The U.S. Fully Launches Its Online Passport Renewal Service.

The dream of many American travelers has finally come true: passport renewal is officially available online. 
“You can skip the printing and mailing. Renew from the comfort of your home (couch!) completely online, 24/7,” the State Department’s Consular Affairs posted on X on Sept. 18. “It’s secure, convenient, and ready for you to use.” 

Not all Americans can use this service, which had its limited beta launch in June. To renew your passport online, you must meet the following requirements: 

 *Be at least 25-year-old 

  • Live in a U.S. state or territory.  
  • Be applying for a regular (tourist) passport. 
  • Have a passport that was valid for ten years.  
  • You must have a passport issued between 2009 and 2015 OR over nine years before your new application date but less than 15 years. 
  • Have your current passport in good condition. 


In addition to the requirements above, travelers must be able to upload their digital passport photo to the system and pay for it using a credit or debit card. Applicants are also advised to refrain from using the online system if they have travel plans within the following eight weeks. The application may be online, but it is not an expedited service. 

 The cost of renewing online is the same as via mail: $130. It’s important to note that travelers do not have to mail in their current passports when applying online. 

 “This will not be the last thing that we do. We want to see how this goes, and then we’ll start looking at ways to continue to make this service available to more American citizens in the coming months and years,” said Assistant Secretary of State for Consular Affairs Rena Bitter. 

 To apply for your passport renewal or read more details about the process, head to travel.state.gov

Sean “Diddy” Combs Arrested In N.Y.C.: Grand Jury Indictment


On Monday night, federal authorities arrested hip-hop music mogul Sean P Diddy Combs. The arrest was made in Manhattan after a grand jury indicted him.

Combs came under scrutiny for alleged sex trafficking after his long-time girlfriend, Cassie Ventura, accused him of tricking her into having sex with several men. Ms. Ventura also accused Combs of putting her up for hire as a prostitute during his numerous “White Parties.”

After the fun wore off, Ms. Ventura and her attorneys sued Combs. The hip-hop music icon speedily settled the lawsuit with Ventura and her crew for thirty million dollars. In late March, Homeland Security raided Combs’ mega-mansions in Florida and California, removing electronic devices and other items from the residences.

The quick settlement of Ms. Ventura’s case caused several other music entertainment insiders to file suits against Combs alleging sexual assaults.

In 1993, Sean “Puffy” Combs founded Bad Boy Entertainment. The music label became known as Bad Boy Records. Combs founded the label after his firing from Uptown Records. His first released Craig Mack’s single Flava In Ya Ear.

However, his imprint did not take off until the release of his new signee Biggie Smalls’ (Notorious B.I.G.) album “Ready to Die.” Less than four years later (1997), Notorious B.I.G., AKA Christopher Wallace, was gunned down and killed under suspicious circumstances.

The F.B.I. opened and closed an investigation into the killing of Christopher Wallace, AKA Notorious B.I.G., in 2005. Wallace’s death came just six months after Tupac Amaru Shakur, AKA 2Pac, was fatally shot under suspicious circumstances.

Last week, Judge Anna Marie set a one hundred million dollar (100 million dollar) sexual assault default judgment against Sean “Diddy” Combs. A Michigan inmate, Derrick Lee Cardello-Smith, filed suit against Combs for allegedly sexualizing him in 1997.

The judge ordered Combs to pay 51-year-old Cardello-Smith $10 million monthly starting October 01. The judge isn’t related to the Miami-Dade cop Danny Torres, who brutalized Miami Dolphins wide receiver Tyreek Hill.
A certain kind of viciousness and vindictiveness is attached to those two assigned to mete out “justice.”
Former singer of Making the Band, Danity Kane, Dawn Richard, also has sued Combs, claiming sexual assault and inhumane treatment. It looks like Sean P. Diddy” Combs has been a Bad Boy for real.

Could Sean “Diddy” Combs turn out to be the next Mayflower Madam?

The Great Switcheroo Debate: A Confidence Man vs Catwoman?


The Great Switcheroo

Former President Donald Trump strode on stage for his first face-to-face matchup with Vice President Kamala Harris. Trump, as usual, came on stage with his usual poker face.

While Kamala Harris walked on stage with the strides of a gypsy woman — dressed in black. President Trump is a six-time presidential debate veteran. Trump has demolished the Presidential hopes of many who would step on the stage with him. Ask little Marco Rubio, low-energy Jeb Bush, Chris Christie, Lying Ted Cruz, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Pocahontas, and the list goes on. Kamala Harris has never beaten anyone in a Presidential debate. Facts.

The lights in the television studio made the scene look like the hosts leading a caravan. For weeks, Harris has been calling out Trump. “If you have something to say to me, then say it to my face,” Harris chides.
As the late great Betty Wright would say, tonight is the night that Trump would say it to Kamala’s face. Finally, Harris and Trump appear in the same room.

The Great Switcheroo

Since the DNC and Biden threw Trump a curve ball at Trump by pulling a switcheroo, Vice President Harris has been dodging Press interviews. She’s failed to provide meaningful and substantive conversations. Consequently, some pundits conclude she is a DEI candidate without intellectual depth.

During the debate V.P. Harris several times brought up former Trump administration officials who claim they did not like Trump. A former prosecutor who keeps citing hearsay as fact. That is why some people believe she is a DEI Presidential nominee.

They intended tonight’s debate to be serious and presidential. Trump gave ABC News a second chance to redeem itself as a bonafide and unbiased news source after the July 31 fiasco in Chicago. In Chicago, Trump was attacked right out the gate by a leftwing, unbalanced person posing as a reporter.

The hosts, David Muir and Linsey Davis did a master class in unbiased journalism.
Fifteen minutes into the debate, Trump attacked Kamala Harris’s father (Donald J. Harris) as a Marxist economist. Kamala Harris did not bring up the fact that Trump’s father was a pimp and Nazi.

Are you better off today than you were four years ago?

Harris claims: “I intend to build an opportunity economy
I plan to give start-ups and small businesses a 50k tax deduction.
Trump plans to provide a tax cut to billionaires.”

Trump Rebuttal To Harris: First, I have no sales tax. We are imposing tariffs on other countries, and they will have to pay us back. The Biden-Harris Administration has created a disaster for not just the middle class but for every class.

In closing, Harris said, “I think you’ve heard two different visions for our country tonight. One that wants to take us back and one that wants to move us forward. I’ll be a President who will ensure we have the most lethal fighting force in the world.” I’ll be a President for all Americans.

Trump closed by asking, Why hasn’t Harris done what she says she will do? She’s in the White House now. Why not do it now?” 

Overall, Kamala Harris did not present herself in the usual confused demeanor. Kamala did good, because she did not come across as a hair head.

Trump told some lies which is his usual performative style. The debate was a draw.

This Is Your Chance to Win a Dream Hawaiian Vacation.

A Hawaiian vacation is on the bucket list of most travelers, but a free getaway to the Aloha State? Now, that’s even better, and for one lucky person, that dream will become a reality thanks to a new travel sweepstakes. 

Hosted by Hyatt Hotels and Hawaiian Airlines, the winner of this giveaway will be gifted a 9-night vacation for two people, with three beautiful hotel stays on three different islands. They’ll also earn 200,000 Hawaiian miles to use for a future adventure. 

“Hyatt Regency Maui Resort and Spa is thrilled to collaborate with Hawaiian Airlines and our sister Hyatt properties in Waikiki and Kauai for this exciting sweepstakes,” Jason Baer, the director of sales and marketing at Hyatt Regency Maui, told Travel+Leisure. “We can’t wait to give one lucky winner the chance to experience Hawaii’s breathtaking, natural beauty.”

The grand prize includes hotel stays at the Hyatt Regency Waikiki Beach Resort and Spa, the Hyatt Regency Maui Resort and Spa, and the Grand Hyatt Kauai Resort & Spa. To ensure the winner and their plus one have the best time possible, breakfast, some dinners, and additional resort credits will also be included with their stays. 

The sweepstakes end on Sept. 28. To enter the competition, travelers must follow @hawaiianairlines on Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok. They can complete the online entry form once they’ve followed at least one of these social media accounts. To be  
considered, travelers must complete both of these steps, be at least 18 years old, and be citizens of the U.S. 

The winner will be randomly selected and notified via phone or email. 

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