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Capitol Insurrectionist asks Federal Judge to Send Her to Mexico On Vacation.

Is The Judge A Sympathizer?

Jenny Cudd, one of the hundreds of insurrections who tried to overthrow the Federal Government on January 6th, wants to flee the country for a retreat (vacation) in Mexico. As did many of her fellow traitors, Cudd bragged about her social media role shortly after the insurgency took place. A video on Social Media shows Crud showing off like the Proud Girl that is she. “F@%K yes, I am proud of my actions, I f@%king charged the Capitol today with patriots. Hell, yes, I am proud of my actions,” Cudd, according to court records.

The Texas flower shop owner was charged with two misdemeanors — knowingly entering a restricted building and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds. Ms. Cudd was released shortly after her arrest in January. Another American was sentenced and choked to death for passing a fake 20 dollar bill to a store that knowingly sells style foods to the community.

Cudd’s attorney says she plans to plead not guilty. Documents filed by the Department Of Justice described Ms. Cudd as unrepentant for her part she played in attempting to sabotage Congress.

In an interview with a local television station, Cudd informed how she could “pushed and pushed” and “got up to the top of the Capitol.” She continued, “there was a door open, and we went inside,” and later was able to “break down the Nancy Pelosi’s office door,” House.”I would absolutely do it again,” Cudd said.

Win a Weeklong Trip to Puerto Rico By Simply Blocking Off Vacation Time On Your Calendar.

Crystal Clear Beaches, Piña Colada and Easy Living: Puerto Rico.

It may be tough to make any solid travel plans right now, but it never hurts to dream. In fact, it may even pay off to start imagining future trips to Puerto Rico.

Discover Puerto Rico, the island nation’s official tourism organization, has partnered up with JetBlue and San Juan Marriott to give away a vacation to a few lucky people. All they have to do is plan an imaginary trip to Puerto Rico.

“Puerto Rico is a great option for travelers seeking warm temperatures, rich history, abundant natural attractions, delectable cuisine, and an international flair,” Brad Dean, CEO of Discover Puerto Rico, shared in a statement. “The Island is an ideal place to visit when responsible travelers are ready, given the prioritization of health and safety measures and entry requirements in place to ensure a safe vacation.”

Flying High And Proud: Bandera de Puerto Rico

For a chance to win this Puerto Rican getaway, would-be travelers are invited to pick any week of 2021 and block it off on their digital calendars for a “vacation in Puerto Rico.” In the subject line of this calendar event, participants must include: “Fly JetBlue to Puerto Rico.” Then, they must include Vacation@DiscoverPuertoRico.com as a participant on the calendar invite and press send. With these three steps, they’ll secure their entry to the giveaway.

Three winners will win two roundtrips JetBlue certificates to fly to Puerto Rico, plus a 6-day/5-night stay at San Juan Marriott, a beachfront resort. Even if you don’t win the grand prize, an-other 100 participants will receive a gift bag filled with travel goodies designed to inspire future travels.

“As the largest airline in Puerto Rico, we’re excited to launch a partnership with Discover Puerto Rico encouraging travelers to choose days for a future vacation to the island,” Elizabeth Win-dram, vice president of marketing, JetBlue, told Travel+Leisure. “With so much pent-up travel demand, we look forward to welcoming customers whenever they are ready to Fly JetBlue to Puerto Rico, knowing they can count on us to deliver a safe travel experience and an award-winning service.”

Whether you’re the lucky winner or not, recent studies have shown that fantasizing about travel and taking the first step to block off time for it can actually boost your happiness levels. So let yourself dream a little, and maybe it’ll become a reality sooner than later.

For more information on the giveaway, visit DiscoverPuertoRico.com.

FBI Agents Killed Serving Warrant In Sunrise Florida


Violent Criminal Attacks FBI Special Agents.

At about 6:00 a.m. According to a statement released by FBI spokesman Jim Marshall, FBI Special agents attempted to serve a federal court-ordered search warrant on a subject (whose name has not yet been released) allegedly involved committing violent crimes against children. Upon announcing their presence to the subject, he opened fire on the agents, at which time five were injured — two fatally, two with non-life-threatening injuries. The fifth agent is in serious but stable condition.

On April 11, 1986, Special Agents Benjamin P. Grogan (53-years-old) and 30-year-old Jerry Dove were killed when their investigation into two violent serial bank robbers — William Russell Matix and Michael Platt. The two military veterans Matix and Platt were under investigation for several banks and armored car robberies. 

A total of eight Special Agents had the violent duo under surveillance as they attempted to carry out another heist. A high-speed chase ensued, the agents succeeded in stopping the suspects. Suddenly William Matix, who once served in the United States Marine and the Army and himself was a Military Police,  under the 101st Airborne Division, emerged from his vehicle with long guns and opened fire on the agents.

During the gun battle, Grogan and Dove were killed, and five other agents were injured. Special Agent Edmundo Mireles, Jr., who was seriously injured from a gunshot wound, eventually shot and killed Platt and Matix.

In 1972, Michael Platt entered the Army Airborne Ranger Training then went on to Paratrooper Air Assault School. After completing Army Ranger Airborne jump school at Fort Campbell, Kentucky, Platt was assigned to the Military Police Unit. And the bond was formed between the two men, and the embryo was conceived that grew into the violent bank and armored truck robberies and the killing of Special Agents Grogan and Dove on the eleventh of April 1986 in Miami, Florida.

The FBI has not yet released the names of the injured agents or their killer’s name that resided in an upscale neighborhood in the City of Sunrise, Florida.

FBI Special Agent Grogan

FBI Special Agent Dove

FBI Miami Shootout 1986

Matix and Platt: Robbers

Update: On Tuesday FBI Director Christopher Wray released the names of the two FBI agents killed while serving a federal court ordered warrant in Sunrise Florida. Killed in the ambush were forty-three-year-old Laura Schwartzenberger, a sixteen year veteran of the Bureau , mother of two and wife. Also killed in the ambush was 36-year-old Daniel Alfin — Alfin is survived by his wife and one child. The FBI has not yet released the name of the killer who was wanted for committing violent crimes against children.


They Put The Trick Into Politricks


"Men" of Dishonor

Sen Rand Paul: Toupee or not to pay? That is the question. Photo: Scott Applewhite/AP

Senators Rubio, Cruz, Graham, Ernst, Kennedy, R. Scott, Johnson and Paul, and ex-Mayor of New York City Rudy Giuliani — a moral compass they do not possess. Their ethics have been poisoned to death by greed, dishonesty, lies, shenanigans, and trickery — the mother of their being. These are some of the men who cling to Donald J. Trump and the men that a wily Trump uses as life rafts and stepping stones. On both sides of the equation are men and women who will do anything to cling to power and destroy the lives of unsuspecting Americans.

America just experienced a near-death phenomenon that exposed her vulnerabilities to her external enemies. The men and women who built, guided, fostered, and helped sustain a poisonous host’s tentacles almost destroyed the grandest experiment in democratic principles. To date, those men and women have not made any moves that would indicate a sense of real seriousness that they believe in our government systems. They have not shown that they would rather have a continuation of American Democracy. Instead, they cling to their errant ways and defend the attempted overthrow of a duly elected President of these United States — Joseph R Biden.

This posse of unscrupulous tricksters live for the moment when they can whip up the gullible into an uncontrollable frenzy to attempt to destroy the very nation that gives them the freedoms to speak freely, without any consequences to what some people view as traitorous behaviors. 

Two words most fitting to describe this vicious pack of poli-tricksters? Swamp Monsters. 

New Regulations Roll Out For U.S. Travelers, Including Mandatory Face Masks and Pre-flight COVID Testing.

President Biden Push Back Against A Deadly Scourge

As the U.S. continues its battle with the COVID-19 pandemic, the Biden administration has implemented new travel regulations designed to curb the virus’s spread along with the CDC.

Starting today, all passengers entering the U.S. from overseas must present proof of a negative COVID-19 test upon arrival. Previously, only passengers from select countries were subjected to this regulation. Now, anyone entering the country, including citizens and residents, must comply with this new regulation.

President Biden’s first 100 day push to prevent the “End of Days”

According to the CDC website:

“If you plan to travel internationally, you will need to get tested no more than 3 days before you travel by air into the United States and show your negative result to the airline before you board your flight, or be prepared to show documentation of recovery (proof of a recent positive viral test and a letter from your healthcare provider or a public health official stating that you were cleared to travel).”

In addition to this requirement for international air travel, newly inaugurated President Joe Biden has implemented a new federal mandate to enforce the use of face masks for interstate travelers. This order applies to airports, planes, trains, ferries, intercity buses, and public transportation.

Though most transportation and travel companies have put their own face mask policies in place, this move from President Biden was celebrated by many, including the flight attendants union.

“What a difference leadership makes! We welcome President Biden’s nationwide approach to crushing the virus and lifting us out of this pandemic,” said Sara Nelson, Association of Flight Attendants-CWA International President, in a statement.

Nelson also added that the mandate would provide “much needed back up” for flight attendants and other aviation workers who’ve had to enforce their employers’ mask policies even in the face of physical and verbal abuse from passengers.

It is currently unclear exactly how this new face mask mandate will be enforced, but anonymous sources told CNN that federal agencies consider enforcement measures such as civil penalties.

Poetry Meets Tyranny On The Capitol, As Democracy Struggles For Survival.

A Tale of Two Twenty-Two-Year-Old Sisters

A Tale of Two Twenty-Two-Year-Old Sisters: One Black, One White — One Wrong One Right.

The choices that we make every day will either make us or break us. On January 06, 2021, twenty-two-year-old Riley June Williams joined hundreds of insurrectionists, on the Capitol, in an attempt to overthrow the government of the United States of America. On January 20, 2021, twenty-two-year-old Amanda Gorman joined dozens of Biden’s supporters on the Capitol to defend American democracy.  Riley Williams Video Riley June W Video 2  

On January 21, 2021, Riley June Williams woke up in a jail cell to scorn and ridicule. Later that day, a U.S. Fed Judge released Riley into the protective custody of her mother. On January 21, 2021, Amanda Gorman woke up in a democratic society to praise and adoration as she embraced her freedom.

 Amanda Gorman and Riley Williams birthed the results of their circumstances from the choices that they made. Ms. Gorman’s poem (The Hill We Must Climb), which she delivered with grace and near decisiveness, reminds us that  “There’s always light if only we are brave enough to see it if only we are brave enough to be it.” Being American is more than a pride we inherit; it is the path we step into and how we repair it,”  exclaimed Gorman at the end of her Inaugural recitation.

On Thursday, January 21, Riley June Williams was in court to face charges. U.S. Magistrate Judge Martin Carlson directed that Ms. Williams of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, be released to her mother. “Williams surrendered to face charges on Monday and will be on electronic monitoring while she  awaits trial.”

Attorney Lori Ulrich apologized to Judge Carlson on behalf of her client. “It is regrettable that Ms. Williams took the president’s bait and went inside the Capitol,” Ms. Ulrich told the judge. Riley June W Video 2  

Riley June Williams Readying For The Storming

 Amanda Gorman Readying For The World

But for the grace of God, grit, a sense of rightness and determination there goes Ms. Gorman holding a long gun in her hand, a head filled with hate, folly and caught up in a web of lies. Instead Amanda Gorman made a choice to strive for success while Riley Williams made a decision to help tear down and destroy America. Of the approximately eight million 22-year-old men and women living in the USA most are productive, albeit they possess a spirit of a rebel with out a cause.

The sad truth is they do not go around trying to disrupt the world in a negative way — they are more likely to strive for positive outcomes in life.

The Hill We Climb By Amanda Gorman:

When day comes we ask ourselves,
where can we find light in this never-ending shade?
The loss we carry,
a sea we must wade
We’ve braved the belly of the beast
We’ve learned that quiet isn’t always peace
And the norms and notions
of what just is
Isn’t always just-ice
And yet the dawn is ours
before we knew it
Somehow we do it
Somehow we’ve weathered and witnessed
a nation that isn’t broken
but simply unfinished
We the successors of a country and a time
Where a skinny Black girl
descended from slaves and raised by a single mother
can dream of becoming president
only to find herself reciting for one
And yes we are far from polished
far from pristine
but that doesn’t mean we are
striving to form a union that is perfect
We are striving to forge a union with purpose
To compose a country committed to all cultures, colors, characters and
conditions of man
And so we lift our gazes not to what stands between us
but what stands before us
We close the divide because we know, to put our future first,
we must first put our differences aside
We lay down our arms
so we can reach out our arms
to one another
We seek harm to none and harmony for all
Let the globe, if nothing else, say this is true:
That even as we grieved, we grew
That even as we hurt, we hoped
That even as we tired, we tried
That we’ll forever be tied together, victorious
Not because we will never again know defeat
but because we will never again sow division
Scripture tells us to envision
that everyone shall sit under their own vine and fig tree
And no one shall make them afraid
If we’re to live up to our own time
Then victory won’t lie in the blade
But in all the bridges we’ve made
That is the promised glade
The hill we climb
If only we dare
It’s because being American is more than a pride we inherit,
it’s the past we step into
and how we repair it
We’ve seen a force that would shatter our nation
rather than share it
Would destroy our country if it meant delaying democracy
And this effort very nearly succeeded
But while democracy can be periodically delayed
it can never be permanently defeated
In this truth
in this faith we trust
For while we have our eyes on the future
history has its eyes on us
This is the era of just redemption
We feared at its inception
We did not feel prepared to be the heirs
of such a terrifying hour
but within it we found the power
to author a new chapter
To offer hope and laughter to ourselves
So while once we asked,
how could we possibly prevail over catastrophe?
Now we assert
How could catastrophe possibly prevail over us?
We will not march back to what was
but move to what shall be
A country that is bruised but whole,
benevolent but bold,
fierce and free
We will not be turned around
or interrupted by intimidation
because we know our inaction and inertia
will be the inheritance of the next generation
Our blunders become their burdens
But one thing is certain:
If we merge mercy with might,
and might with right,
then love becomes our legacy
and change our children’s birthright
So let us leave behind a country
better than the one we were left with
Every breath from my bronze-pounded chest,
we will raise this wounded world into a wondrous one
We will rise from the gold-limbed hills of the west,
we will rise from the windswept northeast
where our forefathers first realized revolution
We will rise from the lake-rimmed cities of the midwestern states,
we will rise from the sunbaked south
We will rebuild, reconcile and recover
and every known nook of our nation and
every corner called our country,
our people diverse and beautiful will emerge,
battered and beautiful
When day comes we step out of the shade,
aflame and unafraid
The new dawn blooms as we free it
For there is always light,
if only we’re brave enough to see it
If only we’re brave enough to be it

All In The Family: Mother, Son Arrested For Storming Relationship — Munchel, Eisenhart.


Capitol Offense.

The man who became known as the “Zip Tie Guy” after he was captured on camera, on January 6th, scaling chairs and dividers inside the Capitol Building looking for politicians to punish. Thirty-year-old Eric Munchel’s mother, Lisa Eisenhart, was taken into custody on Saturday on federal conspiracy offenses from Georgia. Eisenhart is a nurse — and WOW — how would one patient like to see her coming towards them in a hospital setting. Every syringe would look like a glass of Koolaid laced with cyanide.

Fifty-six-year-old Nurse Lisa Eisenhart and her son Eric Munchel arrested: two peas in a pod

The agile Munchel once worked as a bartender was arrested on Sunday, while his mother, 56-year-old Eisenhart of Woodstock, GA, was captured by FBI agents on Saturday. The FBI is alleging “that Lisa Eisenhart and her son Eric Munchel agreed to enter the U.S. Capitol without lawful authority when Congress was certifying the results of the 2020 presidential election. As Congress was certifying the results, Eisenhart and Munchel knowingly and willfully joined a mob of individuals to forcibly enter the Capitol “with the intent to cause a civil disturbance designed to impede, disrupt and disturb the orderly conduct of business by the United States House of Representatives and the United States Senate.”

A Clear And Present Danger to The American Way of Life.

“The mother and child reunion is only a moment away,” in prison.

Living on false hopes promulgated by traitors such as “Senator” Rafael ‘Ted’ Cruz of stealing the Presidential election from Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, the mother and son team joined by some outclassed Ruffians attempted to overthrow America’s Federal Government. They failed, and as a consequence — they were taken into custody by agents of the FBI. Rafael “Ted” Cruz is a clear and present danger to the United States of America. Ex-President Donald J Trump warned/hinted of Cruz’s proclivities towards American Presidents/Presidency and for that which it stands during his run for the presidency in 2016. It is no accident that Cruz studied the American Constitutionality.

America has never been laid so bare and low.

A New 750-mile Trail Has Opened, and Now You Can Walk or Bike From New York City to Canada

A Biker’s Dream Comes True: North America Unite.

Forget busses, planes, and trains. There’s a new way to reach Canada, and it’s all about taking the scenic route. New York recently finished constructing a 750-mile multipurpose trail, linking the southern tip of Manhattan to the Canadian border.

The Empire State Trail connects about 400 miles of previously unlinked off-road trails and adds nearly 180 miles of new off-road trails to its network. The project also saw the upgrade of 170 miles of on-road bicycle routes and several bike racks along the way.

Posse Up! Let’s Ride. Photo by Tom Conway

“Not only does it provide an opportunity to experience the natural beauty and history of New York, but it also gives New Yorkers from every corner of the state a safe outlet for recreation as we continue to grapple with the COVID-19 pandemic,” New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said.

As a multipurpose network, the Empire State Trail can be used by hikers, runners, cyclists, and even snowshoers and cross-country skiers. The trail also serves as somewhat of a map to New York’s best breweries for those who enjoy craft beer. State officials partnered with local brewers to create an Empire State Trail Brewery Passport that allows visitors to keep track of which breweries they’ve visited by collecting stamps at each one. About 200 craft breweries participate in the Brewery Passport initiative, all within a 10 mile stretch of the trail.

Some of the more scenic and popular areas covered by the entire 750-mile Empire State Trail include the Hudson River Valley Greenway, Champlain Valley, Buffalo State Park, Fort Ticonderoga, and the Montezuma National Wildlife Refuge.

Though the Empire State Trail reaches the Canadian border, it’s unlikely that people on the trail will be able to cross into New York’s northern neighbor. Since the pandemic’s early days, the land border between the U.S. and Canada has been closed for non-essential travel. This border closure was recently extended to at least Feb. 21, 2021, and will likely extend beyond that date.

For more information on the Empire State Trail, visit the official website.

Re-do Your Holiday Celebrations With a Christmas in July Cruise Around Europe.

It’s Never Too Late For Lovers.

If canceled travel plans and limited family gatherings put a damper on your holiday celebrations last year, you’re not alone. For many people worldwide, the holidays just weren’t the same, but now there’s a chance for a re-do. Starting in July, Uniworld Boutique River Cruises will transform its ships with red and green decor, plus tinsel and mistletoe for a festive month of Christmas-themed sailings.

“We’re thrilled to launch exclusive Christmas in July sailings, providing a complete holiday do-over for families unable to reunite and something special to look forward to in the new year,” Ellen Bettridge, President & CEO of Uniworld Boutique River Cruises, told TripSavvy.

It’s never too late for a cruise around the world or to the Caribbean

Departing on July 11 and 18, passengers aboard these specialty sailings will visit several cities along the Danube River, including Budapest, Vienna, and Passau, which are known for their iconic Christmas scenes and are usual stops on Uniworld’s December itineraries.

Though the festive atmosphere will be absent from these cities, Uniworld’s S.S. Maria Theresa ship will welcome guests with a complete Christmas wonderland. Beyond the holiday decor, Uniworld will also recreate Europe’s famous Christmas markets and have a full wintertime menu with holiday food favorites and summertime versions of Christmastime beverages. Think frozen hot chocolate and chilled egg nog.

The Christmas in July experience is complemented with activities like decorating Christmas cookies, holiday cocktail making classes, and screenings of some classic holiday films. Ugly Christmas sweaters are encouraged, of course, and even Santa Clause will make an appearance.

For details and booking of this Christmas in July sailing experience, check out Uniworld’s Enchanting Danube itinerary and select one of the departure dates in July 2021. Bookings made by Jan. 8, 2021, will receive a discount of $500 per person, plus other early-booking perks.

Sedition On The Capitol: America’s Democratic System Challenged.

W.L.M. (White Life Movement) Shuts Down Congress.

On Wednesday MAGA Marchers led by KyLIE Jane Kremer marched from the Washington Ellipse, where they began a peaceful protest to the Capitol, where chants soon became an act of sedition. The MAGA Million March, also diagnosed as “Women For America First/Stop the Steal,” is a pit for SIMPS donations. MAGA March organizer KyLIE Jane Kremer leads the money-making pit. Kremer is a “Tea Party” agitator, and one of the founding members of Super-PAC (Great America PAC) created to get plenty of loot during Donald J. Trump’s bid for the presidency. After one of its founders, was convicted of hiding donations/payments made to an Iowa politician to buy his endorsements Kylie, fled the group and and started a new money scheme. Now with anothe fat bank account with money gained from her new scheme, she’s about to flee another crime scene — this one involves the death of an intruder in the halls of Congress.

This little piggy went to Washington. One of the leaders of the pack, instigator, and challenger of America’s Democracy — Kylie Jane Kremer and her mom Amy (Photo Courtesy of NYT/Damon Winter)

The march became deadly when WLM gang members stormed the sacred halls of Congress. While other Seditionists such as Ted Benedict Arnold Cruz, Josh Benedict Arnold Hawley, Rand (Benedict Arnold) Paul were on the floor of the Senate trying to overturn Biden’s election and ripping the Constitution apart, their cohorts were storming the Capitol Building and chasing Congressmen and women out of their chambers. At one point, even police officers ran off, and at least one police officer appeared to be leading the mob towards the place where US Representatives were meeting.

Seditious Senator Josh Hawley of Missouri. Courtesy of: FRANCIS CHUNG E&E NEWS AND POLITICO VIA AP IMAGES

Earlier in the day, the insurrection leader, Donald J Trump, addressed the Washington Ellipse mob. Other insurrectionists joined Trump, “Joshua David Hawley, the 41-year-old junior senator from Missouri.” Hawley, not unlike other “educated” trickers, has used these seditious acts to put out a fundraising appeal even while the siege was underway.” Most Americans are wondering why Rafael “Ted” Cruz, Joshua David Hawley, and Donald J. Trump are still afforded the titles of Senators and President, respectively. All three of the aforementioned Seditionists should be removed from office forthwith and be allowed to stand trial at a later date — with America’s most corrupt Mayor, Rudy Giuliani.

Rafael “Ted” Cruz sporting a Fidel Castro beard and gestures. Cruz is a clear and present danger to the United States of America

What kinds of secrets does Donald J. Trump have on Rafael “Ted” Cruz and is holding over his head that would cause him to bend and bow to all of Trump’s wishes and desires to destroy the United States of America. Was Cruz’s father really a part of President John Kennedy’s assassination, as Trump suggested during the 2016 Presidential election? Did Trump — as President — gain more hidden knowledge of Cruz and his father, a Cuban from Fidel Castro’s Cuba? Fidel Castro hated President John F. Kennedy. In 2016 Canadian-born “Ted” Cruz (a Constitutional Attorney) ran for President, even though the US Constitution says he’s not qualified to seek or occupy that office. The communists play long term.

Run for cover: Mick Mulvaney, another rat fleeing Donald Trump’s sinking ship

Here’s what the Constitution reads: No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and have been fourteen Years a resident of the United States of America.

USA Today updates 4 dead, 52 arrested, 14 police officers injured after pro-Trump rioters breach US Capitol.

Rats jumping off a sinking ship.

Like rats jumping off a sinking ship, today, Trump’s Chief of Staff (01-2019 — 03-2020) and Special Envoy to Ireland John Michael “Mick” Mulvaney and Trump’s wife Melania Trump’s Chief of Staff and ceremonial White House press secretary and as White House communications director scampered off the boat while it is only about thirteen yards away from the colossal iceberg. Mick said, “I can’t do it.” I’m leaving.” Mickey did not mind doing it while the boat was sailing full speed ahead and would continue to do it if Trump had won a second term.

SIMP of the Century

Right now, there is a lot of things that are forced onto the plate of the common man, and many are beginning to feel like “I CAN”T BREATHE.” The people are teed off about something: however, responsible leaders will not stoke their fears and set off firebombs in a crowded theater — but instead will seek out find reasonable ways to soothe their anger and help resolve some of their issues.

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