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Netflix Pays Comedians Based On Uniqueness, Not Mo’Niqueness — Mo’Nique Sues.

Kangaroo court gave a novel partial victory to actress Mo’Nique.

If an actor’s talent isn’t on par with a tried and true star, their contractual salary will not be as much as a proven Box Office draw. There is a reason why A-list actors like Will Smith, Denzel Washington, Dwayne Johnson, Tyler Perry, or Kevin Hart commands more dollars per gig than B-list actors do. B-listers such as Michael Shannon, Ben Foster, Terrence Howard, John Whitherspoon, or C-list Actors such as Tiffany Hadash or Terry Crews don’t make as many dollars per gig — at this stage in their careers.

There are A-list comedians and B-list comedians — B-listers do not get as much money as the A-listers.

Dave Chappelle is one of America’s top comedians

In January 2018, a half-million-dollar (one-night stance) deal between Mo’Nique and the streaming service Netflix fell through, after the comedian demanded more money — during negotiations, for the special. The comedian whose real name is Monique Angela Hicks laid out her grievance on the table. She highlighted the fact comedians such as Chris Rock (paid $20 million) Dave Chappelle (Paid $20 million) and Amy Schumer (paid $13 million) all paid tens of millions of dollars for their stand up routine on Netflix.

Netflix held fast to its offer of $500,000, and Mo’Nique refused to accept what she calls a “low-ball” offer. Soon after the deal fell through, Ms. Mo’Nique called for a boycott of Netflix and sued the company for race and gender discrimination. The focus driven, intelligent, actress-comedian seems to have missed the mark on her business venture with the streaming giant.

Chris Rock Hosts the 88th Annual Oscars

In Show Biz, you’re only as good as your last “Hit.”

In 2010, Mo’Nique won an Oscar for Best Supporting Actress for playing the role of Mary Johnston in the 2009 Lee Daniels film Precious. Her performance as Mary Johnston was stirring and dramatic. Perhaps offers should have come pouring in from Hollywood — as is customary — for most Oscar winners. Those offers did not manifest themselves to Mo’Nique to the degree that they usually are made to Oscar winners.

Labeled As Difficult By Hollywood Power-Brokers.

Mo’Nique felt she had been slighted by Lee Daniels, Director of Precious, at which time she started wars on several fronts at once. In interviews, she has confirmed that she refused to go to the CANNES Festival and other venues to promote the movie, Precious. Mo’Nique complained that she was paid a measly fifty thousand dollars for her role, and that did not include promotional work. Thus a battle of the Titans was set in motion to include some of Tinsel Town’s mega movers such as Oprah Winfrey, Director Lee Daniels, Tyler Perry, and Hollywood film studio Lionsgate.

Amy Schumer On ELLEN

Mo’Nique claims that she has been blackballed by Hollywood, because she said no to Oprah, Leedaiels, Tyler Perry and Lionsgate. Daniels responded, “Mo’Nique was not in line with the campaign. Appearing on the Steve Harvey Show to air her grievance, Steve advised the comic was that “It is the money game. This game isn’t the white man’s game, it is not the black man’s game — it is the money game. Mo’Nique’s response to Steve Harvey was, “Let me tell you something, before the money game — it’s called the integrity game.” Steve, “Let’s close this chapter, so the world can see how great we all are.”

During her speech at her 2010 Oscar win for Best Supporting Actress, Mo’Nique says, ” Sometimes you have to forego doing what’s popular to do what’s right.”

After the raunchy comic filed her lawsuit against Netflix, alleging retaliation, color, and gender discrimination, the company tried to get the suit thrown out. On July 16, 2020, the Central District Court of California ruled that the case can move forward. The California U.S. District Judge Andre Birotte Jr wrote that Mo’Nique raised a “novel theory” and that Netflix action constitutes an adverse employment action.” Poppycock. Andre Birotte is right about one thing, and that is that his ruling is as novel and toxic as the novel Covid-19.

Guess Writer: Benton Freye, Conservative Guy on the fly.

Benton Freye is an opinion writer; the views expressed by Mr. Freye are not necessarily those of Media Corp USA.Com.

Cover Photo Courtesy of Getty Images

Polk County Zany Sheriff (Grady Judd) Calls For All Residence To Take Up Arms, Now Bemoans Gruesome Tripple Murder.


“Pure Evil In The Flesh:” Backwards Sheriff Judd Labels Killer.

On Friday night, July 17, three friends living in Polk County, Central Florida, went fishing for the last time. Damion Tillman, 23, Brandon Rollins, 27 and Keven Springfield, 30-years-old. All three men were shot to death by Tony “TJ” Wiggins. Before Wiggins shot Rollins to death, Rollins called his father and asked for help. His father ran to the location, but it was too late. The killer (“TJ” Tony Wiggins) had already completed his dastardly deed.

The killer had 230 prior felony criminal charges.

Five days after the gruesome slaughter, the spotlight-grabbing Sheriff Grady Judd announced the arrest of 26-year-old Tony Wiggins. Wiggins lived in the Bottoms named Frostproof with about three thousand other residents. Frostproof is a small community — in Central Florida — where everybody knows each other. Soon after the murders occurred, several residences urged detectives from the Sheriff Department to investigate TJ Wiggins as the killer. At the age of 12, TJ Wiggins had his first arrest. By the time he reached the ripe young age of 26, he had fifteen arrests and 230 felony charges filed against him.

Lost friends and loved ones in a senseless killing

Some of the criminal charges filed against T.J. Wiggins include battery on police officers and assaulting a person 65 years of age or older. T.J. Wiggins possessed no respect for other people, property, or life.

The town’s people knew of Wiggins’ propensity towards violence. Everyone knew of Wiggins except the old uncouth Sheriff Grady Judd — a lover of the Old Wild West — who begged everyone in Polk County to buy at least one gun. Makes one wonder if he’s getting kickbacks from the NRA?

Rabble-rousering Sheriff Grady Judd

After the Friday night massacre, on Wednesday, detectives from the sheriff department arrested Tony Wiggins and charged him with first-degree murder of the three victims. Wiggins’ girlfriend, 27-year-old Mary Whittemore, and his brother 21-year-old William “Robert” Wiggins, was charged with accessory after the fact of a capital felony in the triple murder. Sheriff Grady Judd hailed William Wiggins as a “good” person.

Agent Provocateur

On June 01, in response to people protesting the George Floyd murder, the backwood Zany Sheriff Judd implore Polk County residents to buy guns. Sounding like a moonshine drinker Judd rattled on, “If you’re not afraid of a firearm, get one. Become proficient. Get a concealed firearm license and carry it [your gun]. And if you need to shoot somebody, shoot them a lot. Well, on July 17, 2020, TJ Wiggins took Judd’s advice and shot three fishing buddies — a lot. The Sheriff then had his detective arrest Wiggins, and his girlfriend and his younger brother.

The blabbermouth Judd continues, “I would tell them (protesters) if you value your life, they probably shouldn’t do that (protest) in Polk County, because the people of Polk County like guns, they have guns. I encourage them to own guns, and they’re going to be in their homes tonight with their guns loaded, and if you try to break into their homes to steal, to set fires, I’m highly recommending they blow you back out of the house with their guns. So leave the community alone,” Judd said in a  shared Facebook message.

When you can’t find protesters to shoot, sooner or later you will shoot someone you know.

Guess Writer: Victor Victor Magni is a freelance journalist. The opinions expressed by Victor are not necessarily those of Media Corp USA

Four Crowd-Free Alternatives to the Most Popular National Parks.

We are born Free. Live Free in wonderment.

Last year, the 419 sites that make up the U.S. National Park System received more than 327 million visitors. That’s 2.8 percent more than the previous year, and the numbers keep growing, making it more difficult to enjoy some of these natural sites without competing with other tourists for a good view.

According to data released earlier this year, the usual contenders kept their top spots as the most-visited national parks. Great Smoky Mountains National Park came in first place with 12.5 million visitors, while the Grand Canyon received 5.97 million visits, followed by Rocky Mountain National Park (4.7 million) and Zion (4.5 million).

Mother Nature, the Father is Alive

While these parks certainly offer some stunning views, 58 other national parks are just as impressive. If you’re looking to ditch the crowds and get in touch with Mother Nature, here are some alternative options to these popular parks.

Cumberland Gap National Historical Park

If you’re interested in visiting Great Smoky Mountains National Park, consider heading to Cumberland Gap National Historical Park instead. Stretching across three states (Kentucky, Tennessee, and Virginia), Cumberland Gap offers miles of scenic trails with diverse plant life, wildlife, and caves for visitors to explore. The park also has a fascinating history as it was once considered the “first great gateway to the West.” It’s the best attraction, however, is the colorful sunrises that peek over the mountains. This spectacular show of colors dancing across the sky is undoubtedly worth the early morning wake up call.

Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park

Courtesy Black Canyon Gunnison (NPS)

The sheer size of the Grand Canyon is enough to impress visitors, as are its colorful rock formations. Still, Colorado’s Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park is also a geological wonder worth visiting. At this park, visitors can explore some of the steepest cliffs and oldest rocks in the world, or take it easy with some of the shorter, more accessible hikes. Scenic drives around Black Canyon are another appealing option to see the park. At the same time, fishing fans will want to head down to the Gunnison River, which is designated as Gold Medal Water & Wild Trout Water.

Great Basin National Park

Cumberland Gap National Park (Courtesy of the NPS)

While Nevada is mostly known for its desert landscapes, Great Basin National Park showcases the diversity of flora and fauna that can be found in other parts of the state. Presenting an alternative to Rocky Mountain National Park, Great Basin offers hiking trails through sage-covered hills, ancient bristlecone pine forests, and more. Visitors of the area’s previous glacial activity can also see the stalactite-filled Lehman Caves. As an International Dark Sky Park, Great Basin is also perfect for stargazing.

Capitol Reef National Park

(NPS) Photography By: Jacob Frank

With both Zion and Arches National Parks located in Utah, it’s easy for the state’s other natural beauties to miss out on the credit they deserve. Instead of—or perhaps in addition to—visiting those parks, head to south-central Utah’s red rock country for a visit to Capitol Reef National Park. Filled with cliffs, canyons, domes, and bridges in the Waterpocket Fold, which is a geologic “wrinkle on the earth,” this park extends almost 100 miles and offers plenty to see and do. Guests can also roam through the park’s orchards and its nearly 2,000 trees as they pick cherries, apricots, peaches, pears, apples, plums, mulberries, almonds, and walnuts.

Capitol Reef / Courtesy National Park Service: Photographer Jacob Frank

While the top four national parks are popular for a reason and worth a visit, don’t miss out on these equally impressive hidden gems.

Guest Writer: Jessica Poitevien

Jessica is a freelance journalist on a quest to see and experience everything our gorgeous planet has to offer and to share her experiences with her fellow travelers. Jessica has written for several world-class Travel Magazines. Email Jessica at jpoitevien@mediacorpusa.com

Cover Photo: Courtesy of Jacob Frank

John Lewis: Civil Rights Icon, Dead At 80.


A bold and relentless champion for civil rights passes the torch.

This story is about a Civil Rights icon who dedicated his entire life fighting to make America a better place for all to live — Rep. John Lewis.

“Get in good trouble, necessary trouble”: One of the many great quotable phrases Rep. John R. Lewis coined. For more than 60 years, Mr. Lewis has stood in the trenches and at the forefront of the battle for equal rights and justice not just for Black Americans but for all Americans. In the 1960s. Mr. Lewis walked hand in hand with other Civil Rights icons such as Martin Luther King, Jr, and Rep. James Clayburn to secure voting rights for African Americans and many more to come.

Bloody Sunday

In 1965 Mr. Lewis was joined by other people of goodwill as he attempted to march across the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama, to Mongomery; they did not make it completely across the bridge.

Civil Rights Icon John Lewis On A March to Victory

As Lewis marched across the Edmund Pettus bridge in peaceful protest, he was set upon by a violent mob of police “officers.” The cops beat Lewis to a near-death experience. Eventually, he was picked up off the ground and taken back to the church on the other side of the bridge by other peaceful protesters. After the beating, Lewis regained his strength and was able to speak. He exclaimed, “I don’t understand how [Lyndon Baines] President Johnson can send troops to Vietnam to fight to protect Vietnamese, but cannot send the military to safeguard Black American citizens living in America.”

There are millions of people of color from Latin America and other third world countries who have come to America and benefited from the scars that John Lewis bore fighting for civil justice in America — even though they know it not.

The Civil Rights Act was later expanded to include provisions for the elderly, the disabled, and women in collegiate athletics. Its passage also paved the way for two other major pieces of legislation: the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and the Fair Housing Act of 1968.

As a Congressman, Lydon Baines Johnson did help to push through the passage of the Civil Rights Acts of 1957.

Lewis would later explain that getting in good trouble refers to — if you have to get arrested and go to jail, let it be for a good cause — a cause that is bigger than yourself — a cause that benefits others and, if necessary, helps the nation at large.

23-year-old John Lewis getting in some good trouble for a good cause

Rep. John Lewis served 33 years in the U.S. House of Representatives. On Saturday, President Trump ordered all flags to fly at half staff at the White House, all public buildings and grounds, all military posts and embassies for the remainder of Saturday in honor of Lewis’ service to country and his death. It didn’t take long for the arrogant flamethrower Rep. Karen Bass of California seeking likes on Twitter and followers on Facebook to politicize and polarize the death of John Lewis. Bass tweeted out that Trump should not say anything about John Lewis”s death. Bass is jockeying to be the Vice Presidential pick of Presidential Candidate Joe Biden.

Here is a portion of Bass’ tweet, “while the nation mourns the passing of a national hero, please say nothing. Please don’t comment on the life of Congressman Lewis,” Bass tweeted. WTF. Please, keep her away from the nuclear buttons.

Representative Jim Clyburn and friend of 60 years to John Lewis has joined the push to rename the Edmund Pettus Bridge after the late Representative John Lewis.

Former presidents Jimmy Carter, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama and lawmakers from both parties also praised Lewis for his lifelong dedication to civil rights. As the great champions of Civil Rights move on, they are passing the torch to another generation of dedicated and vigilant activists.

Staff Writer: Clinton Franklin email Clinton at CFranklin@mediacorpusa.com

Facebook (Social Media Giant) Attacked By Cancel Culture.

Today For Me, Tomorrow For You!

Tyrants cannot see themselves in the mirror. Looking in the mirror, tyrants see themselves as righteous. When they look in the mirror, their perception leads them to see Jesus, an honest man persecuted — but Jesus they’re not. A lesson that will never be too late for the learned to embrace, written on the walls of history by watching despots parading around on stilts while abusing “power,” and the “rights” of others is the stark truth that eventually all despots fall.

Despots who demand fealty alone to their way of thinking always have a short shelf-life. The Founding Fathers in all their wisdom knew that contrast, diversity, plurality cause people and nations to grow — not suffocate.

Robert Unanue, CEO of Goya Foods, Feels Hate forpraising” President Donald Trump.

The founding fathers recognized that a one-mind cookie-cutter form of government stunts growth and creates underground revolutionaries that sooner or later manifest itself as violent outbreaks or a revolution. They have seen it before — they were participants in the revolution that battled tyrants and gave birth to America and a concept of free speech.

Earlier on cancel culture, posse forced some “big names” out of work and off social media. Victims that were forced from social media and out of work by the Cancel Culture posse were Bill O’Rilley of Fox “News,” wildman Alex Jones (a conspiracy theorist and nut job), and Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam. Whether these men are shocking or not, in the eyes of some people, the Constitution of the United States of America affords them the same right as every lawful American — to speak freely and to earn a legal living — by any legal means necessary.

Minister Louis Farrakhan and rabble-rouser Alex Jones: “Banned in the USA.”

Many Cancel Cultists celebrate Malcolm X today because he’s dead (the only good N-Word is a dead N-Word), but if Malcolm were alive today — they would be screaming bloody murder about what he stood. They would desperately try to cancel his life and livelihood — if they could. Malcolm X is dead, so now suddenly, he is a man.

“Every Dog Has its Day”

There are no tears shed for a diminished Facebook, but there is a cry for the death of principle and free speech — yes.

Cancel cultists’ latest target is the big boy on the block: Facebook. Their gripe is that Facebook gives a platform to hate speech propagated mostly by Republicans, right-wingers, and President Trump supporters. The Cancel Cultists (CC) as is their modus opera di is to trample on the First Amendment, R.I.P. it apart and toss it in a fiery furnace.

In their recent quarrel with Facebook, the CC temper tantrum is fueled by the fact that FB is allowing Republicans to speak freely, as anyone else is allowed to speak who isn’t — so to say — “yelling fire in a crowded theater.” Facebook’s attempt at protecting the First Amendment of the United States has set the firestarters on edge. They want blood and the death of all opposing thoughts and points of view.

The protests/boycott are all about Trump

The hate speech that the cancel culture wants to be banned is protected speech. The First Amendment protects even Alex Jones and the repugnant Tucker Carlson’s of the world. “The U.S. Supreme Court has repeatedly ruled that hate speech is legally protected free speech under the First Amendment.”

Fearing a cancel culture riot, or being called onto the killing floor of Senator Joseph McCarthy or the stigma of being labeled a bigot, many CEOs have recoiled into a corner. The head of several prominent companies have withdrawn ad dollars from Facebook, and some have fled the social media platform altogether.

So far, over 100 companies have decided to join the boycott and not advertise with Facebook(FB). These companies include: Microsoft (MSFT), Starbucks (SBUX) and Pfizer (PFE) — The North Face (VFC),  Levi Strauss (LEVI), Ben & Jerry’s, Blue Bottle Coffee, Clorox, Coca-Cola, CVS said it is pausing advertising on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for 30 days. Dashlane, Denny’s, Denny’s, Eddie Bauer, Ford, Hershey’s, Honda, HP, Magnolia Pictures, Patagonia, and many others.

Sen Tom Cotton Lickin Chicken

To date, the boycott has cost Mark Zuckerberg to lose 7 Billion dollars of his personal wealth. Overall the financial damage to the mega-conglomerate is about a 5% total revenue loss to both FB and Instagram, which reported 105 billion dollars in profit in 2019.

That is the legal side of the facts, but there is a human side to the story as well.

The constitution of Facebook, it’s isn’t just made up of machines; it also has real live employees who are people with dreams and aspirations, families that they go home to, and children to feed.

The late great Evelyn Beatrice Hall once said, “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.” That statement is one of the pillars that hold up America and makes America great. Today, some people are shaking that pillar, but what they fail to realize is that pillar is the Center Column, and once removed, the solid foundation of a great nation will turn into quicksand.

On Monday, New York Times opinion writer Bari Weiss resigned citing an “illiberal environment” that has infested the NY Times newsroom. Weiss is a self-described “politically homeless” writer. She weeps for the new culture that she said was “especially heartbreaking.” Weiss wrote in her letter of resignation from the NY Times, “Stories are chosen and told in a way to satisfy the narrowest of audiences, rather than to allow a curious public to read about the world and then draw their “own” conclusions.”

In an essay addressing the cancel culture parishioners, Jenna Wortham of the New York Times wrote, “You’re dealing with the symptoms of a sick society rather than treating the disease.” At its root, that is the problem with cancel culture. Shouting about someone’s since-buried past on Twitter while attempting to fire them from a new role isn’t accomplishing anything. Rather than ganging up on the people who act poorly, perhaps we should gang up on the hatred spewing through society. Maybe it would be more useful to seek ways to help people grow than tear them down.

It’s time to end Cancel Culture and start canceling the culture of toxicity that we live in today. No matter how small the change is, if everyone does their part, there won’t be a need for social media cancellations.

The “Right” vs. the “Left,” liberals vs. conservatives are the combatants in the ring duking it out. And oh my, the tables have turned. Liberals from the hippie culture and their progenies — they once believed in free (love) and just about everything else, are now telling everyone to shut up if their rhetoric falls outside of their playbook. In the past, the policing of free speech was enforced by Sen.Joseph McCarthy and his conscripts and the likes of Joseph Stalin, Saddam Hussein, and other thought police, communist, and super vicious dictators like Nicolae Ceaușescu of Romanian.

Last Friday, Robert Unanae, the CEO of Goya, gave a brief talk at the White House, in which he “praised” President Trump. His two and a half minutes speech caused cancel cultists to spring into action — calling for the serving up of his head to them on a silver platter. There is no place in America anymore for an opposing thought. Below is the written content of Robert Unanae’s speech.

“It’s such an honor to be here, the greatest country in the world. And the most prosperous country in the world. And we continue to grow and that’s what we’re here to do today. This company was founded by my grandfather, who left Spain at only 18 years old. Did not know where he was heading, but he was heading and looking for opportunity and prosperity, and he found it in this great country. Today our company is a multi-billion dollar company with thousands of employees and with facilities all around the globe. Today it gives me great honor, and by the way, we are all truly blessed at the same time to have a leader like President Trump, who is a builder, and that’s what my grandfather did. He came to this country to build to grow to prosper. And so we have an incredible builder, and we pray. We pray for our leadership. We pray for our president, and we pray for our country that we will continue to prosper. And to grow.”

Goya Foods CEO Robert Unanue speech to President Trump

Just a few months ago, while trying to impeach Trump, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi claimed that she prays for the President. There was no outcry from anyone for her saying that she prays for President Trump.

Jun 3, 2020 – Sen. Tom Cotton (R.-Ark.) wrote a scathing opinion piece for the Times, “Send in the Troops,” the headlines wailed. By June 07, 2020, the Opinion Editor James Bennet, 54, was ousted for allowing the article to see the light of day. The NY Times said Mr. Bennet resigned. They did not mention that his resignation was voluntary or involuntarily. “Last week, we saw a significant breakdown in our editing processes, not the first we’ve experienced in recent years,” said A. G. Sulzberger, the publisher, the publisher of the New York Times, in a letter to staff advising his staff of the departure of Mr. Bennet.

Staff Writer: Clinton Franklin email Clinton at CFranklin@mediacorpusa.com

Barbados Encourages Extended Stays With New 12-Month Passport Stamp.

Island in the sun is a cool get-away.

Barbados has long enticed travelers with its soft and sandy shores, crystal clear waters, and a unique culture that blends British and Caribbean traditions. Now, the government is planning to up the ante with the new Barbados Welcome Stamp that would allow visitors to stay in the country for up to 12 months.

The recent announcement of the Welcome Stamp received an overwhelmingly positive response. Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley notes that this plan could also address concerns about revamping the economy through tourism while avoiding the spread of COVID-19.

Sun, Fun and Sand: Easy Living

“COVID-19 has presented tremendous challenges to those countries that are tourism and travel dependent, and we have reached a position where we recognize that part of the challenge relates to short term travel,” Mottley says. “So, if we can have a mechanism that allows people who want to…take advantage of being in a different part of the world, of the sun, sea, and sand, and…a stable society; one that functions well, then Barbados is a perfect place for you to come.”

If approved, the Barbados Welcome Stamp will specifically encourage remote workers to bring their work-from-home job to the island. While hotel rooms will be available, travelers planning on an extended stay can also find accommodations in villas, condominiums, and rental homes. Mottley also points out that high-speed internet is available across the island, and communal workspaces would also be open for those interested.

Government officials have not announced when the 12-month Welcome Stamp may become available. For now, the country reopened to tourists on July 12. Visitors are encouraged to take a COVID-19 test 72 hours before departure, and bring the results with them. Starting July 15, travelers will be able to upload the results to an online embarkation/disembarkation form.

Since the pandemic began, Barbados has had a total of 98 confirmed coronavirus cases. Of those 98 people, 90 have fully recovered, seven have passed away, and one is currently in isolation.

Guest Writer: Jessica Poitevien

Jessica is a freelance journalist on a quest to see and experience everything our gorgeous planet has to offer and to share her experiences with her fellow travelers. Jessica has written for several world-class Travel Magazines. Email Jessica at jpoitevien@mediacorpusa.com

Korryn Gaines — “Sovereign” citizen, killed in a Police Shootout — Family Awarded 38 Million Dollars.


An unfit parent caused her 5-year-old son to be shot by the police.

This story is of a young misguided Black woman, a hot-headed cop, and a police department that is known for exercising poor judgment when it comes to interacting with Black people.

The family of a mentally unstable 23-year-old who was shot and killed by a Baltimore police officer receives a $37 million payout from a “wrongful” death lawsuit against the County of Baltimore. Months before the very tragic event that led to the deadly shootout between Korryn Gaines and Baltimore PD, she had developed a disturbing case of mental illness induced by a loosely fit cult called “Sovereign Citizens.”

Sovereign Citizens are a group of Americans who believe that the laws of the state do not apply to them. They are above the law, they shouldn’t pay taxes, but they want to utilize the public amenities — such as the streets and highway — and other things produced from the taxpaying citizens. In other words, they are a big salad bowl of confusion.

Cry “Freedom:” A Cry For Help!

In the past, some family members of brainwashed victims of a cult would pay someone to find the lost souls “kidnap” and bring them home, then hire a psychiatrist to de-program them. In the case of Sovereign Citizens cult, most members are drawn in by miss-matched followers of a group who themselves don’t who or what they are following or what membership entails. How do you kidnap a person and bring them to safety when the person holding them hostage is the person, ego, and a fierce narcissism that drives them.

Some describe the Sovereign Citizen cult as a lousy bear going around impregnating other bears and leaving his offsprings scattered all across the land, not knowing who or what their parents are. It leaves a baby bear here, and two baby bears there, ten here and four over there. The sect doesn’t necessarily assemble as a group as most other cults members do. The meeting ground and / recruitment center is usually the Internet/Social Media.

Gaines attempting to stop an army with a shotgun

Cognitive Dissonance/denial of reality.

Ms. Gaines developed an overwhelming sense of contradictory values. Her father is a U.S. Navy Vet with deep roots for love of his country, while on the other hand, she got caught up with a motley crew of misfits whose belief system glorifies a disdain for their state and its laws.

On the day when Ms. Gaines died, she had a Mossberg 12-gauge shotgun, which she pointed at police — according to police spin of the incident. She locked herself in her home with her two young children, including 5-year-old Kodi, who was shot twice by the police. Gaines readied herself for a gunfight. Something in her psyche led her to believe that she would be able to fight the entire Baltimore County police force and surrounding mutual aid agencies. That display of divorce from reality is typical amongst “Sovereign” Citizens cultists.

In August 2016, two Baltimore PD warrant officers along with Officer Allen Griffin III went to serve a traffic bench warrant on Gaines (wrong move), Griffin also attempted to serve a warrant on her boyfriend for a violent assault (justifiable). At Gaines’ door, Griffin III came under attack, which forced him to retreat. He then called for a tactical team and waited for their arrival.

Mickey Norman took Gaines family money away

With the arrival of SWAT came a hot headed cop — Royce Ruby.

While waiting for SWAT, Ms. Gaines began live-streaming herself in a standoff with the police: id, ego, and the killing of the superego lead to the cognitive dissonance that causes madness. After a 6-hour standoff leads SWAT member, Ruby Royce bum-rushed Gaines’ front door shot 5-year-old Kodi twice and shot and killed Korryn Gaines. To justify his killing, Ruby explained to the court, ” We were in danger, Kodi was in danger. Miss Gaines was in danger. my whole team was in danger.” I was hot, frustrated, tired, been out there all day; I won’t sleep for days because of this. Kodi survived the shooting.

The Baltimore police department has Mobile Crisis intervention counselors on staff (health clinicians that are”paired with police, but they failed to utilize their services to resolve the Korryn Gaines standoff, which involved children peaceably.

Following her killing, Korryn Gaines’ family filed a wrongful death lawsuit. In February 2018, a jury of 6 women awarded more than $37 million to Korryn’ family. That verdict was overturned in February 2019 by judge Mickey Norman. On Wednesday, July 01, 2020, an appeals court Judge ruled that judge Mickey Norman erred in judgment when he overturned the initial verdict — he reinstated the $38 million opinions.

Self-described “sovereign citizens” see themselves as answerable only to their particular interpretations of the common law and as not subject to any government statutes or proceedings.[2] In the United States, they do not recognize U.S. currency and maintain that they are “free of any legal constraints”.[3][4

Indeed, this sect is a ball of confusion. they don’t recognize US currency but they love to grab and use as much American dollars as they can get their hands on.

Here’s a breakdown of how the award will be divvied up: $32.85 million to Kodi Gaines and an additional $23,542 for his medical expenses, and $4.53 million to the woman’s daughter, Karsyn Courtney, according to family attorney Kenneth Ravenell. It also awarded $307,000 to Korryn Gaines’ mother, Rhanda Dormeus; $300,000 to her father, Ryan Gaines Sr; and $300,000 to Gaines’ estate.

How did sovereign citizens start? The movement can be traced back to white-extremist groups like Posse Comitatus and the constitutional militia movement. It also includes members of certain self-declared “Moorish” sects. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) classifies some sovereign citizens (“sovereign citizen extremists”) as domestic terrorists.

Staff Writer: Clinton Franklin / email Clinton at CFranklin@mediacorpusa.com

Young Alabama Detective (Tanisha Pughsley) Life Stolen Away By A Deranged Monster.


“Love is as strong as death, jealously as cruel as the grave.”

Early Monday morning, on July 06, 2020, Montgomery Alabama police Detective Tanisha Pughsley, 27, was brutally attacked and killed by her ex-boyfriend, 24-year-old Brandon Deshawn Webster. Pughsley was shot and killed in her home. After several failed attempts at breaking up with Webster and a brief history of domestic abuse perpetrated by Webster — On May 28, Tanisha Pughsley filed a restraining order against him.

In the request for a restraining order against an abuser: Pughsley alleged that Webster assaulted her in her home while she was holding her “5-month-old Godchild.” The attack caused her to drop the baby. The Court Protection order was set to expire on December 19, 2020.

Accused Cop Killer Brandon Deshawn Webster

After the murder, the United States MarshalsTask Force took Webster into custody. At which time, he was charged Webster with Attempted Murder, Capital Murder during a Burglary, and Capital Murder in violation of a court-issued Protection Order. There was another man in the residence at the time of the killing. Police are holding Webster at the Montgomery County Detention Facility. If Webster can come up with $15,000, the court will release that monster to walk among society.

Montgomery Mayor Steven Reed said in a prepared statement: “Our entire community today mourns the death of one of our own, Tanisha Pughsley. Detective Pughsley answered the call to serve, defend and protect our city,” Montgomery Mayor Steve Reed said in a statement. “We stand today with her family, friends, colleagues, and all who love her, praying for comfort, peace, and healing during this tragic time.”

Staff Writer: Clinton Franklin: email Clinton at CFranklin@mediacorpusa.com

Wildman Kanye West Wants to Run For President to Split The Black Vote.

Sometimes you feel like a nut, but voters won’t.

Somewhere a village is missing its idiot, but voters/villagers take a closer look, they can find their idiot running down the street going towards the White House. Look, it’s a cuckoo bird, it’s a fly, it’s a bedbug — no, it’s Kanye West seeking publicity and attempting to siphon off votes from Joe Biden to help his so-called friend Donald Trump win the Presidency.

Go, Horsey, Go, Horsey, Go, Horsey, GO!

President Barack Obama once called Kanye West “a jackass.” Before and since then, the wildman of Rap Music has been showing himself to be just that, a jackass. He’s proved himself to be a clown without reins or a bridle. It appears as if the only thing Kanye, the horse, has on his back is a saddle so that Donald Trump can ride him around town on television like a ringmaster of a circus rides his favorite horse around.

The Second Coming of a Jackass

West, the top Grammy-winning Rapper, with 21 wins under his belt — over the past few years, has become more and more spooked out and divorced from reality. His latest foray and money-making adventure scheme is a dive into Christianity. West’s religious program is reminiscent of Frederick J. Eikerenkoetter II, better known as Reverend Ike. Reverend Ike was a snake oil salesman who believed in taking money from the poor and giving it to himself.

As silly as West is, he knows his chances of being nominated to the top of the ticket of any political party, let alone winning the presidency stands at zero, zero, zero. Aside from a few of Kanye’s ardent fans, no one in their right mind takes him seriously or would vote for him to be anything in government other than a dog catcher.

Who is behind this scheme? Kanye alone or is there help from Trump?

The bottom line is, Kanye still possess enough sense to know that he won’t win the presidency, so aside from his grab for publicity, his only other “reason” for talking crazy would be to siphon off votes from Biden and in a tight presidential race — every vote matters.

Staff Writer: Clinton Franklin

email Clinton at CFranklin@mediacorpusa.com

States Open to Travelers With Restrictions and Quarantine Requirements In Place.

Order of the day: Social distancing within the U.S.

With limited international travel options, many Americans are exploring domestic destinations this summer. Not all states, however, are welcoming visitors with open arms, especially for would-be travelers from states like Florida and Texas with recent spikes in COVID-19 cases.

New York, once the epicenter for coronavirus cases, has partnered with Connecticut and New Jersey to create regulations designed to prevent new community spread in the Tri-State area. Residents and visitors entering these states are subject to a 14-day quarantine if they are coming from a State with an average of 10 percent or higher positivity rate over the previous seven days. As of June 30, arrivals from 16 States would require quarantining: Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Idaho, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Nevada, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Utah.

A trip across state line can be refreshing

Rhode Island has similar requirements but sets the bar for quarantine requirements at a 5 percent positivity rate. To bypass this quarantine requirement, those entering Rhode Island can provide proof of a negative COVID-19 test taken within 72 hours before arrival.

Florida, Kansas, and Oklahoma also have state-specific quarantine requirements based on a traveler’s point of departure. In contrast, travelers headed to Maine and Massachusetts are exempt from the quarantine requirements if they depart from individual Northeastern states.

Other states such as South Carolina, New Hampshire, and West Virginia are taking a different approach by merely recommending but not mandating any type of quarantine for visitors or residents.

North Dakota has specifically aimed at those entering the state after international travel by requiring them to self-quarantine and monitor their symptoms for 14 days. Nebraska and Virginia, on the other hand, are recommending but not requiring quarantine for international travelers. Illinois requires a two-week quarantine for international travelers, explicitly coming from China, Iran, Italy, and South Korea.

State travel restrictions often change as the COVID-19 pandemic evolves across the country. Travelers are encouraged to check testing and quarantining requirements before making any vacation plans.

Guest Writer: Jessica Poitevien

Jessica is a freelance journalist on a quest to see and experience everything our gorgeous planet has to offer and to share her experiences with her fellow travelers. Jessica has written for several world-class Travel Magazines. Email Jessica at jpoitevien@mediacorpusa.com

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