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JetBlue Is No Longer Merging With Spirit Airlines

A JetBlue Spirit

Because of a judge’s ruling, JetBlue is no longer merging with Spirit Airlines. JetBlue and Spirit Airlines have officially stopped all merger plans after a federal judge blocked their efforts.

“We believed this merger was worth pursuing because it would have unleashed a national low-fare. And a high-value competitor to the Big Four airlines,” Joanna Geraghty, JetBlue’s chief executive officer, said.

Our collaboration with Spirit has resulted in a visionary approach that challenges the status quo.
“We wish the entire Spirit team the best in the future, and we are confident in our ability to thrive in the developing airline industry.”

etBlue first announced its intention to buy Spirit for $3.8 billion in 2022. However, in January, a judge in Massachusetts determined that the merger was illegal because it would have made JetBlue one of the top five airlines in the U.S.

Both airlines originally planned to appeal the decision. Still, on March 4, they declared they would no longer pursue the merger. According to JetBlue’s statement, they decide because “required closing conditions. Conditions include receiving necessary legal and regulatory approvals unlikely to be met by the merger agreement’s outside date of July 24, 2024.”

Instead of combining forces, JetBlue will now pay Spirit $69 million as compensation for terminating the merger.

Despite Ted Christie’s disappointment in the failed merger, experts believe travelers will benefit from it. The failed merger could increase competition, potentially resulting in more affordable flights.

This failed merger is a positive outcome for all travelers, regardless of their previous experience with Spirit Airlines.

Low-cost airlines like Spirit, Frontier, and Allegiant play a crucial role in the market. When low-cost airlines are present, it forces more prominent airlines to lower their prices so that everyone can benefit from a fair market.

Double Shooting At Broward Transit: Police Shot Killer


Police Killed Shooter

A double shooting at Broward Transit left two dead. Broward County Transit, the second largest bus company in Florida, experienced a double shooting. Late Wednesday night, a dispute between two fleet service mechanics became deadly.

At about 11:20 p.m. this evening, an argument at a time clock erupted into a deadly shooting.

Coworkers gave the name of the shooter as fifty-nine-year-old R.M. They describe him as a tall, relatively mild-mannered Latino. After R.M. opened fire on his coworker W.C., at the time clock, other employees called the police.
There was a minor standoff when Broward Sheriff’s deputies arrived to investigate.

According to B.S.O. deputies, R.M. opened fire on them, and three deputies returned the fire. The gun battle involved the firing of at least 30 rounds.  
Deputies shot the suspect, (R.M.) who succumbed to his injuries.

Police are withholding the names of the victims until they notify their next of kin. The Broward Sheriff’s Office is investigating what led to the shooting. Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) also assists with the investigation.

On July 1, 2023, Florida Gov Ron DeSantis signed the Permitless Concealed Carry gun law. Broward County policy disallows most employees from bringing firearms to work. However, county employee representatives argue that state law trumps county policy.

Nikki Haley The Dropout: She Needs A History Lesson


She's Gone

Nikki Haley needs a history lesson. After a year of prancing and giving silly speeches nationwide, Nikki Haley drops out of the Chitlin Circuit. The former “governor” of South Carolina was the last to leave the contest of hopefuls. When Nikki Haley started her campaign last February, she decried the “divisions and distractions” in America.

Yet Haley caused more racial divisions than most of the other candidates. Instead of multiplication and additions, Haley kept dividing the country along racial lines.
In her dropout announcement, Haley said, “Our country is too precious to let our differences divide us.” Thus solidifying her presence as a queen of double-speak.

She would go to The Breakfast Club (a radio-syndicated show) and blamed former President Obama for dividing America.

During a town hall meeting, she became dumbfounded when asked about the root cause of the American Civil War. Ms. Haley didn’t know “slavery” was the primary cause of the American Civil War.

Either she’s playing dumb, or she’s dumb. Ms. Haley is the epitome of affirmative action and quotas, yet Ms. Haley decries their presence. During her dropout speech, Haley threatened the country that she would continue her grift.

Oops, Trump Did It Again, Beat Silly Nikki — Super Tuesday


Clean Sweep

Today, Trump did it again — beat Nikki Haley. This Super Tuesday Presidential contest made three things clear. (One) is that former President Trump will be the Republican nominee for President. 

(Two) is that Mega Republican donors or the fools and their money continue to part ways. The folks (mega-donors) who didn’t have to work for their money kept betting on a losing horse—Nikki Haley—the lame donkey.

 And the third thing is that Nikki Haley has to be the silliest person in American politics. She has come this far because of quotas and affirmative action. The established financial powerbrokers were looking for someone to put in a position of power to manipulate her easily.

All other Republican 2024 presidential hopefuls read the handwriting on the wall and suspended their campaign. But not Haley. She’s waiting for Donald Trump’s sudden demise. I would like you to find me 1,215 delegates, which is one more than we need to win the nomination.

The Nominee Is:

Donald J. Trump entered the Super Tuesday contest with 273 delegates. Nikki Haley had 43 of the 1215 delegates needed to get the nominee nod from the Republican National Committee (RNC). Silly Nikki likes to brag that she’s an accountant. It’s too bad she doesn’t understand simple arithmetic. Of the 865 delegates up for grabs on Super Tuesday, Donald J. Trump captured (865) in a majority winner-takes-all race.

The 15-state solution.

Today, voters in fifteen states sent a loud message to Nikki Haley. The message reads. GET OUT! Get a job, grifter. The professional campaigner last worked in years ago. Where’s she getting her money? The Super Tuesday Republican Primary is a 15-state solution that secures former President Donald Trump’s place in history. Trump will join President Grover Cleveland as the second President to serve two non-consecutive terms.

President Joe Biden is a non-entity in the scheme of things. In his victory speech, Trump claimed that Joe Biden was the worst United States president ever. Trump also said, “Now we have a divided country.”

The former President did not take the blame for his role in dividing the country. 

Trump also warned that “November 5th is going to go down as the single most important day in the history of our country.” 

Below are the 13 primary states and two caucuses that Trump cruised to victory.
The states included are Alabama, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, and two caucus states, Utah and Alaska. Nikki Haley won Vermont after a gruesome back-and-forth competition. Biden won all 15 super states after the DNC shut down and suffocated the other Democratic candidates.

MSNBC Host Jason Johnson Attacks Black Voters — Michael Steel


"Ignore Black Voters"

What is the most dangerous mind in the United States of America? The mind of a Black man who thinks he will climb into his master’s bed. In steps MSNBC host Jason Johnson. 

Some intelligent Black people call him Jason Jackass.

 While sitting across from a white woman, Alicia Menendez, on cable television — Jason Jonson proclaims: the Democratic party must ignore the Black voters. Johnson says, “The Democrats need to focus on Latino voters.” Jason Johnson is telling his paymasters to ignore 34.4 million eligible Black voters—according to Pew Research

Of course, you guessed it — Alicia Menendez is a White Latin female. What is Johnson’s mindset? How can I impress this White Latin woman?

The idea of having sex made Jason Johnson lose focus.
Maybe I’ll have time to climb into the master’s bed. It would be impolite to call someone ugly. But Jason Johnson’s face looks like South Carolina Senator Tim Scott’s.

Jason Jackass believes that if Tim Scott can find a White woman from Central Casting, then he should be able to get one from “The Weekend” on MSNBC.
It is people like that who killed Malcolm X. No one knows the origin of ugly. Perhaps it started in the Garden of Eden? But it’s here among us.

According to Jason Jackass, the Democratic party must look at Latino men, and you look at Asian men. That is where the difference is. The focus should be on that. While Jason Jackass is being negative, Michael Steele is being hypocritical.

Byron Allen once said of Rev. Al Sharpton, “All he needs is a bucket of chicken and fifty dollars to dance. At least Al Sharpton has some street credibility. Jason Johnson, here’s your fifty dollars and a bucket of chicken. Now get the f%*k out of here.

“What I always look at when I look at any of these conversations about black folks. I always expand it to the rising majority in this country. Right. It ain’t going to fall on the shoulders of Black people whether or not Joe Biden gets elected.
The people who are being discussed are the increasingly conservative young Asian and Latino men in places like Texas, Arizona, and Colorado. That’s going to be the difference.”

Although everybody sits and has this laser focus on Black men. You have Latino men who are working at the border saying, hey, I wouldn’t say I like these immigration issues. You have Asian men who are saying, hey, affirmative action isn’t working for me. We have this twisted focus on the wrong group of people—Black people.

If every single Black person, every single Black person who voted for Trump, does not vote for Joe Biden this time, it will not change much. Please look at a place like Georgia, which is a tiny margin. With most of those Black men, it will not end up making a difference. But if you focus on Asian and Latino men, that will make America great again.

CNN Anderson Blooper Shut Down Black Guest: Why CNN Lost Credibility?


Major Propagandists

President Trump aptly labeled the news station as “Fake News.” Most CNN reporters take a staunch corporate side when reporting news events. They are not allowed to veer from the company’s script. Tuesday night, when Anderson Blooper scolded his guest, Nina Turner, for speaking truthfully, that fully manifested the yellow journalist’s bias.

CNN Anderson Cooper Shut Down Facts

Former Ohio state senator Nina Turner said, “ When Congresswomen Rashida Talib and Cori Bush called for a cease-fire earlier on, they were called abhorrent.” She continued, “Now fast forward in the wake, and people live through this daily.” At this time, Anderson Blooper told Ms. Turner, “We don’t need a lecture on this.”

CNN should have realized that the former state senator Nina Turner brought a different set of clear eyes to their biased panel. Ms. Turner wasn’t lecturing anyone on the panel. She stated facts.
Nina Turner has never been someone to twist, turn, and contort herself into pretzels like Bakari Sellers to appease falsities.

CNN Lost Credibility

Why did CNN lose credibility? The reasons are many. On Tuesday, Michigan Primary night, they highlighted one such reason. The yellow kid,” Anderson Blooper/Cooper, leads a panel of guests. Amongst the yellow kid’s guests was Nina Turner. Anyone who knows the former Ohio state senator knows that she’s outspoken. 

Cable “News” channel CNN was once a storied news organization. When it came time for credible journalistic reporting, CNN once ranked a close second behind CBS’ 60 Minutes. 


Wrongful Termination Of Don Lemon’s Contract

For the past six years, the grandfather of cable news has been bleeding cash, propaganda, and viewers. On Tuesday, former host Don Lemon reached a 24.5 million dollar settlement with CNN’s parent company, Warner Bros. Discovery.

CNN wrongfully ended Don Lemon’s career because he did something anathema to CNN—he spoke the “truth.” Speaking reasonably to CNN is like showing Dracula the sunlight.

The channel stood out as a place for trusted news and information. Politicians on the up-and-up yearned to talk to CNN to get their story out to the public. Corrupt business people and politicians ducked and dodged a report with a CNN microphone. Then, in the twinkling of an eye, CNN became a propagandist machine.

Where Is Wendy Williams? The Queen Of Mean Is Back?


Marked For Death

Her brand was to dish the latest dirt on celebrities. Wendy Williams was the queen of vultures on television Talk Shows. Any and every celebrity that started falling from grace before their body hit the ground, Wendy Williams was feeding on their carcass. There has been a gap in television acerbic gossip for the past two years. Today, the question of the day is: Where is Wendy Williams?

The Queen of Mean is back, but not in the fashion expected. The man-hating Lifetime television for women vultures has put a final blow into Wendy Williams’s head. Lifetime Television has signed Wendy’s death certificate.

Wendy’s Publicist, Lifetime And Conservatorship

In the Lifetime documentary, “Where Is Wendy Williams?” Wendy Williams, the 59-year-old former New York radio shock-jock, is shown experiencing stages of dementia. Ms. Williams’ publicist says she wasn’t aware the former nationally syndicated television talk show host had dementia.
The “Queen of Soul,” Aretha Franklin, once advised folks to think.
She says: Think about what you are trying to do to me.

I ain’t no psychiatrist, I ain’t no doctor with degrees

But it doesn’t take too much high IQs

To see what you’re doing to me

She only talked to Wendy by telephone for a year. And she met with her in person three times. And where was Wendy’s conservator all this time? Most Americans never met President Joe Biden or spoke with him on the phone, but it is clear that he has dementia. PR Newswire reports doctors diagnosed Wendy Williams with Primary Progressive Aphasia and Dementia. 

Micro predation

Wendy Williams’ brand is carcass-eating. Now, Ms. Williams has become the carcass. And the micro-predators are feeding on her un-fueled body.

 Lifetime Television turned on the cameras, and the lights revealed several vultures feeding on Wendy’s carcass. Thirty million dollars is up for grabs. And the scavengers are sucking up every penny. Wells Fargo Bank started the feeding frenzy. The baby scorpions are eating their mother to death.

Trump Did It Again: Wins Michigan, Beats Haley And Biden

Tuesday night, Trump did it again. He wins Michigan and beats Haley and Biden by exceptionally huge margins. The Republican Presidential 2024 race was over before it got started.

Initially, nine Republican candidates qualified for the August 2023 debate hosted by Fox News. But only eight showed up in Milwaukee for the first debate. Missing from the roster was Donald J. Trump. The former President’s calculations said he did not have to join the other eight candidates. They needed Trump to bring them some shine. However, Trump starved them.

The Jilted Lovers

Donald Trump was the big winner in Tuesday night’s Michigan Primary. With over 70% of the votes counted, Trump enjoys a tremendous lead (565,000) over Biden’s 425,000 votes, at 60% of democrats votes in. Professional grifter Nikki Haley lags with 225,000 votes. The other Democrat in the race, Dean Phillips, has 14,000 votes.

Trump’s calculation proved that he was right not to attend the debates. One by one, Trump peeled off his would-be competition. Like a love-sick puppy, the other candidates pined for Trump to be on stage next to them. They cajoled, berated, and belittled him, trying to get him to come over — still, he stayed away. Eventually, all the jilted lovers gave up to start a “new” life without Trump.

I’s Not Age. It’s the stage, Mr. Biden, and you have passed the stage.

They have intelligence. The most unintelligent one of the seven, Nikki Haley, is too unintelligent to realize the race is over. What is more troubling? People want to part with their money and still support her.

All told those seven ex-lovers of Trump remember how the relationship was when it was good. They all came back to show their love for their former lover. “Make it like it was, how it used to be when I hungered for your love constantly.” Regina Belle.

The Muslim Population.

Tim Scott, the shameless Senator from South Carolina, darn near kissed Trump’s ass on stage on live TV. Well, he tried to kiss Trump’s ass. Except the other South Carolina Senator, Lindsey Graham, had his mouth already planted on Trump’s backside.

The Muslim population in Michigan attempted to execute a protest vote against Biden for his unwavering support of the war on Gaza. They had no workable strategy. Leaders in the community advised voters to vote for “Uncommitted.” There was no one running in the Presidential race named “Uncommitted.” Marginalization numbs the skull.

The Muslim Community Had One Job To Do

The Muslim community had an opportunity to send a shockwave to the White House. That bolt of lightning would have woken up even Sleepy Joe. Well, Not really. It’s hard raising Lazarus from the dead. But they should have sent the message.

They had one job to do. Rep Dean Phillips was in the race. They disregarded his presence. Yup. Oppression numbs the skull. The Michigan Muslim’s “Uncommitted” plan was a bad political strategy.

They could have garnered some delegates if they had thrown their votes behind Rep Dean Phillips. With Rep Phillips’ 3% and the “Uncommitted’s” 13%–they would be in the mix. And in need, perhaps of being committed.

Extreme Protest Kills U.S. Airman Over Israelis Gaza Genocide. Aaron Bushnell.


US Airman Extreme Protest

As world leaders condone the Israeli Government’s acts of genocide on the Palestinians… one voice in the wilderness cried out—the voice of Arron Bushnell. His cry garnered media attention, and the womb that bore him contracts and weeps. As only the womb of a mother can weep. The extreme protest that killed the US airman shocked many.

 However, Bushnell’s pleas will remain unheard. His family will mourn his death, but his message remains unsent. “I will not be a party to genocide,” he wrote on his final Facebook social media post.

The active duty Air Force service man posed poignant questions for his social media followers. “Many of us like to ask ourselves, ‘What would I do if I was alive during slavery? 

Or the Jim Crow South? Or apartheid? What would I do if my country was committing genocide?’ The answer is, you’re doing it. Right now,” he wrote.

Psycho Cop Aims His Gun On A US Air Force Member Ablaze

I won’t be part of the genocide in Gaza anymore.

“I will no longer be complicit in genocide [in Gaza]. I am about to engage in an extreme act of protest,” Bushnell reportedly said before dousing himself with an unknown liquid and setting himself ablaze while repeatedly crying out “Free Palestine.” 

The US Airman torched himself in front of the Israeli Embassy in DC. His self-sacrifice was to bring relief to 2.4 million Palestinians in Gaza. As Mr. Bushnell lay on the ground engulfed in flames, armed guards pointed their guns at him.

Those are the words of Aaron Bushnell, a twenty-five-year-old United States Airman. On Sunday, the four-year military veteran suffered a mental breakdown and committed suicide. Mr. Bushnell’s extreme protest was an attempt to call attention to the genocidal acts in Gaza. Airman Aaron was a man of conscience.

Unfortunately, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has no soul or conscience. The world has gone nose blind to mass murderers like Benjamin Netanyahu.

In January, the South African Government sued Israel in the International Court of Justice (ICJ). And the ICJ gave a tepid and partial ruling in favor of the Palestinians. “Allegations of genocide against Israel are not meritless,” the International Criminal Court ruled. “Notwithstanding Hamas’ unlawful conduct that started the war last October 7.”

On October 7, 2023, a group of Palestinians, known as Hamas, carried out a brutal attack on Israel, killing at least 800 Jews, including children. The Hamas gang also captured 200 hostages. Twenty days later, Benjamin Netanyahu ordered the Israeli military (IDF) to attack Palestine to root out Hamas.

According to the reports, the number of members in the Hamas gang can reach up to 30,000. The IDF has been dropping bombs indiscriminately on the 2.4 million Palestinians to get Hamas. The IDF bombing raids are equal to a madman bombing an entire house to kill some rats that ran inside. Such bombing is overkill and genocidal.

The World Condones Gaza Genocide.
Tragedy upon tragedy and compounded tragedies. What would make a man doused himself with a flammable, then set himself on fire?
The world and the Palestinians are overwhelmed with fear. 

If anyone raises concerns about the unprecedented Israeli killings, they will be accused of being anti-Shemite.
World leaders stand by wringing their hands and gnashing their teeth. Not even the Palestinians will fight for themselves. SAAAD.

The National Suicide Hot Line Center Is Available 24/7 to help those who may contemplate suicide. Dial 988.


These Major Airlines Are Hiking Up the Cost of Checked Luggage

Let The Hike Begin

It’s no secret that air travel has become more expensive in recent years. Some travelers find it more complex because airlines have confusing policies and unexpected fees. These major airlines are hiking the cost of checked luggage.

Unfortunately, that trend is not going anywhere. Four of the six largest U.S. airlines have increased their baggage fees in the last two months. The last time we saw multiple airlines increase their fees was in 2018. Now, travel experts predict other airlines may even follow suit.

For now, here is what you need to know about the latest changes:

Alaska Airlines

This Anchorage-based airline was first in the domino effect of increasing baggage fees. Although announced in December 2023, the price hike started on January 2, 2024. Now, travelers must pay $35 for the first checked bag and $40 for the second bag — a $5 increase on both fees. 

Those flying first class and those with Alaska Airlines credit cards or business cards will still get free checked bags. Certain levels of elite status will also be allowed free baggage.


JetBlue quietly changed their checked baggage fees. Now, passengers must pay more depending on when they pay for their bags. For those who add bags to the reservation within 24 hours or less of their flight, the fee is now $45 for the first bag and $60 for the second.

 That’s an extra $10. The cost for those with more time before departure is still the same: $35 and $50 for the first and second bags, respectively.

American Airlines

As of February 20, American Airlines passengers must adhere to a new fee chart. The first checked bag costs $35 for domestic flights when purchased online or $40 at the airport. Second bags cost $45, whether purchased online or at the airport. 

Passengers on short international flights, like Canada and Mexico, will pay $35 for the first bag and $45 for the second, regardless of where they buy their tickets.

United Airlines

United Airlines is the latest (and for now, the last) domino to fall in this flurry of rising bag fees. Launched on February 24, United customers will now charge travelers $40 for their first checked bag and $50 for the second. 

JetBlue, United offers a discount ($5 instead of JetBlue’s $10) for those who prepay for their luggage at least 24 hours in advance. United will not be changing fees for international flights.

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