HomeCrimeKorryn Gaines -- "Sovereign" citizen, killed in a Police Shootout --...

Korryn Gaines — “Sovereign” citizen, killed in a Police Shootout — Family Awarded 38 Million Dollars.

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An unfit parent caused her 5-year-old son to be shot by the police.

This story is of a young misguided Black woman, a hot-headed cop, and a police department that is known for exercising poor judgment when it comes to interacting with Black people.

The family of a mentally unstable 23-year-old who was shot and killed by a Baltimore police officer receives a $37 million payout from a “wrongful” death lawsuit against the County of Baltimore. Months before the very tragic event that led to the deadly shootout between Korryn Gaines and Baltimore PD, she had developed a disturbing case of mental illness induced by a loosely fit cult called “Sovereign Citizens.”

Sovereign Citizens are a group of Americans who believe that the laws of the state do not apply to them. They are above the law, they shouldn’t pay taxes, but they want to utilize the public amenities — such as the streets and highway — and other things produced from the taxpaying citizens. In other words, they are a big salad bowl of confusion.

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In the past, some family members of brainwashed victims of a cult would pay someone to find the lost souls “kidnap” and bring them home, then hire a psychiatrist to de-program them. In the case of Sovereign Citizens cult, most members are drawn in by miss-matched followers of a group who themselves don’t who or what they are following or what membership entails. How do you kidnap a person and bring them to safety when the person holding them hostage is the person, ego, and a fierce narcissism that drives them.

Some describe the Sovereign Citizen cult as a lousy bear going around impregnating other bears and leaving his offsprings scattered all across the land, not knowing who or what their parents are. It leaves a baby bear here, and two baby bears there, ten here and four over there. The sect doesn’t necessarily assemble as a group as most other cults members do. The meeting ground and / recruitment center is usually the Internet/Social Media.

<strong><span class=has inline color has luminous vivid orange color>Gaines attempting to stop an army with a shotgun<span><strong>

Cognitive Dissonance/denial of reality.

Ms. Gaines developed an overwhelming sense of contradictory values. Her father is a U.S. Navy Vet with deep roots for love of his country, while on the other hand, she got caught up with a motley crew of misfits whose belief system glorifies a disdain for their state and its laws.

On the day when Ms. Gaines died, she had a Mossberg 12-gauge shotgun, which she pointed at police — according to police spin of the incident. She locked herself in her home with her two young children, including 5-year-old Kodi, who was shot twice by the police. Gaines readied herself for a gunfight. Something in her psyche led her to believe that she would be able to fight the entire Baltimore County police force and surrounding mutual aid agencies. That display of divorce from reality is typical amongst “Sovereign” Citizens cultists.

In August 2016, two Baltimore PD warrant officers along with Officer Allen Griffin III went to serve a traffic bench warrant on Gaines (wrong move), Griffin also attempted to serve a warrant on her boyfriend for a violent assault (justifiable). At Gaines’ door, Griffin III came under attack, which forced him to retreat. He then called for a tactical team and waited for their arrival.

<span class=has inline color has luminous vivid orange color><strong>Mickey Norman took Gaines family money<strong> <strong>away<strong><span>

With the arrival of SWAT came a hot headed cop — Royce Ruby.

While waiting for SWAT, Ms. Gaines began live-streaming herself in a standoff with the police: id, ego, and the killing of the superego lead to the cognitive dissonance that causes madness. After a 6-hour standoff leads SWAT member, Ruby Royce bum-rushed Gaines’ front door shot 5-year-old Kodi twice and shot and killed Korryn Gaines. To justify his killing, Ruby explained to the court, ” We were in danger, Kodi was in danger. Miss Gaines was in danger. my whole team was in danger.” I was hot, frustrated, tired, been out there all day; I won’t sleep for days because of this. Kodi survived the shooting.

The Baltimore police department has Mobile Crisis intervention counselors on staff (health clinicians that are”paired with police, but they failed to utilize their services to resolve the Korryn Gaines standoff, which involved children peaceably.

Following her killing, Korryn Gaines’ family filed a wrongful death lawsuit. In February 2018, a jury of 6 women awarded more than $37 million to Korryn’ family. That verdict was overturned in February 2019 by judge Mickey Norman. On Wednesday, July 01, 2020, an appeals court Judge ruled that judge Mickey Norman erred in judgment when he overturned the initial verdict — he reinstated the $38 million opinions.

Self-described “sovereign citizens” see themselves as answerable only to their particular interpretations of the common law and as not subject to any government statutes or proceedings.[2] In the United States, they do not recognize U.S. currency and maintain that they are “free of any legal constraints”.[3][4

Indeed, this sect is a ball of confusion. they don’t recognize US currency but they love to grab and use as much American dollars as they can get their hands on.

Here’s a breakdown of how the award will be divvied up: $32.85 million to Kodi Gaines and an additional $23,542 for his medical expenses, and $4.53 million to the woman’s daughter, Karsyn Courtney, according to family attorney Kenneth Ravenell. It also awarded $307,000 to Korryn Gaines’ mother, Rhanda Dormeus; $300,000 to her father, Ryan Gaines Sr; and $300,000 to Gaines’ estate.

How did sovereign citizens start? The movement can be traced back to white-extremist groups like Posse Comitatus and the constitutional militia movement. It also includes members of certain self-declared “Moorish” sects. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) classifies some sovereign citizens (“sovereign citizen extremists”) as domestic terrorists.

Staff Writer: Clinton Franklin / email Clinton at CFranklin@mediacorpusa.com

Clinton Franklin
Clinton Franklin is a formally trained Computer Scientist and a writer at heart. Clinton is an avid observer of nature and a lover of people and diverse cultures. He adheres to the adage, “Think globally, but act locally.” It is crucial to be forward-thinking but not a forward person. “Be kind to everyone you meet because each carries his heavy burden…” Plato. Embrace the three Constants: Change, Justice, and Rightness. The thought police are busy at work trying to suppress free speech — if allowed their march to madness — they will arrest your very thoughts.


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