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Does Mitch McConnell Know When To Hold Them, Fold Them, Walk Away?



Senator Mitch McConnell freezes up in public for the second time in two months while answering questions. No one knows how often the Senate Minority leader has frozen in private. Some argue that it’s time for the eighty-year-old Senator to retire and turn his chair over to Generation Lazy. Is it time for McConnell to retire? Yes. Considering his physical and mental condition, that would be the prudent thing to do.


Many in the camp calling for McConnell’s retirement are doing so based on his age. There is speculation that his freezing sessions are because of his generation. The aged-out theory is quite palpable, but there is no concrete evidence to support that theory, and his physician hasn’t backed up the rumor.

In his last freezing session, McConnell’s grip on the podium appeared way stronger than someone having a stroke, which would cause them to lose gripping strength. 

According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) and the Mayo Clinic, “People 55 or older have a higher risk of stroke than younger people. African American and Hispanic patients have a higher risk of stroke than people of other races. Men have a higher risk of stroke than women. Women are usually older when they have strokes, and they’re more likely to die of strokes than men.” It’s also true that about one in seven strokes occur in adolescents and young adults ages 15 to 49.

CA. Rep. Nancy Pelosi Still Quite Lucid @ 83 Y.O.

South Carolina Senator Weirdo Lindsey Graham

According to health experts, the primary triggers for strokes are high blood pressure, high cholesterol, smoking, obesity, and diabetes, which are leading causes of stroke. “One in 3 U.S. adults has at least one of these conditions or habits.”

Term Limits 

During his second public freezing episode, Mitch McConnell clung to the podium as he clung to power. To have power is addictive. Those who are calling for term-age limits are mostly in Generation Lazy. And they would all like to get power to cling to it as all politicians do. They elected McConnell-elected in 2020 at age 79.

If term limits, for example, 15 years, were the answer — consider the people of Virginia sent him to represent them for the first time in 2020. At 79-years-old he would be there until the ripe old age of ninety-four. 

Debilitating Illness that prevents someone from doing their job should be a reason to retire. Mitch McConnell and 90-year-old Senator Dianne Feinstein should withdraw from their jobs, not because of their age but because their level of competency has become severely diminished.

Casual observation suggests Joe Biden falls into the same boat of incompetency. Rep Nancy Pelosi at 83, Donald J. Trump, 77, Sen. Bernie Sanders, 81, and Mother Jefferson, aka Maxine Waters, at 85 years of age, are more competent and lucid than most people and politicians in their 30s and 40s.

Hypnotic Trance

McConnell’s behavior falls in the stable of someone who they have hypnotized. Trigger words from a reporter (not deliberately done) could set the Senator in un-motion. Was there a particular exceptional sound in the room? As explained by Newton’s First Law of Motion.

Of course, this is not the same as the Havana Syndrome, but it falls into that realm of possibility. Shy a “reasonable” explanation from trained medical personnel, the gate is wide open to speculation about what’s causing Senator McConnell to freeze during his speech.

It doesn’t appear to be stage fright, and doctors haven’t mentioned his medications or any previous injections.

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The Journal of Record

A Black Face White Supremacist: PSYCHOTIC Vivek Ramaswamy.



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Black Holocaust Denier.

Vivek Ramaswamy A Black Face White Supremacist Trying To Ride Black People To The White House

“I’m sure boogeymen and white supremacists exist somewhere in America; I just have never seen him — never met one in my life,” Ramaswamy said when asked about racism in America. He continued, “Maybe I’ll meet a Unicorn sooner” than meeting a white supremacist in America.

Those are the words of a male running for the vice presidency or, with luck, a Cabinet post in the Trump administration should Donald Trump win the 2024 Presidential race.

Today, Ramaswamy is the most dangerous person running for Republican political office in America. He has more teeth in his head than substance — but some people love a train wreck, so they gather around to check him out. The danger for those curious onlookers is that the wreckage of toxic bile that attracts them is still in motion.

Ramaswamy is the newest chip to fall off the Republican’s clown wagon into the domain of the public. He speaks with the rhythm of a used car salesperson wearing a suit and tie with an American flag on his lapel as an ornament. Ramaswamy started his political career as a parasite looking for a host — he found his home in Donald Trump’s base of the Republican party.

How Does He Keep The Media At Bay?

Ramaswamy keeps legacy media at bay by dangling the promise of spending $100 million on campaign advertisements. So they gather around, waiting with bated breath for their loot cut. Even some on YouTube media, such as the Rising of the Hill, pushing Ramaswamy crap up Hill in a wheelbarrow to feed it to the people and trying to convince themselves that he’s not a danger to America. Is the sales price tag for the United States of America $100 million?

While avowed white supremacists are shooting down Black people wherever they can, Vivek is slithering across America, inciting violence against Black people and telling White bigots there are no racists in America.

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The Journal of Record

Hyatt Hotels Is Being Sued Over Hidden Fees.

By Jessica Poitevien

Media Corp USA

From airfare structures that nickel and dime customers to international ATMs with outrageous surcharges, the average traveler is no stranger to hidden fees. Although this lack of transparency often feels like the norm, one major hotel chain might soon pay the price for its less-than-straightforward policies.

Hyatt Hotels Corporation is facing a lawsuit that accuses the company of false advertisement and regularly hitting guests with hidden resort fees.
According to tzlegal.com, Travelers United sued Hyatt in August, alleging that the hotel giant has falsely advertised the price of its rooms for years by adding several deceptive fees that do not appear in the initially advertised price.
This false advertisement misleads the customer into thinking that the rooms are cheaper than they are, only to be hit with unexpected costs like “destination” and “resort” fees later down the line.

“Junk fees are not just greedy and deceptive. They are illegal,” said Lauren Wolfe, Chief Legal Officer of Travelers United, a non-profit consumer protection organization that advocates for American travelers.
“This lawsuit will show that hotels violate the law when they charge resort fees without including them in the advertised price,” Wolfe said.

“American consumers are sick and tired of corporations taking advantage of them with relentless junk fees.”

“Travelers United hopes this lawsuit permanently ends this deceptive practice and holds Hyatt accountable for their false advertising,” Wolfe added.

Hyatt is not the only major hospitality brand that allegedly advertises misleading pricing. Marriott, Hilton, and MGM Resorts have also been accused of this practice, though official lawsuits are not underway against them. According to the case, hidden fees across the hotel industry amount to more than $2 billion annually.

Other industries are also under scrutiny after President Joe Biden announced the Junk Fee Prevention Act to protect consumers from hidden fees and increase transparency and competitiveness. Passed earlier this year, they intended the new law to end surprise fees and demands for “airline, entertainment, ticketing industry fairness.”

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The Journal of Record

The Republican 2024 Presidential Debate, A Stage Full Of Cowards.


By Clinton Franklin

Media Corp USA

The Absence Of Courage

Seven Of Eight Republican Candidates Raised Their Hands For Donald Trump To Be President. Suckers!

Donald Trump won the first GOP Presidential primary debate for the 2024 election. The spine of the Republican Party (Donald J. Trump) was absent from the debate stage, and so was courage.

If the state of America that the country finds itself under President Joe Biden weren’t so dire, the Primetime Comedy Special hosted by Fox News (Martha MacCallum and Bret Baier would be laughable. Former President Donald Trump won the debate without even showing up.

The Winners Were Losers Of The Night.

Florida Gov Ron DeSantis took the first question from Fox News Host Martha MacCallum and gave a firm, rehearsed answer. After his first answer, DeSantis faded — for the most part. His closing statement did nothing to bring him up much in the polls or gain favor with the American people.

Gov Doug Burgum of North Dakota gave the worst performance of the night. He came off as nervous during his closing statement. Burgum touted much of his small-town mythical agenda for America, even though eighty percent of Americans live in urban areas. The billionaire made money by selling his Great Plains software company to Microsoft, an Urban Tech Company. The tech billionaire seemed like a fish out of water.

Former Gov Chris Christie finished second to last behind former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson. Gov. Hutchinson was the only candidate on the stage to stand his ground and not raise his hand to support Donald Trump should he become the Republican nominee for president. McCallum asked, “Would you still support Trump if they convicted him in a court of law.” The first candidate to raise his hand supporting a convicted, Trump, was Law and Order candidate Vivek Ramaswamy. Ramaswamy is running to be Trump’s running mate.

The second candidate to raise her hand was Nikki Haley (another contender for Trump’s running mate), followed by Tim Scott, then Doug Burgum. At this point, DeSantis surveyed the podium, then raised his hand. Soon, Mike Pence raised his hand, and seeing they outnumbered him, Christie followed the group and raised his hand—former Arkansas Go. Asa Hutchinson stood his ground and displayed leadership. The other seven candidates all wore skirts. Ramaswamy was the last to put his hand down. The biggest coward of the pack.

The Candidates Fell Back On Scapegoatism, Expediency, and Cowardice.

DeSantis was the first candidate to use George Soros as a scapegoat for his weakness. And the first to attack the news media.

Burgum: We need to understand small-town and get back to it. “I’m from a small town of 300 people.” Burgum, you don’t make 1.1 billion dollars from 300 people in a small town.

Pence was the first to bring up his religion.

Ramaswamy reminded the audience, “I’m the only person on the stage who isn’t bought and paid for.” And asked the audience, “Do you want a super-pack puppet or a revolution?”

Haley was the only person to inject gender into the debate. “If you want something said, ask a man.” “If you want something done, ask a woman,” the toxic feminist quipped.

Hutchinson was the first to Bring up Trump and his attacks on law enforcement prosecutors. It was the segue for Fox Hosts to ask questions about the former President.

Pence was the first to bring up age and Ramaswamy’s inexperience. “Now is not the time for On-The-Job training,” Pence told Ramaswamy.

Tim Scott was the only candidate to bring up poverty and preach about single motherhood.

Seven of the eight candidates appeared weak and petrified of Donald Trump, except for Asa Hutchinson.

Chris Christie did the most waffling, while Vivek Ramaswamy was the biggest hypocrite on the podium.

Former President Donald Trump won the Republican night and the debate without showing up.


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The Journal of Record

Russian Traitor Prigozhin Killed By Vladimir Putin — Sends A Message.


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International Mercenary Killed.

Prigozhin, Leader of The Wagner Group, The Greedy Chef Shall Eat No More

Before the Russian Government killed him, sixty-two-year-old Yegevny Prigozhin was wanted by the FBI (America’s premium law enforcement agency) for the same crime Donald J. Trump and Rudy Giuliani have been charged — conspiracy to defraud the United States of America.

In 2018, Prigozhin attempted to defraud the Government of the United States, while Trump, Giuliani, and other henchmen tried to defraud the US government in 2020. Prigozhin was the leader of the mercenary army called the Wagner Group, whose American counterpart, the private army, was Blackwater/Academi or G4S.

On August 23, 2023, while one of Trump’s Made Man, Capo Rudy Giuliani, turned himself into Fulton County jail for committing crimes against the American people, Russian President Vladimir Putin was busy taking out Yegevny Prigozhin for committing crimes against the Russian people.

On face value? We are witnessing the physical manifestation of two different systems of government. Still, both have the same spiritual goal — removing the enemy to prevent them from carrying out the same attack against the state.

A Private Jet Carrying Russian Traitor Prigozhin (Wanted By The FBI) Burned After Exploding Over Russia.

Although Trump and Giuliani made attempts to turn America into a Russian state, they will today appreciate the American jurisprudence and its way of treating accused White men with the presumption of innocence until proven otherwise. Until then, the system does not mete out justice to its traitors.

On June 23, 2023, Prigozhin and a group of his men launched an attack on the Russian state. He bit the hand that fed him — Putin. On August 23, 2023, Putin returned the favor and struck back, killing Prigozhin and nine others who were stupid enough to get on an airplane with him.

America’s slow wheel of justice is turning, but it is moving. Today, Rudy Giuliani turned himself in to be processed and take a movie star-looking photo without the measuring ruler (height bar) behind him.

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The Journal of Record

Vagabond Candidate Vivek Ramaswamy Attacks Black Americans.



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Putrid Man.

Vivek Rama swampy A Fast-Talking Used Car Salesman In A Suit

Vivek Ramaswamy’s attacks on Black Americans are 100 times more vicious and virulent than Donald Trump’s or any other bigots from the 18th, 19th, or 20th centuries. He’s running for something, but it’s not President of the United States of America. Indeed, he’s hoping an electable presidential candidate will pick him as their running mate to further their racist agenda.

The goal of Rama Swampy is to spread hatred toward Black people and to encourage racists assault on them whenever and wherever possible.

Leaders of the Republican (GOP) party are subtlely searching for a candidate to replace Donald Trump. What is the most significant qualifying factor to lead the GOP? (1) A deep-seated hatred for Black Americans. (2) A willingness to articulate a desire to defund the FBI for investigating crooked politicians.

(3) Spread wild and outlandish stories about the September 11th bombing of the Twin Towers in 2001. (4) By decree, the President must extend the age for voting in the United States elections to twenty-five.

If those arguments sound familiar, that is because it’s the platform of presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswampy.
There aren’t too many bigoted candidates running for the Presidency that would pick this vile threat (Ramaswamy) to America’s democracy and its stability, perhaps other than Ron DeSantis–two peas in a pod.

The sad state of The Republican Party

American politics has reached a place where for a Republican candidate to ascend to a meaningful spot on their roster, they must attack, assail and belittle “African Americans.” They must make veiled threats toward their well-being and safety.

Their attacks on Black people are the nitrogen fuel that causes them to rise in the Republican party — this includes Black Republican candidates who crave the attention of a rabid bigoted base.

Whenever a White Supremacist can hire as a mouthpiece another Black person to mistreat and treat other Black people more harshly than the White racist himself, that is White supremacy and a plantation mentality at work. Tim (the plantation) Scott comes to mind. What comes to mind is Vivek Ramaslimy, a blackface racist.

A New Loyalty Program Makes It Easier To Earn MAJOR Travel Rewards.

By Jessica Poitevien

Media Corp USA

Travel hacking is the practice of strategically using credit card points and hotel/airline loyalty programs to earn significant discounts and upgrades on travel. There are varying degrees of complexity when it comes to travel hacking, but now there’s a new loyalty program making it even easier for travelers to earn points on accommodations.

ExpediaHotels.com, and Vrbo recently launched One Key, a unified loyalty program that allows travelers to earn rewards for bookings made across all three websites. This first-of-its-kind program is free to join, and beyond earning rewards, members will also receive special discounts on over 100,000 hotels worldwide.

They designed the program to offer travelers rewards for practically every type of booking related to their trip. Whether it’s a flight or rental car reservation through Expedia, a vacation home for the whole family through Vrbo, or a hotel room through Hotels.com, travelers’ rewards are accumulated in a single format known as OneKeyCash.

No matter which website One Key members use to book their travel, OneKeyCash is available across all three websites. Unlike most loyalty programs, they display rewards in monetary value, so members don’t have to worry about calculations or point conversions.

Here’s how OneKeyCash is earned on eligible bookings:
• 2% on hotels, activities, packages, car rentals, and cruises booked via Expedia
• 2% on flights booked as part of a vacation package (0.2% for standalone flights)
• 2% on lodging booked with Hotels.com
• 2% on vacation rentals with Vrbo booked in the U.S.
With One Key, qualifying for elite status and unlocking further benefits is also very easy. You must book five “trip elements” for Silver status, 15 for Gold, and 30 to reach Platinum status.

A trip element is any aspect of a booking that costs $25 or more. Each night at a hotel or vacation rental counts as one trip element. Each day of a car rental also counts as a trip element, as does a flight, activities, guided tours, and activities. That means you can reach Gold status in one five-night trip for two people with hotels, a rental car, and at least two actions.

When staying at VIP Access properties, the extra benefits that come with One Key status include:
• Silver: Earn 50% more OneKeyCash; food & beverage credits when available during hotel stays
• Gold: Earn 100% more OneKeyCash; food & beverage credits when available during hotel stays; room upgrades when available
• Platinum: Earn 200% more OneKeyCash; food & beverage credits when available during hotel stays; room upgrades when available
For more information about One Key program and to become a member, Click Here

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The Journal of Record

Jack-Booted Thugs Raid A SMALL Town News Room — Marion County Records.


Police And Thieves.

In Marion County, Kansas, the police are the thieves, and the thieves are the police aided by the small town’s judge. On April 22, 2023, the Kansas City Police Department (KCPD) gave Chief Gideon Cody the boot after 24 years of service. Cody agreed to leave the Department after they demoted him to sergeant for sexually harassing a female cop. Yup, Coochie claimed another man’s career. The sisterhood strikes again.

Jack-Booted Home Invaders Scared A 98-Yera-Old Woman To death

A female subordinate of then-Chief Gideon Cody reported him for making inappropriate sexual comments toward her. The following morning Cody called to apologize, at which time Eve pulled out her Apple tape recorder and recorded Cody apologizing to her, which amounted to a confession. She placed the Apple in the middle of the garden in front of him, and he bit it like it was 6000 years ago in the Garden of Eden.

Within less than six weeks (June 1) after Cody left KCPD, a department with over 2000 (two thousand) employees, they hired him (as chief) at the Marion County Police Department — a town with less than 2000 (two thousand) residents per the 2020 census.

In early August, Marion County Records, the town’s crier, attempted to look into Cody’s background at KCPD. The reporters coupled their investigation with that of another investigation into a DUI arrest of a prominent town person.

This action of the Marion County Records enraged Cody, so he sent his jackbooted officers to raid the office of the Marion County Records and the home of its publisher (Eric Meyer) and one of his reporters Phyliss Zorn in direct contradiction to the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Upon breaking into the publisher’s residence, the home invaders stole cellphones, computers, and a router.

The sudden intrusion into the home of the mother of the publisher, 98-year-old J. Meyer, possibly contributed to her premature death the next day. A coroner’s report states she died from “sudden cardiac arrest.” Everyone dies from cardiac arrest, but the home invasion contributed to her demise.
The authorities ordered the thieves to return the stolen items to their rightful owners.

Media Corp USA

The Journal of Record

Prosecutor FANI WILLIS faces attacks from media and White men.


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DA Fani Willis Attacked By TV Guests On Legacy Media Brought On Specifically To diminish Trump’s 4th Indictment.

Whether you are a fan of what Georgia Prosecutor Fani Willis is doing, it’s fair to say one should give credit where it’s due. She got cojones bigger than all Republican candidates running (slithering, crawling, slipping, and sliding) to replace Trump as the front runner of the 2024 Presidential race.

The Republican candidates, except for Asa Hutchinson, are a motley crew of balls-less, spineless mob of Jellyfish. They think the only way to the White House is to denigrate and attack Black people.

This era is the 21 century, so warrantless attacks on Black people won’t end well. Let the Montgomery, Alabama, physical unprovoked attack on the unsuspecting serve as notice to bigots with warrantless sieges and sabotage of someone just doing their job.

Getting On Code.

Most sane-thinking Black people/African Americans knew the attacks on the Fulton County DA would come fast and furious once she indicted Donald J. Trump for attempting to overthrow the government of the United States after losing the 2020 Presidential election to Joe Biden — a man half his statue, personality and savvy.

That is hard to swallow, but it doesn’t give one the right to overthrow the government. Trump could have easily eaten Biden’s lunch in 2024. But he couldn’t wait that long. He had to overthrow the government on January 6 2020.

Trump Contemplating: Orange Is The New White.

One doesn’t have to go to Fox News to hear a bunch of jealous Talking Heads pouncing on DA Willis for charging Trump. “I’m concerned this has to do with ego,” says Chris “Crispy Creme” Christie about Trump’s fourth indictment. Well, 50 tons of fun.

Does the charge have something to do with Trump breaking the law? Did you read the 97-page document DA Willis and her staff produced? Chunk, you don’t think her actions are justified?

According to Fani Willis, at a Press Conference referencing Trump’s crimes, she said, “I looked at the crime, and I looked at the law, and I made my decision.” On his campaign crawl, Christie creeps around criticizing Trump. Still, as soon as a Black female prosecutor acts on the law and moves on Trump, Christie Creme shows his actual color.

All the men criticizing DA Fani Willis for indicting Donald J. Trump, they hate him. Some want him gone so they can become the front-runner of the Repugnant Party. Yet they attack Willis for doing her job. Why? Because they are White men that cannot handle a Black woman throwing the book at their White deity. So everybody gets on code. 

This behavior is like Black people calling each other “Nigger,” but as soon as a White person says the word… White folks getting on code.

“She wakes up in the morning thinking, what will I do next? Should I run for governor?” So says John Bolton, with the YMCA “Macho Man” mustache. Here is an entitled bucket of garbage that Trump gave a job, and made him Ambasador then he turns around and stab Trump in the back to sell a few Paperback Novels about the ex-President’s crimes. That is abhorrent. That is the envy of Fani Willis speaking.

Even as expected, washed up used to be Alan (douchebag). Dershowitz chimed in with his gibberish. “The Fulton County Prosecutor is trying to get Trump. And she’s using creativity and novel approaches. And that is not the way to do it when you’re going for the man who is running for president.” Douchebag is upset he was not called on as a consultant by Fani Willis. So he could make a few dollars and hog the spotlight. He’s a Hassa.

Douchebag said “the indictment is very weak.”

Former De Kalb DA Robert James joined the chorus of White rights first: He said, “You have 19 defendants, one of whom is the front runner — leader of the Republican party. They come with various levels of publicity.” This clown ass fool is promoting two systems of justice. It leads one to wonder how poor people lives he’s ruined? Just because they’re poor.

Robert James talks out of both sides of his face. It depends on which news station he’s on. One this is certain, and that is he is consistently weak.

Jumping in the fray is former Whitewater Prosecutor Robert Ray. Ray said, “This fourth indictment was heavy-handed and unnecessary” Perhaps like the Whitewater investigation from which he got rich? It duplicative of what Jack Smith already charged, Ray said. 

Win or lose, wrong or right — you have to give it to backstabbing Fani — She got Cojones, more that all the so-called men trying to dethrone Donald J. Trump.

This article does not endorse the overuse of the RICO Statute by Fulton County District Attorney Fannis Willis. The report points out the hypocrisy of “powerful” White men and women — primarily those in the Repugnant Party/GOP) who will laugh and scoff at Black people when abused under the Color of Law — until the law comes for them.

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The Journal of Record

They came, they saw, they conquered: Gymnasts Chiles, Jones, and McClain. 


Black Girls Rock.

For the participation of Black people in gymnastics, their presence is like that of a Black Swan event. When it comes to three Black (male or female) gymnasts sweeping the podium by winning U.S. Gymnastic Championships, we are describing the sighting of a White Unicorn.

What should we call an event where Black Swans and Unicorns appear simultaneously? Black Girl Magic. In 2022, Gymnasts twenty-two-year-old Jordan Chiles, twenty-year-old Shilese Jones, and eighteen-year-old Konnor McClain created Pure Black Girl Magic when they won Gold, Silver, and Bronze in the U.S. Gymnastics Championships.

In 2021, Chiles and Jones suffered a tragedy when they lost their father to the pandemic. They stayed in Team USA with pure grit and determination, propelling themselves into sports history and greatness. The next stop of destiny for these three phenoms is the 2024 Olympics in Paris.

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