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MSNBC Cut DNC Shill Tiffany Cross. Was it Failure To Launch or Deliver Enough Block/Black Votes?

Lost Connection.

One-sided, lopsided news review MSNBC Saturday morning show, The Cross Connection, has died suddenly. On Friday, MSNBC disbanded the show, which began airing approximately two years ago. The show had become known for hosting over-the-top guests spewing leftwing party politics and cancel culture rhetoric. When you keep calling for other shows you disagree with politically to be canceled, eventually, the pendulum swings back to you.

The Quechua indigenous people of the Andes like to say, “Ayni,” which translates to English means, “today for me, tomorrow for you”

What caused Tiffany Cross to lose her connection?

Earlier this week, Ms. Cross was a guest on Comedy Central’s Hell of a Week with host Charlemagne of The Breakfast Club (radio show). Charlemagne asked, “What state could the Democrats afford to lose in the upcoming mid-term elections?” Tiffany Cross, a queen of cancel culture, responded, “Florida literally looks like the d—k of the country, so let’s get rid of Florida.” Cross continued, “Let’s castrate Florida.” That is an innocuous statement to those who are defenders of freedom of expression. Cross may express her sentiments to people who aren’t canceling culture vultures — as is she? Two years into her game — decent rating. MSNBC eating it young. 

The state of Florida to the right shapes more like a gun, hence the nickname — the Gunshine State. It doen’t look like the phallic symbol Ms. Cross dreams about, from which she is disconnected. Clearly Cross is crossed up between Florida and her toys. To the left is a phallic symbol of Florida. Courtesy of Jeff Bezos. OK, she stands corrected.

Tiffany Cross Looking Sheepishly Before MSNBC Abruptly Canceled Her Show.

Since the start of (The Cross Connection) show the replacement for Joy Reid’s AM Joy, a Saturday and Sunday morning staple that delivered the Democrat party talking points to Democrats and anyone else in between who wanted a steady diet of the DNC’s plots, schemes, and slants. The opposite other extreme is Fox News, the central platform for insurrectionists talking points.

Jonathan Capehart host the other half of the two-hour Sunday morning 10:00 to noon show, where AM Joy used to be. Although Joy Reid, another DNC Shill, left big shoes to fill, Ms. Cross’s show performance leveled up regarding ratings. The Cross Connection fared exceptionally well in the 25 to 54 age range demographics — a coveted slot for advertisers. Cross had a 32% increase in the above demographics.

I don’t know what’s in those red cups. But they say a drunken man speaks a sober mind. And sometimes they say dumbass skit too. We all have had a drunk friend that show up to the party with a red cup, only to keep refilling it.

Tiffany Cross got axed, but Joe Biden’s former Press Secretary, Jen Psaki, has been lurking in the wings since quitting her job at the White House. MSNBC desperately needs a slot for her to fill to justify the big bag of loot they gave her to leave the White House.

Ms. Cross deeply delved into her Black ancestry and wanted to produce a special on MSNBC. But the top dogs at the office weren’t hearing it. Plus, they railed against Cross raising controversial comments other competing television show hosts made during their show. This practice is an agency all cable opinion-dominated shows have adopted — which is to use their competitor’s talking points to either bolster their arguments or debunk them.

Reservations Are No Longer Required to Visit These Popular U.S. National Parks.

With U.S. national parks becoming even more popular recently, several locations have resorted to implementing a reservation system to manage visitor traffic. Now that the summer visitor boom has died, some of the most popular national parks have dropped the seasonal reservation requirement.

Reservations are no longer required to enter Rocky Mountain National Park, Arches National Park, Yosemite National Park, and Glacier National Park, where reservations were needed for Going-to-the-Sun Road. Acadia National Park’s Cadillac Summit Road has also done away with reservation requirements, but they also set the road to close for winter on Nov. 14.

The Wonders Of Nature.

Yellowstone National Park, one of the country’s most highly visited and also the first official national park, does not require reservations. If you’re interested in camping or staying at one of the lodges in the park, you need to book in advance.

Although some national parks have dropped their reservation requirements, others still require timed-entry tickets year-round. For full details about the specific needs of each park, travelers should refer to the National Park Service website. The website for reservations, however, is recreation.gov.

Here are a few national parks that still require reservations:

Haleakala National Park: If you’d like to watch the sunrise from the summit at this picturesque park, you need reservations year-round. Summit sunrise reservations cost $1 per vehicle.

Shenandoah National Park: The park is currently testing a ticketing system for day hikers to combat overcrowding on Old Rag Mountain. Reservations cost $1 per person, and Shenandoah caps the daily entry at 800 people.

Zion National Park: Hikers hoping to tackle Angels Landing will need a reservation at least until next February. Reservations are difficult to secure and only available through a lottery system that costs $6 to enter. Hikers who win a permit for Angels Landing will have to pay an additional $3 per person.

Los Angeles City Council Woman Nury Martinez Caught Plotting To Oppress Black People. Dog Eat Dog World.




Resurrecting Jim Crow.

A Los Angeles City Councilwoman, Nury Martinez, got caught doing/saying what’s done or said in Boardrooms, bedrooms, bathrooms, on golf courses, and at the office water coolers every day across America. The difference is; someone wiretapped Nury Martinez’s conversations and published the recordings. Remember that 75 million people voted for Republican President Donald Trump to represent their thoughts and ideas and push forward their agendas. Donald J. Trump is a Neo-Nazi. Nury Martinez is a registered Democrat. The revelation of the plot to destroy generations of Black children to come shows that Nury Martinez and her fellow conspirators are ravenous wolves in “sheep” clothing. 

A Caste System of Colorism.

Was there a genuine bond between the communities of “colorism?” Or was the relationship between the communities of “colorism” one of convenience pushed by liberal media outlets to further a political plan? Was the relationship between Latinos and Black one of mutual respect for each other? Or was it one of those relationships where, “The sex was good you had my mind, and I let you come back every time. You’ve violate and cross the line. Because you knew I would be the type to let you come back every time?”  DARK CHILD? While the Los Angeles Four plots to hatch a genocidal political plan, the Black Community in Los Angeles dreams a pipe dream. In his song “Fight The Power,” Chuck D reminds us, “What we need is awareness; we can’t get careless.” There’s no other single community within the “community of color” more careless with their vote than the Black community.

Different folks for different strokes, In Gerrymandering.

Some people are upset with Nury’s caste system statements for different reasons. 

(1) Nury called a two-year-old Black kid a monkey. This statement is unacceptable from someone the citizens voted into office to represent all Angelenos — not just Latinos. At the meeting, strategically planning to segregate and disenfranchise members of the Black Community were Nury and two other Los Angeles City Council members (Gil Cedillo, Kevin de León, and Los Angeles County Federation of Labor President Ron Herrera).

The LA Four

(2) She threatened violence against the same two-year-old kid. Perhaps, she was being facetious, but too often, we see that kind of beat down; she threatened it takes place by authoritative personnel on Black people. Remember Tamir Rice.? Still, it’s never a good thing to bring up a Black kid in public as a White kid. Because if you don’t raise them properly, the system will end up raising them for you. They won’t get away with the same minor indiscretions as others do. 

After leaked audio of Apartheid Nury Martinez became public, a firestorm engulfed the crackpot and forced her to resign. Martinez, the ex-president of the LA City Council, called fellow Council member Mike Bonin adopted son a monkey. The Bonin is White, and his adopted son is Black. Martinez left the City Council with her tail between her legs.
If you can’t stand the heat you bring, Nury, get out of the kitchen.

Apartheid Nury

Nury Martinez (Center) Wearing Red.

Besides calling Mike Bonin’s son a monkey, Nury chastised other ethnic groups from Mexico. Nury referenced Oaxacan immigrants in Koreatown as “short little dark people.”

After President Biden called for the councilwoman’s resignation amid a groundswell of local protests, Nury tendered her resignation. “It is with a broken heart that I resign my seat for Council District 6, the community I grew up in and my home,” her statement reads. Immediately following her resignation, California Governor Gavin Newsom’s office released a statement: “This is the right move. Again, these comments have no place in our state or politics, and we must all model better behavior to live the values that so many of us fight daily to protect.”

What is redistricting? “In order to get an updated count of the country’s population, the U.S. Constitution requires a federal census every ten years. California uses that census data to redraw the Congressional, State Senate, State Assembly, and State Board of Equalization districts based on population changes.” CA. Gov.ORG.

Spain Has Dropped All COVID-Related Travel Restrictions.

As of Friday, Oct. 21, Spain has eliminated all of its COVID-related entry requirements.
According to the Spanish government, travelers from outside the European Union will no longer require proof of vaccination, a negative test, or proof of recovery to enter the country.

The change in regulations comes after months of Spain slowly loosening restrictions. Spain is one of the last European countries to drop pandemic-related travel restrictions.

“Once they have overcome the acute phase of the pandemic, surveillance and control measures have been updated at the national level. Justified by the high levels of immunization achieved in the Spanish population and in neighboring countries, which have led to a meaningful decrease in severe cases and mortality from SARS-CoV-2,” the government wrote in an advisory.

Other European countries with a similar lack of travel restrictions include Italy, France, Germany, Iceland, and Ireland.
Masking rules vary from one European country to the next, with most not requiring face coverings other than in healthcare settings. Some countries, including Spain, still require masks on all modes of public transportation.

The elimination of travel restrictions also comes when Spain’s tourism numbers settle down after the peak numbers of summer and early fall. According to Schengen Visa, Spain received over 8.5 million international visitors in September—an increase of over 87% compared to September 2019.
Outside of the EU, several other countries also have relaxed or eliminated pandemic-era travel restrictions, including Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and most recently, Japan.

The U.S., however, still requires international visitors to provide proof of vaccination before even departing on a flight to the country. It is unclear if or when the U.S. will drop this requirement for international travelers that are not U.S. citizens or legal residents of the country.

Two Macks Are Back: The Street Pimp, The Religious Pimp, Herschel Walker, and Raphael Warnock.


Raphael Warnock: “Nobody Knows The troubles I’ve Seen. Sweet Jesus.”

Earlier in the year, Senator Mitch McConnell said it might be hard for the Republicans to win back the Senate and the House because of a lack of quality candidates. We all know having quality political candidates is one way of winning a political contest. But if the Democrats wanted to be honest brokers about the state of the union, after watching Senator Warnock’s debate performance against Herschel Walker, they would pause and take a deep breath and echo Mitch McConnell’s words about candidate quality.

Judas Iscariots

Both candidates (Walker and Warnock) are Judas Priest doctors and prescribers of lousy medicine for the Black Community. Herschel Walker is the silliest of the two Iscariot. He will act entirely on behalf of Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell if elected. Walker has not one original thought or anything comprehensive policies. His lack of depth only means he will depend on Sen. McConnell to tell him how to think and breathe. He’s a cold air balloon. Both men lack political acuity.

Walker is a mindless dumb jock, as some people have pegged him. He’s a puppet on a dangerous right-wing string. The good news is that he will keep folks on their toes if elected to the U.S. Senate. You cannot sleep with that bottle of arsenic named Herschel Walker lurking around and trying to infiltrate your drinking water.

The new face of the silly season, Walker has mastered the art of saying dumb s**t that not even Fox News would hire him to deliver their radioactive sludge on the Black communities. At least not yet; let’s wait and see what happens if he loses the Senate race. Fox News always has room for another dumb Negron to deliver its Talking Points.

Raphael Warnock is more sophisticated and slick. Rico Suave. He’s a pacifier for the Black Community. He sings you a lullaby that puts you to sleep. And while you’re asleep, he picks up your purse and pocket. Raphael Warnock will do nothing for the Black community and has done nothing since he went to the Senate. Warnock is a prop like Herschel Walker’s honorary fake police badge.

He has a church or a valley full of dry bones — folks dead from the neck to their head. They are “woke” but not awakened. Those are two different states of consciousness. Warnock’s valley is nothing more than a large hole, a ditch, or an uncovered grave. We know a valley is something one looks down inside. It is not something one looks upward to see.

The Warnock, Walker debate was an embarrassment to watch. Black intellectual voices in the media will call them out for what they are, but others won’t because they like to see dumbasses leading the Black Community. Oddly enough, Stacey Abrams possesses more intellect than Warnock and Walker combined in her pinky. Abrams will struggle with Jane Crow and the series of destructive social and political policies she platformed to champion. Excellent, Georgia, a state formed in the (British Colonies) Union in 1733 to be an all-white bastion, has three Black candidates running to govern and represent (lead) the state 290 years later.

et tu brute? Parricide.

Is Herschel Walker a scumbag? Yes. But what child stabs his father in his back while he’s reaching for his loftiest goal and dream? If Herschel Walker ever needs a reason to support legal abortion, the reason is that he gave life. What person in their right mind would go to bed with such a monster? One cannot go to sleep with that in one’s bed. Perhaps, Walker paid instead to abort the “wrong” seed.

Ye (Kanye West) Chin-checked Chris Cuomo For Talking Down To Him. Threatens To Buy Right-wing App Parler.

So far, Monday night was Chris Cuomo’s biggest night on television since his debut on News Nation. Somehow, Cuomo snagged Ye (Kanye West) for an interview. Apparently, before the interview, the agreement was to refer to “Kanye” as Ye. As he’s now known, Ye had to keep reminding Cuomo that his name is Ye — not Kanye West. “I legally changed my name.” Ye shot back at Cuomo at the top of the interview. Chris Cuomo called him Kanye West twice, and the showrunner had his name as Kanye West.

Cuomo claimed he wasn’t aware he had changed his name. If that is the case, then Chris Cuomo and his show producers did not do their homework. Attempting to get under Ye’s skin, Cuomo called him Kanye in the middle of the interview again. One year ago (October 18, 2021), Kanye legally changed to Ye. Monday night, the multi-billionaire Rapper spoke to Cuomo while on his way to a meeting with owners of the right-wing social media platform Parler.

Ye announced he would buy the right-wing app Parler after they restricted/kicked him off two major social media sites — Instagram and Twitter for making anti-Semitic slurs — several news channels reported. Ye’s appearance on News Nation has been their single biggest one-night draw since its inception two years ago. Yet the Station and most of its hosts continue to browbeat, chastise, and ridicule him while exploiting his appearance. Kill the goose that laid the golden egg.

New Fracas? No!

In just over 36 hours since Ye’s appearance on Cuomo Live, YouTube has shown over 500 thousand visitors to Ye’s appearance. As opposed to Bill Maher’s 165,000 visitors. Maher appeared on the show over two weeks ago. The “Kanye” scoop has Chris Cuomo gloating that his show is the top-rated program on the Station. Ironically, October 3, the day Ye’s brouhaha started, was the same day Cuomo debuted on News Nation. At the time of this writing @ 11:00 a.m., the Rapper’s appearance on the Station has drawn over seven hundred thousand views.

Mammie Candice Owens And Ye Sporting His White Wives Matter Tee. Who Isn’t In On The Joke? Owens Is Married To The White Nationalist That Founded the right-wing app Parler. What N.E.R.D And Rihanna Say? Count The Mo&*%^F#@King Digits.

Ye’s Banned “Anti-Semitic remarks” From Instagram & Twitter.

While in Paris, On October 3, promoting one of his Yeezy collaborative fashion shows with Adidas, “Kanye” wore a White Tee with the anti- “Black Lives Matter” slogan words “White-Lives Matter” written on the back. Fox News dark-skin[ded] Sally Hemings, Candice Owens also appeared with Ye wearing a black Tee bearing the slogan, “White Wives Matter.” LOL. Is it hard to move on from Kim Kardashian, buddy? 

Immediately following the October 3 display, the business Tycoon came under fire. After the fashion show “Kanye” posted on the social media platform Instagram to further promote his brand, “Everyone knows Black Lives Matter was a scam now it’s over you’re welcome.” He also tweeted, “Tomorrow, I’ll go DEFCON 3 on the Jews.” DEFCON 3 is a mid-level state of US military alertness or readiness used in response to external threats.

Many large media outlets and a host of Hollywood elites went after Ye for his anti-Semitic statement. Jamie Lee Curtis, Sarah Silverman, Jackie Antonoff, Jaden Smith, and one-and-a-half hit wonder John Legend intensified the B-list scolding of the Rapper once known as Kanye West.
While the Hollywood elite beat “Kanye,” they yelled out in pain, thus the more he became defiant. On Friday, October 07, Diddy contacted Ye through social media.

The head of Bad Boy Entertainment, Diddy (Sean Combs), offered to meet with Ye in response to the Liberal social media assault on the Rapper. Diddy offered to meet with Ye at a private location. “I’m just trying to talk to you as a Black man,” Diddy’s message to Ye reads. “And I’m talking to you because this is hurting our people. Stop.” Diddy admonished Ye. In no uncertain terms, Kanye responded to Diddy, “Ima use you as an example to show the Jewish people that told you to call me that no one can threaten or influence me. I told you this was war.”

Sean Combs (Diddy) Left And Ye (Formerly Kanye West) Right.

Something About Kanye (Ye)

It is a published fact that Ye is bipolar, yet he out-debated Cuomo and toyed with his mind. Cuomo entered the interview playing Checkers, while Ye entered the dragon’s den playing Chess. Cuomo thought he was dealing with a boy. Ye showed Cuomo he was dealing with a capable man. Yes, Ye has some angst, but he is an entrepreneur. And while it comes across as crazy, “Kanye” is crazier than a fox than crazy. One major issue with “Kanye” is: he’s overly reactive.

There are more productive things to do with a hundred million dollars than buying right-wing Parler so that you can talk bull shit online. You can chat shit on Parler for free without paying for that insurrectionist company. Long-term, it will cost you hundreds of millions, if not billions of dollars, to support Nazis. Fuck them! “Kanye” isn’t stupid; he is brilliant but does crazy things — sometimes. Those Nazis will take your money and leave you in need. They Are Gold Diggers. Candice Owens will entice you give your money to her Nazi fomenting husband.

Starbucks and Delta Air Lines Have Teamed Up to Offer Extra Perks for Traveling Coffee Drinkers.

Whether you need coffee to get through the morning or are just a casual coffee consumer, a cup of Joe from Starbucks is much more valuable now, thanks to the company’s newest partnership with Delta.

Officially launched on Oct. 12, people enrolled in the loyalty programs of both Starbucks and Delta can now earn points in both programs with one eligible purchase from Starbucks and other special perks.

The concept is simple: U.S.-based members must first link their Delta Sky Miles and Starbucks Rewards accounts. Once that process is complete, you’ll earn one SkyMiles per dollar spent on eligible purchases at Starbucks. If you purchase something from Starbucks on the day you’re scheduled to fly with Delta, you’ll earn double Stars on your Starbucks Rewards account.

Eligible purchases include food, beverages, or merchandise at participating Starbucks stores. Purchases of Starbucks gift cards and alcoholic beverages do not qualify for earning the bonus miles or Stars. Check the Starbucks store locator to ensure you’re at a taking part location.

Beyond the opportunity to earn SkyMiles from Starbucks purchases, Delta has also added a new Choice Benefit for Diamond and Platinum Medallions. Members who have reached this status level with the airline can choose a reward of 4,000 Starbucks Stars.

But before you rush to redeem all those Stars, look at their overall value compared to Delta’s other Choice Benefits. Also, think about your redemption patterns and how frequently you visit Starbucks. For example, 50 Stars will typically get you a regular hot coffee, tea, or bakery item, while you’ll need 150 Stars for more custom drinks, parfaits, or hot breakfast items.

The companies are offering additional perks to entice members for a limited time. If you link your accounts between now and Dec. 31, you’ll automatically earn 500 SkyMiles, and with your first qualifying Starbucks purchase, you’ll earn 150 Stars.

To link your accounts, visit either deltastarbucks.com or starbucksdelta.com.

Cuomo On News Nation: From Primetime To Late Night. Is Chris Cuomo Suffering From Stockholm syndrome?


A Shell-shocked, Chris Cuomo Singing The Praise of CNN, After They Put A Boot In His Behind. 

Chris Cuomo is smiling on his new (News Nation) television show, but behind his smile, there’s sadness. You can see the sadness in his eyes and on the corners of his mouth — even though he smiles. Smokey Robinson’s song The Tears Of a Clown is a refrain you hear as you watch Cuomo delivers his “new” song and dance.

“There are some sad things known to man, but ain’t too much sadder than — the tears of a clown when there’s no one around.” While on CNN, Chris Cuomo eked out a Primetime audience of roughly two million viewers. His new show on News Nation that airs at 11:00 p.m. pulls about fifty thousand viewers per night — but there’s room to grow. Arguably, Chris Cuomo might be the most intelligent host at News Nation.

On October 3, 2022, former CNN Primetime Anchor Chris Cuomo debuted his new gig on the two-year-old cable television station News Nation. Before his fall from grace at CNN, Chris Cuomo would be the big fish in a small pond over at News Nation. Cuomo competed with some of the brightest and best on Cable television during his prime at CNN. He went head to head with MSNBC’s venerable Rachel Maddow and Fox News’ Prime Slime, Tucker Carlson.

At the end of his show, Cuomo’s mother (Matriarch Matilda Cuomo) called in to congratulate and tell Chris he did great. The call shows what loving, caring mothers do for their children. Her son is hurting, and so she pulls for him. As she spoke, an imaginary Melissa Manchester music played in the background. It says, “Don’t cry out loud, just keep it inside, learn how to hide your feelings. Fly high and proud, and if you should fall, remember you almost had it all.”

Everything Isn’t What It Appears To Be. What A Ruse.

When CNN ended Chris Cuomo’s contract for breach of journalistic integrity, he filed a $125 million lawsuit against CNN claiming wrongful termination. Mr. Cuomo, man up. Just say you effed up. You love your brother (Andrew Cuomo, New York’s ex-Governor) and tried to help him during his time of great distress. Most rational people would understand your love for family. CNN’s president Jeff Zucker had to let you go. Zucker was under pressure from Discovery’s Chief Executive Officer and President of Warner Bros., David Zaslav.

Since his termination from CNN, a shell-shocked Chris Cuomo has gone to Ukraine, not as a machine gun mercenary but as Something. On his new show, he does his obligatory Ukraine obeisance. Not unlike all reporters at CNN, who must spread Ukraine’s propaganda. Discovery Channel/CNN’s Big Chief, Lotta Bull, David Zaslav, is Ukrainian.

All CNN’s “journalists” have to religious dedicate x-amount of time to the war in Ukraine. It’s like Catholics going to Rome, Black folk celebrating Kwanza, religious Jews going to the Wailing Wall, and Muslims visiting the Black Stone in Mecca. “Reporters” at CNN who are adherents to David Zaslav’s propaganda get shuffled in the deck of Musical Chairs. Those who aren’t staunch adherents of Zaslav’s Ukranian propaganda get left without a chair. And they fired Cuomo for journalistic integrity? LOL.

The Recession is Coming! The Recession is Coming!



Mix a pandemic, quarantined consumers increasing savings, supply chain bottlenecks, and a government intent on pumping money into the economy to prevent it from collapsing. You have a recipe for inflation. Garnish with a Russian-Ukraine war for extra fluffiness.

Gas, groceries, transportation, and housing are being paid for at a premium, and some Americans have difficulty keeping up. To help combat this, the Fed is running through its fastest series of rate hikes since the late 1980s—and has no immediate plans to slow down. Federal Reserve Chair Jerome H. Powell clarified that there would need to be some trade-offs to bring inflation down to 2% in a press conference in late September. “We’re never going to say that too many people are working”.

If our projections are close to right, you’ll see that the unemployment costs are meaningful, and they’re certainly important to the people who lose their jobs.” To tackle inflation; the economy has to slow, which includes a “softening labor market.”

Jamie Dimon, chief executive officer of JPMorgan Chase, warns the US economy will lose 175,000 jobs per month. President Biden says that is not the case, as Dimon predicted.

An analysis from Goldman Sachs places the US at an increased risk of recession over the next two years. As the Fed continues to raise interest rates, the chances of a recession also increase. What are some things you can do to prepare?

Sybil Ludington, “It’s Like Déjà vu All Over Again.” Yogi Berra

1. As interest rates climb, this will affect variable interest rate credit cards. If you carry a balance monthly, you’ll be paying more to borrow. Start paying these cards down sooner than later.

2. Save some money in a high-yield savings account. Now may be a good time to beef up your savings to help mitigate emergencies or potential job losses.

3. Keep your licenses and certifications active. Maintain those professional connections and relationships. Keep your resume updated with any new responsibilities or projects you take on at work.

4. Stay invested. Now is not the time to pull out of the market. When the market eventually returns, Dollar Cost Averaging will make much more sense.
Whether you believe a recession is underway, it doesn’t hurt to prepare yourself.

Photo Courtesy Benito Cereno.

Google Will Soon Disable Its Flight Booking Feature.

Skyscanner, Kayak, Orbitz, Expedia, there’s no shortage of websites for booking travel plans. In recent years, Google Flights has become a favorite among frequent fliers looking for a flexible search engine that gathers details about big and small airlines worldwide. This popular feature of the Google empire allows travelers to book their travel without leaving the search engine.

But that’s about to change.
Google announced it will soon disable the ability to book air travel directly through its website after data revealed that users still prefer to make their reservations now through an airline or other travel website.

The change came suddenly for most of the world, with the search engine disabling the feature on September 30. For users in the U.S., booking directly through Google Flights will end on March 31, 2023.
“Over the next 12 months, we plan to phase out the Book on Google feature for flights,” a company spokesperson told Travel + Leisure. “We initially offered this functionality to give people a more straightforward way to buy their tickets and to help our partner airlines and OTAs [online travel agencies] receive more bookings.

However, we’ve found over time, people want to book directly on partner websites, and we always strive to meet user preferences.”
In the meantime, travelers can still book directly through Google Flights using a payment method stored in their Google account. Travelers who make reservations through Google will always receive a confirmation email from the airline or other online travel agency.

This way, they don’t have to worry about the impact of Google removing its booking feature. All present and future reservations are safe, even after the disabling.
For travelers who prefer the flexibility of Google Flights, they’ll still be able to use the search engine to look for flights and then book their favorite option elsewhere. Travelers particularly appreciate Google Flights’ “explore” option, which allows them to enter their travel dates and a starting point while leaving the destination blank. That way, they can see the cost of flights to destinations worldwide.

The search engine also allows guests with a set goal but flexible dates to see price comparisons by week or month, allowing them to choose the most affordable dates.
Google will soon introduce a tool that will make it easier for travelers to find accommodations within walking or driving distance from a particular landmark of their choosing.

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