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Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best Defunded And Bested, Forced to Resigned.


Seattle lost its first black police chief to a 40% pay cut.

The 30-year police veteran has agreed to step aside as the head of the approximately 1500 police force in Washington State’s largest city. Carmen Best was appointed as interim chief of police on January 18, 2018, to replace outgoing Chief Katleen O’Toole. On August 13, 2018, the Mayor of Seattle, Jenny Durkan, made her officially chief of police — she was the first black woman to hold that position in Seattle, an Island city of Washington State.

Ex Seattle Chief of Police Carmen Best

Carmen Best joins a cloud of about half a dozen chief of police — across the nation — who have stepped down in the wake of the George Floyd protests and riots. Since the wide-spread rioting, looting and burning, there has been a call to “Defund the police.” Seattle police annual budget of $410 million would be reduced by about 2% (three million dollars) stems mostly from cuts from the salaries of the command staff, attrition, and the layoffs of about 100 officers. Chief Best’s annual salary will be reduced from $294, 000 to about $194, 000. According to a national survey, Best makes about 45% more than the national average salary of police chiefs. Nine of the thirteen Seattle Police Commanders make more money annually than the governors of all fifty states.

Seattle City Councilmember Kshama Sawant

Kshama Sawant is at the forefront of the movement to slash police salaries. Sawant and leaders in the Black community are at odds with the way Chief Best is handling the leadership role of the SPD. Many Seattle residents have decried the brutish tactics used by SPD in the early days of the George Floyd protests.

Seattle cop announces resignation then met with aggression from Protester

The wave of discontent that flows against Best “in some ways grew out of the shocking tactics used by the SPD in response to peaceful protestors.” In an ominous forewarning of the crackdown to come, on the first night of the protests, May 29th, the video was taken of a seven-year-old child maced by police officers. In response, rather than arresting the officers who committed this heinous assault, Seattle police under Best’s watch tracked down and arrested the photojournalist who captured the video.”

The Independent

“Clouds of teargas soon filled the streets of Capitol Hill, along with the sounds and smells of flashbangs, pepper spray and rubber bullets used against nonviolent protesters, legal observers, and nurses. The severity of the Seattle Police crackdown on Black Lives Matter was also documented in shocking detail by a journalist at The Independent after his arrest while covering the Seattle protests.

Since then, many Seattle residents have come to see Carmen Best as a weak and unimportant front taking orders from her white underlings. At the first sign of a disturbance, she takes the city pension and flees the scene. Carmen’s resignation will go into effect on September 02, 2020.

Another snowflake Seattle cop cops out with his chief (Carmen Best) tells protesters he’s quitting because of Black Lives Matter.

Guess Writer: Victor Magni

Below is a story in Politico about Seattle cop who quits because of BLM.

‘I’m leaving, you guys won: Moment furious Seattle cop tells activist he’s quitting because of constant unrest caused by BLM protests – just days after city’s Chief of Police resigned over huge budget cut

  • While the circumstances surrounding the video remain unclear, the officer, who is not named in the clip, tells an activist ‘you guys won.
  • The cop says he’s quitting the Seattle PD, and he will be relieved of duty in two months, adding ‘I’m f***ing gone, bro.’
  • The officer is asked if he is stepping down because of police brutality, to which the officer says he isn’t, rather that he’s tired of dealing with BLM protesters.
  • The Seattle PD hasn’t returned a DailyMail.com request for comment on the clip.
  • Unrest has been rife in the city, with protests and clashes with police occurring daily in the city ever since the Memorial Day police killing of George Floyd.
  • The undated video emerges just days after Seattle’s first black police chief, Carmen Best, announced she’d be stepping down amid defunding policies.

Officer Sheena Doe Yarbrough-Powell Killed In Wrong-way Crash, Drunk Driver At Fault: Police Say.


23-year-old officer laid to rest.

According to Texas Beaumont Police Department officials, on Sunday, August 09, 2020, at about 2:30 a.m., 18-year-old Luis Torres (of Port Arthur) was operating his vehicle while intoxicated when he slammed into officer Yarbrough’s patrol vehicle head-on. Yarbrough-Powell died on the scene; she was 23-years-old. The BPD Facebook page says: Officer Yarbrough and another officer were heading northbound on Cardinal Drive near Highway 347 when Torres hit them. Police arrested Torres at the scene. The BPD Chief James Singletary advised that her injured partner in the vehicle with her at the time of the accident is now recovering at home. “He has a long road ahead of him, Singletary said.

End of watch for officer Sheena Yarbrough-Powell

Yarbrough-Powell was hired as a police cadet on August 13, 2018, and became a full-time police officer four months later on December 20, 2018. Yarbrough-Powell is survived by her husband of 10 months. The Beaumont Police Department has 260 sworn officers and 70 support staff civilian employees.

An organization (NLEOMF) that tracks the causes of line-of-duty deaths reports 577 officers died in traffic incidents, and 330 died from handgun related events over the past ten years. Today Sheena Powell will be laid to rest in her home town of Lumberton, Texas.

Staff Writer: Clinton Franklin

Kamala It Is: For Good Or Ill — Biden Has Made His Choice For A Running Mate.

She doesn’t hold grudges, Biden’s note suggests.

Fifty-five-year-old Kamals Harris is ready to run the country from day one has become one of the mantras from Democratic talking heads and political pundits. While on the other hand, President Trump says, “She’s very, very nasty.” Well, it looks like come January 20, 2021; a “nasty” woman will be the next Vise President of the United States of America. Many psychologists and psychiatrists have searched their minds trying to find a reason why Trump sees intelligent women as “Nasty.” Could it be that his social visionary lens and his mind are tainted, or could it be a reflection of his environment? Perhaps one day time will tell.

Kamala Harris displaying political savvy

At this point in our history, a time of unparalleled political rivalry, social upheavals, and the struggle for ethnic and gender equality, Senator Harris is a logical choice for Joe Biden’s vice presidential running mate. Harris could serve as a spicy season in this experimental melting pot called The United States of America. With this pick, Biden has managed to check off several boxes at once.

Senator Harris, as she pointed out this afternoon in her first joint appearance with Biden, since her selection, “I’m a daughter of immigrants.” She is a woman, and She is black of

mixed heritage. Harris also said that she’s been in leadership roles for thirty years. And she went on to say, “America is crying out for leadership,” under Donald Trump. Harris’s late mother (Shyamala Gopalan-Harris / research scientist) is from India, and her father (Donald J. Harris is a Jamaican American economist and professor emeritus at Stanford University). Both met while in college as students at a civil rights protest rally.

Kamala Harris and her Mom Shyamala

Harris is a lawyer’s lawyer — as some pundits are apt to point out. She was a district attorney from 2004 to 2011 in San Francisco and Attorney General in California from 2011 to 2017 when she won a bid to the US Senate. Harris has made several political blunders and is known as a flipflopper on social issues — such as criminal justice and fair treatment of people of color. She’s known for being hard on minor criminalized offenses committed mostly by minorities.

Kamala and Joe Biden’s late son Beau were close friends, and the former vice president said that friendship between her and Beau, played a role in his decision to pick Senator Harris as his Presidential running mate.

The definition of nasty is very dirty, unpleasant, or offensive. An example of something “nasty” is the bottom of a dumpster.

President Trump and his posse have a hard time defining Senator Harris because she’s well-vetted from her run for the Presidency.

Staff Writer: Clinton Franklin

Broward County Bus Drivers On Edge After One Of Their Own Died From COVID-19.


Are Bus Operators Adequately Protected From COVID-19 Carriers — While On Duty?

Just months away from retirement, sixty-one-year-old Bus Operator Steven Chang passed away after contracting the coronavirus. Chang contracted the dreaded COVID-19 scourge in late June, and by late July 27, 2020, Chang succumbed to COVID-19. At the time of his death, Chang’s work status was classified as a “Light Duty,” which means he spent time assisting other Bus Operators who are reporting for duty or signing off from their shift for the day.

Operator Chang was well-liked by most of his fellow Bus Operators and Supervisors. He’s fondly remembered as someone who was easy-going and always had a smile on his face.

Steven Chang and his wife Michelle

Chang’s Facebook Post in late June

“To my FB family I want to thank God for coming to my rescue of COVID 19 last Monday 6/22 I felt sick so I went for the testing in my area on Friday morning the result came back positive since then I lost my appetite, slight coughing and just was weak just want to sleep but praise the Lord I am feeling much better no hospitalization needed.

“I wasn’t driving the bus for three weeks, but I [was] assigned light duty in the office where I passed out the keys to the drivers picking up their evening shift that was the only way I could have contracted the disease.”

A Spike In Florida Coronavirus Cases

On June 01, 2020, there were 667 (one day reported) confirmed COVID-19 cases in the state of Florida. On June 27th one month to date of Steven Chang’s death, and about the time Chang suspected he contracted the scourge, Florida’s reported cases grew to a one-day count of 9,585 cases. By mid-July Florida had become a hot spot for COVID19, it reported a one-day count of 15,300 confirmed cases. On July 27th Florida had cut its number in about half of its peak to 8,892 confirmed cases.

On Saturday, August 08, Operator Steven Chang was laid to rest. His family had a “virtual” sendoff funeral for him with family members, friends and some of his co-workers delivered pre-recorded messages that were played at his funeral service.

Broward County Transit Bus Operator Steven Chang, a native of Trinidad Passed Away

The coronavirus that causes the COVID-19 to date, according to the World Health Organization (W.H.O.), has taken a heavy toll on the populous worldwide, and as of August 09, 2020, COVID-19 killed 722, 285 people. There are19, 462, 142 confirmed COVID-19 cases — including 273,698 cases reported today. And to date, the United States has over five million reported cases and 162, 777 attributed deaths.

Essential Workers usually = A Less Desirable, High Risk, Field of Work.

Although all legal workers are essential parts of the operation of a gigantic machine, Operator Chang worked among a class of people considered necessarily crucial workers. Consequently, they are frequently exposed to the public and stand a higher chance of coming in contact with the coronavirus.

On June, 29 Miami-Dade Transit officials were informed that bus driver Lakeisha Snipes tested positive for the coronavirus. She learned she had the virus on June 25, on Wednesday, July 01, she died from COVID19. Snipes was 42 years old. Snipes had just returned to work in late May from a two-month leave of absence because she had underlying health conditions ― including high blood pressure and breathing issues. Snipes’s last day on the job was June 25. Snipes’s cousin Kim Cox says the Miami-Dade county bullied Lakeisha into coming back to work.

Miami-Dade bus driver Lakeisha Snipes: victim of COVID-19

Kim Cox, Snipe’s cousin, said Snipes told her, “they bullied her into coming back to work. MDTA PIO, Luis Espinoza, said, ” Ms. Snipes had leave time available as well as other options, such as the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA).”

There are times when Bus Operators are forced to come in close contact with passengers. For example, when a passenger who uses a wheelchair asked for seat belt securement. The Operator then at the time is drawn in as close as six inches to one foot (of the passenger) to carry out this task of applying these specially designed seat belts and hooks to the wheelchair.

Tips for transit workers

For transit station workers, potential sources of exposure include having close contact with a transit passenger with COVID-19, by touching surfaces contaminated with coronavirus, or by touching your mouth, nose, or eyes.

Limit close contact with others by maintaining a distance of at least 6 feet, when possible.

Avoid touching surfaces often touched by transit passengers.

Practice routine cleaning and disinfection of frequently touched surfaces, following the directions on the cleaning product’s label.

Use gloves if required to touch surfaces contaminated by body fluids.

Proper hand hygiene is an important infection control measure. Wash your hands regularly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol.

The above recommendations and guidelines are courtesy of Transit Officials
Staff Writer: Clinton Franklin

Joy Reid Joins MSNBC Evening Primetime Lineup Shows: The ReidOut.

Four years of A.M. Joy has come to an end.

On July 20, 2020, Joy Reid switched from her regular Saturday, Sunday morning talk show AM Joy to a more coveted 7:00 p.m. slot. Reid has anchored the AM Joy show since 2016.

Joy Reid has been filling in for Chris Matthews since his sudden departure, in March, from his 7 pm shows Hardball with Chris Matthews. On her departure monologue from AM joy, Ms. Reid reminisced that the’s been watching Hardball with Chris Matthews for 20 years. Reid said she created a Dream Board, and on it, she wrote down some of her most ambitious goals. (1) Write a best selling book and (2) Be a guest on Hardball. Today Reid’s dreams have come true — not only has she appeared on Hardball, she now the face of the show Hardball.

Joy Reid Former Host of MSNBC AM Joy Show

Reid continues, ” Six years later, after working on a successful campaign that elected the first Black President, that dream also came true. I’m so blessed to be a part of the MSNBC family. I’m so proud to bring the perspective of a Black woman, the daughter of immigrants, the wife, and mother of kids who are more vulnerable to police violence because of their skin color.

MSNBC Struggles to Find A Suitable Replacement For AM Joy Time Slot.

After Joy Reid jumps to her prime time show, MSNBC is left struggling to find someone with comparable talent and skills to take her place. She’s left some big shoes to fill. The network has fallen back to using a slew of bright, talented guess that frequented AM Joy Saturday and Sunday morning show. But for the most part, they all seem as they have been thrown into a chasm that they’re not quite capable of filling. Some people are better at answering questions than posing questions.

Joy Reid doing the prime time ReidOut

All qualified candidates need not apply: Blacks Only.

MSNBC network is caught in a similar quandary as Joe Biden is, in terms of finding a replacement for Joy Reid and selecting a suitable vice-presidential candidate, respectively. It’s a damn if you do pick the wrong vice presidential candidate and probably damned if he chooses the right vise presidential running mate — if the person isn’t black and or female.

On Monday, July 20, 2020, The ReidOut premiered with an exceptionally high rating for the 7 p.m. time slot. Reid managed to rope in more than 2.6 million viewers, making her show the second-highest-rated cable program that airs at 7 p.m. Speaking comparatively, Fox News drew 2.1 million viewers, and CNN brought in 1.3 million — according to Nielsen.

Guest writer: Victor Victor Magni

Airbus Successfully Tests Self-Flying Plane

Visions of the Wright Brothers continues to soar.

A 2019 survey of 22,000 travelers found that 70 percent of them would feel ready to fly in a fully autonomous aircraft, but is the general population prepared for this innovation? Well, the future of air travel and pilotless flights may be nearer than we think thanks to efforts by Airbus, a French airplane manufacturer.

On July 27, Airbus completed a series of tests using a self-flying A350-1000 XWB jet with no pilot. There are several portions of the flight process that have been performed on autopilot for years, but Airbus’ recent developments include taxiing, taking off, and landing without a pilot.

Aviation pioneers Orville and Wilbur Wright

Last week’s successes come after test flights first began in December 2019. During these initial tests, pilots lined up the self-flying plane on the runway and allowed it to take off on its own. The aircraft completed eight successful takeoffs. Further tests were also completed in June during which the self-flying jet completed several phases of the flight, including transitions, all while in the air. As a precaution, pilots were on board during all of these test flights. However, the services of the pilots were not needed to complete the flights.

The research and efforts to create self-flying planes began in 2018, although the idea itself has been around for decades. Known as the Autonomous Taxi, Take-off, and Landing (ATTOL) project, the main goal is not to eliminate the need for pilots. According to reporting in TravelPulse, Airbus aims to “improve flight operations and overall aircraft performance.”
Automating as much of the experience as possible also allows pilots to focus on “strategic decision-making and mission management.”

Despite these advancements, don’t expect to see fully autonomous flights taking off anytime soon. Current air traffic laws in most countries require the “four-eye rule” in the cockpit, meaning that two pilots must be present at all times. If one needs a break, then the other pilot must be ready to take his or her place.

Guest Writer: Jessica Poitevien

Jessica is a freelance journalist on a quest to see and experience everything our gorgeous planet has to offer and to share her experiences with her fellow travelers. Jessica has written for several world-class Travel Magazines. Email Jessica at jpoitevien@mediacorpusa.com

Taylor Swift Called Out For Using Similar “Folklore” Brand Developed By Fashion Designer Amira Rasool.

Amira Rasool attacked by fans of Taylor for pointing out similarities in logos.

Some say shut up and dribble. Others say when you are living on a plantation, whatever ideas or design you envision or conceived belong to the master. But fashion designer Amira says Black Fashion Matters Too. On February 15, 2018, Basketball Superstar came under attack after he when he dared to open his mouth and criticized President Donald Trump. James said, “Trump doesn’t understand the people, and he doesn’t give AF about the people. Shortly after that, Lebron James came under attack by right-wingers led by Fox News host Laura Ingraham. She labeled Lebron as ignorant. Ingraham claims that his statement was “barely intelligible,” “ungrammatical,” and, ironically enough, “ignorant.”

An Ever Angry Laura Ingraham (Photo Getty Images)

For speaking out, a sector of Taylor Swift’s fan base has savagely attacked Ms. Rasool online — some called her a “b*&%h among other dastardly names. In other words, shut and design — we’ll take it from here. The late great Bob Marley sang, ” We built your penitentiaries, we build your schools — brainwash education to make us your tools. You give us hatred as a reward for our love. Like Swift would say, “The haters are gonna hate, so just shake off. Shake it off.

In all fairness to the megastar herself and her credit, Taylor Swift has not publicly attacked Ms. Rasool for bringing to light the similarities between Taylor’s record and design and that of Rasool’s. Ms. Swift has offered to donate the struggling “The Folklore” brand/business founded by Ms. Rasool.

Amira Rasool: Credit Instagram

The blowup could work in favor of The Folklore brand.

The hoopla may have helped to make a wide range of Americans aware of the Amira Rasool fashion brand that heretofore was not aware of it because Taylor Swift megaphone reaches far and wide. Amira Rasool is a writer and fashion designer whose clothes are geared toward high-end African garments and people who are interested in such fashion and can afford it.

Guess Writer: Victor Victor Magni is a freelance journalist. The opinions expressed by Victor are not necessarily those of Media Corp USA

Five Travel Books to Fuel Your Wanderlust.

Travel experience opens the mind, but when travel becomes limited — books will suffice.

With much of the world still under some form of lockdown or quarantine, you may find yourself stuck at home this summer. That doesn’t mean your imagination has to be on lockdown. Find a little inspiration for your future travels with these wanderlust-inspiring books.

The Alchemist by Paolo Coelho

The Alchemist follows Santiago, a shepherd boy from southern Spain who embarks on a journey to find unknown treasures in Morocco. Along the way, he follows his intuition, listens to his heart, and learns many lessons about life, love, and destiny. The Alchemist is inspirational not only for travelers but for anyone looking for wisdom in a transitional phase in life.

A Great Place to Relax And Grow The Mind

The Year of Living Danishly by Helen Russell

The Year of Living Danishly by Helen Russell When Helen Russell’s husband got a job in Jutland, Denmark, she decided to join him for a Scandinavian adventure. As she settled into her new home, she set out on a mission to understand why the Danish are so well known for their happiness. Russell looks at their childcare, education, taxes, healthcare interior design, and more, giving readers a unique glimpse into the Danish life.

Turn Right at Machu Picchu by Mark Adams

In this New York Times, Bestselling travelogue, Mark Adams makes his way through Peru following archaeologist Hiram Bingham’s original route. He goes in search of Inca ruins and ancient cities, sharing the trials and tribulations of the journey, as well as the triumphs. You’ll leave this book with tons of information and appreciation for Peru.

A Moveable Feast by Ernest Hemingway

In this classic travel book, Hemingway transports readers to 1920s Paris. Part memoir, and a part love letter to the City of Lights, this book is perfect for anyone who has ever dreamed of visiting Paris.

Wild by Cheryl Strayed

This travel memoir is a must-read for solo travelers or anyone looking for a little encouragement to set out on their first solo trip. Wild chronicles Cheryl Strayed’s hike along the Pacific Crest Trail, Beginning in the Mojave Desert, and continuing through California, Oregon, and Washington state. Not only did Ms. Strayed complete this journey alone, but she also did it with no prior hiking experience.

Guest Writer: Jessica Poitevien

Jessica is a freelance journalist on a quest to see and experience everything our gorgeous planet has to offer and to share her experiences with her fellow travelers. Jessica has written for several world-class Travel Magazines. Email Jessica at jpoitevien@mediacorpusa.com

Netflix Pays Comedians Based On Uniqueness, Not Mo’Niqueness — Mo’Nique Sues.

Kangaroo court gave a novel partial victory to actress Mo’Nique.

If an actor’s talent isn’t on par with a tried and true star, their contractual salary will not be as much as a proven Box Office draw. There is a reason why A-list actors like Will Smith, Denzel Washington, Dwayne Johnson, Tyler Perry, or Kevin Hart commands more dollars per gig than B-list actors do. B-listers such as Michael Shannon, Ben Foster, Terrence Howard, John Whitherspoon, or C-list Actors such as Tiffany Hadash or Terry Crews don’t make as many dollars per gig — at this stage in their careers.

There are A-list comedians and B-list comedians — B-listers do not get as much money as the A-listers.

Dave Chappelle is one of America’s top comedians

In January 2018, a half-million-dollar (one-night stance) deal between Mo’Nique and the streaming service Netflix fell through, after the comedian demanded more money — during negotiations, for the special. The comedian whose real name is Monique Angela Hicks laid out her grievance on the table. She highlighted the fact comedians such as Chris Rock (paid $20 million) Dave Chappelle (Paid $20 million) and Amy Schumer (paid $13 million) all paid tens of millions of dollars for their stand up routine on Netflix.

Netflix held fast to its offer of $500,000, and Mo’Nique refused to accept what she calls a “low-ball” offer. Soon after the deal fell through, Ms. Mo’Nique called for a boycott of Netflix and sued the company for race and gender discrimination. The focus driven, intelligent, actress-comedian seems to have missed the mark on her business venture with the streaming giant.

Chris Rock Hosts the 88th Annual Oscars

In Show Biz, you’re only as good as your last “Hit.”

In 2010, Mo’Nique won an Oscar for Best Supporting Actress for playing the role of Mary Johnston in the 2009 Lee Daniels film Precious. Her performance as Mary Johnston was stirring and dramatic. Perhaps offers should have come pouring in from Hollywood — as is customary — for most Oscar winners. Those offers did not manifest themselves to Mo’Nique to the degree that they usually are made to Oscar winners.

Labeled As Difficult By Hollywood Power-Brokers.

Mo’Nique felt she had been slighted by Lee Daniels, Director of Precious, at which time she started wars on several fronts at once. In interviews, she has confirmed that she refused to go to the CANNES Festival and other venues to promote the movie, Precious. Mo’Nique complained that she was paid a measly fifty thousand dollars for her role, and that did not include promotional work. Thus a battle of the Titans was set in motion to include some of Tinsel Town’s mega movers such as Oprah Winfrey, Director Lee Daniels, Tyler Perry, and Hollywood film studio Lionsgate.

Amy Schumer On ELLEN

Mo’Nique claims that she has been blackballed by Hollywood, because she said no to Oprah, Leedaiels, Tyler Perry and Lionsgate. Daniels responded, “Mo’Nique was not in line with the campaign. Appearing on the Steve Harvey Show to air her grievance, Steve advised the comic was that “It is the money game. This game isn’t the white man’s game, it is not the black man’s game — it is the money game. Mo’Nique’s response to Steve Harvey was, “Let me tell you something, before the money game — it’s called the integrity game.” Steve, “Let’s close this chapter, so the world can see how great we all are.”

During her speech at her 2010 Oscar win for Best Supporting Actress, Mo’Nique says, ” Sometimes you have to forego doing what’s popular to do what’s right.”

After the raunchy comic filed her lawsuit against Netflix, alleging retaliation, color, and gender discrimination, the company tried to get the suit thrown out. On July 16, 2020, the Central District Court of California ruled that the case can move forward. The California U.S. District Judge Andre Birotte Jr wrote that Mo’Nique raised a “novel theory” and that Netflix action constitutes an adverse employment action.” Poppycock. Andre Birotte is right about one thing, and that is that his ruling is as novel and toxic as the novel Covid-19.

Guess Writer: Benton Freye, Conservative Guy on the fly.

Benton Freye is an opinion writer; the views expressed by Mr. Freye are not necessarily those of Media Corp USA.Com.

Cover Photo Courtesy of Getty Images

Polk County Zany Sheriff (Grady Judd) Calls For All Residence To Take Up Arms, Now Bemoans Gruesome Tripple Murder.


“Pure Evil In The Flesh:” Backwards Sheriff Judd Labels Killer.

On Friday night, July 17, three friends living in Polk County, Central Florida, went fishing for the last time. Damion Tillman, 23, Brandon Rollins, 27 and Keven Springfield, 30-years-old. All three men were shot to death by Tony “TJ” Wiggins. Before Wiggins shot Rollins to death, Rollins called his father and asked for help. His father ran to the location, but it was too late. The killer (“TJ” Tony Wiggins) had already completed his dastardly deed.

The killer had 230 prior felony criminal charges.

Five days after the gruesome slaughter, the spotlight-grabbing Sheriff Grady Judd announced the arrest of 26-year-old Tony Wiggins. Wiggins lived in the Bottoms named Frostproof with about three thousand other residents. Frostproof is a small community — in Central Florida — where everybody knows each other. Soon after the murders occurred, several residences urged detectives from the Sheriff Department to investigate TJ Wiggins as the killer. At the age of 12, TJ Wiggins had his first arrest. By the time he reached the ripe young age of 26, he had fifteen arrests and 230 felony charges filed against him.

Lost friends and loved ones in a senseless killing

Some of the criminal charges filed against T.J. Wiggins include battery on police officers and assaulting a person 65 years of age or older. T.J. Wiggins possessed no respect for other people, property, or life.

The town’s people knew of Wiggins’ propensity towards violence. Everyone knew of Wiggins except the old uncouth Sheriff Grady Judd — a lover of the Old Wild West — who begged everyone in Polk County to buy at least one gun. Makes one wonder if he’s getting kickbacks from the NRA?

Rabble-rousering Sheriff Grady Judd

After the Friday night massacre, on Wednesday, detectives from the sheriff department arrested Tony Wiggins and charged him with first-degree murder of the three victims. Wiggins’ girlfriend, 27-year-old Mary Whittemore, and his brother 21-year-old William “Robert” Wiggins, was charged with accessory after the fact of a capital felony in the triple murder. Sheriff Grady Judd hailed William Wiggins as a “good” person.

Agent Provocateur

On June 01, in response to people protesting the George Floyd murder, the backwood Zany Sheriff Judd implore Polk County residents to buy guns. Sounding like a moonshine drinker Judd rattled on, “If you’re not afraid of a firearm, get one. Become proficient. Get a concealed firearm license and carry it [your gun]. And if you need to shoot somebody, shoot them a lot. Well, on July 17, 2020, TJ Wiggins took Judd’s advice and shot three fishing buddies — a lot. The Sheriff then had his detective arrest Wiggins, and his girlfriend and his younger brother.

The blabbermouth Judd continues, “I would tell them (protesters) if you value your life, they probably shouldn’t do that (protest) in Polk County, because the people of Polk County like guns, they have guns. I encourage them to own guns, and they’re going to be in their homes tonight with their guns loaded, and if you try to break into their homes to steal, to set fires, I’m highly recommending they blow you back out of the house with their guns. So leave the community alone,” Judd said in a  shared Facebook message.

When you can’t find protesters to shoot, sooner or later you will shoot someone you know.

Guess Writer: Victor Victor Magni is a freelance journalist. The opinions expressed by Victor are not necessarily those of Media Corp USA

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