Where is your humanity?
“How you sitting here with your knee in my brother damn back? When he’s defenseless, he got on no damn clothes. I mean, come on, let’s keep it real. If you wanna know the truth? The video of your foot is gonna show the truth. And these people back here who is steady trying to cover this up, come on, let’s stop this. Because if you don’t stop it now — it’s gonna be some more then it going to stop. I mean, what’s makes me any lesser than the next man of this American society? Is it the color of my skin? It doesn’t make me any lesser than you. Because my skin is darker than yours? My melanin is ‘better’ than yours? I don’t care what it is, we are all human. I’m no animal and that what the f%@k they treat my brother like — a damn animal.” Words of Joe Prude
While he was butt naked in the snow, for thirty minutes Daniel Prude was exposed to freezing temperature as several Rochester, NY, police stand around mocking him. At one point one of the officers placed an executioner’s death bag over his head. On March 23, Daniel’s brother Joseph Prude had called 9-1-1 and asked for help because Daniel was experiencing a mental break down. Upon his arrival to the hospital, Daniel was pronounced brain dead. On March 30 life support was removed from Daniel Prude. The coroner ruled that his death was caused by “complications of asphyxia in the setting of physical restraint as a finding. The report also cites excited delirium and acute PCP intoxication as causes of death.”
On Wednesday, police body camera footage was released to news outlets, courtesy of the Prude’s family attorney Elliot Shields. The video shows police pressing knee/foot on Prude while he was handcuffed. Video of the 3:16 a.m. incident shows that the victim was very compliant, although somewhat agitated. Audio of the video revealed Prudee handcuffed, praying, “in Jesus Christ, I pray, amen.”
John 3:16
“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”
Guess Writer: Victor Magni