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Trump’s Goons Appearing At His Trial To Prostrate And Intimidate.

The Goon Squad

During this critical trial, a wave of inactive Congress members made a pilgrimage to New York, bowing before former President Donald Trump. In a chilling display, Trump’s loyalists are now congregating at the courthouse, not just to show their allegiance, but to intimidate witnesses and jury members, making this one of the most perilous trials in recent history.

It’s as if there’s been a sudden surge in demand for red neckties at Walmart, all thanks to the Donald Trump Goon Squad who seem to have bought them all. These MAGA Representatives, looking like a troupe of jesters, stood in close proximity to the courthouse, their red neckties a garish display. Some of them were contorting their bodies in unnatural ways, while others were bending over in a show of submission. 

Either way, the WAP moves of the Congressmen made it pleasurable for Trump. 

Judge Merchan, the judge overseeing Donald Trump’s hush money trial, has placed a gag order on the former President because he doesn’t know when to shut up. Whether or not the gag order is fair, the ruling is of the court.

Because Donald J. Trump has a history of saying things that could incite the violent members of his cult to violence. There are some followers of Trump with a history of bringing harm to those who oppose Donald Trump. Likewise, witnesses and jury members could fall prey to the MAGAites. The Republican Representative’s attempts to intimidate jurors stain the American justice system and could eradicate it. Each fire starts with a spark.

The Goon Squad Are Not Leaders

Some of these men are accomplished men. How do they go home to their wives and look them in the eye? What a sad-looking display of cowardice. North Dakota’ Governor, he’s a bonafide billionaire. Yet, he’s in NY crawling around on his hands and knees at Trump’s behest. Whether by hook or crook, Vivek Ramaswamy has purportedly made more than 750 million dollars. 

Vivek Ramaswamy has always been lost in the sauce — it’s not surprising that he’s crawling before Donald Trump. Rep Mike Johnson, a lot of people believe foreign agents are lining a Swiss bank for him.

Mike Johnson is one of those politicians who goes to Washington broke but leaves wealthy. Rep. Byron McDonald is just a dumbo to think Trump would make him his Vice President. What a jackass. Rep. McDonald is in the same ol’ leakey boat as Sen Tim (rent-a-date) Scott of South Carolina. Tsk, tsk.

Congressional Beta Males Everywhere

Sen Rick Scott is a multi-millionaire (also a bigot) who is more intelligent than Donald Trump. Rick Scott also found himself in New York crawling around on all fours. What is going on in Congress, and what’s up with America’s political elites? Congress has become a rest haven for beta males.

 There’s no doubt that former President Donald Trump is an Alpha male, but that doesn’t mean men in Congress should roll over before Trump every time he waves his magic wand before them. 

At the end of the day, the former President would still be a better president than President Joe Biden.


Robert F. Kennedy, Jr, Rage Against the Machine — Trump And Biden

Locked Out

After dodging the media and the public, President Biden and former President Trump have finally agreed to debate each other. However, both Biden and Trump have conspired against third-party candidate Robert F. Kennedy to keep him off the debate stage. The political sleight of hand carried out by the RNC and the DNC has Robert Kennedy, Jr. raging against the machine, Biden, and Trump.

Biden and Trump disagree on just about everything, politically and socially. However, there is one thing they both agree on: they don’t like Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Third-party candidate Cornell West calls it a duopoly–the stranglehold the Republican and Democrats has on the political system. 

A recent UMass Amherst Poll revealed a significant portion of the public’s perception of Biden’s win. It found that 30% of respondents believed his victory was not legitimate, highlighting the deep divisions and skepticism within the electorate.

President Biden has gone out of his way to refuse RFK, Jr Secret Service protection. Is Biden hoping for RFK, Jr. to get assassinated to secure his win over Trump in November? The systematic lockout of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr has only increased his rage against the machine.

Several polls have shown Kennedy, Jr. running in the double digits, with as much as 13 percent of voters wanting him as President. Those poll numbers make Kennedy, Jr. a viable candidate, regardless of what mainstream talking heads say about his candidacy.

The 2020 Election Doubters

In the 2020 presidential election, Biden narrowly beat then-President Donald Trump with 51 percent of the votes. Yet today, many Americans still do not believe President Biden won the fair and square election. As Biden, Trump, the DNC, and RNC conspire to delegitimize other candidates, the 2020 election will have its doubters.

 According to the Federal Election Commission, seventy-four million people voted for Donald Trump. The number of people who voted fraudulently for Trump has not been clarified. The Republicans are the ones to pursue the Democrats with claims of voter fraud. However, they accept every vote they get as a legitimate vote.

Although former President Trump lost the race with around forty-seven percent of the popular vote, he managed to garner 232 electoral votes. To win the Presidency, the candidate needs 270 electoral votes. Trump’s opponent, Joe Biden, won the 2020 Presidential election with 306 electoral votes. Most Republicans still still deny the fact that Biden won the 2020 election. A large number of Americans have lost faith in the fairness of the electoral process.

 And with leaders of both major parties shutting out Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. from the race — their fear grows more each day. Both Trump and Biden refused to debate any of the other presidential hopefuls. After months of playing hide and go-seek with the public, President Biden and Trump agreed to participate in two debates. CNN will host the first debate on June 27. ABC News will host the Second debate on September 10. Those two presidential debates should be a shit show.

Should Psychotic P. Diddy Go To Prison Or The Insane Asylum?

Stomach Turning Behavior

Should P. Diddy go to prison or the insane asylum? A newly released Intercontinental Hotel surveillance video shows a psychotic person identified as P. Diddy beating and kicking a female inside the corridor of a hotel. 

According to reports, the victim of the brutal attack was Cassie Ventura. The recorded inhumane attack is stomach-turning and revolting to look at—the video squares with allegations made in Cassie Ventura’s financial lawsuit filed by her attorneys. 

The stomach-turning video shows a female trying to run away like an abused slave from a plantation. Then, the video shows a male, like an enslaver plantation master, capturing the slave girl. The enslaver then proceeded to mete out some savage, beast-like, inhumane punishment to his slave girl.

Since the release of the footage, P. Diddy (Sean Combs) has adopted a mum in the word demeanor. The video speaks volumes and appears believable unless you are Rodney King. In such a case, the video is not reliable or believable. Is the brutality depicted in the video the complete person of who P. Diddy (Sean Combs) is? If it is his complete persona, then he’s what the Devil has made. 

The Devil Wrapped In A White Towel

The Devil wrapped himself in a white towel to beat his victim. He might as well have wrapped himself in a white KKK robe.

In late March 2024, HSI Federal Agents raided P. Diddy’s residences in Los Angeles and Miami. The agents confiscated a slew of electronic equipment and interior surveillance videos from his home. The agents did not arrest Combs, but they took in custody a Combs employee named Brendan Paul. The police charged Mr. Paul with felony cocaine possession.

“Brendan Paul pleaded guilty and accepted the prosecutor’s offer to permit his entry into the diversion program. Once Paul completes the drug program, the case against him will be dismissed in its entirety.” The prosecution has yet to reveal if Brendan Paul is cooperating with the feds to testify against P. Diddy, AKA Sean Combs.

The House Has Gone To The Dogs, Or Is It The Cats?

Hood Rat Meets Trailer Park Trash

After Marjorie Taylor Green attacked Rep Jasmine Crockett’s super long fake eyelashes, Rep Crockett shot back. “I’m curious,” said Rep. Crockett, “If someone on this committee talks about someone’s bleach blonde, badly built, butch body, is that OK?” Rep Crockett asked referencing Marjorie Taylor-Green’s body. Rep. Crockett hit Taylor-Green with the six Bs. The scene on the degenerated into a vicious cat fight.

On Thursday, the United States House of Representatives fully displayed what it has become. Or is it just what the People’s House is fast becoming? After Thursday’s catfight between Rep Marjorie Taylor Green and Rep Jasmine Crockett, many people are saying the U.S. House of Representatives has gone to the dogs, or is it the cats?

The most raunchy “law” makers on the Hill are known for seeking attention and making outrageous statements. Rep Marjorie Taylor Green, or MTG as the public commonly calls it, is a 3.5-year Congressional veteran rabble-rouser.

Rep Jasmine Crockett is a firebrand, I will fight you, “bye Felicia” styled politician representing Missouri. Crockett has been in Congress for 1.5 years. If allowed, both Crockett and Taylor-Green are the types of “women” who would jump on their desks, pull their drawers down and show everybody their ass.

They’re just low-lives. But this is where politics is today. MTG started the brawl on Thursday when she called out Crockett’s fake eyelashes. Rep Crockett is known for wearing fake eyelashes longer than an extension. “I Got Five On It,” hood rat shit. 

Marjorie Taylor Green Does Have A Handsome Face

Rep MTG’s fake eyelash attack drew an immediate response from New York Rep Alexandra Ocasio (AOC). AOC scolded MTG, How dare you attack the physical appearance of another person?” Rep AOC asked.

 “Oh, girl, baby girl, don’t even play baby girl,” AOC continued. While There’s no denying that Marjorie Taylor Green (MTG) has a handsome face, the cat squad is taking over Congress. MTG and Jasmine Crockett have failed the Pygmalion experimental test, and AOC is far behind them.

At the end of the day, what are we dealing with? A sad sack of “whatever” looking for attention.

Deputy Kills U.S. Airman: When Your Home Is Not Your Castle

Okaloosa Sheriff At It Again

An Okaloosa Sheriff’s Deputy went to a twenty-three-year-old U.S. Airman and shot and killed him within seconds of him opening his door. This senseless killing happens when your home is not your castle.

Jesse Hernandez, who is known for being a cowardly deputy, traveled to U.S. Airman Roger Fortson’s apartment after a female resident of the same apartment complex called to file a false police report.

 It’s fast becoming the new trend. Someone (most likely a neighbor with a depraved heart) calls the police to have the police commit murder—on their behalf. 

Okaloosa authorities have not released the woman’s identity who filed the false police report using the telephone wires to incite murder. The hole and space that such senseless killings leave in the heart of a loving mother cannot be filled.

When a demented person calls the police to kill on their behalf, once the killing is accomplished, everything goes back to business as usual. The family of the victim is left to pick up the pieces, weep, and then move on. The case gets closed. 

And the incident is written off as a tragic mistake. Then the leaders of the “law” enforcement department circle the wagon to cover the ass of all the perpetrators involved. 

Okaloosa Sheriff Eric Aden has written off Roger Fortson’s death as a nothing-to-see-here case. Let’s move on, folks. Sheriff Eric Aden ruled the shooting as justifiable.

There are several reports that after knocking on Fortson’s front door, the deputy covered up the peephole on Fortson’s front door. The family attorney, Benjamin Crump, said Fortson was on a face time call with his girlfriend when the deputy knocked and concealed himself.

 Fearing for his safety, Fortson retrieved his weapon before answering the door. As soon as Fortson opened the door with a gun in hand — nozzle facing the ground –, the deputy shot him six times. Fortson succumbed to his injuries.

Okaloosa Sergeant Beth Roberts: The Problem With DEI

There are several reports that after knocking on Fortson’s front door, the deputy covered up the peephole on Fortson’s front door. The family attorney, Benjamin Crump, said Fortson was on a face time call with his girlfriend when the deputy knocked and concealed himself.

 Fearing for his safety, Fortson retrieved his weapon before answering the door. As soon as Fortson opened the door with a gun in hand — nozzle facing the ground –, the deputy shot him six times. Fortson succumbed to his injuries.

The military spokesperson said the shooting was under investigation. “Whenever an active duty member of the military is killed, we carry out an investigation.” The FDLE (Florida Department of Law Enforcement) has opened an investigation into the shooting.

Okaloosa (Oka Losers) Shoot First Policy

Okaloosa Sheriff Eric Aden is notorious for negligent hiring. Okaloosa Sheriff deputies are known for carrying out random attacks on residents. A dangerous tactic that the city of Lauderhill Police Department has adopted. In November 2023, Okaloosa Deputy Jessie Hernandez and his Sergeant appended a Marquis Jackson. 

They searched and handcuffed Jackson, who is a Black man. They put him in the back seat of Deputy Hernandez’s patrol unit.

 While carrying out their investigation, an acorn fell near Dep Hernandez. The crazed nut then opens fire on the handcuffed man sitting in the back seat of his (Hernandez’s) cruiser.

Police body cam video reveals Hernandez yelling that he was hit/shot. You can hear Hernandez moaning and grunting like a wild wildebeest. While claiming the handcuffed man shot him. He said after being shot, his leg went numb. Immediately, Deputy Jesse Hernandez went into false police report mode. 

He was yelling to his Sergeant that the bullet must have hit his vest. Then he began rolling on the ground like in a Rambo movie. 

Okaloosa’s Negligent Hiring / Lawless Schutzstaffel Cops

What’s even more scary is that Deputy Hernandez’ acorn shooting at him was his Sergeant on location. Sargeant Acorn/nut just started firing on the handcuffed subject without evidence that he did anything wrong. She attempted to execute the handcuffed man just on the wild imaginations of a liar and mentally disturbed deputy — Jesse Hernandez.

 2019 Okaloosa Deputies used a battering ram to knock down LaTanya Griffin’s door. Ms Griffin was home asleep in the nude. After knocking down Ms. Griffin’s door, the deputies marched her outside at gunpoint in the nude in public in front of officers and her neighbors. Okaloosa deputies did not arrest Ms Griffin. She’s filed a federal lawsuit against the Okaloosa Sherrif Department. Sergeant Roberts remains a sergeant in the Okaloosa’s Sheriff Department.

Marquis Jackson has since filed a lawsuit against the Okaloosa Sheriff’s Department. His girlfriend, who called the police on him, is standing by his side, waiting for the lawsuit settlement. Anytime a woman calls the police on a man — tells them that he has a gun and that he’s violent. She wants him dead.

In society, some people commit suicide by cops. There are members of society who want the cops to kill someone for them. Mr. Marquis should run as far away from that woman as possible.

Article Coming Soon: Does The City of Lauderhill Police Department Has Contract Killers In it To Enforce Gentrification?

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The Definitive Journal of Record

ABC News President Kim Godwin Forced Out After Firing Weatherman.

Shattered By The Glass Ceiling?

Kim Godwin’s tenure at ABC News was not just marked with a tumultuous, unwelcome sign but also with a ground-breaking achievement. She shattered the invisible glass ceiling, becoming the first Black woman to lead a major American broadcast news network.

 Godwin is a 1984 graduate of the famed Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University (FAMU) School of Journalism. In April 2021, ABC News hired Ms. Godwin to lead the 80-year-old mega news organization amid the Summer of Protests. 

Was Ms. Godwin a victim of reverse DEI (Diversity Equity and Inclusion), or just plain the “good ol’ boys” network? There are reports that Kim Godwin used to focus too much attention on her Alma Mata (FAMU), America’s third oldest HBCU. FAMU is the most prominent HBCU in terms of student body.

Is it ever fair game to call competency into question? During the George Floyd protests, ABC News (a Walt Disney Company) hired Ms. Godwin in 2021. Could Walt Disney have selected a more qualified African American? America is saturated with supremely qualified Black business-minded women.

Dealing With Difficult Issues

Soon after being hired as president, Ms. Godwin encountered several personnel issues. Aside from facing resentment from the good ol’ boys network, there were issues related to on-air personalities.

 In February 2022, Godwin had to place Whoopi Goldberg on a two-week timeout. Ms. “Goldberg” made statements that many in the Jewish community found offensive. In February 2022, Godwin announced that she was putting Whoopi Goldberg in timeout. 

Debra O’Connell Sent In To Overseer ABC News Pres Kim Godwin: It’s Better To Send A White Woman Than a White Man

She said the reason for the time out was because Whoopi had made some “wrong and hurtful comments” about Jews and the Holocaust. 

During a taping of “The View,” a daily show Whoopi cohost, Whooi got into a heated debate with fellow hosts about the Jewish Holocaust.

 At this time, Whoopi said the Holocaust was “not about race … it’s about man’s inhumanity to another man.” Whoopi soon apologized for her comments before returning to the show. 

“My words upset so many people, which was never my intention,” she said Tuesday morning. “I understand why now, and for that, I am deeply grateful because the information I got was beneficial and helped me understand some different things.”

December 2022 was just a little behind when Godwin had to suspend and then fire two more stars of the ABC News network. GMA2 staff discovered that cohosts Amy Robach and TJ Holmes of GMA2 got caught up in a sexual entanglement. 

Both TJ Holmes and Amy Robach were married to other people. Since getting fired from ABC’s GMA2, Holmes and Robach began hosting a podcast on iHeart Media.

Then, in May 2023, long-time meteorologist Rob Marciano was released from the ABC News network. Reportedly, Marciano got into a screaming match with a “Good Morning America” producer. The veteran weatherman worked with ABC News, reporting weather updates for GMA and World News Tonight. Before that, Marciano worked for CNN.

With a drama-filled stage at ABC News — most of it, no fault of her own — ABC News’s parent company, Walt Disney Co., sent a white woman (Debra O’Connell) to oversee Godwin. Other staff members reported Godwin criticizing her new boss, Debra O’Connell. And the rest is history.

Kim saw and read the handwriting on the wall. It read jump before I push you. Should Kim Godwin stay, or should she go? Was she pushed or forced to jump?

Jury Awards “Blackface” Wearing Teens One Million Dollars

A Jury Of Their Peers.

A California jury awarded blackface-wearing teens one million dollars. It is beautiful in America when the accused can get an actual jury of their peers. If David Duke goes out and unjustly kills a bunch of Black people, David Duke would be happy to get a jury of his peers to sit in judgment.

 David Duke could bet his bottom dollar his like-minded peers would set him free to kill again. The jury may even award David Duke an at-ta-boy million-dollar reward. During the George Floyd protests of 2020, America was deeply divided between those who celebrated George Floyd’s death and those who found it disturbing.

The streets were filled with those sympathetic to the family of George Floyd. Then there were the Fox News crowd and teenagers like Kyle Rittenhouse, who took up arms in defense of Floyd’s killing. Amid the summer of protests division, three California boys donned “blackface” on social media. Everyone had a statement to show their support for their prospective side. Naturally, the blackface-wearing teens went viral on social media. 

Youthful Indiscretion? The Hulk

The twenty-one-year-old men whom the Court gave more than a million dollars for wearing blackface were fourteen years old when they donned it. One of the teens even painted his lips black. 

When the private school they attended, Saint Francis High School in Mountain View, California, suspended them, their parents cried foul. They hired an attorney who came up with a novel defense. Their defense states: Those weren’t black faces the boys wore. Those were green faces.

Thin Line Between Free Speech And Free Speech

Most people would argue that wearing blackface is not free speech. The dye on their faces was a green face mask that turned black when it stayed on their face over time. This green-face acne creme makeup is the Hulk’s defense. The Hulk is an average person until he gets upset, and then he turns into a green monster. 

The Summer protests of 2020 turned many people, such as Kyle Rittenhouse, into monsters. While society should allow room for some youthful indiscretions, at the same time, society will have to make sure it is not fostering future bigots by rewarding them with substantial financial payouts for their behaviors.

After the Superior Court of California handed down the verdict, the attorney for the plaintiffs said,“The jury rightly confirmed that Saint Francis High School’s procedures were unfair to our clients and that the school is not above the law.”

Saint Francis High School spokesperson in Mountain View said the school plans to appeal the verdict.

Baltimore Prosecutor Marilyn Mosby: Who Went After Killer Cops Face 40-Year Prison Sentence

The Feds Want You!

On May 1, 2015, Baltimore State’s attorney Marilyn Mosby stepped before a host of television cameras and flashing lights. Mosby was there to announce charges against six City of Baltimore cops who had wantonly killed their prisoner, Freddie Gray.

 The cops shackled Gray, then took him for a rough ride across the City of Baltimore. The ride led to to injuries to Gray’s cervical spinal cord, which caused his death. Prosecutor Marilyn Mosby charged six Baltimore killer cops with acting with a “depraved heart.” The case went to trial. Mosby eventually botched the case, and all six killer cops walked free. A set of judges with depraved hearts set the killer cops free.

Six weeks after Marilyn Mosby’s announcement, on June 16, 2015, Donald J. Trump descended an escalator before a host of cameras and flashing lights. Trump told the horde of reporters and the world he was running to become President. Trump was the wannabe rock star. Mosby was the progressive prosecutor who made hand gestures like a hardcore rapper on stage.

Who knew that former President Trump and former prosecutor Mosby would face prison time nine years later? Mosby and her supporters ask President Joe Biden to pardon the 44-year-old former prosecutor. At the same time, Donald Trump and his supporters are trying to win the 2024 Presidential election so Trump can pardon himself. 

Marilyn Mosby Took Funds From Her 401K To Purchase This $476,000 Florida Condo

An Irony of Ironies

The irony of six police officers who shackled, tortured, and killed a 5 foot 6 inch, 140 pounds man. Some people hail them as heroes. At the same time, the prosecutor who attempted to hold them accountable for his death faces a 40-year prison sentence for a 90-thousand-dollar mortgage fraud scheme. Prosecutor Marilyn Mosby has repaid the financial institutions the loan she bamboozled. Can the cops who killed Freddie Gray return his life? 

A federal judge is set to sentence Ms. Mosby on May 23. May 23 is the same day they have scheduled a forfeiture hearing to seize Ms. Mosby’s Long Boatkey, Florida, condo.

Mosby and her husband, Baltimore City Council President Nick Mosby, purchased two homes weeks after the federal government placed them under investigation. The Baltimore Sun reports that the government plans to sell the Longboat Key condo if the judge overseeing the case rule favors it.

As of January 2024, the pristine Florida Island of Longboat Key has about 7,600 residents, of which 6,725 were “White.” Over the past decade, the Black population has grown from 16 to 31 residents, 0.23%. Native Americans, Asians, and others comprise the rest of the population.

The couple has since been divorced. Mosby has said that she had a right to withdraw the ninety thousand dollars from her Baltimore Deferred Compensation retirement account.

The government alleges Mosby withdrew $40,000 and $50,000 from her city retirement account through a CARES Act provision. The CARES Act provision (The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act) waived withdrawal penalties for people adversely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Mosby said the withdrawals from her city retirement funds have nothing to do with the COVID-19 pandemic. Her attorney, Scott Bolden, says the Mosbys had two startup businesses during the height of the pandemic. And Those businesses were affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Subsequently, she was eligible to withdraw funds from her retirement account.

Airlines Will Soon offer Automatic Cash Refunds For Major Flight Changes.

With new rules launched in late April, the Department of Transportation (D.O.T) is tackling some of the most significant pain points for air travel: hidden fees and difficult-to-manage refunds.

With the new regulations set to take effect in approximately six months, passengers will be empowered as airlines will be mandated to automatically issue cash refunds when flights are canceled or significantly altered.

Most importantly, the D.O.T also specifically defined what qualifies as a significant change instead of allowing airlines to set the standards. Cash refunds are now automatically owed to passengers because:

• Departure or arrival time is changed by more than three hours for a domestic or more than six hours for an international flight.

• Departure or arrival airport is changed from the time of booking

• Connections at a different airport than what was initially scheduled

• Aircraft changes to a plane that is less accessible to a person with disabilities

• An increase in the number of connections

• Additional services that are paid for but not rendered, like inflight Wi-Fi or seat selection (fees only refunded, not total ticket price)

• Luggage arrival that’s over 12 hours delayed for domestic flights or more than 15-30 hours late for international flights (depending on the length of the flight)

Under the new rules, refunds must be made in full, typically within weeks, depending on the form of payment, and without passengers having to request them.

The D.O.T. is championing transparency by compelling airlines to disclose the actual cost of a flight upfront, eliminating the practice of burying fees in the booking process, and surprising travelers with the final price at the end — or worse, at the airport.

When the new regulations are enacted, airlines must display the fees for first and second-checked bags and carry-on bags and the cost of canceling or changing a reservation. 

This also means that airlines can’t send travelers to a separate link to try to find this information.

While the current regulations do not directly tackle the issue of airlines charging extra for families to sit together, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg assures the public that the department is also actively working on this matter.

For more details, read the full briefing here

“If You Want A Friend In Washington, Get A Dog!”


The saying goes, ‘If you want a friend in Washington, get a dog.’ This stark realization is now being experienced by former President Donald Trump, who is grappling with the harsh truth of who his true allies are. The words of Harry S. Truman, America’s 33rd President, resonate with a poignant relevance.

 “If you want a friend in Washington, get a dog.” Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has Trump spread eagle for paying hush money to blackmailers. For ten months, Donald Trump carried on an adulterous affair with an ex-Playboy Bunny. There is no law against being a kept woman. 

However, it is against the law to blackmail someone. Although leftwing women celebrate Karen McDougal today, if they caught her sleeping with their husband — most would scratch her eyes out. 

Eleven witnesses have stepped forward in court to testify against Trump. What’s striking is that all of these witnesses were once friends of the former President or had been employed by him. This situation underscores the truth of the saying, ‘If you want a friend in Washington, get a dog.

They would call her a hussy. Melania Trump’s attitude does not differ from that of most other married women. If you sleep with their man, they’re coming for you. To keep the peace in his family, Trump has stated that he paid a known prostitute 130K to stay quiet about a fling they had in the hay. Most married men would pay a Hoe for her silence. 

All U.S. Presidents have had at least a dog or some other sort of pet–except Donald J. Trump and President James Polk. In a twist of irony, Trump would rather pet the kitty cat. 

All U.S. Presidents have had at least a dog or some other sort of pet–except Donald J. Trump and President James Polk. Trump would rather pet the kitty cat. 

Google Dictionary describes Trump’s get-a-dog debacle as “The point of it is because people are so two-faced in politics that if you want someone who is a true friend and won’t stab you in the back only a dog can be relied upon certainly not the humans that you think are your friends.”


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