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Frightened Okaloosa Deputy Durand Who Killed U.S. Airman Fortson: Fired


Panicked Policing

The Okaloosa Sheriff’s Department fired the panicked, frightened deputy who shot and killed U.S. Airman Roger Fortson inside his home. The May 31 firing of deputy Eddie Durand came after Sheriff Eric Aden gave Eddie Durand 28 days of due process.

On May 3, Deputy Durand denied U.S. Air Force senior airman Roger Fortson due process when he shot him dead. It took 37 seconds for Durand, the cowardly cop, to kill Fortson after arriving at his front door. And 35 of those 37 seconds Durand spent hiding from the view of the peephole in Roger Fortson’s front door. When Deputy Durand made himself visible, it was just to kill Roger Fortson.

Durand was dispatched to the Elan Apartments complex after a mischief-making manager called 9-1-1 to file a false police report. Upon Deputy Durand’s arrival at the housing complex, the nosey manager misdirected him to Fortson’s apartment unit. The mischievous apartment manager informed Dep Eddie Durand that two people were cussing and about to fight in Fortson’s apartment unit.

Roger Fortson was home alone. The lying Elan Apartment employee told Durand of a loud argument that had been going on for 20 minutes. She also said it “sounded like it was getting physical” and “it happens often.”

Drop The Gun!

Within two seconds of Fortson opening his door to see who was causing the commotion outside, Deputy Durand panicked and shot Fortson. Drop the gun, Durand yells after shooting twenty-three-year-old Fortson. Fortson was already on the floor bleeding out when Durand started yelling commands.

Fortson had opened his front door holding a handgun. The gun barrel was facing down towards the floor. An Okaloosa internal investigation concluded that “Mr. Fortson did not make any hostile, attacking movements, and therefore, the former deputy’s use of deadly force was not objectively reasonable.”

The Murder of Philando Castile.

The unjustifiable killing is reminiscent of the murder of Philando Castile. On July 06, 2016, a scared 28-year-old Minneapolis police, Jeronimo Yanez, shot and killed Mr.Castile.
Yanez pulled Castile for a broken tail light. When Castile informed Yanez that he had a gun in his car, Yanez panicked, shot, and killed him in front of his four-year-old stepdaughter. Minutes after the shooting, Yanez went into cover-up mode when questioned by St. Anthony Police Officer Tressa Sunde.

Falsifying Official Police Document

Immediately after killing Philando Castile, the scared, cowardly Yanez began fabricating statements to justify murdering Mr. Castile.

“I thought I was gonna die, and I thought if he’s, if he has the, the guts and the audacity to smoke marijuana in front of the five-year-old girl and risk her lungs and risk her life by giving her secondhand smoke and the front seat passenger doing the same thing, then what, what care does he give about me?” Yanez told officer Terresa Sunde.

The Script Is The Same

Thirty-nine-year-old deputy Eddie Durand told the Okaloosa Sheriff’s internal affairs investigators that when Fortson opened the door, he saw aggression in Fortson’s eyes. Durand said he fired because “I’m standing there thinking I’m about to get shot, I’m about to die. Does the storyline sound familiar? Within two seconds of Fortson opening his front doors, Durand saw aggression in his eyes. What color were Roger Fortson’s eyes, Deputy Durand?

On November 12, 2023, a cowardly deputy, Jesse Hernandez, attempted to kill Marquis Jackson, 24. Deputy Hernandez responded to a domestic disturbance involving Marquis Jackson. Hernandez handcuffed Jackson and put him in the back of his patrol unit. Then, an acorn fell near Hernandez. Hernandez started shooting into his patrol vehicle, trying to kill Mr. Jackson. His investigating partner, Sergeant Beth Roberts, also opened fire, attempting to kill Mr. Jackson. The body cam-worn video shows Deputy Hernandez crawling around as if he shot. And he was saying that he was shot.

Hernandez was holding his leg and groaning like a wounded hog. Without any evidence of Mr. Jackson attempting to harm them, Sergeant Beth Roberts and Deputy Hernandez shot 22 bullets at Jackson — trying to kill him. The Okaloosa Sheriff’s Department has since asked Hernandez to leave the department.
They haven’t filed charges against Hernandez. Marquis Jackson has filed a lawsuit to try to get paid. He’s not interested in justice. Most reasonable persons would argue that they owe Mr. Jackson compensation for the terror that he faced.

However, the parents of U.S. airman Roger Fortson are calling for the arrest of former deputy Eddie Durand. They have said the firing of Okaloosa County Deputy Eddie Duran was a “step forward” but that the state should charge Duran for the killing of their son.

Outspoken Journalist Briahna Joy Gray Fired By Nexstar Media Group

Zip It!

Briahna Joy Gray (BJG), an online talk show host of Nexstar Media Group (Rising) of The Hill, has been fired. On June 4, Ms. Gray conducted a terse interview with Yarden Gonen, the sister of Romi Gonen, one of the Israeli hostages kidnapped by Hamas on October 7, 2023. Several reports state NexStar fired Ms. Gray because she rolled her eyes at Yarden Gonen at the interview’s close.

Ms. Gonen addressed Ms. Gray (BJG) by saying, “I hope that you specifically will believe women when they say they got hurt.”

At this point, BJG rolled her eyes. One would have to get into the operations of BJG’s mind to know if the eye-roll came because of the accusation of her not believing women or because of BGJ’s “denials” of rapes committed by Hamas.

There is no evidence that Briahna Joy Gray does not take seriously claims of women victims of rape. Briahna Joy Gray is a Harvard-trained lawyer, and she is an outspoken journalist. She is left-leaning and a straightforward person. After the interview and social media backlash, BJG expected Hill to fire her.

It was no surprise to Ms. Gray as she tweeted on Thursday, June 6. “It finally happened. The Hill has fired me.”
There should be no doubt that @RisingTheHill
has a clear pattern of suppressing speech — particularly when it’s critical of the state of Israel.

It was only a matter of time before they fired me.
Below is a partial conversation between BJG and Ms. Yarden Gonen that caused the outrage.
Gonen, “What did my sister do wrong? Nothing.”
“If the world doesn’t help us, we will see 911th a second time in the US as well again.” And we can already see in the United States in Michigan rallies that are calling death to America.”

“I am just going to push back on the implication about Michigan, which has the largest Muslim population in America, that there is any threat of terrorism from our people. I would like to clarify also that one of the rationales that was presented for 911th was discussed about America’s support for Israel’s occupation of Palestine.”

The Controversy

So, that is neither here nor there. I hope that Benjamin Netanyahu agrees that Israel agrees to the cease-fire deal that could bring all the hostages, including your sister, home. And I’m sure many people watching are praying for her safety,” said Briahna Joy Gray.
To which Yarden replied, Thank you.”

Here are two women who could sit down over coffee at Starbucks to discuss the latest fashion. Instead, they joined a feud on opposite sides, started by bloodthirsty men. Now, one is out of a job, and the other is still hoping for the return of her kidnapped sister. Nothing has changed. 

Briahna Joy Gray takes on a feeble-minded rancid bigot Bethany Mandel describing WOKE.

Joe Biden, Elderly Abuse, Jill Biden, The World Is Watching

"It's Not Age, It's Stage"

President Joe Biden is the face of America. And the world is watching a face in decline. Leaders lead. And Joe Biden isn’t leading anyone. Someone is running the country. And it’s not President Joe Biden.

According to the National Institute of Health (NIH), one in seven Americans age 71 and older have some dementia. Eighty-one-year-old President Joe Biden, unfortunately, has become a member of the one in seven statistics.

The one in seven stats percentage is about 13.9 percent of older Americans. Reports suggest 9.7 percent of Americans in that age group have advanced dementia (AD). And 2.4 percent of the group have vascular dementia.

People Get Sick. It’s nothing to be ashamed of.

President Joe Biden is one of the 9.7 percent of Americans with dementia. Some people get diabetes.

The issue is when family and friends know that someone is sick yet force them to go to work. That is sick. Sending Grandpa to work to do an overwhelming job is pathetic — if not abusive. The Biden Family doesn’t need the money. They have made a killing over the years, pun intended. So, what is driving Biden to the job? Is it health care?

He has the best health care in America and will continue to have the best health care. The Walter Reed National Military Medical Center housed some of the finest doctors in the world.

The Image America Is Portraying to The World.

Forcing The Elderly To Work: Many People Are Questioning Pres Biden Fitness To Do The Job

The world is a rough neighborhood.

While living in a neighborhood, you watch a slouching 81-year-old going to work to support his lazy ass kids and grand kids. What is the conclusion to draw about the members of his family? Any reasonable person would conclude there is elderly abuse taking place. The neighbors are watching, and they are whispering behind his back. Yes, the world is watching.

Ukraine is taking advantage of the elderly. Ukraine is scamming old grandpa out of the family’s inheritance.

Dr. Cornell West On Joe Biden’s Mental Acuity

In a recent interview on News Nation, host Connell Mc Shane asked Dr. Cornell West about the President’s age and mental fitness. “Age is not the sole determinant of being sharp and controlling your mental powers, ” Dr. West replied. “I know many people in their 40s who are in sharp mental decline,” West continued.

“It’s in the evidence.” If you look at brother Biden, I see evidence of sure cognitive decline, Dr. West told McShane.

Only 14 percent of Americans believe the President is up to doing the job.

Most Americans see President Biden as weak and bumbling. The world sees Joe Biden as weak and bumbling. “God bless him and his family,” Dr. West concluded his answer to McShane’s question.

In July 2020, Media Corp USA published an article titled, “Will Joe Biden Run The Country From A Nursing Home? “

Even then, it was clear that candidate Joe Biden was in cognitive decline. It has only gotten worse over the years. From this point, his progression of dementia will rapidly speed up with the stress of being the President.

Biden Press Press Propagandist Jean Pierre vs. Trump’s Press Secretary Sanders Huckabee vs Sean Spicer. Sarah Huckabee, the ex-Press Secretary for Trump, was the biggest liar, followed closely by Kayleigh McEnany. Joe Biden’s Jean Pierre comes in a close 3rd.

Joe Biden Wants To Die In Office.

The researchers found record-high life expectancy for white females (80.5 years) and black females (76.1 years), as well as for white males (75.3 years) and black males (69.0 years).

Doctors pay for play.

It is becoming clear that Joe Biden wants to die in office.

Some live to be a hundred years old, while others don’t. What a pomp, circumstance, and magnificent send-off the president would get at the taxpayer’s expense. The taxpayer pays more for the funeral cost of a current president than a former. President Biden is hoping for a grand send-off.

President Biden’s physician gave him raving health reviews—but so did Michael Jackson’s doctor. Former President Donald Trump’s doctor wrote that Trump was the healthiest man alive. Most physicians who get to hang out with the rich and famous will say what they want to hear. The patient pays them to tell what they would like the public to listen to. Biden could sue his doctor under HIPAA? No.

The President’s Aids Are Concerned About His Mental Health

“Behind Closed Doors, The President Is Showing Signs Of Slipping.”

The Wall Street Journal (WSJ), a right-wing leaning outlet, recently reported that at least 45 Washington insiders are frightened of the prospect of Biden winning a second term. The fears of the insiders are based on the President’s sharp mental decline. The Democrats have shot back with their defense of Biden’s decrepitness.
They say, “Now, in 2024, House Republicans are making false claims as a political tactic that flatly contradict previous statements made by themselves and their colleagues.”

On Monday, it was an all-out verbal brawl between Rep Matt Gaetz and the DOJ’s Merrick Garland–over Biden’s mental stability. Rep Gaetz demanded that the Attorney General release the audio of the President’s interview with Special Prosecutor Ben Hur. A.G. Garland refused Gaetz’s request. The DOJ has made available copies of the interview paper transcript.

When pressed by American journalists about Biden’s decline, White House press secretary Karine Jean Pierre responded, “The President proves every day that he’s mentality fit.” Pierre went on to say Biden proves his fitness in how he thinks and by “dealing with world leaders, by making difficult decisions on behalf of the American people — whether it’s domestic or national security.”

“That is how Dr. O’Connor sees it, and that is how I’m going to leave it,” she said, adding that she has known the now-81-year-old Biden since 2009, and he is still “sharp.”
White House press secretary Jean Pierre did not say the President was fit for duty.
Instead, she quoted the President’s physician, Dr. O’Connor.

These Budget Airlines Are Getting Rid of Flight Modification Fees

Budget airlines are known for charging passengers fees for various services, sometimes without prior notice. Despite their well-earned reputation, two of the biggest low-cost airlines in the U.S. are doing away with nearly all the fees for changing or canceling a flight. 

In a recent development, Frontier Airlines introduced a comprehensive range of fare classes in late May. These include primary, economy, premium, and business, offering unique services and pricing. Notably, all classes, except for the basic one, will now come with the added benefit of no change or cancellation fees, a significant departure from the airline’s previous policy.  

Under the new policy, passengers will no longer be charged a fee for changing their flight. However, the airline will require passengers to pay the difference in airfare. This condition should be considered when contemplating a change. With flight cancellations, Frontier Airlines will issue a future trip credit, providing a flexible option for passengers.  

 “Today marks the beginning of a new era for Frontier — one with transparency in our prices, no change fees, and the lowest total price,” Frontier’s CEO, Biffle, said in a statement. “This is ‘The New Frontier,’ and we are committed to offering more than the lowest fares — we deliver the best price for all the options you want and the customer support you need when you need it.” 

Spirit Airlines, Frontier’s biggest competitor, announced its fee changes soon after. Now, passengers flying with this low-cost carrier can modify and cancel flights without any extra cost other than the airfare difference when applicable. Unlike Frontier, all Spirit fliers will benefit from the change.  
“As we have said, Spirit has been evaluating changes to our product and strategy that will help us better compete, elevate the guest experience, and return to profitability,” the airline shared in a statement. “This new policy is among the best in the industry because it applies to every guest. We have many other enhancements in the works and look forward to sharing more soon.” 
With the Department of Transportation cracking down on airline “junk fees” and the lack of transparency surrounding them, it’s no surprise that these airlines are acting now.  

Gov. Gavin Newsom Allows Eviction Of 80-Year-Old Woman. Greed And Gentrification.

Land Grab.

California Gov Gavin Newsom allows the evictions of hundreds of Americans, including older adults. While California prides itself as a sanctuary city for millions of people crossing the southern border into America illegally, it is not a sanctuary for Americans.

Suppose you are a regular Joe working and trying to make ends meet in America. In that case, California is not the place for you. California has become a hell hole mainly for African Americans upon whose backs America derived most of its wealth.

California Is No Place For The Elderly

Eviction for the elderly in California has skyrocketed on average by a whopping 18 percent in 2024 — since the COVID-19 pandemic. California is mercilessly forcing its elderly to live on the streets. California is one of the top three wealthiest states in America.

Yet in a sea of excessive wealth, the rent checks for older people have been returned for insufficient funds — as Martin Luther King, Jr. would say. Under Gov Gavin Newsom, California is not a place for the elderly. California Gov is what Frank Lopez calls a Hasa or a Chazzer.

Just ask 80-year-old Zeta Flowers. Ms. Flowers’s landlord is evicting her from her home of 26 years. Ms. Flowers raised her four adopted children and twenty foster children. It’s quite sad that women raised twenty-four children, and none of them can or is willing to help her in her time of need. WTF. However, I digress. Good-hearted folks are raising a generation of vipers.

California Tries To Evict 94-Year-Old Helen Byrne From Her Home Of 80 Years 

Many California residents were given a three-year moratorium on paying their rent during the COVID-19 pandemic. Ms. Flowers ran a daycare out of her home. She would use the income from her home-based business to pay her rent of $2000 a month.

However, the pandemic caused her business to flounder. After they lifted the moratorium, Ms. Flowers’s landlord demanded one year’s rent upfront. Ms. Flowers could not meet the unreasonable demand, even though it’s according to state law.

The landlord gave Ms Flowers three days to vacate the property or face eviction. Under the California Civil Code (in most cases), a landlord must provide senior with at least 90 days’ notice to tenants before eviction.

California Penal Code: I Am White, And I Say So Law.

While the government is not the answer to everything, it is that California’s Penal Code 368 PC elder abuse statute makes it a crime to inflict physical or emotional abuse on anyone 65 years or older. Ms. Flowers is 79 years old. And she’s paid her dues and taxes to provide aid for others. It’s clear that Ms. Flowers’ eviction falls under California’s Penal Code: I Am White And I Say So Law. Get Out!

The landlord raised the rent almost threefold and expected a regular 94-year-old woman to come up with the rent. Gov Gavin Newscum’s California has the highest homeless population in the nation, with 181,399 people living on the streets. Gavin Newscum wants to add more octogenarians to his ever-growing homeless population.

Study: Fish Oil Supplement Linked To Cardiovascular Disease.


Fish Tanked

The results of a study on the overuse of fish oil supplements say it may increase an initial stroke and contribute to cardiovascular disease. Medical News Today reports that “Fish oil, a source of omega-3 fatty acids commonly used to reduce cardiovascular risk, might increase the risk of heart attack and stroke among people who have good cardiovascular health.”

About 610,000 people of the 795,000 who have strokes each year have strokes for the first time. About 185,000 of the 795,000 people have already had a stroke, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).

Heart disease: The Mayo Clinic

Despite the known benefits of dietary fish oil, it’s important to note that research suggests fish oil supplements may not offer the same significant improvements to heart health.


WebMD has also raised serious concerns about the risks and benefits of fish oil. A large new study has linked fish oil supplements to heart problems like an irregular heartbeat or a stroke. The report’s findings underscore the potential dangers of fish oil supplements, emphasizing caution.

Fish Oil Supplement Could Have You Swimming With The Fishes

Even if the overuse of fish oil supplements can contribute to a first-time stroke for some people, dietitians recommend a healthy lifestyle and avoiding swimming with fish early.

Below Are CDC Facts to lower the risk of a stroke:

*Choose foods high in fiber and low in saturated fats, trans fats, and cholesterol.

*Add herbs and spices like oregano, rosemary, thyme, chives, basil, cinnamon, turmeric, and ginger to your meals.

*Exercising regularly

*Maintaining a healthy weight

*Limiting alcohol consumption

*Quitting smoking

*Keeping blood pressure and cholesterol levels in the normal range

*Keeping blood sugar (glucose) in the normal range

*Treating heart disease

*Treating diabetes

Medical Science issues a warning to the American population as a reminder that:

  • Stroke risk increases with age, but strokes can—and do—occur at any age.
  • Early action is essential for stroke.
  • Stroke statistics vary by race and ethnicity.

American Airlines Removes Black Men From Plane Claiming They “Stink.”

The Art Of Discrimination.

American Airlines kicked seven Black male passengers off of its airplane, claiming that they were stinking. While the jet was waiting to take off, an American Airlines male flight attendant spread rumors about the men’s personal hygiene.

Confucius says: If you go to bed with an itchy bottom, you wake up with smelly fingers. What comes first, the chicken or the egg? Did someone break the wind inside the cabin? Three men out of eight who they removed from the airplane are suing American Airlines for racist discrimination.
For the authorities to take only the men off the plane means they’re saying Black people stink.

Did American Airlines Fail The Smell Test?

The eight Black men sitting in different areas of the airplane do not know each other. The men never met until after the authorities removed and corralled them in the same space. Meanwhile, American Airlines gave a canned message of apology for the unnecessary trauma they visited upon their Black customers.

“American Airlines take very seriously” and wants our customers to have a “positive experience” when they fly with us.” The airline says it takes all claims of discrimination seriously.

Deplaned, Boss, Deplaned: This Is No Fantasy Island For Eight Black Customers:

The company did not disclose its internal policy for removing customers for personal hygiene issues.
Neither the complaint of the Air Hostess nor the airline’s robotic response passed the smell test. They both failed the smell test.

Another part of the canned message reads, “Our teams are currently investigating the matter, as the claims do not reflect our core values or our purpose of caring for people.” The removal of the eight men came after someone (a bigot) filed a complaint stating that the Black customers were stinking up the plane.

Again, it is essential to note that the men do not know each other and sit in separate areas of the plane. In the lawsuit filed in federal court, the three plaintiffs — Alvin Jackson, Emmanuel Jean Joseph, and Xavier Veal revealed that the men were forced off the plane “without any valid reason, except based solely on their race.”

The airline could not find another flight for the men going to New York. After a one-hour delay, the men were allowed to re-board the flight to their destinations.

American Airlines Notorious For Flight Delays

In August 2023, NPR‘s article, the U.S. government fined American Airlines millions of dollars for lengthy tarmac delays. According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, the federal government is fining American Airlines $4.1 million for dozens of instances in which passengers were kept on board planes without a chance to exit during long ground delays.

Last February, a retired Black judge accused American Airlines of blatant discrimination based solely on her race. Judge Pamela Hill-Veal told NPR she was flying the first class when she used the restroom. Upon her return to her seat, she was confronted by a flight attendant.

The same Flight Attendant accused Judge Hill-Veal of slamming the restroom doors. The judge denied slamming the door. According to Hill-Veal, the flight attendant became angry and pointed his finger in her face.

The flight attendant then instructed Hill-Veal to use the restroom in coach class at the back of the airplane. Hill-Veal told NPR. It is unknown if Judge Pamela Hill-Veal is related to Xavier Veal, one of eight men who were harassed by American Airlines in April.

Media Corp USA                                                                                              The Journal of Record

Donald Trump Found Guilty On Trumped-Up Charges: Central Park Five

A jury of Donald J. Trump’s peers found him guilty of falsifying business records–a class B felony. According to the New York County District Attorney, Alvin Bragg, Trump’s falsifying business records helped him become President.

That is a long stretch of the imagination, and it strains credibility. However, a jury of Donald Trump’s peers believed that claim hook, line, and sinker. The foreman of a Manhattan jury declared the former President guilty in his hush money trial, repeating the word “guilty” thirty-four times.
Then Trump’s trial judge Merchan polled each juror individually, and they repeated their decision of a guilty verdict for the former President.

New York District Attorney Bragg alleged that Trump and his “fixer” attorney Michael Cohen plotted to cover up a $130,000 payment to hooker Stormy Daniels. Ms. Daniels took the money and signed an NDA to not publicize to the world, including Trump’s wife, his risky sexual encounter with a hooker. She would later violate the (NDA) shakedown documents she signed.

Today, Trump received a taste of what it feels like to be accused of a crime on Trumped-up charges. In 1989, Donald J. Trump placed full-page advertisements in several New York newspapers calling for the execution of five teenage Black and Latino boys. The boys were arrested on trumped-up charges of sexual assault of a lone female jogger, Trisha Meili. The NYPD captured and framed the five boys on April 19, 1989.

The Central Park Five, as they became known, were charged with the sexual assault of a 28-year-old Meili. Ms. Meili was a white investment banker who the actual rapist left for dead in a bush. Left up to Trump, he would have executed those boys. All five boys (ages 14-16) would later be exonerated by DNA evidence. On April 15, 2024, thirty-five years later, Trump began his trial on trumped-up charges.

Donald J. Trump Found Guilty On 34 Counts of Business Fraud: A B-Class Felony

Fox News Hosts (Foxholes) Breathing Revolution.

After the jury rendered its verdict, several Fox News hosts went on a rampage. They claim that “Trump was convicted because he beat Hillary Clinton and was going to beat Biden.” So Fox News is saying the jurors convicted Trump because–another statement that strains credibility.

Fox News continued, “We are wounded as a country, and we’re not going to down [without a fight.”] “We are going to get back up. We are going to regain our strength,” Fox News said. And we are going to vanquish the evil forces that are destroying this Republic.” Where is Darth Vader when he’s needed?

Foxholes believe in the legal system until it finds a white man guilty. Then suddenly, the jurors are nitwits and Hillary Clinton bots. The hosts of Foxholes called them nitwits and claimed they “are consumed with hatred.” And we will seek justice, the Foxholes said. Well, they tried that on January 6, and it did not end well for a few “revolutionaries.

— Are the charges against the former President trumped up? Of course, many people believe so. But does that mean all 12 jurors on the Trump jury panel are corrupt? That isn’t likely. The defense attorneys for Donald J. Trump properly and carefully vetted them.

“Today is an important day for the rule of law and accountability. While it has been difficult for me and my family, the truth always matters. I want to thank my attorneys, Danya Perry and Joshua Kolb, for their invaluable guidance and support throughout this process.” Michael Cohen.

Michael Cohen, Donald J. Trump’s self-described Trump fixer, celebrates as he played a pivotal role in the conviction of the first American President to become the first convicted felon—history in the making.

Red Lobster Closes 100 Stores: Eaten Out Of Business

Red Lobster, the renowned seafood chain, has shockingly and abruptly closed 100 of its restaurants across multiple states.

 The news, delivered without warning, left many, including the employees who arrived at work on Monday, in a state of disbelief, finding the doors closed and the business in bankruptcy.

Last summer, Red Lobster introduced a seemingly enticing promotion-$20 for unlimited all-you-can-eat shrimp. However, this move proved to be a financial disaster, with the company’s largest shareholder, Thai Union, having to write off a staggering $530 million loss by the year’s end.

 On January 18, 1968, entrepreneurs Bill Darden and Charley Woodsby opened their first Red Lobster restaurant in Lakeland, Florida. Four other restaurants followed the first opening. At its peak, the chain had 719 locations worldwide.

Jim Crow laws were the order of the day when Bill Darden opened his first Red Lobster restaurant. Bill Darden ignored the laws of the segregationists and seated Black people in his restaurant.

The Shrimp Rots From The Head Down

One could argue that Red Lobster was ‘eaten out of business’ by customers who took advantage of the all-you-can-eat promotional deal. Customers would come to the restaurant and order the all-you-can-eat plate. Some would stay for long periods to eat more than they could. The customers’ over-eating and upper management’s incompetence played a significant role in closing the restaurants. 

Some company management team members are pointing fingers at Thai Union, the Thailand-based seafood company with a 49% stake in Red Lobster. According to CEO Jonathan Tibus, there is an ongoing investigation into the Thai Union’s influence over the shrimp deal.

 Tibus also points a finger at his predecessor, former Red Lobster CEO Paul Kenny. In May 2023, Kenny implemented “the $20 unlimited shrimp promotion as a permanent menu item.”

Restructuring For Survival

Employees knowledgeable about the company’s inner workings blame Lobster’s penny-pinching ways for its failure.

Employees also blamed Thai Union’s penny-pinching for the company’s downfall. 

A CNN report says a former Red Lobster executive said the company “forced huge cost reductions, including many that were pennywise and pound-foolish because they hurt sales.” According to its bankruptcy filing, Red Lobster owes over $16.7 million in unpaid wages to 36,000 employees. 

“The company secured $100 million in financing commitments from its existing lenders but has liabilities of more than $1 billion,” the filing said.

 Red Lobster has an annual customer base of over 64 million. Now, that’s a lot of shrimp to capture. Precious did not eat all those shrimp by herself. “From now on, you order takeout. No more buffets for you.”

These U.S. Airlines Are the Highest Ranked for Customer Satisfaction 

While the headlines and social media are often full of stories about airlines misbehaving — from overbooked flights to exorbitant hidden fees — a few carriers still left a good impression on their customers.  

 Just in time for the summer travel season, J.D. Power recently released its 2024 North American Airlines Satisfaction Study, revealing which airlines have the happiest passengers.  

 For the third year running, Southwest Airlines has emerged as the leader, earning the highest score for customer satisfaction in economy and basic economy service. This consistent performance is a testament to Southwest’s unwavering commitment to customer service.

Passengers traveling in premium economy, first class, or business have preferred Delta Air Lines, ranking it number one in customer satisfaction. 

Delta’s dedication to enhancing its ‘Delta One’ business class product, with features like lie-flat seats, larger entertainment systems, privacy doors, and more, has paid off.  

Delta’s high rating comes as no surprise as the company has worked on improving its “Delta One” business class product in recent years, with lie-flat seats, larger entertainment systems, privacy doors, and more. JetBlue comes in second for the first class or business category with its “Mint” product, which has also seen dramatic improvements over the years.  

 Behind those two carriers come United Airlines, Alaska Airlines, American Airlines, and Air Canada, taking the other top spots for first or business-class service.  

“The big takeaway from this year’s study is the power of people to influence the overall flight experience positively,” J.D. Power’s Senior Managing Director of Travel, Hospitality, Retail, and Customer Service, Michael Taylor, said in the study.

 “Airlines that are investing in staff training and recruitment are finding ways to overcome the negative effects of crowded gates and planes simply by being nice to their customers,” he added.  

Regarding premium economy, the most well-liked airlines were Delta, Alaska Airlines, American Airlines, JetBlue, WestJet, United Airlines, and Air Canada.  

 Southwest came first for economy passengers, followed by Delta and Allegiant Airlines. Spirit Airlines and Frontier Airlines were ranked last, respectively.  

 A total of 9,582 passengers were meticulously surveyed for this study. These passengers had recently flown on a major airline between March 2023 and March 2024, ensuring the data was up-to-date and reflected current customer experiences.

 The participants were asked to rate their airline experience on a comprehensive six-point scale, covering aspects such as airline staff, level of trust, and value for money. This thorough approach instills confidence in the validity of the rankings. 

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