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Authoritarianism: President Trump Suggests Getting Rid of the Ballots and Having a Continuation of His Junta — Win or Lose.

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Coup d’état.

The Ballots or Bullets? In a democracy or a dictatorship, there are only two ways known to man for the changing of or the transfer of leadership or power — and they are through the ballots or bullets. Whenever the transfer of power comes about by way of the latter, it most often occurs via a revolutionary war or a coup. While some coups are “bloodless,” most coup de’tats create a sudden disturbance of normal life expectancy. Revolutionary wars aren’t bloodless coups; they are accompanied by horror, a broad stroke of extreme violence, and unnecessary deaths.

<strong><span class=has inline color has luminous vivid orange color>Trumps Miley The signs are clear but no one wants to see them This is how it all starts<span><strong>

For decades, the United States military has defended democracies worldwide, and it has removed dictators from power and helped to established governments in its likeness, and fashioned a semblance sense of stability. The army of the United States falls under the command of the sitting president of America. He’s hailed as the Commander in Chief and the leader of the “free world,” by politicians and journalists.

<strong><span class=has inline color has luminous vivid orange color>President Donald Trumps festered appendages<span><strong>

What happens when that president — the leader of the free world — runs afoul of the tenets that hold our democracy together and threatens to blow up the foundation upon which the nation stands? Will the military that he commands aid and abet him in tearing down the pillars of American democracy and contribute to the most significant internal conflict and bloodbath the world will have ever seen in the annals of the worlds’ history in the last 6000 years? There appears to be at least one United States General standing in Donald Trump’s corner who is willing to support a “strongman” form of government.

<strong><span class=has inline color has luminous vivid orange color>A lust for power and craven to ramrod wickedness on the powerless<span><strong> <span class=has inline color has luminous vivid orange color><strong>Mark Miley<strong><span> <strong><span class=has inline color has luminous vivid orange color>Trumps side kick<span><strong>

History shows that many madmen have risen to power by hook or crook. Usually, these demagogues speak the language of the “common” people and by appealing to their sense of loss and disenfranchisement. And frequently, those unread people are looking for a savior to protect them from (the others) those who are taking what rightfully belongs to them alone. Those despots are fond of fostering a bond between military leaders and “law” enforcement cliques. When it comes to the behavior and the words of Donald Trump, all the signs are there of a despot in the making.

While other authoritarian nations yearn for Democracy, Americans are yearning for Autocracy. DEMOCRATIC BACKSLIDING

As the United States of America goes, so goes the rest of the world. Simultaneously, the erosion of civil rights increase, and several dry runs of martial law is enacted in some states to test the will and the fortitude of the people. The times we are living in are peculiar. As Americans watch its President huddles in private with Russia’s top spy — Vladimir Putin, with no public record of their conversations. What secrets is Putin keeping for Trump? Is Trump being tutored by Putin and Kim Un Jong on how to seize power? Simultaneously many white nationalists who once called for less government intrusion in their lives have now cozied up to Trump and, by extension Vladimir Putin and his totalitarian regime.

<span class=has inline color has luminous vivid orange color><strong>President Alibaba and his Lilly White team of 40 merry men<strong> <span>

With about 57 percent of 167 countries of the world’s population enjoying some form of a democratic government, attempts of a sudden overthrow of the governments by an internal military (in less powerful countries) than the United States of America has decreased. But with a few corrupt power-thirsty Generals that are willing to play lapdog to a power-hungry President Trump, America could fast be sliding down the road of authoritarianism. There have been many threats made by Trump about switching the current form of government.

Ring the alarm: a peaceful transfer of power?

<strong><span class=has inline color has luminous vivid orange color>M1 Abrams Tanks Coming to a City Near You Soon<span><strong>

When Playboy Reporter Brian Karem posed a question to Trump: “Will you commit to..a peaceful transferral of power after the election?” Trump: “…We want to get rid of the ballots, and you’ll have a very transfer—we’ll have a very peaceful—there won’t be a transfer. Frankly, there’ll be a continuation.” So come November 3rd or November 8th; if Biden is declared the winner, will Trump proceed with his plan to overthrow the American government — lead a Coup and over-rule the will of the American people?

<strong><span class=has inline color has luminous vivid orange color>Will Trump use the military to keep him in the White House to protect his financial records<span><strong>

The only time the Constitution of the United States recommends a coup is: “Whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.” There isn’t anything in the constitution that suggests a coup to support the wild lust for power of a mad man to cover his financial crimes nor to prop up a few lost power-hungry Generals.

Staff Writer: Clinton Franklin

Clinton Franklin
Clinton Franklin is a formally trained Computer Scientist and a writer at heart. Clinton is an avid observer of nature and a lover of people and diverse cultures. He adheres to the adage, “Think globally, but act locally.” It is crucial to be forward-thinking but not a forward person. “Be kind to everyone you meet because each carries his heavy burden…” Plato. Embrace the three Constants: Change, Justice, and Rightness. The thought police are busy at work trying to suppress free speech — if allowed their march to madness — they will arrest your very thoughts.


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