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Don’t Bite The Hand That Feeds You; It Might Knock Your Teeth Out. It’s A Hard Lesson To Learn.

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Haiti: A Nation In Turmoil — Plagued By Government Corruption, Fuel  Shortages And Violent Gangs


While the American Government has never been exceptionally friendly to Haiti or the Haitian people, individual Americans and organizational groups of Americans have always shown kindness to Haiti. They have tried to render aid — albeit in a minuscule way by some organizations while other groups have done so generously.

They have established charitable organizations to help the underserved people of Haiti. Still, unfortunately, sometimes the donations end up serving the organizers and not the organization or the people the charitable organizations designed to help. A little aid is better than none. Over the years, they have stripped Haiti bare of its natural resources, and they have placed an undeclared embargo on its borders.

The 400-Mawazo Haitian gang that has been terrorizing locals on the streets and hillsides of Haiti for years on Saturday spun out of control and kidnapped 16 Americans and one Canadian Christian Missionaries to hold for ransom. Among the kidnaped hostages are five children, ages 3, 6, 14, and 15 years old, and an eight-month-old infant. The Wall Street Journal reports that the group of missionaries and children is from an Ohio-based Christian Aid Ministries. The Missionaries went there to build houses for orphans.

400 Wazoos held missionaries in an undisclosed location.

On Monday, FBI agents flew to Haiti — Haitian Police officers are assisting the FBI agents in their investigation, search, find and rescue mission of the missionary hostages. The gang’s leader, Wilson Joseph, demands one million dollars for each hostage — $17 million. Wazoo gang members who perhaps were aided by intelligence supplied by sympathetic Haitian police officers on the take commandeered the missionaries traveling in a chartered bus.

Haiti’s Director of National Police Leon Charles resigned on Thursday: Photo Credit The Associated Press

On Thursday, Haiti’s National Police Chief Leon Charles resigned because of cowardice or threats received from Wilson Joseph, the leader of the 400 Wazoos Gang.

The word Mawazo is of Swahili origin, a lingua franca, primarily used in the eastern regions of Africa. Translated to English, it means imagination. To kidnap missionaries doesn’t take a lot of creativity — if any imagination at all. Kidnappings have been taking place for thousands of years. There is nothing new. The 400 Wazoos are just mimicking the behaviors of evil men and women. To threaten to murder innocent men, women, and children is a loathsome thought — but it isn’t novel.

The Christian Aid Ministries doesn’t have $17 million to pay anyone, so clearly, the Wazoos expect the U.S. Government that doesn’t negotiate with terrorists to pay the ransom. That is dumb. Joseph is a Koala-mouse playing in front of a lion, the U.S. military that doesn’t sleep.

Clinton Franklin
Clinton Franklin is a formally trained Computer Scientist and a writer at heart. Clinton is an avid observer of nature and a lover of people and diverse cultures. He adheres to the adage, “Think globally, but act locally.” It is crucial to be forward-thinking but not a forward person. “Be kind to everyone you meet because each carries his heavy burden…” Plato. Embrace the three Constants: Change, Justice, and Rightness. The thought police are busy at work trying to suppress free speech — if allowed their march to madness — they will arrest your very thoughts.


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