HomeEntertainmentJoe Rogan Tackled By Cancel Culture (Part 2) Whoopi Goldberg Is Back....

Joe Rogan Tackled By Cancel Culture (Part 2) Whoopi Goldberg Is Back. India Arie’s Cry For Attention. Judge/Jury Tossed Right-wing Loon Sarah Palin’s Lawsuit vs. New York Times.

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OPINION – I don’t have a horse or a dog in this fight. I’m concerned about people trying to step on other people’s right to speak freely. As long as someone isn’t yelling, “fire in a crowded theater,” they should be able to talk freely minus wilful slanderous or defamatory speech. Joe Rogan has some nasty, perhaps racist opinions of Black people I don’t share.

“Now, don’t be offended; this is all my opinion
Ain’t nothing that I’m saying the law
This is a true confession
Of a life learned lesson
I was sent here to share with y’all
So get in when you fit in.” the above words are from India Arie Song: I’m Not The Average Girl From Your Video. A magnificent masterpiece about a Black woman’s self-affirmation. She’s saying: I’m confident of who I am, and I don’t give a rat’s ass about what you think about me. I purchased India Arie’s songs because I agree with the content. I’m afraid I have to disagree with Joe Rogan’s content, so I don’t buy it. It is that simple. You don’t like someone’s content, then switch the channel.

India Arie swinging her guitar with conscious lyrics: worth is not determined by the price of her clothes.

Arie claims she’s pulled her songs from Spotify after releasing a compilation of Rogan spewing the “N-word” 23 times over 12 years. Arie said she pulled her pieces because she doesn’t want Spotify to use profits from her songs to pay Rogan. Rogan’s content pays for itself. Magazine editors J.W. Click and Russell N. Baird advised: CONTENT IS KING. Rogan is giving listeners what they want to hear. In the same way, Donald J. Trump dishes out what his rabid followers want to hear. The top acts pay for the other artists in the music industry, not the other way around.

Arie’s complaint is about the $0.003 that Spotify pays her per stream while paying Rogan One Hundred Million Dollar multi-year deal with Spotify. The low pay is a gripe that should have been settled when Arie, and her representative, sat down at the table with Spotify years ago. Before reenlisting your songs, I suggest negotiating a new deal if you are the publisher. When Rogan and Spotify sat down to negotiate, they agreed to $100 million. Spotify has gained all of Rogan’s 11 years of previous and future content for an undisclosed number of years. Reportedly Rogan makes about $75,000 per episode.

Walt Disney’s Depiction of What’s Beautiful and What’s Beast-like. How Ironic. LMAO

The slope has gotten more slippery since Walt Disney jumped on the political bandwagon to suspend Joe Rogan from participating as UFC / MMA Commentator. Walt Disney presents movies such as King Kong and Beauty and the Beast, and a host of other films that some people claim are a subliminal perversion.

On Tuesday (02-15-2022), a jury throws out a defamation lawsuit against the New York Times brought by Birther Queen, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin. Yeah, that is the same Sarah Palin who likes to “Pal around with terrorists.” Palin, who embraced every racist conspiracy theory, hatched about former President Baruch Obama. Palin enjoyed and endorsed every bigoted word that came out of the mouth of a California lawyer-dentist named Oily Tits, aka Orly Taitz. Another queen of the birther movement, Oily Tits, sued in federal court, claiming Barack Obama wasn’t qualified to be president because he is Black. That is Sarah Palin’s right to rail against Obama — just as it is Oily Tits’ right to file frivolous lawsuits.

Birther Queen/Right-wing Loon Attorney Oily Tits Presenting Fake Documents That Obama Was Born In Kenya.

In 2017, the New York Times published an article claiming that a 2011 shooting that killed six people and injured Arizona congressional representative Gabrielle Giffords was due in part to a crosshairs graphics that Palin’s political action committee SarahPAC. SarahPAC created the illustrations depicting twenty democratic congressional districts across America. The districts had a target placed on them. The New York Times ran an article that suggested Palin’s crosshairs graphics were why the gunman Jared Lee Loughner attacked Rep Gifford and others in proximity of her. “Don’t retreat. RELOAD.”

Shuffle the deck, what comes up? A Queen of Loons

Shuffle the deck, what comes up? Birther Queen  Oily Tits

According to Palin’s lawsuit claims, the NYT and former editorial page editor James Bennet defamed her when he wrote that Jared Lee Loughner’s shooting linked to her crosshairs graphics. After they published the article, Bennet apologized with a retraction upon realizing his error. On Monday, February 14, 2022, U.S. District Court Judge Jed Rakoff threw out Palin’s meritless case — while the sequestered jury still deliberated. On Tuesday, the jury came back with a similar verdict.

Video of “The Last Word With Lawrence O’Donnell” host kicking Oily (slippery when wet) Tits off his show. Classic.

On Monday, a viewless Whoopi “Goldberg” returned to the View in feigned high spirits. You could tell she was walking on eggshells. Yes, Whoopi is back, but the shit ain’t the same. The vibe: It’s like you come home and find your next-door neighbor or the Mailman smashing your wife or husband. So you decide to separate for a couple of weeks. After two weeks, you get back together. The sh0t just ain’t the same. The question is: Will Whoopi, a queen of Cancel Culture, still call for everyone to be canceled who may have misspoken or has a different point of VIEW other than the established VIEWS of her puppet masters?

Clinton Franklin
Clinton Franklin is a formally trained Computer Scientist and a writer at heart. Clinton is an avid observer of nature and a lover of people and diverse cultures. He adheres to the adage, “Think globally, but act locally.” It is crucial to be forward-thinking but not a forward person. “Be kind to everyone you meet because each carries his heavy burden…” Plato. Embrace the three Constants: Change, Justice, and Rightness. The thought police are busy at work trying to suppress free speech — if allowed their march to madness — they will arrest your very thoughts.


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