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The Transactional Love of Lust?

“Ain’t there something I can give you in exchange for everything you give to me?” Anita Baker asks the age-old question that Biblical Eve asks Biblical Adam. And so says a modern woman to a modern man. Giving You The Best That I Got. 

TJ Holmes with his wife Marilee Fiebig And Amy Robach with her husband Andrew Shue. Both couples have been married since 2010.

Fifty percent of all marriages end in divorce. Yet, people get married anyway. It is a chance they take for love. When minor children are involved in a dissolution of marriage, they are the actual victims of a broken home or relationship. Flip a coin, and roll the dice: one minute, you’re in love, and the next, you are not. Folks have been doing this love thing for millions of years. Despite that, some of us need help to get it right. Do we fall in love or lust? Is it better to have just One Night of Transactional Sin? Or a pretend few years of transactional “love.” After a few years, we have “The War of the Roses”

You gotta love Hollywood. When years of professed love turns into years of declared war on each other. The institution of marriage is a most beautiful thing. 

What is most surprising is the condemnation of TJ Holmes and Amy Robach. This all new. But for years, we’ve been singing, Me and Mrs Jones, and the Manhattans’ “Let Just Kiss and Say Goodbye.”


Recently, there has been much hullabaloo over Good Morning America (GMA3) TJ Holmes and Amy Robach’s alleged love/lust affair. ABC News president Kim Godwin has pulled the popular co-hosts off the air while devising a plan to end permanently their presence on Good Morning America (GMA3.) Initially, Godwin the president of the Disney owned channel said the couple would not suffer consequences for their office romance because they were equal coworkers.

TJ Holmes and his wife Marilee Fiebig, Amy Robach and her husband Andrew Shue would go out on double dates together. So T.J. Hooker and Amy Robach’s husband were good friends. While TJ Hooker was looking Shue in his eyes across the dinner table, his mind was wandering on the crotch of Shue’s wife. I’m the best friend he’s got, I’d give him the shirt off my back. He knows he can trust me with his life, but each time when he’s gone, he leaves me alone me alone with his wife. I wish he didn’t trust me so much. Bobby Womack says. This phenomenon is nothing new. We all know the meaning of the song “Me And Mrs. Jones.” or The Manhattan’s, Let Just Kiss And Say Goodbye.”

ABC News, a Walt Disney-owned company, is up in arms about what they have made a ballistic affair. They have called a forensic team of Sexperts to stick a microscope up the yin-yang of Holmes and Robach. The ABC News Peyton Place lust event is a novelty; a married woman or man has never built a love nest outside their marriage, this is the first time in America. Breaking News. ABC News host of Good Morning America, Robin Roberts, is actively working behind the scenes to get Holmes and Robach canned. Roberts is the person with the bronze-colored rubber-looking legs. She sits there each morning as if auditioning for a spot on Fox News curvy coach. 

Bronze-Colored Rubber Legs Robin Roberts: Reporter or Instigator.

The voices for their dismissal from GMA3 are getting louder. The same voices that say it is a woman’s right to kill an unborn baby because it’s her body, her choice, have now disagreed that Amy Robach may give her body to any man she wants to share it. Because it’s her body, her choice, his body his choice, that is the new mantra. The minute they made the alleged lust affair public, the wife of TJ Hooker went on a castration party ride: She aired his dirty laundry. Nevermind that he’s the father of her children. It looks like she was waiting to exhale, instead of Hanging On To Her Love” as Sade advised, she burned all his shit in public.  

By the time most couples get married, at the average age of 30, they have gone through a combined practiced sexual relationship of 45. Yet they can’t seem to get it right—when they decide to establish a permanent relationship. The chances are still the same: roll the dice, flip a coin, and it comes out 50/50 for a dissolution of marriage.

One would think the divorce rate would be low in countries where women are under stringent control and scrutiny. That is not the case. Under Shariah Law, the Muslim state of Maldives suffers an extremely high divorce rate. And the nation of Iran is not immune to divorce, where they’ll arrest a woman for exposing her ankles in public. In Iran, things are so ass-backward. You may find a woman wearing lipstick on her toenails, nail polish on her lips, and lip gloss on her ass. Oops, how did that get there?

“Life Is Like A Box Of Chocolates, You Never Know What You’re Going To Get.” Forrest Gump.

And in the nation where they won the West, Urbanites on a one-night stand will demand on the first night: My neck, my back, lick my coochie, and my crack. They remain wild until they believe it’s time to settle down.

Suddenly they wipe their slates clean with lies. So they try to convince themselves they have changed but have yet to change. And so they get married. And during the marriage, after a while, they feel an emptiness, and that missing link to forbidden fruits and wild nights of dangerous liaisons and “fulfillment” gnaws at them. And before you know it, they’re back in the mix, looking for what’s missing in their lives—promiscuous sex. Newness to fulfill the emptiness. I’ll do it just this once. But that “Crack” (is like cocaine) is one hell of an addiction, and the void to fill seems everlasting.

Basketball legend Wilt Chamberlain claims he had sexual intercourse with 20,000 (twenty thousand) women. And Scott Steiner claims he slept with 15K women in one year. Studs? Yet many women find these men suitable for marriage. If a woman — not a Street Walker — admits to sleeping with 500 men, most men would not consider her wife material. Nymph? We love the nymphomaniacs—promiscuous sex. Newness to fulfill the emptiness.

Why do some men ask women for sexual body count when they can’t handle the “truth?” That remains a mystery, or it’s just stupidity. If you know you’re going to sleep with those ghosts in the back of your head every time you go to bed, adopt the slogan — Don’t Ask, She Won’t Tell. Just remember, “The First Cut is The Deepest.” In her song “Torn Between Two Lovers,” Pop singer Mark McGregor sums up the dilemma many women face during a marriage but rarely says it out loud. 

For having sex, men need a place to lie down with a woman, while women need a reason — so they say. Well, women darn sure find a lot of reasons than men can find places.

Fifteenth century King of England Henry the VIII had six wives, and still couldn’t get a relationship right. One of his wives gave up the drawers to someone else in an open field of grass. The hurt so much, it prompted Henry to write a most beautiful song, entitled: Greensleeves. “Alas; my love, you do me wrong, to cast me off so discourteously.” At least, he didn’t have her killed like King Charles III had Princess Diana Killed. 

Basketball legend Wilt Chamberlain bragged in his book A View From Above. Chamberlain claimed to have slept with 20,000 different women. Probably, he’s one of the first proud admitted two minute brother. “If you’re here you’re with us, if not Boo, you know what — I still banged you.” Like Ja Rule would say.

Should TJ Holmes do a Manhattan with Amy Robach and go home to his wife? Is it too late? Marilee Fiebig has gone on the record castrating the father of her children. Where is the love? How quickly love turns to hate. Was there love between them, or just a long term transactional lust that faded with time. Lust changes, Love does not. Let’s not confuse a convenient lust with Love. The Christian Holy Book says: God is Love. And in the same book, at the end, God says, “I change not.”

MEDIA CORP USA: The Journal of Record.

Clinton Franklin
Clinton Franklin is a formally trained Computer Scientist and a writer at heart. Clinton is an avid observer of nature and a lover of people and diverse cultures. He adheres to the adage, “Think globally, but act locally.” It is crucial to be forward-thinking but not a forward person. “Be kind to everyone you meet because each carries his heavy burden…” Plato. Embrace the three Constants: Change, Justice, and Rightness. The thought police are busy at work trying to suppress free speech — if allowed their march to madness — they will arrest your very thoughts.


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