HomeHealth & FitnessJoe Biden, Elderly Abuse, Jill Biden, The World Is Watching

Joe Biden, Elderly Abuse, Jill Biden, The World Is Watching

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"It's Not Age, It's Stage"

President Joe Biden is the face of America. And the world is watching a face in decline. Leaders lead. And Joe Biden isn’t leading anyone. Someone is running the country. And it’s not President Joe Biden.

According to the National Institute of Health (NIH), one in seven Americans age 71 and older have some dementia. Eighty-one-year-old President Joe Biden, unfortunately, has become a member of the one in seven statistics.

The one in seven stats percentage is about 13.9 percent of older Americans. Reports suggest 9.7 percent of Americans in that age group have advanced dementia (AD). And 2.4 percent of the group have vascular dementia.

People Get Sick. It’s nothing to be ashamed of.

President Joe Biden is one of the 9.7 percent of Americans with dementia. Some people get diabetes.

The issue is when family and friends know that someone is sick yet force them to go to work. That is sick. Sending Grandpa to work to do an overwhelming job is pathetic — if not abusive. The Biden Family doesn’t need the money. They have made a killing over the years, pun intended. So, what is driving Biden to the job? Is it health care?

He has the best health care in America and will continue to have the best health care. The Walter Reed National Military Medical Center housed some of the finest doctors in the world.

The Image America Is Portraying to The World.

Forcing The Elderly To Work: Many People Are Questioning Pres Biden Fitness To Do The Job

The world is a rough neighborhood.

While living in a neighborhood, you watch a slouching 81-year-old going to work to support his lazy ass kids and grand kids. What is the conclusion to draw about the members of his family? Any reasonable person would conclude there is elderly abuse taking place. The neighbors are watching, and they are whispering behind his back. Yes, the world is watching.

Ukraine is taking advantage of the elderly. Ukraine is scamming old grandpa out of the family’s inheritance.

Dr. Cornell West On Joe Biden’s Mental Acuity

In a recent interview on News Nation, host Connell Mc Shane asked Dr. Cornell West about the President’s age and mental fitness. “Age is not the sole determinant of being sharp and controlling your mental powers, ” Dr. West replied. “I know many people in their 40s who are in sharp mental decline,” West continued.

“It’s in the evidence.” If you look at brother Biden, I see evidence of sure cognitive decline, Dr. West told McShane.

Only 14 percent of Americans believe the President is up to doing the job.

Most Americans see President Biden as weak and bumbling. The world sees Joe Biden as weak and bumbling. “God bless him and his family,” Dr. West concluded his answer to McShane’s question.

In July 2020, Media Corp USA published an article titled, “Will Joe Biden Run The Country From A Nursing Home? “

Even then, it was clear that candidate Joe Biden was in cognitive decline. It has only gotten worse over the years. From this point, his progression of dementia will rapidly speed up with the stress of being the President.

Biden Press Press Propagandist Jean Pierre vs. Trump’s Press Secretary Sanders Huckabee vs Sean Spicer. Sarah Huckabee, the ex-Press Secretary for Trump, was the biggest liar, followed closely by Kayleigh McEnany. Joe Biden’s Jean Pierre comes in a close 3rd.

Joe Biden Wants To Die In Office.

The researchers found record-high life expectancy for white females (80.5 years) and black females (76.1 years), as well as for white males (75.3 years) and black males (69.0 years).

Doctors pay for play.

It is becoming clear that Joe Biden wants to die in office.

Some live to be a hundred years old, while others don’t. What a pomp, circumstance, and magnificent send-off the president would get at the taxpayer’s expense. The taxpayer pays more for the funeral cost of a current president than a former. President Biden is hoping for a grand send-off.

President Biden’s physician gave him raving health reviews—but so did Michael Jackson’s doctor. Former President Donald Trump’s doctor wrote that Trump was the healthiest man alive. Most physicians who get to hang out with the rich and famous will say what they want to hear. The patient pays them to tell what they would like the public to listen to. Biden could sue his doctor under HIPAA? No.

The President’s Aids Are Concerned About His Mental Health

“Behind Closed Doors, The President Is Showing Signs Of Slipping.”

The Wall Street Journal (WSJ), a right-wing leaning outlet, recently reported that at least 45 Washington insiders are frightened of the prospect of Biden winning a second term. The fears of the insiders are based on the President’s sharp mental decline. The Democrats have shot back with their defense of Biden’s decrepitness.
They say, “Now, in 2024, House Republicans are making false claims as a political tactic that flatly contradict previous statements made by themselves and their colleagues.”

On Monday, it was an all-out verbal brawl between Rep Matt Gaetz and the DOJ’s Merrick Garland–over Biden’s mental stability. Rep Gaetz demanded that the Attorney General release the audio of the President’s interview with Special Prosecutor Ben Hur. A.G. Garland refused Gaetz’s request. The DOJ has made available copies of the interview paper transcript.

When pressed by American journalists about Biden’s decline, White House press secretary Karine Jean Pierre responded, “The President proves every day that he’s mentality fit.” Pierre went on to say Biden proves his fitness in how he thinks and by “dealing with world leaders, by making difficult decisions on behalf of the American people — whether it’s domestic or national security.”

“That is how Dr. O’Connor sees it, and that is how I’m going to leave it,” she said, adding that she has known the now-81-year-old Biden since 2009, and he is still “sharp.”
White House press secretary Jean Pierre did not say the President was fit for duty.
Instead, she quoted the President’s physician, Dr. O’Connor.

Clinton Franklin
Clinton Franklin is a formally trained Computer Scientist and a writer at heart. Clinton is an avid observer of nature and a lover of people and diverse cultures. He adheres to the adage, “Think globally, but act locally.” It is crucial to be forward-thinking but not a forward person. “Be kind to everyone you meet because each carries his heavy burden…” Plato. Embrace the three Constants: Change, Justice, and Rightness. The thought police are busy at work trying to suppress free speech — if allowed their march to madness — they will arrest your very thoughts.


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