HomeCrimeHunter Biden Convicted By Jury Of His Peers And Joe Biden

Hunter Biden Convicted By Jury Of His Peers And Joe Biden

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Biden's 10 Commandments.

On Tuesday, Hunter Biden was convicted by a jury of his peers and Joe Biden. “

“It doesn’t matter if they are the victims of society. It doesn’t matter whether they were deprived as a youth.” “It doesn’t matter whether they had no background to enable them to socialize into the fabric of society.”

“It doesn’t matter whether or not that society deprived the person accosting my wife or your parents were deprived of their youth.” — Senator Joe Biden’s Commandments.

At least 90 percent of legacy story reporters and journalists told the story of Hunter Biden’s conviction had a long face. They were all in a somber mood. The Fox News pundits were in a celebratory mood. The legacy media talking heads preached to the nation that those who use drugs have a disease. Suddenly, those who get caught up in the claws of drug use need sympathy.
Tell that to the family members of hundreds of thousands of Americans who have died from fentanyl overdoses. President Joe Biden has opened the southern border to drug/Fentanyl smugglers to wreak havoc on society.

There is a line in the movie “The Ten Commandments” where Pharaoh condemned the Firstborn of the Hebrews to death. And Moses cried out to Pharaoh, saying, “I wish you hadn’t done that.” “Because you just condemned the Firstborn of Egypt to death.”

On November 18, 1993, Senator Joe Biden stood on the floor of the Senate and condemned as criminals as many African Americans as he could. In 1994, Sen. Joe Biden convinced his colleagues in the Senate to pass The 1994 Crime Bill.


Biden The First To Yell: Lock “Em Up” All Black People

Then, Senator Joe Biden was the first to yell: lock them up. Lock them all up. Speaking of Black youths, Biden said, “Their resolve is to knock my mother on her head with a lead pipe.” Biden continues, “They want to shoot my sister, beat up my wife, and take on my sons.” So I want to ask, what makes them do this?”

Hunter Biden and The Media’s Defense

“I was on crack; therefore, I didn’t know what I was doing. I didn’t think I was on crack at the time.”
The Bank Robber Says. When I robbed the bank, I was high; therefore, I should be excused. Ignorance of the law is no excuse for breaking it, they tell irregular folks.

Let’s go back to Joe Biden’s condemnation of Black America in 1993.

“They (Black drug addicts) must be taken off the streets by the courts. That is the number one priority,” Joe Biden said. There is a consensus on that. Biden continues, “Unless we do something about them. Tens of thousands of them were born out of wedlock, without parents, without supervision—and tens of thousands of them without structure and conscience.” This 1993 speech Joe Biden made just after his son Hunter Biden got married. Joe became the proud father, scolding and condemning those he was hired to help to death.

So, as Pharaoh condemned the firstborn male child of the Hebrews, Joe Biden has spoken of his own.


Before Hunter Biden’s conviction on three felony gun charges by a federal jury, the prosecutor offered him a plea deal.

The 54-year-old Biden was charged with lying on official documents to purchase a gun. Biden checked a box stating that he was not on drugs at the time of the gun purchase.

He arrogantly turned it down. It’s unlikely that the judge will take the President’s son to prison. However, that would give him a safe space to work on his art. Hunter Biden’s wife and his family members showed up in court to support him. After this case, Biden Junior still has tax evasion and laptop cases to deal with.

There are reports that Hunter Biden has a net worth of about 1.5 million dollars. His means and methods of making money have come under scrutiny.

Clinton Franklin
Clinton Franklin is a formally trained Computer Scientist and a writer at heart. Clinton is an avid observer of nature and a lover of people and diverse cultures. He adheres to the adage, “Think globally, but act locally.” It is crucial to be forward-thinking but not a forward person. “Be kind to everyone you meet because each carries his heavy burden…” Plato. Embrace the three Constants: Change, Justice, and Rightness. The thought police are busy at work trying to suppress free speech — if allowed their march to madness — they will arrest your very thoughts.


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