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Barcelona Announces Ban On Short-term Apartments for Tourists

Barcelona has long benefited from being one of Europe’s most visited cities. In recent years, however, that booming tourism industry has also shown its ugly side, with locals being priced out of the market for buying and renting homes.

To help combat this housing crisis and rising tensions between residents and tourists, the city recently announced that it will ban all tourist apartment rentals by 2028.

The measure will take effect in November of that year and revoke the short-term rental licenses of 10,101 apartments throughout Barcelona.

“We are confronting what we believe is Barcelona’s largest problem,” said the city’s mayor, Jaume Collboni.

According to Collboni, rent prices have increased by 68% over the last ten years, while the cost of buying a home has risen by about 38%. He attributes the issue to the dramatic increase in short-term rentals, gentrification, and property owners who prefer to manage tourist apartments, which tend to be more lucrative than renting to full-time residents.

“The city’s residents will use those 10,000 apartments or go on the market for rent or sale,” Collboni added.

Although the creation of new tourist apartments has been banned in recent years, that hasn’t stopped some property owners from listing illegal short-term rentals. Over 9,700 unlicensed tourist apartments have already been shut down since 2017.

Critics of the ban say it will only lead to an increase in more illegal tourist apartments and perhaps other economic issues.

Collboni is making a mistake that will lead to (higher) poverty and unemployment,” Barcelona’s tourist apartments association APARTUR said in a statement.

Meanwhile, others claim that only hotels will benefit from the drastic measures as they’ll have less competition.

Only time will tell whether this move to ban popular accommodation options like Airbnb will effectively address housing issues while keeping tourism numbers high.

One thing is sure: Barcelona isn’t the first significant destination to implement such strict rules against vacation rentals, and it won’t be the last.

The Supreme Court of The United States: Children Playing With Matches—Absolute.

On Monday, the Supreme Court made a decision that could have far-reaching consequences. They granted former President Donald Trump’s request to wield absolute power over America for a day. Was that ‘one day’ on January 6th, 2020, or is that day yet to come? A president has absolute immunity in his capacity as President only if he is perfect. And there are no perfect presidents. There are no perfect kings, dictators or emperors.

The Republican-led Supreme Court is akin to children playing with matches, unaware of the potential dangers they are toying with. Many houses have burned down because of reckless, uninformed children playing with matches. The potential consequences of this decision are grave, and we must all take responsibility to prevent them.

The unprecedented decision has legal scholars scratching their heads. What could this mean for America down the road?


Dissenting Justices

In response to the Republican majority 6 / 3 ruling, Justice Sonya Sotomayor wrote: “The President of the United States is the most ‘powerful’ person in the country and possibly the world. Under the majority’s ruling, he will now be insulated from criminal prosecution when he uses his official power in any way.”

Absolute Power

Absolute power means there are no checks and balances. Unless the President is incapacitated, his official duties are 24/7, 365 days each year, even if he grabs a woman by the cat.

Perhaps the Republican Justices don’t know the meaning of the word ABSOLUTE.

Power corrupts absolutely, and absolute power corrupts absolutely—Lord Acton. In 1989 when, Donald Trump called for the execution of five Black teenagers in a full-page newspaper advertisement that ran in prominent newspapers such as the New York Times and the daily rag the New York Daily News.

A Donald Trump with absolute power would have executed the Central Park Five instead of just calling for their execution. The President could order all black people to concentration camps. Although that is a fight, he would lose–instantly–per Providence.


Justice Sotomayor sees the danger in the Republican’s opinion. Sotomayor’s dissent made an eye-opening point. She wrote that should “the President order the Navy’s Seal Team 6 to assassinate Joe Biden, he would be immune from prosecution. Organize a military coup to hold on to power? Immune. Take a bribe in exchange for a pardon? Immune. Immune, immune, immune.”

When Senator Joe Biden created the 1994 Crime Bill to destroy the lives of Black people, he pleaded his case to pass the law in the Senate. A Biden with absolute power would order all Black people to prisons — instead. That is absolute power.

The Supreme Court, which has come under scrutiny as a hotbed of corruption, is now attempting to insulate itself from prosecution. Many Americans believe Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito have accepted expensive gifts for favorable rightwing. The kind of rightwing rulings like the one they ruled on today. These allegations of corruption haven’t been proved in a court of law because the justices are immune from prosecution.

However, they are immune from prosecution until an opposing party comes to power and decides to prosecute them. That is the Banana Republic ruling that they attempted to establish on Monday.

Checks and Balances

Being a dictator for one day is all it takes to turn America upside down and inside out. That one day of absolute ‘power’ would allow a dictator to outlaw all checks and balances. It takes one day to outlaw the Constitution. It takes one day to dissolve Congress. It takes one day to order the roundup and execution of all political enemies.

Justice Clarence “Uncle” Thomas

To clarify that the ruling is all about Special Prosecutor Jack Smith going after Trump, Clarence “Uncle” Thomas wrote, “If there is no law establishing the office that the Special Counsel occupies, then he cannot proceed with this prosecution. A private citizen cannot criminally prosecute anyone, let alone a former President.”

A Patient who has Dementia Doesn’t Know — Friends And Family Know.

They say once you’re explaining, that means you are losing. On Friday, President Biden went on the street to explain what happened on Thursday, the night of the matchup between him and former President Donald Trump.
Many people have described the event as the “Great Train Wreck.” A patient who has dementia doesn’t know they’re—however, their friends and family know that they are. A caring family doesn’t wait for Grandpa to wander (from the house) away down the street time and again.

They don’t keep sending Grandpa to the factory to work to support the family every day. “Oh well, Grandpa has been working at the factory for 55 years; he knows what he’s doing.” Unfortunately for the Biden clan, President Biden isn’t going to work at the Plant.

The President’s job is serious business, requiring excellent mental acuity and sharpness. It is not ceremonial. Biden can ill-afford to continue as the Trojan Horse for hangers-on who want a job and a paycheck and to exercise power in the background nefariously. President Biden’s staffers have become more like patient care assistants than earnest caretakers of the American government.

Jill Biden Is Holding On To Status.

Some women will watch their man work himself into the grave if it means holding on to their status in life.
For those who argue that Dr. Jill Biden is independent and has her own career, it’s important to remember that she is the President’s wife. This is a title and a significant role with responsibilities and expectations.

There is only one President at a time. Michelle Obama has a law degree from Yale University Law School and is known as the former First Lady. She is known as former President Barack Obama’s wife. Being First Lady is separate from Jill Biden‘s or Michelle Obama’s academic accomplishments. However, their most significant accomplishment was to be the President’s wife. Doug Emhoff is known as Vice President Kamala Harris’ husband. Being Kamala Harris’ husband is Doug Emhoff’s most significant accomplishment in his lifetime.

Hey girl, Kamala, use what you have to get what you want. I ain’t mad at you.
Former First Lady Melania Trump is not well educated like those other First Ladies, but she’s known as a former First Lady because she married Donald Trump. Now, Melania Trump’s team says she has a fake college diploma. She may have gotten that from one of those diploma mills down there in Little Havana in Miami or Yugoslavia.

Former President Donald Trump

Once A Man, Twice A Child

Hey maaa, Grandpa done wandered off again! An adage says, “Once a man, twice a child.” And that adage rings true for some who live to a ripe old age. During the 2020 Presidential campaign, many Americans wondered — tongue in cheek — if Biden won the Presidency — would he run the country from a nursing home?

Even then, his mental and physical decline was in view. At a recent meeting of world leaders, Biden wandered off to marvel at a parachute while other world leaders tended to the issue at hand. While adults tend to do business, a child would marvel at toys.

An iHeart radio host and Democratic operative goes by the name Charlamaign a god called Trump and Biden trash.
Charlamaignin recognized Biden’s frailty in his core. Even as a Democratic senator, he could not help but criticize his leader.

Polls: 72% of Americans Denounced President Biden

Polls show that 72% of Americans don’t think Biden is fit to be President. Yet incredible talking heads and Democrat pundits get on television and claim Biden is fit to run the show.

The sad fact is that President Joe Biden doesn’t know that he’s suffering from dementia, but his “friends” and family know. Maaa, Grandpa has wandered off again. The President’s son, Hunter Biden, wants him to stay in the race. Of course, Hunter does because he needs someone to absolve him of his crimes. Give the American people what they want—a capable leader.

Presidential Debate Shows A Lackluster Biden Flailing Next To Trump

The Big Meltdown

The rematch America and the world have been waiting for for four years. Former President Donald J. Trump is wearing red trunks in the right corner. Wearing blue trunks, standing eight feet apart, is the current President, “Sleepy” Joe Biden.”

The first 2024 Presidential debate shows a lackluster President Biden trying to sound vigorous and fiery. Instead, the unsteady 81-one-year-old Biden comes across as a wild old Dan Quixote yelling in the wind.
The reality-challenged Biden really thinks he has accomplished meaningful tasks since taking office three and a half years ago.

As Biden held his head down and verbally flailed about on the stage, Former President Trump took advantage of Biden’s mental-no-show.

When CNN’s posed its first question to Biden about inflation, Biden verbally flailed about and reverted to his usual talking point. Biden talked about I’m from Scranton Pennsylvania story. That story is older than Mary and Joseph.

Biden got a good strike in when he told Trump, “You have the morals of a alley cat.” But that was it for lucidity for Biden.

The reality is Biden and his Head Secretary, Alejandra Mayorkas, have put the American people at grave risk. Mayorkas has allowed more drug smuggling to take place that would make Pablo Escobar and El Chapo (Joaquín Archivaldo Guzmán Loera) blush. Over the past three and a half years, President Biden and Alejandra Mayorkas have caused more drug-related deaths than any other American Presidents. Former President Trump reminded Biden that what “he’s doing to the American people is absolutely criminal.”

The one-and-a-half-man debate was hosted by CNN and moderated by Jake Tapper and Dana Bash. Ms. Bash — without shame or scruple — is known for making outlandish proclamations while on air.

CNN’s 2024 Presidential Debate Hosts Jake Tapper And Dana Bash

Kindergarten-style Debate Forum

During the debate, they ordered President Biden and former President Donald Trump to stand eight feet apart. CNN ordered them not to speak out of turn. CNN muted each candidate’s microphone while the other candidate was talking. CNN worked a miracle where the omnidirectional microphones would not pick up unwanted speech.

Here is the story. There Is An Opening For A Government Job, But Blacks, Jews, gays, Females, and Gov Abbott Need Not Apply. What does that sound like? Discrimination! A corrupted DNC and RNC have shut out other candidates such as Robert F. Kennedy, Jr, Jill Stein, and Cornel West.

Shutting Out Other Presidential candidates from the debate shows the dangers of a two-party corrupted system—qualification for the job: Old insider, decrepit, male, and white. The debate shows what happens to organizations when qualified candidates are shut out from applying.Talk about a one-and-a-half-man discussion.

America will never get a chance to see or hear a Vice Presidential debate between Shamala Harris and Vice Presidential candidate Nicole Shanahan. There could be a gem or a light inside waiting to be seen. Still, the American people will never know because of an entrenched duopoly with profound discriminatory ideals.

A frail and lackluster Biden often freezes up when answering questions. For Biden, it can only go down hill from here

During the debate, President Biden appeared frail, and disjointed. Biden went as far to say that, “I’m the only President this century/decade that doesn’t have any troops dying anywhere in the world like he did.” Biden made it clear that he doesn’t know what century he’s in. He often freezes up mid sentence.

Former President Trump was quick to point that he doesn’t understand Biden’s gibberish . Trump also said he doesn’t think Biden knows what he says either.

So far, Trump has refused to name his Vice Presidential pick. This way, a host of wanna-be Vice Presidential hopefuls will go on television to make themselves look stupid and desperate, defending anything Trump says or does. Eventually, Trump will pick Doug Burgum as his running mate. Gov Doug Burgum is a kiss-up with the right temperament.

And Burgum is a self-made billionaire, unlike losers and loudmouth claptraps like Senators Marco Rubio, J.D. Vance, and Tim Scott — Burgum has governed a state. The three senators mentioned above are anti-Black white supremacists. If Trump wants to peel off at least 20% of the black votes, he will have to resist having two white supremacists at the top of the ticket — himself and whomever he picks.

Dr. Ben “Mr. Magoo” Carson brings nothing to the table; although Carson won’t overshadow Trump, the majority of the MAGA base are Neo-Nazi, and they won’t stand for a Black man. Florida Rep. Byron Donald is a jackass, and Trump knows it.

The next presidential debate? ABC News will host the second debate between President Biden and Donald Trump is scheduled to take place on Tuesday, Sept. 10, at 9:pm.

Trump and Biden ended the debate bickering about whose golf swing is better. Dana Bash reoriented the candidates by asking Trump if he would accept the final results of the election, regardless of who wins, yes or no, please? Trump danced around the question. Overall, the debate was more substantive than the Republican Primary debates.

Bay Harbor Double-Dipping Police Captain Noel Promoted to Chief.

Law And Disorder.

Bay Harbor Islands, a town south of Broward County of about 6000 (six thousand) residents, has a police chief debacle. The island town in Dade County, FL, is not precisely teaming with bank robberies like Boston Massachusettes, but robbers are there.

The robbers, cunningly, dress up in city-issued uniforms, masquerading as law enforcement during the day and carrying out their criminal activities at night. Amid this, Bay Harbor’s double-dipping Police Captain Lindsley Noel has been promoted to chief, leaving some residents deeply concerned.

According to Bay Harbor Bay Harbor Islands Police Sergeant Michael LaMantia, who turned whistle-blower, they fired him unjustly in 2022. In 2022, while working in internal affairs, Sergeant Michael LaMantia opened an internal affairs investigation into Captain Lindsley Noel’s off-duty work.

The IA investigation showed that then Captain Lindsley Noel double-dipped between 2017 and 2019 — earning over $36,000 in off-duty work while on the clock for the town.
Between 2017 and 2019, Captain Lindsley Noel handled the off-duty details.

In a retaliatory move, the Bay Harbor Island Police Department unjustly fired Sergeant Michael LaMantia, who had blown the whistle on Captain Noel’s double-dipping.
The subsequent administrative investigation confirmed LaMantia’s allegations, but instead of addressing the issue, the town promoted Captain Lindsley Noel to Chief. LaMantia’s case went to arbitration, where his termination was reduced to a one-year suspension, “a clear sign of the injustice he faced.”

Undeterred by the injustice, Sergeant LaMantia is now suing the town of Bay Harbor Island under the Florida Whistleblower Act. This legal action underscores the gravity of the situation and the need for justice to prevail.

A Bay Harbor Island “internal affairs probe in 2022 sustained allegations that LaMantia harassed and made misogynistic and racist remarks to subordinates. However, LaMantia has refuted the complaints as a bogus attempt to undermine his authority as a shift leader.”

The Ten Commandments of Louisiana’s Discrimination Exclusion & Inborn (DEI) Jeff Landry.

Landry's Ten Amendments.

Moses, Moses, take off thy shoes. The place where you are standing is holy ground. The first Commandment of the Lord, thy God, has been excluded from the state of Louisiana’s new proclamation.
On Wednesday, Governor Jeff Landry of Louisiana reverted to an old law of the Old Testament Bible.

Gov Landry’s new mandate requires all public schools to prominently display a ‘poster size’ writing of the ‘Ten Commandments’ on their premises to continue receiving government funding. Those schools that refuse to comply with Landry’s directive may face consequences.

Will the Children of the Corn, of a Lesser God or a Higher God, get thrown into the fiery furnace if they refuse to bow to Landry’s laundry list? Will Landry throw the children Shadrach, Meshach, and the Bad Negro) of the Hebrews into a lion’s den if they refuse the edict of the Old/New Nebuchadnezzar of Louisiana?

Landry Is A Religious Nut — Not A Religious Scientist

The first Commandment of God to Moses was, “Moses! Moses! Take off your shoes; where you are standing is holy ground.” Landry cites Biblical Moses as his source of the 1 through 10 statutes he wants to be posted. Yet, he still needs to learn the first Commandment of Moses.

“Governor” Jeff Landry is a showhorse. Like many Republican Governors, he does things to get Trump’s attention. How did he get into law school, let alone graduate? White skin privilege, America’s preeminent (DEI) Discrimination Exclusion and Inborn.

Landry has laid laws (Moses’ Ten Commandments) in all public schools. Still, he doesn’t describe the consequences for breaking the rules — aside from withholding funds. He’s a showhorse.

Some people fight with the Iranians because they impose Ja’fari Shia Islam law. Iran is a theocratic republic, and their Clerics require Iranian women to cover themselves with burkas. Is that where America is going?

“The Ten Commandments”

1 Thou shalt not take the Name of the Lord thy God in vain. (What is the Lord’s name?)
2 Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. Which day is the Sabbath?
3 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image. (Trump Is Landry’s Deity)
4 Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy
5 Honor thy father and mother, that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.
6 Thou shalt not kill. (Louisana Uses The Death Penalty)
7 Thou shalt not commit adultery. (50% of married couples cheat)
8 Thou shalt not steal. (Tell that to the Africans)
8 Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor. (Tell that to police officers)
9 Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s house. (Get rid of gentrification) / Tell that to the Native Americans
10 Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his cattle, nor anything that is thy neighbor’s.”

Georgia City Suspends Its Entire Police Force And Fires Its Chief.


Warm Springs Georgia: Dirty Policing

Suddenly, the tranquil town of Warm Springs, Georgia, located about an hour south of Atlanta, has been thrust into the spotlight. In a move of unprecedented gravity, Mayor Robyn Pynenburg has suspended the entire police force and terminated its chief, Emilio Quintana.

This drastic action comes in the wake of a series of deeply troubling complaints about officers’ misconduct, allegedly ignored by the former chief.

Mayor Robyn Pynenburg released a statement after firing Police Chief Emilio Quintana, assuring the City’s dedication to resident safety.

She stated, “We take these matters very seriously and will conduct a thorough investigation to address any issues within our police department.” The City’s dispatch echoed this sentiment, emphasizing that the “decisive action” was taken in the interest of public safety and to uphold the community’s trust in its law enforcement.

Meanwhile, the City of Warm Springs appointed Aisha Al-Khalifa as the interim police chief. Ms. Aisha Al-Khalifa will manage the department’s operations during the investigation.
According to the City’s dispatch, “The decision to terminate Chief Quintana and suspend the police force was made after careful consideration of recent events and emerging concerns regarding the conduct and operations within the department.

The investigation aims to ensure our law enforcement officers’ integrity and accountability and restore public trust in the Warm Springs Police Department.”

While the eleven-man unit remains on administrative suspension, Ms. Al-Khalifa will be the only active duty officer. The City of Warm Springs, located in Meriwether County, will receive mutual assistance from the surrounding police department.

Take for instance the City of Laudehill Police Department, whose officers raid the homes of Black residents and assault them with AR-15 gun. Strip search them in public and march them through the street. The police chief  as a Black female is petrified to call the errant cops to order. She’s afraid because most of them are violent white men. She’s just happy to have the job.

Passport Renewal Is Now Available Online.

Renewing passports is a task that no traveler looks forward to, but the process is finally getting more accessible. 

 Last week, the State Department launched a new beta test for an online passport renewal program, allowing travelers to complete the entire application virtually.  

 While the State Department is working towards making the online program more widely available, it is currently limited to U.S. citizens residing in the country with passports issued between 2009 and 2015.  

Applicants for the online passport renewal program are required to upload their own photo and have a credit or debit card ready to pay the $130 renewal fee. Please note that only bank cards are accepted as payment methods.  
“During the next several months, we plan to continue to limit the number of applications accepted each day so we can monitor the system’s performance in real-time,” the State Department said on the new program website. “We appreciate your patience while we test our system and prepare for a full launch of the updated online passport renewal system.” 

Renewing Your Online Passport Is The Way To Go

Applying online will be more convenient for most travelers, but it’s not necessarily faster than the traditional mail-in option. The processing time for online renewal is six to eight weeks. This estimate doesn’t include mailing time, so the wait could be a bit longer to receive your new passport. Unlike the mail-in applications, the online renewal program doesn’t offer expedited or urgent travel options.  

 Although travelers won’t have to mail their existing passport as part of this online renewal option, they should know that their current passport will be immediately canceled once they submit an online application. That means anyone with international travel plans should not use this online system shortly.  

 Those needing an urgent renewal should instead make an appointment with a passport center for expedited processing. The State Department, in charge of passport distribution, has published a helpful guide on how to do this.  

GEN Z And Home Ownership: The Diminishing American Dream.

Make It Modern

They call it owning a piece of the American Rock. And to many, it’s living the American dream — for those who can afford to dream. For Gen Z, the dream of owning a home is rapidly becoming a distant reality. They are facing the harsh reality of being priced out of the housing market, a struggle that is all too real for them.

Where do Gen Zers and home ownership intersect? The statistics reveal a significant factor: the Baby Boomers, the largest block of homeowners, choose to stay in their homes. This decision, while understandable, is not just a personal choice, but it’s creating a bottleneck in the housing market that is directly affecting Gen Z’s ability to own a home. The Covid-19 pandemic may have provided a slight relief, but not enough to alleviate the housing crisis.

However, because of the COVID-19 pandemic, life expectancy fell 1.3 years from 78.8 years in 2019. The CDC data shows Americans are still reeling from the effects of COVID-19.

Supply And Demand

President Joe Biden’s open border policies have led to a significant increase in the population. Which in turn has swelled the demand for housing. The influx of people, including a large number of undocumented immigrants, has further exacerbated the housing crisis. The six hundred thousand people living on the streets of America is a stark reminder of the housing shortage, making it even more difficult for Gen Z to find their own homes.

The demand far outpaced the Supply.

Trading Economics has reported that housing starts “in the U.S. rose 5.7% month-over-month to an annualized rate of 1.36 million in April 2024, reversing from a downwardly revised 1.287 million level in March.” So, while there is a need for cheap labor coming into America — the cheap labor comes at a high cost to Millennials and Gen Zers.

“Single-family housing starts moved down 0.4% to 1.031 million, but the rate for units in buildings with five units surged 31.4% to 322 thousand. Starts rose in the Midwest (19.1% to 181 thousand), and the South (10.1% to 799 thousand) but fell in the Northeast (-22.6% to 72 thousand) and the West (-2.5% to 308 thousand).” source: U.S. Census Bureau.


American Live Births vs Death Rate: Zero Sum Game/Gain

The number of live births in the United States in 2023 was about 3.6 million, around a fourth of the 13 million people crossing the southern border — including the “get-a-ways.”

According to Health Tracker & The CDC, the total number of deaths is 3.27 million, an increase from 2.15 million in 1990 and 2.85 million in 2019. “The fertility rate in 2023 was 54.4 live births per 1,000 women ages 15 to 44, which is the lowest rate in a century.” Hence, the need for Joe Biden to open the floodgates to human tracking while encouraging regular American women to fight for abortion.

President Joe Biden, Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, and the Border Patrol agents know how to close the border; they don’t want to. When a couple of hundred Black Haitians and Africans showed up, the Border Patrol agents immediately closed the border to them.

They brought the whips and horses out in an instant. And they brutalized the Black migrants crossing into America. Florida has the fourth largest settlement of illegal migrants in the USA.

Ron DeSantis allowed it to take place. However, due to gang violence in Haiti, as soon as there was a possibility of Haitians coming into Florida, Gov Ron DeSantis dispatched the Coast Guard to block and prevent any Haitians from entering the United States.

And for the few Haitians that mingled with the “Mexicans” (generic term) to come into the US, Biden has shipped them back into the arms of extreme poverty and gang violence that awaits them.
Is it because they are Black? There are reports of those who are invading from the southern border, paying as much as $40,000 (forty thousand) to get smuggled into America.

Most Americans (including Gen Zers and Millenials) cannot save four thousand dollars because they live paycheck to paycheck. From whence are these folks getting such large sums of cash? Things that make you umm?

Hunter Biden Convicted By Jury Of His Peers And Joe Biden

Biden's 10 Commandments.

On Tuesday, Hunter Biden was convicted by a jury of his peers and Joe Biden. “

“It doesn’t matter if they are the victims of society. It doesn’t matter whether they were deprived as a youth.” “It doesn’t matter whether they had no background to enable them to socialize into the fabric of society.”

“It doesn’t matter whether or not that society deprived the person accosting my wife or your parents were deprived of their youth.” — Senator Joe Biden’s Commandments.

At least 90 percent of legacy story reporters and journalists told the story of Hunter Biden’s conviction had a long face. They were all in a somber mood. The Fox News pundits were in a celebratory mood. The legacy media talking heads preached to the nation that those who use drugs have a disease. Suddenly, those who get caught up in the claws of drug use need sympathy.
Tell that to the family members of hundreds of thousands of Americans who have died from fentanyl overdoses. President Joe Biden has opened the southern border to drug/Fentanyl smugglers to wreak havoc on society.

There is a line in the movie “The Ten Commandments” where Pharaoh condemned the Firstborn of the Hebrews to death. And Moses cried out to Pharaoh, saying, “I wish you hadn’t done that.” “Because you just condemned the Firstborn of Egypt to death.”

On November 18, 1993, Senator Joe Biden stood on the floor of the Senate and condemned as criminals as many African Americans as he could. In 1994, Sen. Joe Biden convinced his colleagues in the Senate to pass The 1994 Crime Bill.


Biden The First To Yell: Lock “Em Up” All Black People

Then, Senator Joe Biden was the first to yell: lock them up. Lock them all up. Speaking of Black youths, Biden said, “Their resolve is to knock my mother on her head with a lead pipe.” Biden continues, “They want to shoot my sister, beat up my wife, and take on my sons.” So I want to ask, what makes them do this?”

Hunter Biden and The Media’s Defense

“I was on crack; therefore, I didn’t know what I was doing. I didn’t think I was on crack at the time.”
The Bank Robber Says. When I robbed the bank, I was high; therefore, I should be excused. Ignorance of the law is no excuse for breaking it, they tell irregular folks.

Let’s go back to Joe Biden’s condemnation of Black America in 1993.

“They (Black drug addicts) must be taken off the streets by the courts. That is the number one priority,” Joe Biden said. There is a consensus on that. Biden continues, “Unless we do something about them. Tens of thousands of them were born out of wedlock, without parents, without supervision—and tens of thousands of them without structure and conscience.” This 1993 speech Joe Biden made just after his son Hunter Biden got married. Joe became the proud father, scolding and condemning those he was hired to help to death.

So, as Pharaoh condemned the firstborn male child of the Hebrews, Joe Biden has spoken of his own.


Before Hunter Biden’s conviction on three felony gun charges by a federal jury, the prosecutor offered him a plea deal.

The 54-year-old Biden was charged with lying on official documents to purchase a gun. Biden checked a box stating that he was not on drugs at the time of the gun purchase.

He arrogantly turned it down. It’s unlikely that the judge will take the President’s son to prison. However, that would give him a safe space to work on his art. Hunter Biden’s wife and his family members showed up in court to support him. After this case, Biden Junior still has tax evasion and laptop cases to deal with.

There are reports that Hunter Biden has a net worth of about 1.5 million dollars. His means and methods of making money have come under scrutiny.

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