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Re-do Your Holiday Celebrations With a Christmas in July Cruise Around Europe.

It’s Never Too Late For Lovers.

If canceled travel plans and limited family gatherings put a damper on your holiday celebrations last year, you’re not alone. For many people worldwide, the holidays just weren’t the same, but now there’s a chance for a re-do. Starting in July, Uniworld Boutique River Cruises will transform its ships with red and green decor, plus tinsel and mistletoe for a festive month of Christmas-themed sailings.

“We’re thrilled to launch exclusive Christmas in July sailings, providing a complete holiday do-over for families unable to reunite and something special to look forward to in the new year,” Ellen Bettridge, President & CEO of Uniworld Boutique River Cruises, told TripSavvy.

It’s never too late for a cruise around the world or to the Caribbean

Departing on July 11 and 18, passengers aboard these specialty sailings will visit several cities along the Danube River, including Budapest, Vienna, and Passau, which are known for their iconic Christmas scenes and are usual stops on Uniworld’s December itineraries.

Though the festive atmosphere will be absent from these cities, Uniworld’s S.S. Maria Theresa ship will welcome guests with a complete Christmas wonderland. Beyond the holiday decor, Uniworld will also recreate Europe’s famous Christmas markets and have a full wintertime menu with holiday food favorites and summertime versions of Christmastime beverages. Think frozen hot chocolate and chilled egg nog.

The Christmas in July experience is complemented with activities like decorating Christmas cookies, holiday cocktail making classes, and screenings of some classic holiday films. Ugly Christmas sweaters are encouraged, of course, and even Santa Clause will make an appearance.

For details and booking of this Christmas in July sailing experience, check out Uniworld’s Enchanting Danube itinerary and select one of the departure dates in July 2021. Bookings made by Jan. 8, 2021, will receive a discount of $500 per person, plus other early-booking perks.

Sedition On The Capitol: America’s Democratic System Challenged.

W.L.M. (White Life Movement) Shuts Down Congress.

On Wednesday MAGA Marchers led by KyLIE Jane Kremer marched from the Washington Ellipse, where they began a peaceful protest to the Capitol, where chants soon became an act of sedition. The MAGA Million March, also diagnosed as “Women For America First/Stop the Steal,” is a pit for SIMPS donations. MAGA March organizer KyLIE Jane Kremer leads the money-making pit. Kremer is a “Tea Party” agitator, and one of the founding members of Super-PAC (Great America PAC) created to get plenty of loot during Donald J. Trump’s bid for the presidency. After one of its founders, was convicted of hiding donations/payments made to an Iowa politician to buy his endorsements Kylie, fled the group and and started a new money scheme. Now with anothe fat bank account with money gained from her new scheme, she’s about to flee another crime scene — this one involves the death of an intruder in the halls of Congress.

This little piggy went to Washington. One of the leaders of the pack, instigator, and challenger of America’s Democracy — Kylie Jane Kremer and her mom Amy (Photo Courtesy of NYT/Damon Winter)

The march became deadly when WLM gang members stormed the sacred halls of Congress. While other Seditionists such as Ted Benedict Arnold Cruz, Josh Benedict Arnold Hawley, Rand (Benedict Arnold) Paul were on the floor of the Senate trying to overturn Biden’s election and ripping the Constitution apart, their cohorts were storming the Capitol Building and chasing Congressmen and women out of their chambers. At one point, even police officers ran off, and at least one police officer appeared to be leading the mob towards the place where US Representatives were meeting.

Seditious Senator Josh Hawley of Missouri. Courtesy of: FRANCIS CHUNG E&E NEWS AND POLITICO VIA AP IMAGES

Earlier in the day, the insurrection leader, Donald J Trump, addressed the Washington Ellipse mob. Other insurrectionists joined Trump, “Joshua David Hawley, the 41-year-old junior senator from Missouri.” Hawley, not unlike other “educated” trickers, has used these seditious acts to put out a fundraising appeal even while the siege was underway.” Most Americans are wondering why Rafael “Ted” Cruz, Joshua David Hawley, and Donald J. Trump are still afforded the titles of Senators and President, respectively. All three of the aforementioned Seditionists should be removed from office forthwith and be allowed to stand trial at a later date — with America’s most corrupt Mayor, Rudy Giuliani.

Rafael “Ted” Cruz sporting a Fidel Castro beard and gestures. Cruz is a clear and present danger to the United States of America

What kinds of secrets does Donald J. Trump have on Rafael “Ted” Cruz and is holding over his head that would cause him to bend and bow to all of Trump’s wishes and desires to destroy the United States of America. Was Cruz’s father really a part of President John Kennedy’s assassination, as Trump suggested during the 2016 Presidential election? Did Trump — as President — gain more hidden knowledge of Cruz and his father, a Cuban from Fidel Castro’s Cuba? Fidel Castro hated President John F. Kennedy. In 2016 Canadian-born “Ted” Cruz (a Constitutional Attorney) ran for President, even though the US Constitution says he’s not qualified to seek or occupy that office. The communists play long term.

Run for cover: Mick Mulvaney, another rat fleeing Donald Trump’s sinking ship

Here’s what the Constitution reads: No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and have been fourteen Years a resident of the United States of America.

USA Today updates 4 dead, 52 arrested, 14 police officers injured after pro-Trump rioters breach US Capitol.

Rats jumping off a sinking ship.

Like rats jumping off a sinking ship, today, Trump’s Chief of Staff (01-2019 — 03-2020) and Special Envoy to Ireland John Michael “Mick” Mulvaney and Trump’s wife Melania Trump’s Chief of Staff and ceremonial White House press secretary and as White House communications director scampered off the boat while it is only about thirteen yards away from the colossal iceberg. Mick said, “I can’t do it.” I’m leaving.” Mickey did not mind doing it while the boat was sailing full speed ahead and would continue to do it if Trump had won a second term.

SIMP of the Century

Right now, there is a lot of things that are forced onto the plate of the common man, and many are beginning to feel like “I CAN”T BREATHE.” The people are teed off about something: however, responsible leaders will not stoke their fears and set off firebombs in a crowded theater — but instead will seek out find reasonable ways to soothe their anger and help resolve some of their issues.

From US Senator to Vice President to Democratic Presidential Candidate Biden To


American President Joe!

Snatching victory from the mouth of defeat was no cakewalk, nor was it a bed of roses for 77-year-old President-Elect Joe Biden. A president of all the people, not just for those who voted for him, but of all the people is the promise that Biden has made to the American people. A healer, not a destroyer of the American Democracy. Joe has promised to be a man of light, not one of hate, darkness, and divisiveness. The newly minted President has come full circle after serving the nation for 48 years, first as a United States Senator and vice president for eight years.

Kamala Harris gave her first speech as Vice President-elect, In Wilmington Delaware

In his first major speech as President-elect, following his VP-elect Kamala Harris, Biden delivered a speech of hope and healing for a nation that has been torn asunder, over the past four years, by Donald Trump. Below is a snippet of Biden’s unity speech that he delivered in Wilmington, Delaware.

Revelers hold up a sign telling Donald Trump that he has been fired by the American People

We are not red states or blue states, we are the United States of America.

Let’s give each other a chance. It’s time to put the harsh rhetoric aside. It is time to lower the temperature, and to see each other again, listen to each other again. And to make progress, we have to stop treating our opponents as our enemies. They’re not our enemies. They are Americans. The Bible tells us there is a season to everything: A time to build, a time to reap and a time to sow, and a time to heal. This is the time to heal in America.

Now the campaign is over, what is the will of the people? The battle to build prosperity. It is time to get COVID under control. Folks, I’m a proud Democrat, but I’m an American President. I will work hard for those who didn’t vote for me as well as for those who did.

President-elect Joseph R. Biden will be the nation’s second President of the Catholic faith, John Kennedy was the first, and this morning Biden and his family proudly went to Sunday morning church service to seek solace and ask the Lord for guidance in this monumental task that he’s about to take on.

Staff Writer: Clinton Franklin

Reservations Are Now Available For This Luxury Around-the-World Cruise Departing in 2022

Shining light at the end of the tunnel.

Despite the canceled itineraries and multiple failed attempts at providing a COVID-free sailing experience, the cruise industry is still seeing high demand for future bookings. Viking, which provides both river and ocean cruises, canceled its sailings for the rest of this year but is going full steam ahead with its elaborate world cruise itineraries.

The luxury cruise company is already scheduled to embark on an around-the-world cruise late next year. The high demand for this sailing has prompted the company to add another departure date for December 2022.

Navigate your way to relaxation

The 138-day itinerary sets sail from Florida with plans to visit 58 ports in 28 countries, including overnight stays in Sydney, Auckland, Bali, Mumbai, and Ho Chi Minh City. Other iconic areas the world cruisers will explore include the Panama Canal and the North American West Coast.

For those with a little less time to spare, Viking also offers a 121-day voyage, allowing travelers to hop on board in Los Angeles just before cruising to Hawaii, Australia, and New Zealand before making their way Asia, the Middle East, and eventually Europe. The seafaring adventure comes to an end in London.

According to Viking, the demand for its around-the-world cruises has not decreased despite the company—like all travel businesses—taking a hit during this year’s pandemic.

“We are pleased to offer this new opportunity for explorers to circumnavigate the world in comfort,” said Torstein Hagen, Chairman of Viking, in a statement. “World Cruises are extraordinary voyages, and they continue to be one of our most sought-after offerings. Our 2021-2022 World Cruise has already sold out more than a year in advance, which speaks to the enthusiasm of our guests as they look forward to the return of international travel.”

In addition to the exciting itinerary that awaits them, travelers on the 2022 Viking World Cruise will be the first to sail on the Viking Neptune, a new addition to the cruise line’s fleet. The ship will feature 465 staterooms, each with a private veranda, complimentary WiFi, and heated floors.

For more information, visit viking.com.

Blabber-mouth New York Representative Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez: Loose Lips Sink Ships.


Sophomore AOC from the MAD Squad feels the heat from moderate Democrats.

The left-wing wide-eyed hyper-liberal from New York first got elected to Congress in the 2018 elections that sent many radicals to Washington. Riding on a hot air balloon powered by silly gas, the political neophyte who still has mother’s milk on her mouth soon joined up with three other newcomers to Washington – Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts, and Rashida Tlaib of Michigan.  

Their presence on the Washington platform allowed all four Johnny-come-lately to plot a course of action to rob from the rich and give to themselves – supposedly the poor. The self-serving attention-grabbing plot is to make a lot of noise on Twitter and Facebook and to later use this platform as a tool to gourge on the fatted calf while on their way into higher-paying jobs in politics or elsewhere.

Alexander Ocasio Bordering on Commie-ism

Soon, all this banter of radical socialism began to bother a hard-working section of America living on section-8. The 2020 election shift the power of blue to a near red, which would put Reb in charge and take the gavel from Nancy Pelosi. So incensed was one Democrat, Abigail Spanberger, who almost her seat because of the inflamed rhetoric from the radical left of her party (Abigail Spanberger D-VA  said after a hard-fought race in which she nearly lost her seat,  “If we are classifying Tuesday as a success from a congressional standpoint, we will get [fucking] torn apart in 2022 — that’s the reality.” Spanberger went on to call out the Party’s Socialists that almost caused the Democrats to lose the House Majority. Spanberger brought up the fact that the left-wing members of the Democratic Party calling for the police’s defunding have become a destructive force to Liberal politics.

Loose Lips Sink Ships: Congress’ Democratic Party MADD Squad

Representative Abigail Spanberger went on to say, “The number one concern in things that people brought to me in my [district] that I barely re-won was defunding the police. And I’ve heard from colleagues who have said, ‘Oh, it’s the language of the streets. We should respect that.’ We’re in Congress. We are professionals. We are supposed to talk about things in a way where we mean what we’re talking about. If we don’t mean we should defund the police, we shouldn’t say that.”

After feeling the heat from the flame thrower of Representative Spanberger, A. Ocasio-Cortez said she doesn’t feel like running for her current seat again, let alone run for a higher office.

When the heat comes, the cowards run. Run Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, RUN!

Guest Writers: Benton Frye / Devon Castro

Unique New Year’s Eve Traditions Around the World

2021 is a year of the Ox: A New Year, A New Start.

There are only a few days left in 2020, and it’s safe to say that everyone is ready to leave this year behind. As you get ready to ring in the New Year, hoping for some brighter days ahead, take a look at how countries around the world celebrate this holiday. There are some unique ways to bring good fortune for the New Year, and we could use all the luck we can get!


For Filipinos, anything round signifies wealth and prosperity, so many of their New Year’s Eve traditions involve this shape. It’s common for Filipinos to wear polka dots on the 31st and host a midnight feast that must include at least 12 round fruits on the table—usually, grapes, oranges, and cantaloupes signify wealth for the next year.

The grand pageantry of a new year springs hope eternal


Mistletoe is often associated with kissing in the Christmas season, but the Irish have different usage. Single women hoping to find love in the New Year place mistletoe under their pillows on December 31st, then burn it in a fire the next day. Another unique NYE tradition in Ireland involves hitting the doors and walls of your home with Christmas bread to ward off evil spirits.


These neighboring countries share a few different NYE traditions, but one, in particular, stands out: the burning of effigies. Every year, families use paper and old clothes to build scarecrow-like effigies, known as viejos. They’re often made to resemble disliked politicians or celebrities and are then burned at midnight in hopes of putting a true end to all the bad of the previous year.


Just before the clock strikes 12 on New Year’s Eve, Buddhist temples across Japan start ringing their bells for a total of 108 gongs—107 in the previous year, with the 108th one sounding in the New Year. This tradition, known as Joya no Kane, is said to cleanse the people of their sins of the year.


In Mexico and several other Latin American countries like Bolivia and Brazil, the color of the underwear you slip on for NYE can make or break the next year for you. Donning red underwear is said to bring love and romance in the coming year, while yellow leads to wealth and success, and green signifies well-being and nature. For those in need of peace and harmony, white undies are the way to go


According to Danish tradition, breaking plates against your friends’ and neighbors’ doors is said to bring them good luck for the next year. The bigger the pile of broken plates in front of someone’s door, the more fortune they’ll enjoy in the coming year. It may also be a sign of how popular they really are. Danes also jump from a chair at midnight to literally leap into the New Year.

China Seeding The Clouds: Make It Rain Has a New Meaning.


China the rainmaker: Water World.

What happens when a man continuously shoots at the sky? Let’s hope one day, the sky doesn’t start shooting back at humanity. In the mid-1940s, Dr. Vincent J. Schaefer (a General Electric employee) began experimenting with cloud-seeding. During the war in Vietnam, America employed the weather modification process (cloud-seeding) to cause rain to come down on its enemies and thus giving the United States an upper hand over the North Viet Cong. This was the first time cloud seeding was weaponized. It was used to inhibit enemy movements and reduced the effectiveness of anti-aircraft attacks. https://trib.al/Mpl5FZl

Cloud seeding beats the rain dance, but is it necessary or safe? Twitter Photo

In November, Bloomberg News reports that China launched 16 “artificial rain enhancement rockets” off the back of a pickup truck 300 miles south of Beijing. The Chinese have become the pre-eminent nation on hostile weather modifications. The Chinese dalliance caused over two inches of rain to fall over China’s desired target area. In 1978 China did other developed countries and signed onto the Convention of Prohibition of Military warfare against the environment.

 Mother Nature is a “Single Woman.”

Does mother nature need the help of man to make it rain and to seed the earth? Nature can and will from time to time take the abuse of men, but there comes a time when she will retaliate — at such a time, it will be like the movie “Burning Bed.” Will the Universal Court at such time find that the acts of nature are justified when the woman’s anger causes her to lash out at her attackers.

The great flood started with just one raindrop and no man-made safety valve. Come on in, the water is fine.

Will China’s desire for world domination lead to it spinning out of control — and slamming into guardrails and disrupting the lives of innocent bystanders — once it quest to control nature, whether through manifactured diseases and skyward rockets reaches the point of critical mass? Earth’s most populous nation with just over 1.4 billion residents is known for cheap labor and financial programs worldwide that are aimed at establishing sattelite nations through its loan programs and infrastructure building. Currently, China is giving the IMF (International Monetary Fund) a strong run for its money.

U.S. Airline Launches New Program Allowing Quarantine-free Travel to Amsterdam

Venice in Amsterdam

For months, American travelers have been banned from entering Europe, except for a few countries like Croatia. But as the pandemic barrels on, some airlines and select European cities are teaming up to create new programs that will allow Americans traveling for “essential reasons” to visit without quarantining.

Starting Dec. 15, trans-Atlantic airline partners Delta and KLM will launch COVID-tested flights to Amsterdam, allowing U.S. passengers to bypass quarantine requirements, Lonely Planet reports.

Delta and KLM collaborate with the Dutch government and airports in Amsterdam and Atlanta to create a rapid COVID-19 testing program. For passengers on select flights, the program will allow those with a negative test result to avoid quarantining upon arrival in Amsterdam.

“This is a significant and great step forward. Until an approved working vaccine is available worldwide, this testing program represents the first step towards the international travel industry’s recovery,” Pieter Elbers, president and CEO of KLM told Lonely Planet.

Delta and KLM will host a three-week trial run of the testing program, and if successful, the program could be rolled out to other destinations. When booking flights between Atlanta and Amsterdam, customers will have the option to book a COVID-tested flight or a regular, non-tested flight that would require them to quarantine for 10 days in the Netherlands. The COVID-tested flights will operate four times per week.

Americans traveling purely for tourism purposes are still not permitted to enter the Netherlands. For that reason, this COVID-tested flight option will only be available to those headed to the country for“ essential reasons” as outlined by the Dutch government. To take the COVID-tested flight, passengers must take a COVID-19 PCR test five days before traveling to Amsterdam, then take a rapid antigen test before boarding the plane in Atlanta, and then take a final PCR test upon arrival at Amsterdam Schiphol airport.

Delta also recently announced that it would launch a trial run of COVID-tested flights between Atlanta and Rome, starting Dec. 19

Department of Justice (DOJ) Tragedy: Attorney General Bill Barr Flees the Crime Scene.

American Judas: AG William Barr.

Some men will do anything for an extra slice of pie. They will sell their country, mother, father, and lifelong friends down the drain if it means getting a chance to eat at a master’s table and getting an extra slab of cheese. William Barr, the 85th US Attorney General and one of the top dogs of the Republican Party that tried to destroy America’s Democracy, is such a man. Realizing that the American people’s will is bigger than his voracious appetite Barr has decided to bail from the Donald Trump Titanic. Like Captain Rat, Barr did every corrupt thing that he could to steer clear of the huge inevitable iceberg that is speeding towards the boat — but to no avail — the die is cast, and Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States of America.

The Rat is craving more cheese: Bill Barr

The Trump Administration is over, finito, kaput, done, no longer is, zeroed out.

On December 14, 2020, the Electoral College voted to officially certify Joe R. Biden as the 46th President of the United States of America. Like ninety percent of President Trump’s close political allies (the Kellyanne Conways and Chris Christie), Barr realizes that there is no way out but to jump ship and float on the liferaft to an Island (Rat Haven) where Major Rat Eraldo Rivera has found a semblance of refuge. This tubby fella Barr will go down in American history as the worst United States Attorney General — ever. The fact is there isn’t much else another US AG could do to eclipse Bill Barr’s record — aside from actually succeeding in shredding the Constitution and overturning American Democracy.

Bill Barr: A face that only a mother could love (courtesy of Mother Jones)

Barr’s penchant for an American dictatorship.

In 2019, Bill Barr was hired by Trump as his personal attorney in the guise of U.S. Attorney General. He is a strong proponent of mass incarceration of Black, Brown, and poor people and the expansion of private prisons across the United States. Barr has been reward mightily for those prisons expansion efforts through other corporations — reportedly, Barr has a net worth of over five million dollars.

Even while the United States of America was on the verge of a financial disaster and hundreds of thousands of families lost loved ones to the COVID-19 pandemic, for a Cheese Steak, Barr has decided to rip the Constitution apart by showing fealty to Donald Trump and not the Democratic process.

7 Stocking Stuffers For Travelers in 2020

Show ‘Em That You Care: Timely Gifts.

With only ten days left until Christmas, time is running out to buy those last-minute gifts and stocking stuffers. 2020 hasn’t been the best year for travel lovers, but with some of these stocking stuffers, you can get them ready for all the jet setting they’ll hopefully be able to do next year.

Here are some of the best stocking stuffers for travelers in 2020.

“It’s the most wonderful time of the year”

Mini Wireless Speaker

For travelers who want to enjoy their music on the go, a mini wireless speaker is a perfect gift. It’s light, portable, and it’s small size doesn’t sacrifice the sound quality.

Travel Scarf With Hidden Pocket

Part stylish, part utilitarian, a travel scarf with a hidden zipper pocket allows travelers to stay warm while keeping their belongings safe from pickpockets.

Universal Travel Adaptor

Never worry about having the right plug for outlets worldwide with this universal travel adaptor that can take you from the UK to Australia and everywhere in between. Just plug your appliance into the adaptor, and it’s ready for any outlet!

Smartphone Waterproof Case

Whether they’re headed to their own pool or some far-flung beach destination, any traveler could use this handy smartphone waterproof case to keep their precious device safe while snapping some photos near the water.

Travel Jewelry Case

Organizing small items like jewelry can be a hassle when packing a suitcase. Not to mention, more delicate jewelry can get damaged in transit. With a travel jewelry case, all those problems are solved, and they come in many different versions that can be rolled up or folded to be compact.

Digital Luggage Scale

Never pay for overweight packages ever again. Using this digital luggage scale, you’ll know exactly what to expect at the airport.

Passport Holder

A passport holder, especially a travel themed one, is the perfect stocking stuffer for the traveler who loves to explore internationally. Passports are a prized possession, and these holders will protect them from damage.

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