Snatching victory from the mouth of defeat was no cakewalk, nor was it a bed of roses for 77-year-old President-Elect Joe Biden. A president of all the people, not just for those who voted for him, but of all the people is the promise that Biden has made to the American people. A healer, not a destroyer of the American Democracy. Joe has promised to be a man of light, not one of hate, darkness, and divisiveness. The newly minted President has come full circle after serving the nation for 48 years, first as a United States Senator and vice president for eight years.
Kamala Harris gave her first speech as Vice President-elect,In Wilmington Delaware
In his first major speech as President-elect, following his VP-elect Kamala Harris, Biden delivered a speech of hope and healing for a nation that has been torn asunder, over the past four years, by Donald Trump. Below is a snippet of Biden’s unity speech that he delivered in Wilmington, Delaware.
Revelers hold up a sign telling Donald Trump that he has been fired by the American People
We are not red states or blue states, we are the United States of America.
Let’s give each other a chance. It’s time to put the harsh rhetoric aside. It is time to lower the temperature, and to see each other again, listen to each other again. And to make progress, we have to stop treating our opponents as our enemies. They’re not our enemies. They are Americans. The Bible tells us there is a season to everything: A time to build, a time to reap and a time to sow, and a time to heal. This is the time to heal in America.
Now the campaign is over, what is the will of the people? The battle to build prosperity. It is time to get COVID under control. Folks, I’m a proud Democrat, but I’m an American President. I will work hard for those who didn’t vote for me as well as for those who did.
President-elect Joseph R. Biden will be the nation’s second President of the Catholic faith, John Kennedy was the first, and this morning Biden and his family proudly went to Sunday morning church service to seek solace and ask the Lord for guidance in this monumental task that he’s about to take on.
The Ballots or Bullets? In a democracy or a dictatorship, there are only two ways known to man for the changing of or the transfer of leadership or power — and they are through the ballots or bullets. Whenever the transfer of power comes about by way of the latter, it most often occurs via a revolutionary war or a coup. While some coups are “bloodless,” most coup de’tats create a sudden disturbance of normal life expectancy. Revolutionary wars aren’t bloodless coups; they are accompanied by horror, a broad stroke of extreme violence, and unnecessary deaths.
Trump’s Miley — The signs are clear, but no one wants to see them: This is how it all starts
For decades, the United States military has defended democracies worldwide, and it has removed dictators from power and helped to established governments in its likeness, and fashioned a semblance sense of stability. The army of the United States falls under the command of the sitting president of America. He’s hailed as the Commander in Chief and the leader of the “free world,” by politicians and journalists.
President Donald Trump’s festered appendages
What happens when that president — the leader of the free world — runs afoul of the tenets that hold our democracy together and threatens to blow up the foundation upon which the nation stands? Will the military that he commands aid and abet him in tearing down the pillars of American democracy and contribute to the most significant internal conflict and bloodbath the world will have ever seen in the annals of the worlds’ history in the last 6000 years? There appears to be at least one United States General standing in Donald Trump’s corner who is willing to support a “strongman” form of government.
A lust for power and craven to ramrod wickedness on the powerless:Mark Miley,Trump’s side kick
History shows that many madmen have risen to power by hook or crook. Usually, these demagogues speak the language of the “common” people and by appealing to their sense of loss and disenfranchisement. And frequently, those unread people are looking for a savior to protect them from (the others) those who are taking what rightfully belongs to them alone. Those despots are fond of fostering a bond between military leaders and “law” enforcement cliques. When it comes to the behavior and the words of Donald Trump, all the signs are there of a despot in the making.
While other authoritariannations yearn for Democracy, Americans are yearning for Autocracy.DEMOCRATIC BACKSLIDING
As the United States of America goes, so goes the rest of the world. Simultaneously, the erosion of civil rights increase, and several dry runs of martial law is enacted in some states to test the will and the fortitude of the people. The times we are living in are peculiar. As Americans watch its President huddles in private with Russia’s top spy — Vladimir Putin, with no public record of their conversations. What secrets is Putin keeping for Trump? Is Trump being tutored by Putin and Kim Un Jong on how to seize power? Simultaneously many white nationalists who once called for less government intrusion in their lives have now cozied up to Trump and, by extension Vladimir Putin and his totalitarian regime.
President Alibaba and his Lilly White team of 40 merry men
With about 57 percent of 167 countries of the world’s population enjoying some form of a democratic government, attempts of a sudden overthrow of the governments by an internal military (in less powerful countries) than the United States of America has decreased. But with a few corrupt power-thirsty Generals that are willing to play lapdog to a power-hungry President Trump, America could fast be sliding down the road of authoritarianism. There have been many threats made by Trump about switching the current form of government.
Ring the alarm:a peaceful transfer of power?
M1 Abrams Tanks Coming to a City Near You Soon?
When Playboy Reporter Brian Karem posed a question to Trump: “Will you commit to..a peaceful transferral of power after the election?”Trump: “…Wewant to get rid of the ballots, and you’ll have a very transfer—we’ll have a very peaceful—there won’t be a transfer. Frankly, there’ll be a continuation.” So come November 3rd or November 8th; if Biden is declared the winner, will Trump proceed with his plan to overthrow the American government — lead a Coup and over-rule the will of the American people?
Will Trump use the military to keep him in the White House to protect his financial records?
The only time the Constitution of the United States recommends a coup is: “Whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.” There isn’t anything in the constitution that suggests a coup to support the wild lust for power of a mad man to cover his financial crimes nor to prop up a few lost power-hungry Generals.
After two decades of delays and false starts, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has confirmed that the Real ID requirement, a crucial step in enhancing airport security, will go into effect in just a few months.
Starting May 7, 2025, travelers using a state-issued ID to pass through airport security will need a driver’s license or identification card that is Real ID-compliant. The traveler will be denied entry without a Real ID or other TSA-approved alternative (i.e., U.S. passport). This means you cannot board a commercial passenger aircraft without the proper identification.
U.S. citizens and legal residents can get a Real ID from all 50 U.S. states, plus Washington, D.C., Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and the Northern Mariana Islands, ensuring widespread accessibility.
So, how do you know if your preferred form of identification meets the Real ID accreditation standards?
To determine if your ID is Real ID-compliant, look for a star or similar symbol in one of the upper corners. If your ID has a phrase like “federal limits apply” or “not for federal identification,” it’s not Real ID-compliant. If unsure, you can check with your state’s DMV or equivalent agency for verification.
Implementing the Real ID requirement will happen in phases, with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) transitioning to complete law enforcement by May 5, 2027.
Identity verification is foundational to security,“ said TSA administrator David Pekokse in a statement. I urge those who use a driver’s license or state-issued identity card as their primary form of identification to access federal facilities or board commercial passenger aircraft to ensure these credentials are REAL ID-compliant.
We are committed to engaging with the public, licensing jurisdictions, and states to facilitate a smooth transition to REAL ID enforcement beginning May 7, 2025, which this rule supports.“
For travelers who don’t have a Real ID or can’t get one, these are the other approved forms of identification to use at the airport:
U.S. passport
U.S. passport card
DHS trusted traveler card (Global Entry, Nexus, Sentri, or Fast)
Permanent resident card
Photo ID issued by a federally recognized Tribal Nation or Indian tribe
On Thursday, January 23, three days after President Trump’s second inauguration, CNN announced plans to cut 6% of its staff. According to CEO Mark Thompson, “This decision responds to the changing media landscape and the need to adapt to digital transformation.”
The Time/Warner company currently has about 3,500 employees. In 1996, Turner Broadcast Sysyems (TBS), which includes CNN, was sold to Time Warner/AOL.
On June 01, 1980, the visionary businessman Ted Turner brought his groundbreaking idea to life, launching CNN, the world’s first 24-hour television news network. Turner’s bold move, which involved selling two local television stations (TBS) to fund his new venture, set a new standard in the media industry. With a team of 300 employees based in Atlanta, Georgia, Turner’s round-the-clock news network was a true pioneer.
Simultaneously, CNN launched with bureaus in six major US metropolises, including Washington, D.C. The network’s popularity was not just a trend but a seismic shift. It eclipsed traditional broadcast news-gathering companies such as ABC, CBS, and NBC, redefining the media landscape.
CNN became the place to get ‘reliable’ news, becoming the new standard in journalism. It became CBS’ 60 Minutes on steroids. For politicians, it was the place to get their stories out to the public. And for entertainers, it was the place to be seen. And then came Donald J. Trump.
The Loss of Public Trust In CNN
When Donald Trump launched his bid for the presidency in 2015, he naturally clashed with CNN. Back then, CNN was still in the habit of publishing about 90 percent accurate stories. The number of people aware that President Trump is hyperbolic is significant.
However, people loved his lies. Whenever CNN fact-checked Trump, he called them “fake news.” And sometimes, then-Presidential candidate Trump was right about the news station. Trump labeled CNN as Fake News, and the label stuck. Trump’s words became a self-fulfilling prophesy for CNN.
Donald Trump, Sr. built a cult following. If the foundation of a cult leader is to tell his followers that honey will make them fly, then his followers will eat honey. They won’t fly, but they’ll believe they are flying. The notion becomes their culture. Reality will never convince them they’re not flying.
The Israeli And Palestinian Conflict.
Then came the October 2023 conflict between the Israelis and Palestinians. That conflict allowed all legacy news media to manifest themselves as a mouthpiece for the state of Israel. CNN lost 80 percent of its journalistic integrity. CNN and MSNBC became to Benjamin Netanyahu what Fox News is to President Trump.
Veteran CNN Newscaster Jim Acosta Leaves CNN After He was Given The Shaft By CEO Mark Thompson. CNN Moved Acosta From His 10:00 a.m. Time Slot To The Midnight Shift. Acosta Is Known To Asking Trump and His Administration Sharp Questions.
Fox News Started Out As a White Supremacist Propaganda Channel.
Fox News became to television what Rush Limbaughwas to AM Radio. A News channel built on a culture of lies hate, and white supremacy. It is the most mainstream of mainstream media.
Substandard female ‘journalists’ hired for their bustlines, legs, and thighs that adorn their Curvy Couch dominate Fox News. Excepting “judge” Jennine Piro, Piro’s butt is in the middle of her back. The Judge of Norte Dame. She is a nasty, anti-Black bigot.
Initially, Fox’s male lineup consisted of anti-Black propagandists Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity, and Leland Vittert. O’Reilly and Vittert found a new wasp nest at the fledging channel “News” Nation.
However, Fox News kept its ratings because Fox News audience expected its steady diet of lies. And Fox News gave it to them. It was easy for the Fox. If Fox News channel shed its coat of lies and currency of white supremacy, it would lose its audience as CNN lost its audience.
There is no truth in those demons sitting on Fox News’s curvy couch. Who is that Black guy who sits there on Fox’s curvy couch looking like Saddam Hussein’s hostage? Dude, you might as well sell your butt on the street. Selling your butt on the street would be less demeaning. Anything for a buck. He’s not very bright. That is a D.E.I. hire, placed there to validate KKK bigotry.
Fast forward to 2025.
Somewhere along the line, once candidate Trump labeled CNN as fake news, they proved themselves as fake news.
Corrupted politicians and business white-collar criminals dreaded being profiled on CNN. Of course, CNN labored to show African Americans in a bad light as they do on all other news networks. However, CNN was a tad bit less reckless in disparaging Black Americans. The channel and its pursuit of ‘truth’ are memorialized in the movie Scarface starring Al Pacino. Then came Donald J. Trump.
The live views of CNN’s anchorman Bernard Shaw are forever etched in our minds as America began its raid on Baghdad during the 1991 Gulf War. “The skies over Baghdad have been illuminated,” Shaw told the world. In Baghdad, Bernard Shaw was joined by veteran war journalist Peter Arnet and another fearless journalist, John Holliman.
Then came the latest Israelis and Palestinians ‘war’ in the GAZA Strip. On October 7, a group of Pales known as Hamas attacked the state of Israelis. Like all mainstream media, CNN ramped up its production of slanted news.Citizen “journalists” on YouTube and Tik Tok countered with counter ‘facts’ of the ‘war.’ CNN Started With Journalistic Integrity. It appears to be going out a fast train of falsehood and mismanagement.
A Black Hawk helicopter collided with an American Airlines just before 2100 hours. “Flight 5342, a PSA Airlines Bombardier CRJ700 regional jet operating for American Airlines and traveling from Wichita, Kan., collided with the military chopper while approaching Runaway 33 at the Washington airport around 9 p.m., according to the Federal Aviation Administration.”
The New York Post is reporting that a ‘desperate and urgent search for survivors is currently underway’ after a Black Hawk helicopter carrying three soldiers collided mid-air with a commercial plane that had 60 passengers and four crew members on board near Reagan National Airport in Virginia Wednesday night.
The urgency of the situation is palpable as rescue teams work tirelessly to locate any survivors. The Black Hawk helicopter that crashed into the private jet is of a similar model to the ones used to transport the American President and other VIPs. This similarity underscores the potential severity of the incident.
“The military chopper had three soldiers on board and was not carrying any VIPs, a defense official told CNN. The Black Hawk can carry 15 people.” A massive sea of rescue units and other authorities are tirelessly searching the crash area for survivors, demonstrating the intensity of the ongoing efforts. The Black Hawk Helicopter may have been on a training flight when it contacted the American Airlines plane.
The Reagan National Airport is the busiest in terms of air traffic, and the ongoing rescue efforts are a testament to the dedication of the search teams.
If one of your 2025 resolutions is to travel more, you need a game plan. Spontaneous trips can be fun, but making the most of limited vacation days and tight schedules means it’s best to plan. If you’re unsure how to map out your 2025 travels, here are a few easy steps to get you started.
1. Print out a 2025 calendar
Whether you print out a calendar or pull it up on your tablet, you need something you can write on to give you a visual of the entire year. This will help you envision how your travels align with other important dates.
2. Mark down any commitments you already know of
Write down any dates off-limits for travel, from important birthdays and doctor appointments to weddings and work conferences. Marking these on your calendar will help you plan around them.
3. Set a travel budget for the year
Look at how much savings you already have and decide how much you want to dedicate to traveling. Then, think about how much money you can set aside each month. These numbers combined will be your budget for the year. You can adjust it, but you need a baseline budget to know how many trips you can plan.
4. Start thinking about where you want to go
Now is the time to look for inspiration! Check your bucket list, and head to social media wherever you get your travel inspiration. Thinking about where you want to go early on is especially important for major events or holidays (i.e., the Day of the Dead in Mexico or Christmas markets in Europe) that could make it challenging to find accommodations.
If the dates don’t matter for the destination you’re interested in, research the best travel months. For example, you don’t want to be in Thailand during the monsoon season. This is also the time to start studying essential budgeting advice for your destination to ensure you can afford it.
5. Mark down any set vacation dates
Do you have to consider your kids’ school schedule when planning vacations? Or does your job only allow for vacations around specific dates? If so, highlight these as potential dates for travel. This is also a good time to scope out any long weekends where you can combine holidays (i.e., Thanksgiving, Memorial Day, etc.) with a few days of vacation to extend your PTO.
6. Start assigning trips to your available dates
With potential dates and destinations picked out, it’s time to start putting things on the calendar and assigning timelines for your trips. If you only know where you want to go but not when or vice-versa, use the flexible dates and destination options when searching for flights on Skyscanner, Kayak, or Google Flights. This will help you find the most affordable destinations and/or flights. If you’re not ready to purchase your flight now, set flight alerts to monitor prices so you buy once they drop.
Last but not least, keep researching, planning, and booking! These are just the first few steps to mapping out your trips and having a general game plan of where you’ll go in 2025. With a plan in mind, executing these trips and reaching your goal of traveling more in 2025 will be much easier.
Florida is at it again. Dumb and Dumber are at it in Florida. On December 13, 2024, a dumb Jacksonville sheriff deputy pulled over motorist Jason Arrington. The dumb deputy alleged that Arrington ran a red light. Mr. Arrington denied the allegation. Video of Dumb Cop Shooting Man
Next, the Jacksonville sheriff’s deputy began using language that suggested he was not right in his head. “Do you have anything ‘CRAZY’ in your vehicle?” asked the dumb deputy (DD). Mr. Arrington informed DD number 1 that he had a firearm on his person. Arrington told the bigoted cop, I’m at your mercy.”
Another Philando Castile Moment.
The shooting of Arrington is similar to that of Philando Castile. On July 6, Jeronimo Yanez pulled over Philando Castile for a broken tail light.”Sir, I must tell you I have a gun,” Castile said to the coward Yanez. The dummy male cop did not have to take Arrington’s weapon. During the traffic stop, three ‘officers’ were on the scene. As the coward began feeling for Arrington, he asked DD #2 to take Arrington’s gun away.
“On July 6, 2016, Philando Castile,[a] a 32-year-old African American man, was fatally shot during a traffic stop by police officer Jeronimo Yanez of the St. Anthony police department in the Minneapolis–Saint Paul metropolitan area.” Jeronimo Yanez shot and killed Castile right in front of his four-year-old stepdaughter. All Castile did was inform the Yanez that he had a gun. A white supremacist court set the killer free to murder again.
They paid Castile’s common-law wife, Diamond Reynolds, $800,000. But what about the little four-year-old baby who witnesses the murder? She has to live with that trauma for the rest of her life. All because the state of Minnesota gave a coward a badge, a gun, and a license to kill. Arrington told DD #1, “I’m chill. I’m at your mercy.” Little did the motorist know that he was about to be shot by an idiot who should not be licensed to carry a gun. However, she’ll go to the next police department, and they’ll hire her.
Unnecessary Search And Seizure.
The act of removing Arrington from his vehicle just to harass and terrorize him backfired when dumb deputy # 1 asked his dumber partner DD #2 (Mindy Cardwell) to take Arrington’s gun for Arrington’s safety. He was safe. The shooting could have been avoided had they not performed an unnecessary search and seizure of Arrington.
Cowardice and harassment almost cost Arrington his life. There was no need to search Arrington. They did it because he is Black. Florida is a ‘right to carry’ a concealed weapon state. Too many white male officers like to handle a Black man’s tool — in his pants. They constantly want to know if the myth is real. So they ‘search’ and feel on the private parts of Black men.
“On July 1, 2023, Florida passed House Bill 543, also known as ‘Permitless Carry.’ This law allows certain people to carry a concealed firearm in Florida without a license.”
* Be a U.S. citizen or legal permanent resident
* Be at least 21 years old
* Have a government-issued ID
* Not have a felony conviction or other disqualifying conditions
Comply Or Die, Or Comply And Die?
They like to say comply or die. But even when a Black person complies, they still face a risk of being shot to death. Another July 6th murder took place in Springfield, Illinois. 36-year-old Sonya Massey called 9-1-1 for help. Upon arrival at Massey’s home, a Satanic-possessed Sangamon County sheriff deputy named Sean Grayson shot her to death. Prosecutors are working on getting his case dismissed. Sean Grayson doesn’t need a defense attorney. The prosecutor and the courts are his defense.
Back To Arrington’s Case
According to the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office (JSO), authorities confirmed, “An investigation resulted in a sustained charge of incompetence against Officer Cardwell, and JSO has begun termination proceedings for Officer Cardwell.”
America has come to a crossroads, which way will it go?
Today, a significant power shift occurred in America as a one-term lame-duck president (Biden) departed the White House. In his place, a non-consecutive two-term lame-duck President (Donald J. Trump) assumes the mantle of leadership. President Trump joins President Grover Cleveland as the only other President of 46 Presidents to serve non-consecutive terms. Plunging temperatures in Washington, DC, forced Trump’s Inaugural Committee to move the ceremony inside. The change disappointed thousands of Trump fans who traveled to DC for the occasion. Trump spoke boldly to his Lilly white audience in the Capitol Rotunda.
Trump Promises ‘The Golden Age of America’
After taking the oath of office, President Trump stepped up to the podium in the Capitol Rotunda to make his promise to America known. “The golden age of America begins right now.” From this day forward, our country will flourish. And be respected again all over the world. We will be the envy of every nation, and we will not allow ourselves to be taken advantage of any longer. I will put America first every day in the Trump administration. The sunlight is pouring over the entire world, and America has the chance to seize this opportunity like never before.
“As we gather Today, our government confronts a crisis of trust. For many years, the radical and corrupt establishment has extracted power and wealth from our citizens while the pillars of our society lay broken and seemingly in complete disrepair.” As Trump read his prepared speech about the extraction of wealth, Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, and Jeff Bezos sat near his shoulders.
Trump declared January 2025 ‘liberation day’ and ‘revolution of common sense.’ The President also thanked Black Americans and Latinos for contributing to his victory and said he would declare a national emergency at the Southern Border. “America will be a manufacturing nation again. And we will drill, baby drill.” We will be a prosperous nation again. Instead of taxing our citizens to enrich other countries, we will put tariffs on other nations to enrich our citizens. Trump promised to bring back ‘free speech.’ Trump also promised a society that is color-blind and merit-based. As of today, it will be the official policy of the United States that there are only two genders.”
Trump Promises’ Shock And Awe’
President Trump’s allies claim he will deliver ‘Shock and Awe’ for four years. “I will send troops to the southern border to repel the enemies.”
Meanwhile, just five days before President Joe Biden handed over the keys to the building at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue to Donald Trump, Biden issued a stark warning: “Today, an oligarchy is taking shape in America. It’s an oligarchy of extreme wealth, power, and influence that truly endangers our entire democracy, our basic rights and freedoms.”
As Trump took his oath of office, the influence of extreme wealth in the political transition was palpable. Some of the wealthiest men in the world were perched next to him, looking over his shoulders.
Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, Tesla’s CEO Elon Musk, and Amazon’s Jeff Bezos should benefit if the DoJ ignores antitrust laws involving their companies.
Trump also promises to “slash the waste in our bloated federal bureaucracy.” He advises that Elon Musk will head the newly formed DOGE department to tackle federal spending waste.
The Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) is a proposed presidential advisory commission in the United States. Onetime presidential hopeful Vivek Ramaswamy may join Musk at DOGE. However, Ramaswamy plans to take his marbles and leave the playing field. Ramaswamy is upset because Ohio Governor Mike DeWine passed him up for JD Vance’s Senate seat.
‘Aristotle pioneered the term oligarchy,’ which means ‘rule by the rich.’ He compared it with aristocracy, a system of government where a small, privileged ruling class holds power. He argued that oligarchy was a perverted form of aristocracy, where the ruling class is not necessarily the most virtuous or capable but the wealthiest.
There aren’t too many American Presidents given a second non-consecutive chance to help or hurt the American people. President Trump can either help to build up or destroy America.
US Attorney General Pamela Jo-Lee Bondi.
Donald J. Trump is uniquely positioned at a unique time in history. America has given Trump a lot. Will greed, anger, and revenge get the best of him? Trump hired white supremacist Pam Jo-Lee Bondi to serve as US Attorney General. Keeping in lockstep and barrel with Trump, Bondi has promised retribution on behalf of Trump.
Outgoing President Biden Offers Mass Pardons to January 6 Investigators.
Bondi said that she would prosecute the prosecutors and investigate Trump’s investigators. In Bondi’s mind, she’s still fighting the American Civil War. Many people are missing sleep because of Trump’s and Bondi’s threats. Representative Beenie Man Thompson prayed that President Biden would give him a pardon.
Asking for a pardon is admitting guilt. Rep. Bennie Thompson cut it out! You came up through slavery. You do your ancestors a disservice by crawling around on your knees. President Biden also pardoned his brother James.
“The truth is, no matter how big your house is, no matter how much money you have, how expensive your car is — at the end of it, you’re walking down the street with a little suitcase with a few things you saved. And you’re looking for someone to tell you where to go.“— Steve Guttenberg. A most profound statement.
Dr. Anthony (Kill Deer) Fauci is definitely in need of a pardon. Fauci is in need of a pardon from ‘God.’ Also Trump promised to (rightfully) return to duty all the military personnel wrongfully discharged due to Fauci’s mandate. They will return to duty with full back pay.
In a second speech, Trump talked about the “Un-select Committee” but did not say if he would prosecute them.
President Trump is expected to sign over 100 to 200 executive orders on day one. Among the orders will be an end to birthright citizenship for kids of illegal immigrants. He will define a person’s gender as male or female. The new administration will require government agencies to use the ‘immutable’ designation on government-issued IDs. Trump’s orders will include mass deportations, starting with those convicted of crimes against Americans.
An administration official told reporters, “What we’re doing Today is defining that it is the policy of the United States to recognize two sexes: male and female. These are sexes that are not changeable, and they are grounded in fundamental and incontrovertible reality.”
The President mentioned that America’s astronauts would plant the American flag on Mars. Trump said, “I stand here today as proof that nothing is impossible.
On Friday, January 10, 2025, State Judge Juan Merchansentenced President-elect Donald Trump for paying a whore $125.000. The payment was to satisfy a demand not to tell his wife that he cheated on her. Millions of men who cheat on their wives with whores pay the whores not only for a roll in the hay but also for confidentiality. Street-walking Hoes are four steps below a side chick. They don’t register on the Richter scale. And ‘porn stars’ are one step below that. Paying for pleasure in that fashion can cause pain.
President Trump’s Usual Statement: I Did Nothing Wrong
President-elect Trump did not attend the sentencing in person. However, Judge Juan Merchan allowed Trump to address the court via ‘Zoom.’ Trump told Merchant, This [trial] has been a very terrible experience.” “It (the trial) was done to damage my reputation so I would lose the election,” Trump continued. “I am [totally] innocent. I did nothing wrong.” Judge Mercahn sentenced Trump 10 days before his swearing-in as the country’s 47th president.
Before handing down his sentence, Judge Merchan counseled the President-elect. “Never before has this court been presented with such a unique and remarkable set of circumstances,” Judge Juan Merchan said, “This has been a truly extraordinary case.”
The Risk of Sleeping With A Dollar Hoe.
However, after taking the risk of sleeping with a Let-go-Beast, one pays the whore and moves on. Should the whore demand money to keep quiet about the affair? That is called blackmail. Some men will give in to the demands of the blackmailer. Donald Trump gave in to blackmail; now he has to pay the price. Trump and his one-time attorney, Michael Cohen, hatched a scheme to pay the blackmailers.
The History of The Blackmailer.
In 2006, Trump did the nasty with a whore. For ten years, she kept quiet about the affair. In 2015-2016, when Donald Trump decided to seek the office of the Presidency, she made her demand for money not to reveal the affair. Trump took the bait instead of going to the FBI to report the extortion. A criminal became an attorney, or vice versa.
Actual Criminal attorney Michael Avenatti became the bag man for the extortionist. Today, Avenatti, the bag man, is incarcerated in federal prison for felony fraud and extortion.
Avenatti is serving time. Merrick Garland prosecuted Trump. Yet the instigator of the extortion walks free and is made a hero.
The purported, supposedly opponents of Trump needed a puppet to go after Trump. They decided lawfare would be the weapon of choice. Manhattan D.A. Alvin (Butterball) Bragg became the vessel to deliver the tool.
Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, who likes to set free murderers of Black people, decided to go after Trump instead of the extortionists. Bragg lives in the back pocket of white supremacists. He celebrates every murder of Black men—the same as Trump and so-called Vice President-elect J.D. Vance. J.D. Vance is super nasty. He’s a rancid bigot.
The so-called Vice President likes to celebrate the murder of homeless Black people. He’s a double psycho. Anytime someone celebrates the killing of a less fortunate in society, that lets you know they are weak. Murdering the weak (such as Jordan Neely) doesn’t make you strong.
Donald J. Trump is scheduled to be sworn in as the 47th President of the United States of America on Monday, January 20, 2025.
Window seat or aisle? Carry-on or checked luggage? Arrive at the airport early or just in time? The travel world has seemingly endless debates, but few are as divisive as seat reclining.
While some argue that it’s their right to recline their seat, others say the discomfort caused to the person behind a reclined seat outweighs the little extra comfort it offers. With economy seats getting smaller by the year, seat reclining, especially when done without warning, has led to arguments and even altercations between passengers.
They won’t settle the debate anytime soon. Still, La-Z-Boy, the iconic chair company that invented reclining furniture, shares its two cents in the heated conversation.
The company has officially opposed reclining on airplanes and has even launched a petition to ban the controversial practice.
“La-Z-Boy has spent nearly 100 years innovating and crafting the most comfortable, high-quality recliners. While this continues to set our products apart, we believe comfort shouldn’t come at others’ expense,” Nelly Martinez Garza, La-Z-Boy’s Senior Director of Consumer Marketing, said in a statement. “Our #BanReclining campaign is simple: Just because you can recline doesn’t mean you always should.”
According to La-Z-Boy, over 150,000 people have already signed the petition, which includes a pledge that reads, “I commit to reserving the act of reclining for my home and will not engage in reclining aboard all future flights.”
Travelers who make this promise and fill out the online pledge will also be entered into a giveaway to win prizes like a La-Z-Boy recliner or $500 in airfare.
Suppose you do choose to recline your seat on a plane. In that case, travel experts recommend looking behind you first and then reclining slowly and carefully to avoid hurting the person behind you or damaging their personal items. Come mealtime, always sit your seat upright so everyone can eat comfortably.
The night Chicago died is now the refrain of residents living in various parts of Los Angeles, California. Except, they’re saying it’s the night Los Angeles died. As ‘apocalyptic wildfires’ ravaged neighborhoods in five areas across Los Angeles County, the scale of destruction was unprecedented. The cost of rebuilding the damages after the Chicago fire was $200 million. That is about 5.5 billion dollars today adjusted for inflation. According to J.P. Morgan Chase, rebuilding the latest California wildfires will cost about $50 billion.
In 1871, six years after the enslaved were emancipated, Chicago, Illinois, experienced America’s worst mass fire. The fire, which burned from October 8 to 10, 1871, was catastrophic. It claimed the lives of 300 people, engulfed over 17,000 buildings, and left more than 100,000 people homeless, leaving a lasting impact on the city. California authorities have issued a dire order as the sun sets: 180,000 residents must evacuate to safer grounds. For many, this means leaving behind the only place they’ve ever called home.
An Incompetent California Governor, Newsom
Under the leadership of Gov Gavin ‘Newscum,‘ California has seen a hyper-increase in its homeless population. California boasts a homeless population of more than 187,000 people sleeping on the streets or in shelters. Instead of addressing the root causes of homelessness, Gavin has decreed that people experiencing homelessness be designated as ‘Unhoused.’ This superficial name change does little to improve their wretched conditions, raising questions about the effectiveness of his policies.
The Hollywood deep fake governor wants to become President of the United States. What will his mantra be? Let’s destroy America as I have done to California.
California authorities have reported seven fire-related deaths. Many residents have described the raging infernos as ‘apocalyptic, unprecedented, a tragedy, or like a bomb went off.’ Pasadena City Mayor Victor M. Gordo advises that over 1,000 structures have been destroyed. Others have estimated as many as five or eighteen times that number.
“Destroyed structures” include homes and vehicles.
The first reports of a fire in the heavily populated Palisades neighborhood of about 24,000 residents came in at about 2100 hours on Tuesday. The ‘wildfires’ quickly raged out of control of responding firefighters. As of 2200 hours on Thursday, 1800 acres had burned in Palisades.
The fires were zero percent under control. Two of the seven lives lost due to the fire lived in the Palisades neighborhood. Firefighters are working around the clock to douse the flames.
Other L.A. neighborhoods on fire include Hurst, reported to have burned 700 acres; Lidia, which has burned 370 acres; and Sunset, which has burned 60 acres. Firefighters have contained about 65% of the Lidia neighborhood fire.
President Biden Sending Aid: FEMA On The Ground.
President Biden has declared the area a national emergency, making it possible for FEMA to give well-needed aid. Records show the L.A. Fire Department has an estimated 5,000 employees. However, on Thursday, authorities said nine thousand L.A. firefighters were battling the wildfires. President Biden has ordered 400 federal firefighters, 500 wildlife clearance personnel, and 30 firefighting planes to assist in L.A.
Insurers Dropped Residents Just Before Blaze.
Many Los Angeles residents are crying foul because of insurers’ actions. State Farm Insurance and All-State reportedly dropped tens of thousands of policyholders just before “fire season.” In some cases, they refused to renew customers’ policies. Last year, State Farm dropped 70% of its customers and declined to renew their insurance policies. Yet the company asked California to approve a 28% rate hike, while All-State asked for a 40% rate hike.
The question remains: Every major disaster causes the federal government to pour billions of dollars in aid, and private companies also lend a central helping hand. Why are insurers running away from their responsibilities after they collect billions from their clients?
On December 09, 2024, thirteen New York State Corrections “Officers” and a complicit prison Nurse beat, tortured, and choked to death a 43-year-old inmate named Robert Brooks. After they beat and choked Brooks to death, the guards transferred him to a hospital, where he was pronounced dead. The guards had Robert Brooks handcuffed during his torture. Like New York Rikers Island Prison, the Marcy Correctional Facility is where inmates go to be tortured or killed. It is the culture.
All the nurses at Marcy Correctional Facility infirmary know about the torture. They have become part and parcel of the behavior. The nurse’s Hypocritical Oath is in full-time mode. The state pays them; they can tell war stories at picnics and gatherings.
Gov Kathy Hochul’s State Sponsored Terrorism
Old York Gov Kathy Hochulis always the first to condone, celebrate, and give support for the lynchings of African Americans. Hochul was one of the first to throw her support behind the murder of Jordan Neely after he was choked to death by white supremacist Daniel Penny. Hochul sets the tone for Marcy Corrections Guards Glen Trombly, Michael Fisher, Matthew Collier, Michael Along, and the others in the wolf pack to murder Robert Brooks.
Brooks, an African American, was taken to the Marcy Correctional Facility infirmary when the wild beasts wearing New York State uniforms pounced on him. The footage of inmate Brooks’s torture was ghastly and brutal. Anyone who has seen a bunch of vultures picking a carcass apart can picture the uniformed wild beasts picking inmate Robert Brooks apart. You don’t have to watch the video to grasp the scene.
The ongoing torture carried out by the conscienceless beasts and covered up by prison Nurses has been going on for years. The state condones the killing and beatings of inmates by the prison guards. They write reports on all incidents. The prison guards and nurses have been falsifying official documents for many years in the Marcy Correctional Facility.
For twenty days after December 09, 2024, New York A.G. Letitia James covered up the Daniel Penny-style murder. It wasn’t until Robert Brooks’ family and attorney got involved that they released the video. The family lawyer — she doesn’t seem very bright, gave a weak statement after they forced New York Attorney General Leticia James’s hand to release the video.
The excuse that it takes twenty days for a supervisor to view the video is false. Reports haven’t revealed yet if the Medical Examiner reported the torture of Robert Brooks or if the M.E. was complicit in the cover-up.
How Many Tortures Those Death Nurses Witnessed And Helped To Cover-up?
Reports of inmates going to Marcy Prison Facility badly beaten and bloodied aren’t reviewed and adequately documented by Nurses or administrators. In many cases, guards tell nurses that the inmates injured themselves while being transported to the infirmary for care. And what was the reason for the initial transport to the infirmary? At least one case has been revealed where Marcy Prison Guards beat an inmate to death. They buried the inmate on prison grounds. The state was complicit in covering up that inmate’s murder.
Inmate Bauer Beaten By Marcy Prison Guards–Covsered -up By Infirmary Nurses
Whenever the death of an inmate occurs while in custody, the supervisors immediately review the facility’s surrounding videos. Unless there is no oversight in Gov. Kathy Hochul’s torture chamber, a video review is conducted.
At least four corrections ‘officers’ body-worn cameras (BWC) were automatically activated during Robert Brooks’ murder. According to New York A.G. Letitia James, the guards did not turn on audio. All fourteen people in the infirmary also turned off their conscience, or Maybe they weren’t born with a conscience.
Robert Brooks was serving a twelve-year prison sentence for stabbing his girlfriend. So far, the authorities have refused to make any arrest for Brooks’ murder. Eighty percent of Marcy Correctional Facility inmates report abuse or witness guards abusing other inmates. They opened the Marcy facility in 1988. Federal authorities have investigated several times for crimes against humanity.
The white supremacists haven’t reported how much money they have raised to defend the guards. Nor have there been reports of Donald J. Trump and JD Vance inviting them to the White House. Will Daniel Penny and Vivek Ramaswamy send some of their millions to assist in their defense? Will there be an arrest? New York State has put Sean “Diddy” Combs in prison for beating his Cassie.