Saturday, July 27, 2024
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From US Senator to Vice President to Democratic Presidential Candidate Biden To


American President Joe!

Snatching victory from the mouth of defeat was no cakewalk, nor was it a bed of roses for 77-year-old President-Elect Joe Biden. A president of all the people, not just for those who voted for him, but of all the people is the promise that Biden has made to the American people. A healer, not a destroyer of the American Democracy. Joe has promised to be a man of light, not one of hate, darkness, and divisiveness. The newly minted President has come full circle after serving the nation for 48 years, first as a United States Senator and vice president for eight years.

Kamala Harris gave her first speech as Vice President-elect, In Wilmington Delaware

In his first major speech as President-elect, following his VP-elect Kamala Harris, Biden delivered a speech of hope and healing for a nation that has been torn asunder, over the past four years, by Donald Trump. Below is a snippet of Biden’s unity speech that he delivered in Wilmington, Delaware.

Revelers hold up a sign telling Donald Trump that he has been fired by the American People

We are not red states or blue states, we are the United States of America.

Let’s give each other a chance. It’s time to put the harsh rhetoric aside. It is time to lower the temperature, and to see each other again, listen to each other again. And to make progress, we have to stop treating our opponents as our enemies. They’re not our enemies. They are Americans. The Bible tells us there is a season to everything: A time to build, a time to reap and a time to sow, and a time to heal. This is the time to heal in America.

Now the campaign is over, what is the will of the people? The battle to build prosperity. It is time to get COVID under control. Folks, I’m a proud Democrat, but I’m an American President. I will work hard for those who didn’t vote for me as well as for those who did.

President-elect Joseph R. Biden will be the nation’s second President of the Catholic faith, John Kennedy was the first, and this morning Biden and his family proudly went to Sunday morning church service to seek solace and ask the Lord for guidance in this monumental task that he’s about to take on.

Staff Writer: Clinton Franklin

Authoritarianism: President Trump Suggests Getting Rid of the Ballots and Having a Continuation of His Junta — Win or Lose.

Coup d’état.

The Ballots or Bullets? In a democracy or a dictatorship, there are only two ways known to man for the changing of or the transfer of leadership or power — and they are through the ballots or bullets. Whenever the transfer of power comes about by way of the latter, it most often occurs via a revolutionary war or a coup. While some coups are “bloodless,” most coup de’tats create a sudden disturbance of normal life expectancy. Revolutionary wars aren’t bloodless coups; they are accompanied by horror, a broad stroke of extreme violence, and unnecessary deaths.

Trump’s Miley — The signs are clear, but no one wants to see them: This is how it all starts

For decades, the United States military has defended democracies worldwide, and it has removed dictators from power and helped to established governments in its likeness, and fashioned a semblance sense of stability. The army of the United States falls under the command of the sitting president of America. He’s hailed as the Commander in Chief and the leader of the “free world,” by politicians and journalists.

President Donald Trump’s festered appendages

What happens when that president — the leader of the free world — runs afoul of the tenets that hold our democracy together and threatens to blow up the foundation upon which the nation stands? Will the military that he commands aid and abet him in tearing down the pillars of American democracy and contribute to the most significant internal conflict and bloodbath the world will have ever seen in the annals of the worlds’ history in the last 6000 years? There appears to be at least one United States General standing in Donald Trump’s corner who is willing to support a “strongman” form of government.

A lust for power and craven to ramrod wickedness on the powerless: Mark Miley, Trump’s side kick

History shows that many madmen have risen to power by hook or crook. Usually, these demagogues speak the language of the “common” people and by appealing to their sense of loss and disenfranchisement. And frequently, those unread people are looking for a savior to protect them from (the others) those who are taking what rightfully belongs to them alone. Those despots are fond of fostering a bond between military leaders and “law” enforcement cliques. When it comes to the behavior and the words of Donald Trump, all the signs are there of a despot in the making.

While other authoritarian nations yearn for Democracy, Americans are yearning for Autocracy. DEMOCRATIC BACKSLIDING

As the United States of America goes, so goes the rest of the world. Simultaneously, the erosion of civil rights increase, and several dry runs of martial law is enacted in some states to test the will and the fortitude of the people. The times we are living in are peculiar. As Americans watch its President huddles in private with Russia’s top spy — Vladimir Putin, with no public record of their conversations. What secrets is Putin keeping for Trump? Is Trump being tutored by Putin and Kim Un Jong on how to seize power? Simultaneously many white nationalists who once called for less government intrusion in their lives have now cozied up to Trump and, by extension Vladimir Putin and his totalitarian regime.

President Alibaba and his Lilly White team of 40 merry men

With about 57 percent of 167 countries of the world’s population enjoying some form of a democratic government, attempts of a sudden overthrow of the governments by an internal military (in less powerful countries) than the United States of America has decreased. But with a few corrupt power-thirsty Generals that are willing to play lapdog to a power-hungry President Trump, America could fast be sliding down the road of authoritarianism. There have been many threats made by Trump about switching the current form of government.

Ring the alarm: a peaceful transfer of power?

M1 Abrams Tanks Coming to a City Near You Soon?

When Playboy Reporter Brian Karem posed a question to Trump: “Will you commit to..a peaceful transferral of power after the election?” Trump: “…We want to get rid of the ballots, and you’ll have a very transfer—we’ll have a very peaceful—there won’t be a transfer. Frankly, there’ll be a continuation.” So come November 3rd or November 8th; if Biden is declared the winner, will Trump proceed with his plan to overthrow the American government — lead a Coup and over-rule the will of the American people?

Will Trump use the military to keep him in the White House to protect his financial records?

The only time the Constitution of the United States recommends a coup is: “Whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.” There isn’t anything in the constitution that suggests a coup to support the wild lust for power of a mad man to cover his financial crimes nor to prop up a few lost power-hungry Generals.

Staff Writer: Clinton Franklin

Psycho Cop Shoots Woman In Face: I Rebuke You In The Name of Jesus.


Telling Sangamon County Sheriff’s Deputy Sean Grayson, “I rebuke in the name of Jesus,” was like showing Count Dracula a Holy Cross.
The words “rebuke” and “Jesus” in the same sentence to Sheriff Deputy Sean Grayson was like sprinkling “Holy Water” on the Devil. Those words triggered the inner Devil inside Grayson to commit murder. Increasingly, gang members inside police departments are joyfully murdering African Americans.

On July 06, Sonya Massey called the Sheriff’s Office for help. Massey thought she heard someone prowling in her backyard. About fifteen minutes after calling for help, psycho cop Sean Grayson entered Massey’s home and shot her dead in the face. The Sangamon County Sheriff hired Sean Grayson despite his two previous DUI convictions.

Killer Cop Sean Massey

Former Sangamon County Sheriff Deputy Sean Grayson Killed Sonya Massey For Using The Name of Jesus

The vicious Deputy has worked for six different police departments in Illinois over the past four years. Sean Grayson worked full-time for two Sheriff’s offices for over 24 months. Grayson also worked full-time for a local police department and part-time for three other police departments.

Deputy Grayson told Ms. Massey he wanted to shoot her, then carried out his threat and shot Ms. Massey in the face.

After killing Ms. Massey, Grayson, his on-scene partner, and a supervisor went straight into cover-up mode. They claimed Ms. Massey suffered from a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

After Sheriff Deputy Sean Grayson and his partner checked the victim’s yard for suspicious activity and found nothing out of place, they knocked on Ms. Massey’s door.

An Encounter With The Devil

Massey, who is Black, stalled for a while before opening her door to Grayson and his partner, who are both white men. The deputies questioned Massey about what took her so long to open the door. She told them she had to put on some clothes. Ms. Massey also said she didn’t want them to hurt her.

Predictably, Ms . Massey’s fears were realized as psycho cop Grayson shot and killed Ms. Massey, a mother of two. Grayson and his partner entered Ms Massey’s home without an invitation or a warrant.

While in her home, they requested Ms. Massey give them an ID card. As Ms. Massey tried to find her ID, Grayson instructed her to turn off the stove with a boiling pot of water. Ms. Massey complied with the officer’s order.

As Massey removed the pot of hot water from the stove, Grayson began to panic. I will shoot you in your face, the vicious Grayson told Massey.

On Monday, just before Illinois state police released the video, Civil Rights attorney Ben Crump warned the video) is “(The going to shock the conscience of America.” Crump said, “It is that senseless, that unnecessary, that unjustifiable, that unconstitutional,” civil rights attorney Ben Crump said. “This Sheriff’s Deputy was twice as large as Sonya. Why would you have to use a gun to shoot her in the head?”

After reviewing the Body Worn Camera, Sangamon County State’s Attorney John C. Milhiser charged Deputy Sean Grayson with first-degree murder, aggravated battery with a firearm, and official misconduct.

Soon after, Sheriff Jack Campbell with the Sangamon County Sheriff’s Department fired Sean Grayson.

First Assistant State’s Attorney Mary Rodgers for the District Attorney’s office compiled the incident report.

Ms. Rodgers wrote in her probable cause report: “While standing in the living room, noticed a pot of hot water on the stove in the kitchen, which was separated from the living room by a counter. He told Massey she could remove it to prevent an accidental fire. Massey then sat the pot down on the kitchen counter.”

Ms. Rodgers’s report also states, “Grayson then drew his gun and threatened to shoot Massey in the face; Massey put her hands in the air, declared “I’m sorry” and ducked for cover behind the counter before Grayson “closed the significant gap” between himself and Massey and fired three shots at her, striking her once in the face.”

The report also states, ‘Grayson also discouraged the other Deputy from getting his medical kit,” prosecutors said. “The other deputy still rendered aid and stayed with Ms. Massey until medical help arrived,”

President Biden Drops Out of WH Race. He Should Have Resigned.

Long Over Due

President Joseph Robinet Biden, the 46th President of the United States, has resigned from office. This is the second time a President has resigned from office. Biden joins Richard Nixon in the extraordinary annals of presidential resignation history. Within the Biden Administration, there was no counsel to tell him there was “a cancer growing on his presidency.”

Instead, they told Biden he was the most outstanding president since Presidents Washington and Lincoln combined.

Sadly, Biden believed it. Reluctantly, Biden has endorsed his Vice President, Kamala Harris, to succeed him for the next six months. President Trump will be the 48th President of the United States.

Biden surrounded himself with spineless men and women—greedy men and women who put themselves before the country. The Biden administration stood by, watched him fall on his face, and then told him that he was doing great. They told him he was running through airports like OJ Simpson. It was the opposite. He was un-nimble.

After at least two years of denying reality, weeks of influential big-money donors, and a Democratic Congressman calling for 81-year-old Biden to step down, he’s finally heeded their calls. Biden said he was waiting for God to tell him when to resign from the presidency.

God Spoke To Biden Because He’s Dropped Out.

President Biden said he would not withdraw from the race unless the Almighty God told him to. Finally, the Almighty God spoke to Biden as the Almighty Dollar. Big-money Democratic party donors were withholding their cash from the party, hoping Biden would pull out of the race.

Money talks, and Bulls crap walks.
There was no way forward or clear path to victory for President Biden to continue on a path that would lead to political disaster for the Democratic party.

Donald Trump Officially Accepts The RNC’s Nomination For President

Former President Donald Trump’s last words to his ardent supporters five days ago were fight, fight, fight! Tonight, for the first time since his assassination attempt, Donald Trump’s disciples will hear his voice when he officially accepts the RNC’s nomination for President.

As the fight, President Donald Trump’s encouraging his Disciples to fight is reminiscent of the words Mr. Trump uttered to the January 6th “tourists” who attacked Congress. “We are gonna fight like hell,” he said as the mob moved on Washington.

Former President Trump began his speech by saying, “Freinds, let me begin by expressing my gratitude to the American people.” Trump said, “There is no greater love than laying down your life for those you love.”

Trump told his followers, “I wasn’t supposed to be here tonight standing before you in this arena.” “But for the grace of Almighty God, I’m here.”

The July 13th assassination attempt on Trump’s life has left more questions than answers as to what exactly happened. Many Republicans and social media sleuths have hatched a world of conspiracy theories about the bloody event.

The Secret Service agency has come under heavy scrutiny since it failed to protect the former President from a would-be assassin. On Saturday, July 13th, a mentally disturbed 20-year-old male named Thomas Matthew Crooks shot at Trump and grazed his right ear with a bullet.

Within about five seconds of Crooks firing at Trump, Secret Service sniper agents returned fire, killing Thomas Matthew Crooks. Crooks was perched on a rooftop about 150 yards from the stage where Trump stood.

The Economy

Trump promised that under his leadership, our economy would soar again. He advised that the nation is suffering from the worst inflation and that he’ll bring back the American dream. “We’ll make America affordable again.” Young people cannot afford to buy a house anymore. Trump promised that we’d be energy-dominant again. Trump also vowed to end the electric vehicle mandate, although Elon Musk pledged 45 million dollars a month to him through November 06.

The Southern Border

We also have an illegal immigration crisis at our southern border that is taking place right now as we sit in this arena. Our planet is teetering on the brink of World War III. And This will be a war like no other. We will restore vision and strength. “One hundred and seventy percent of the jobs go to illegal immigrants,” Trump said.

“Once again, our borders will be safe.” Eric Trump said ahead of former President Trump’s speech.

Hulk Hogan

Did former wrestling actor Hulk Hogan call Donald J. Trump Donald dick J. Trump? Hulk Hogan gave Trump his endorsement. He said, ” After everything that’s happened to our country over the last five years. Trump also honored the slain retired firefighter Corey Comperatore’s helmet and jacket on stage. Capt. Corey Comperatore was slain when a bullet from Thomas Matthew Crooks missed Trump and hit him. 

Trump’s son, Eric Trump, followed Hulk Hogan on stage to tout the Republican party’s usual line. Eric Trump claimed that Donald Trump built New York’s skyline. Eric also said, “Male athletes my height, 6′ 5″, are swimming in women’s sports.”

Also appearing on stage was culture vulture Kid Rock prancing like someone having a fit.

Foreign Agent Bob Menedez 20 Years Behind Bars For Taking Gold Bars.

On Tuesday, a New Jersey jury of his peers found (unreformed thief and serial bribe taker) Senator Bob Menedez guilty of failing to register as a foreign agent for the state of Egypt. Each year, the United States gives Egypt $2.9 billion in military and economic assistance.

Of this amount, $1.3 billion goes to military spending. Senator Bob Menedez, who sits on the powerful Senate Foreign Relations Committee, thought it was his duty to claw back some of the aid the US gives to Egypt. It happens all the time. That is par for the course.

Why is Egypt disloyal to the United States after getting all that money? On Tuesday, a New Jersey jury found their Senator, Robert Menendez, guilty of accepting hundreds of “thousands of dollars of bribes in exchange for using his powerful post to enrich and protect three businessmen and the Egyptian and Qatari governments.”

Sticky Finger Bob

Menendez, a three-term Democratic Senator from New Jersey, is known as the sticky finger Senator. On September 20, 2022, the DOJ (Department of Justice) charged Senator Bob Menendez with 16 counts, including bribery, extortion, acting as a foreign agent, obstruction of justice, and several counts of criminal activity.

The latest charges and subsequent conviction of Senator Menedes aren’t the first time Sticky Finger Bob has been caught taking bribes. “In 2015, the DoJ indicted on Menendez federal corruption charges. He went to trial; however, the jury could not reach a verdict. The Department of Justice dropped against Menendez in 2018.

Some People Never Learn

In April 2018, the United States Senate Select Committee on Ethics “severely admonished” Menendez for accepting gifts from donor Salomon Melgen without obtaining committee approval, failing to disclose certain gifts, and using his position as a senator to advance Melgen’s interests.

According to the DoJ 2022 lawsuit, “Robert Menendez Allegedly Agreed to Use His Official Position to Benefit Wael Hana, Jose Uribe, Fred Daibes, and the Government of Egypt in Exchange for Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars of Bribes to Menendez and His Wife Nadine Menendez, Which Included Gold Bars, Cash, and a Luxury Convertible.”

Gold bars

The September 2022 unsealed indictments also charged Sticky Finger Bob’s wife, Nadine Arslanian Menendez. The Senator and his wife devised a strategy to be tried separately, and the agreement was to blame Nadine for taking the bribes. This way, Bob could remain in the Senate and help her.

The scheme did not work. After his conviction, Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer immediately called for Menendez to resign. Menendez could spend as much as 20 years behind bars for accepting cash and gold bars as bribes.

In summary, Senator Robert Menendez failed to register as a foreign agent. Consequently, the Department of Justice charged him with taking money and not telling the government.

Top Tips For Smooth Summer Travel

Summer travel season is in full swing, with all the difficulties that come with it. If you plan to travel within the next few months, here are some tips to make the most of your trip.  

Buy travel insurance  

Protecting yourself and your trip with travel insurance that covers the basics (think trip cancellation, lost luggage, and medical expenses) is always a good idea. Still, it’s essential in the summer, when airline issues increase and hurricane season can quickly derail your vacation. Square Mouth is an excellent website for comparing insurance policies based on your destination and needs.   

Check your passport  

 If you’re traveling internationally, be sure to check the expiration date of your passport. Some countries do not allow travelers to enter if their passport will expire in less than six months. Check the requirements of your destination to be sure you’re in the clear and don’t need an emergency passport appointment.

Pack strategically  

 The best way to avoid the struggle of lost luggage is by traveling with only a carry-on. Of course, this isn’t always possible, so the next best thing is to add a GPS locator like an Apple Airtag to your luggage to keep track of it. If you check a suitcase, also be sure to pack at least one spare outfit in your carry-on or personal item. That way, if your luggage is lost or delayed, you at least have one change of clothes to hold you over while things get sorted. 

Camera N Clothes

Pack your patience  

 Summer is the highest season in the world. That means you’ll find longer lines everywhere — at the airport and any tourist attractions you might visit. Be patient, get to the airport earlier than usual, mentally prepare yourself to deal with other tourists, and you’ll be fine.  

 Wake up early  

 As the saying goes, “The early bird gets the worm.” If you want to avoid crowds as much as possible, you have two choices: travel to a less touristy destination or get an earlier start to your day. The latter not only gives you a better chance of having the best photo ops and attractions to yourself, but you’ll also make the most of your day.  

Take care of yourself.  

 Nothing is worse than arriving at your destination and feeling under the weather. Still, it happens often as pre-travel prep plus a long travel day can take its toll on the body. In the days leading up to your trip, be sure to hydrate, load up on vitamins, and get as much sleep as possible.  

 Mind your belongings  

 If you’re going to Europe this summer — or any other popular destination — be especially careful with your belongings—pickpockets prey on unsuspecting tourists. If you’re wearing a purse, use one that crosses your body and stays in front of you. In crowded areas, keep your hand over your bag for extra security. If you’re wearing a backpack, swing it to the front and make sure your most essential items are in the deep, zippered pocket. When seated at an outdoor cafe or restaurant, don’t leave your phone on the table or hang your bag off your chair. And never put your phone in your back pocket. Be vigilant!  

 Stay cool and hydrated

 Countries around the world are experiencing record-breaking heat waves. Remember to stay hydrated, wear sun protection, and take frequent breaks from the heat!  

J.D. Vance, Radical Right-Wing, Picked To Be Trump’s V.P.


Hillbilly Elery J.D. Vance

Former President Donald Trump has chosen radical right-wing, election denier Senator J.D. Vance as his Presidential running mate. Sen James David Vance (R) Ohio has the gab of a used car salesman, but outside of that, he could be more bright and thoughtful.

Thirty-nine-year-old Sen Vance holds a law degree from Yale Law School. J.D. Vance’s bigotry is more aimed at African Americans. He’s married to an Indian-American named Usha Chilukuri.
Ms. Chilykuri is a lawyer. Trump’s pick of Vance as his running mate signals an olive branch to his political rival Nikki Haley. Senator Vance has a son named Vivek.

The Ohio Senator is bigoted enough to fit into the mold of Former President Trump and young enough to carry on anti-Black policies for years to come.
After Trump’s assassination attempt, Vance went on social media to blame President Joe Biden and Democrats for the atmosphere of political violence sweeping through America.

Vance told X(Twitter), “Today is not just some isolated incident.” “The central premise of the Biden campaign is that President Donald Trump is an authoritarian fascist who must be stopped at all costs. That rhetoric led directly to President Trump’s attempted assassination.”

Other Potential Picks Disappointed

A host of disappointed Vice Presidential hopefuls did not get the nod from Trump. They include Senators Marco Rubio and Tim Scott and Governors Doug Burgum, Glenn Youngkin, and Kristi Noem. Today, they must all go home and lick their wounded egos.

Unversed Judge Aileen Cannon Appointed By Trump Tossed Documents Case.

A Florida judge former President Donald Trump appointed has thrown out his Mar-a-Lago confidential documents case. On Monday, Judge Aileen Cannon, a DEI-appointed judge, dismissed the case against the former President, claiming the appointment of special counsel Jack Smith violated the Constitution.

From the beginning, many television talking heads and experts in law said that the unversed, DEI, right-wing judge Cannon was not up to the job. With the attempted assassination of Donald Trump on Saturday, public sympathy has shifted towards the presumptive Republican nominee for President. On Thursday, the Republicans will officially nominate Trump as their top choice for President.

On Saturday, a demented twenty-year-old chap named Thomas Matthew Crooks fired several shots at the former president. One bullet grazed Trump’s right ear. The alleged assassin, Thomas Matthew Crooks, was a registered Republican. Crooks also appeared in a 2022 Black Rock advertisement. Black Rock is a money management firm. It is one of a few multi-national companies that run the world.

Ever since the attempted assassination of Trump, public sentiments — for the most part — have favorably shifted towards him. To some, the would-be martyr (Donald Trump) appears to have become a more dashing hero. “Hollywood” writers could not have written a better script.

Media Corp USA

The Journal of Record

Mass Shooting at Trump Rally: President Injured — Gunman Dead.

It's Nothing New

On Saturday evening, former President Donald Trump suffered an injury to his right ear after a twenty-year-old gunman attempted to assassinate him. Upon being grazed by a bullet by the crazed gunman, the free-hand second amendment ex-president ducked down as Secret Service agents rushed in to cover and protect the future 48th President.

 Secret Service agents returned fire, killing the lone sniper, Thomas Matthew Crooks. Crooks was perched on top of a one-story building about 150 yards away from the stage where Donald Trump stood.

Trump Injured

A Second Amendment Presidential Rally

The violent insurrection claimed the life of an innocent bystander and critically injured two other rallygoers. Witnesses at the rally said they tried to alert law enforcement to the whereabouts of the gunman before the shooting happened.

Sometimes, it’s hard to distinguish between those out to do harm and those just making a stand for the constitutionally protected right to bear arms. The shooter used an AR-15 riffle to carry out his dastardly deed. There were none of the usual calls to ban automatic weapons after the shooting.

Senators J.D. Vance & Tim Scott Reckless Campaigning

Soon after the shooting of former President Trump, Senators Tim Scott and J.D. Vance posted despicable statements on social media, blaming President Biden and Democrats for the attempted assassination of the former President Donald Trump.

“The FBI named Thomas Matthew Crooks, 20, of Bethel Park, Pennsylvania, as the shooter in the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump.” Mr. Crooks is a registered Republican. Crooks once donated $15 to a Democratic cause.

The despicable J.D. Vance took to X (Twitter) and posted, “Today is not just some isolated incident.
The central premise of the Biden campaign is that President Donald Trump is an authoritarian fascist who must be stopped at all costs.” That rhetoric led directly to President Trump’s attempted assassination.” J.D. Vance / @JDVance1.
J.D. Vance graduated from a law school.

Senator Tim Scott, whose face and mouth were built to kiss ass, posted on Facebook, “Congressman Scalise, Justice Kavanaugh, and now President Trump.
For years, Democrats and their allies in the media have recklessly stoked fears, calling President Trump and other conservatives threats to democracy. Their inflammatory rhetoric puts lives at risk.”

Is President Joe Biden fit to be President? No! Is President Biden responsible for Donald Trump’s failed assassination attempt? It is not very likely.

Trump Injured On Stage: Biden Did Not Order SEAL Team 6

Fight. Fight!

President Biden did not order SEAL Team 6 to assassinate former President Donald Trump, although Biden could without repercussion, per the SCOTUS. The scare came while Trump spoke in Biden’s backyard in Butler, Pennsylvania.

 A series of popping sounds near former President Donald Trump was heard as he gave an impassioned speech on stage. After a series of noises of what sounded like gunshots, Donald Trump grabbed the right side of his face. It later appeared that Trump was bleeding from his right ear.

President Biden has ordered a cessation to all of his political ads. Regardless of political leanings, most Americans have breathed a sigh of relief and they are prying for his safety. 

The Secret Service agents quickly pushed Trump to the stage floor to protect him. Trump was rushed off the stage into a secured limousine and transported away from the scene in a motorcade. Before exiting the stage, former President Trump pumped his right fist and appeared to mouth the word “fight, fight, fight.”

After the first popping noise, a second series of “pops” was heard. Someone yelled threat is down. The shooter is down. According to law enforcement, “the shooter was neutralized.”

A female Trump supporter said there were two shooters. She claimed one shooter was killed, and the other got away. The same MAGA supporter said she doesn’t understand the violence. She said, “If you don’t like the guy, don’t vote for him. Don’t try to kill him.” “I hope they find the other guy and kill him,” she said.
She said she doesn’t understand the need for violence.

The Butler County, D.A. advised there was only one shooter, and the person was dead. The D.A. also suggested that one spectator was killed and another one injured. Fortunately, the quick resolution of the incident will help to quell the cry for civil war. Reportedly, the shots came from outside of the venue where the rally was held.

The Secret Service agents secured the scene to preserve evidence for their investigation. The incident remains under investigation, and the FBI is also involved. The Secret Service took Trump to a medical facility for an examination. Reportedly, the former President is safe. The Republican National Convention will kick off Monday, July 15, in Milwaukee and last through Thursday, July 18.

Trump Social Media Statement

The DNC, Jaime Harrison, Biden’s Insiders Are Engaged In Serious Political Malfeasance.

A Mascarade

Following President Biden’s June 27th calamity, a significant number of former Ostriches have emerged demanding his resignation. As of the end of the NATO Summit, seventeen congressional members call for President Biden’s immediate step-down.

Despite the mounting pressure, the DNC (Democratic National Committee) chairman Jaime Harrison and other Biden insiders are resolutely sticking to their political malfeasance.
Even after almost two years of cover up by White House staffers and the President’s avoidance of news conferences, Biden finally addressed his fellow Americans and the world today.

By shutting out other qualified candidates from the democratic process, the DNC and its chairman, Jaime Harrison, are guilty of political malfeasance. It is rampant discrimination like this that causes some Americans to believe the political system is rigged.

They are playing into the hands of Donald Trump and his supporters. At least the RNC allowed other candidates to be interviewed for the position of President of the United States of America. The DNC’s Jaime “Mascarade” chair Harris drank Joe Biden’s kool-aid when Biden said, “I’m the most qualified person to run for President.” What a farce.

Biden’s 16th solo news conference since becoming President did not go so well. It was better than his debate against Former President Trump. However, it bolstered the argument some have been making for the cognitively challenged President to step aside.

The President fumbled the ball right out the gate. The first question came from Jeff Mason, Reuters’s President, who said your political future has slightly hung over the NATO Summit. Jeff Mason continues, “What concerns do you have about Vice President Harris’ ability to beat Donald Trump if she were at the top of the ticket?”

Biden responded, “I wouldn’t have picked Vice President Trump to be Vice President if I think she’s not qualified. Let’s start there.” The fact is, I’m the most qualified person to run for President. Biden’s answer sounds like Donald Trump’s “I alone can fix it.”

From there, the Biden/Democrat mascarade continued. When an AFB reporter (Danny Kemp) asked Biden about him confusing Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy with Russia’s President Putin, the President talked about finding a world leader who didn’t think the NATO Summit was a good one.

Of course, all the world leaders think the NATO Summit was great because Grandpa went there to give away the inheritance of the farm and squander (America’s) children and grandchildren’s inheritance.

Part time President

Biden tried to address the fact that he’s a part-time President who works six hours a day—between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. In his attempt to clarify his part-time status, Biden called his staff liars. “I love my staff, but they make up things all the time,” the President said.

Black Politicians Are Loyal To Everybody But Black Voters

Members of the Congressional Black Caucus are twisting themselves into pretzels, making excuses for President Biden’s cognitive inefficiencies. Although most of their African American constituency feel underrepresented by Black politicians on the federal level.

Ninety-five percent of Black Congressional politicians do not represent Black people — they represent lies, liars, and themselves. Underserved communities send them to Congress. While in Congress, they live high off the hog. They leave Congress and their constituents
in the same wretched condition they were in when they voted for them.

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