Saturday, October 19, 2024
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The Eleanor Bumpurs of San Antonio Texas Shot Dead: 38 Years Later, No Lessons Learned.


Three Cowards Charged.

Early Friday morning, at about 1230 a.m., three San Antonio police officers shot and killed 46-year-old Melissa Perez. By Friday night, all three cops were suspended without pay, arrested, and charged with murder. Chief William McManus of San Antonio’s Police Department wasted no time in taking swift action against officers Eleazar Alejandro, Nathaniel Villalobos, and Sgt. Alfred Flores.

McManus said all three opened fire on Melissa Perez, who suffered a mental breakdown.

The case is reminiscent of 66-year-old Eleanor Bumpurs, who was shot and killed by NYPD officer Stephen Sullivan. The NY State Attorney charged Sullivan with manslaughter, but he was later acquitted. The Bumpurs Klan sued for $10 million but settled for a measly $200.000.

Trump To Turn Himself Into The Americas Most Corrupt Banana Republic City — Miami — Charged With Federal Conspiracy And Espionage.


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The 3rd Time's A Charm?

Fate has a strange way of carrying out its hidden script. Current President Joe Biden’s Attorney General Merrick Garland has charged former President Donald Trump with conspiracy to turn the United States of America into a Banana Republic. Is this all fluff and flossing by AG Garland? Donald J. 

Trump will turn himself into the Manuel Antonio Noriega courtroom on Tuesday. Will Donald Trump serve time in the same jail cell as the former Panamanian leader? That is not likely. The fix is in. They have already assigned Donald J. Trump’s case to a notoriously corrupt Miami Banana Republic judge, Aileen Cannon.

Aileen Cannon is a documented Donald Trump sympathizer who Florida’s three-person Appellate Court overruled for being unbalanced, corrupt, and partial towards the former President and other Republicans. Donald Trump appointed Ms. Cannon to the Federal Bench. We know Miami as the most corrupt city in the Americas.

 It is a city built on corruption and fraud since the 1970s. Just last week, one leader of the Miami Commission, Joe Carollo, was exposed again as the Fidel Castro of Miami. How will this Donald Trump fiasco play out? Can a felon run for the Presidency? Are they paving the way to the White House for Biden of Florida’s Pipsqueak Governor?

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The Journal of Record

CNN Fires CEO Chris Licht After He Steered The Once Mammoth News Station Into An Iceberg.

CNN's Nose Dive.

Tow months after CNN fired Don Lemon for taking on right-wing genocidal maniac Vivek Ramaswamy, the architect behind Lemon’s termination, Chris Licht met the same fate — at the hand of his boss, David Zaslav, Chairman and CEO of CNN’s parent company, the Discovery Channel. Under Litch’s “leadership,” the once mega news station nosedived into the abyss of unverified stories of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. CNN has become a Ukrainian propaganda machine.

What Fox News once was to Donald J. Trump, CNN has become to Vladimir Zelensky — a mouthpiece. Since the silly CEO took control of the rudder, CNN’s ratings precipitously fell. The New York Times reports that in 2021 CNN brought in $1.25 billion, and last year 2022, revenue fell to $750 million. Gone are the years when reporters such as Bernard Shaw reported war stories as they were, not what the CEO’s friends and family wanted to hear.

CNN: Ukraine’s Ministry of Propaganda

Today CNN reporters in Ukraine are all agenda driven—their goal is to please CNN’s top dog David Zaslav. Zaslav’s parents are Ukrainian, thus the lop-sided reporting on the war in Ukraine. They are all scared, trying to keep their jobs. Since taking the big chair at CNN, Chris Licht hired a bunch of right-wing talking heads — trying to outdo Fox News. That strategy resembles DeSantis trying to beat Trump at his own game. It won’t work. Trump is the gutter, and Fox News is the gutter. Jump in a ditch and kick up a stink — the pit remains a hole while you come out smelling like an asshole.

Staffers at CNN said Chris Licht lost the room and respect of most employees at CNN. The reality is CNN lost the respect and trust of the American people. CN used to be the mega news outlet of Reliable Sources, is now a 747 Jumbo Jet with its tail end on fire in a nosedive. MAY DAY. MAY DAY.

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Dr. Cornel West Is Running For Truth And Justice. Donald Trump And Joe Biden Are Running For President.


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Democrat Operative?

Academic Scholar and social justice warrior Dr. Cornel West equate truth and justice to presidential ambitions. Earth to Dr. West. Earth to Dr. West — you still out there? No one is saying the scholarly brother with a mustache of a 19th-century Confederate General is lost in space. Still, there needs to be more connection between the great professor’s intellect and what presidential aspirants do. 

For one to become President of the United States, first one must be selected — then if you possess the gumption, charm, articulation and the skills of a master sales agent whoo can out perform your rivals, you could make it. And you can’t be too Black.

Dr. West is a brilliant and straightforward man, more so than most candidates in the 2024 presidential race. We must ask the age-old question. Is he electable—even if viable? Cornel West knows he won’t be elected President of the United States. So why run? The spotlight is the attraction. It is addictive. 

There will be no debate between Joe Biden and Cornel West. Biden is no match for West. Hopefully, Dr. West and Robert Kennedy, Jr. can force an airing of ideas from the minds of West, Biden, and Kennedy. “Keep hope alive.”

Cornel West Wants You.

Most polls show Black Americans are moving away from the Democratic party in droves. After Biden won the 2020 Presidency, he performed his customary political abandonment of America’s most loyal citizens — African Americans. Sleepy Joe had left Black America on the side of the road to languish. Perhaps they suspect, finally, the people have caught on to Big Pimp James Claybourn. They are saying let Big Pimp James Claybourn prostitute his ass for his gain, not prostitute the behind of unsuspecting Black people.

In 2008 Obama won his bid for the presidency. Soon after Obama snubbed Professor West, West pointed out that Obama was a White man. “I think my dear brother, Barack Obama, has a certain fear of Black men; it’s understandable. As a young brother who grows up in a White context, a brilliant African father, he’s always had to fear being a White man in black skin.”

In 2008 Obama won his bid for the presidency. Soon after Obama snubbed Professor West, West pointed out that Obama was a White man. “I think my dear brother, Barack Obama, has a certain fear of Black men; it’s understandable. As a young brother who grows up in a White context, a brilliant African father, he’s always had to fear being a White man in black skin.”

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The Journal of Record

A Vicious Store Owner With A History of Gun Violence, Shoots, And Kills A 14-Year-Old Black Kid.


Again! The Expendables.

OPINION                                      COLUMBIA, South Carolina

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Forty-nine-year-old Soon Ja Du, a Korean store owner, shot in the back of her head execution-style a 15-year-old Black girl named Latasha Harlins. Harlins died on the floor of Soon Ja Du liquor Store with money in her hand that she tried to pay Soon Ja Du for a $1.79 bottle of orange juice.

After the murder of the 15-year-old child, Soon Ja Du and her husband, Heung Ki Du, called 9-1-1 and reported that Harlins attempted to hold up and rob the store, at which time Ja Du shot and killed Harlins. To cover up the bloodshed, Heung Ki Du and his wife Soon Ja Du accused Harlins of trying to rob their store.

Police reviewed the store’s CCTV cameras and found the Dus were liars. They charged Du with second-degree manslaughter. White supremacist Neo-Nazi Venezuelan judge, Karlin, suspended Du’s sentence and sent her home to celebrate the killing of Latasha Harlins.

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The Journal of Record

Every Black Person Is A Suspect When Visiting These Stores.

Ric Chow A Criminal Store Owner With A History of Gun Violence Shoots 14-Year-Old In The Back And Killed Him. Sheriff Lott Refused To Arrest His Conspirator Son.

On Sunday, March 28, 2023, 14-year-old Cyrus Carmack-Belton was shot in his back and killed by 58-year-old Rick Chow.

The Black teenager entered the Shell gas station convenience store owned and operated by Ric Chow and his family. Ric Chow is known to police and the community as a person of interest with a reputation as a violent gangster that often shoots at store customers.

During his visit to Chow’s store, a store he’s visited many times before, Carmack-Belton removed four bottles of water from the store’s refrigerator, then put them back. Chow and his son accused Carmack-Belton of stealing water.

Ric Chow and his son suspected 14-year-old Carman-Belton of shoplifting water bottles — Carmack did not steal anything from the Xpress Mart Shell gas station. Carmack left the store as he came in empty-handed. After accusing the teen of shoplifting, fifty-eight-year-old Chow and his son chased Carmack down the street, then shot him in the upper right side of his back, barely missing the back of his head.

As the Richland County Sheriff’s Department Leon Lott continues covering the name of the accessory to the murder of Carmack-Belton — the public awaits the arrest of Chow’s son, who also chased and partook in the killing. The Richland County Sheriff’s Department claims they allegedly found a (Throw-Down) gun beside Carmack’s body.

While Ric Chow attempted to kill a few Black people and only murder one so far that we know of — Vivek Ramaswamy would like to eradicate the entire Black race from America — if allowed. 

Subway Strangler Daniel J. Penny Charged With Manslaughter Awaits Scam Trial? Part 3.



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Some People Have A Face That Looks Like That Of An Alcoholic/Lush

While we cannot speak to the operation of the mind of the Subway Strangler Daniel Penny to certainly make pronouncements that he was dispatched to the Subway’s F train to assassinate Jordan Neely on behalf of one or more of his victims: nor should we say with certainty that he was not a hired assassin. 

They should not entirely rule out a charge of murder one. Mr. Neely was known on the Subway as a Street Performer in better days. Still, according to reports, when Neely became unstable, he was also known to have assaulted some people, including an older woman. Was Daniel J. Penny hired for revenge? The police wanted Neely for assault, and the police knew where to find him — so did Daniel J. Penny. It would be interesting to see a log of the Subway Strangler’s phone record to check for connections to Neely’s victims.

Most states in America will not sentence someone to death if they have a documented history of mental illness. What ” reason ” led Daniel J. Penny to act with malice of forethought, prejudice, and a depraved heart towards Jordan Neely? A deep dive into his phone records must come into play.

According to eye and ear witnesses, other passengers on the F Train told the Subway Strangler that he was killing Neely. However, he refused to discontinue the deadly chokehold. Was this (the Subway Strangler’s) Daniel J. Penny’s first kill or the only one caught on video in a public space? It took a while before they caught Ted Bundy.

New York DA Alvin (Skag) Bragg, who has never seen the killing of a Black man he didn’t celebrate, has yet to charge the Subway strangler, Daniel Penny. Bragg likes to perform his job based on wealthy White New Yorkers’ public opinion, not justice or law.

After the defendant’s attorneys learned that Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg planned to charge him with one count of felony second-degree manslaughter murder on May 12, the Subway Strangler — at about 8:00 a.m. on Friday, he turned himself in at the NYPD 5th Precinct for processing. About one hour later, NY Police escorted Daniel J. Penny, flanked by his attorney Thomas Kenniff to Manhattan Criminal Court for a celebrity-style arraignment.

Attorney Thomas Kenniff is a right-wing extremist who ran against DA Bragg in the last election.

He’s known for defending and raising money for right-wing extremists from the January 06 insurrection.

So far, right-wing supporters have donated almost $3,000.000 to the Subway, Strangler’s party, hate, and defense fund.

Media Corp USA

The Journal of Record

JetBlue Will Launch New Flight Service to Europe This Summer.

Just in time for travelers making their summer vacation plans, JetBlue has announced that it will soon launch a new flight service to Amsterdam.
The new route between New York’s John F. Kennedy International and Amsterdam Airport Schiphol will operate daily. Though an official launch date has yet to be set, JetBlue expects to offer this service in late summer.
The airline also plans to offer flights from Boston to the Netherlands capital.

“This route is long overdue for some competition,” said Robin Hayes, chief executive officer of JetBlue, in a press release. “For too long, the U.S. legacy carriers…have locked customers in with expensive fares and mediocre service. Just like we’re doing in London and Paris, we will bring fares down and improve the experience for customers flying between the U.S. and Amsterdam.”

This makes Amsterdam the third European city in JetBlue’s network, following recently added flights to London and Paris. JetBlue launched its service in London in August 2021. Its newest service to Paris will start this June.

Travelers headed to Amsterdam on JetBlue can expect to receive the airline’s usual amenities like unlimited free high-speed Wi-Fi and live TV channels. The aircraft operating this route will also feature 24 Mint Suite seats, JetBlue’s business class version.

“Our formula of combining a customer-centric experience and everyday low fares isn’t something you find in Europe,” Hayes added. “We’re confident that customers, Amsterdam airport officials, and the Dutch government will be delighted by JetBlue when they see first-hand the positive impact we can make, and we look forward to working with Dutch officials to ensure long-term success in the market.”
We expect tickets to Amsterdam to go on sale in the coming weeks.

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The Journal of Record

Oath Keepers & Seditious Conspirator Stewart Rhodes Sentenced To 18 Years For Attacking The United States And Congress.

American Traitor.

White Supremacist Stewart Rhodes Found Guilty of Seditious Conspiracy to Overthrow The Government: Sentenced.

Federal Judge Amit Mehta handed an 18-year sentence to the leader of a White Supremacists group, the Oath Keepers, Stewart Rhodes. In 2020 Rhodes and his command staff plotted and carried out a treasonous attack in Washington, D.C., on the government of the United States. In countering Judge Amit Mehta’s sentence, Rhodes labeled himself a “political prisoner.”

A statement to which Mehta countered, “You, sir, present an ongoing threat and peril to this country and the republic and the very fabric of this democracy.” In other words, Judge Mehta called Rhodes a low-life vermin who, on January 6th, sent his compadres to steal federal property, ransack the Capitol, intimidate and kill members of Congress, and overthrow the government of the United States. Usually, those captured for committing treason are hanged by the neck until they are dead. Maybe they could send Daniel J. Penny to choke Stewart Rhodes by the neck until he’s dead. No, that won’t happen. They reserved that style of lynching only for the frail, weak, starving, hungry, homeless people in New York.

Just before the January 6th attack on the Capitol, Stewart Rhodes incited his followers to overthrow the government, using fear and terror in Washington DC as the flashpoint when he posited, “They won’t fear us until we come with riffles in hand.” We’ve got good men on the ground there (in Washington) already. We’ve been doing Recon since last week.” Judge Metha imposed the sentence on Rhodes and also focused on the traitor being unrepentant. “My only crime was to oppose those destroying the Republic, Rhodes said in court.

President Trump On January 6th Rallying The Crowd.

Joe Biden’s 2020 win over Donald Trump sparked conspiracies in the minds of many White Supremacists who feared that the day of the Presidential certification by Congress was the last opportunity to stop the takeover of the government by the Democrats. “On January 6th, they are going to put the final nail in the Republic’s coffin unless we fight our way out,” Rhodes told his followers.

After the attempted overthrow of the government on January 6th, Rhodes and some of his lieutenants met at an Olive Garden’s Restaurant where he reminded other Nazis, “Patriots, it was a long day, but a day when patriots stood. Stand now or kneel forever. Honor your oaths. Remember your legacy,” Stewart Rhodes, the Latino neo-Nazi, beamed.

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The Journal of Record

The Florida Clown lacked courage and used Twitter to announce his presidential candidacy. MoRon DeSantis.


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The Clown: Moron DeSantis.

This Insecure, Bobble Head, Dangerous, Wack Job Wants To Be President?

As the (GOP) Republican leaders struggle to find someone, they and the sane-thinking American electorate can seriously consider as President — not just in public but behind closed doors. Their search has become a monumental task. Today, Florida’s Mussolini Governor jumps into the circus to become their nominee and, ultimately, their President.

Whatever Florida’s narrow-minded principal Clown becomes, he won’t be President to all Americans. He’s made that clear. His appeal is strict to a vicious, hate-filled segment of White crusading Christians hoping to turn back the hands of time to the dark ages.

As he was known to reasonable people, Florida’s Major Clown (Moron DeSantis) joined six other Republican candidates to vie for the steering wheel of the Clown’s Car: Vivek (Mad Dog), Ramaswamy, Tim (the Buck Dancing), Scott, Nikki (Psycho), Haley, Larry (Stepin Fetchit), Elder, Perry Johnson, Donald (Can’t Stay Out of Trouble) Trump, Asa Hutchinson, and Marianne Williamson. So far, the current Republican pile-up makes the 2016 list of candidates look like charming choir boys.

Florida’s top Clown is a one-trick pony with more wag in his neck than La La Sheena, La Whenesha from the hood, and a car’s dashboard Bobble Head Dog. Aside from those he’s given a job on his staff, there is not one reasonable Floridian who can say their life has gotten any better since the one-trick WOKE pony has been in office. Homeowners’ insurance has skyrocketed x3, causing fixed mortgages to rise out of control and many Floridians to lose their homes to foreclosure, and fast-tracked gentrification. He’s forced renters to live on the street, in homeless shelters, or move in with family members to survive his misguided governance and incompetency.

“Florida Is Where Black People (WOKE) Go To Die.”

Clown Major has made Florida a hostile place for African Americans to live. His open hostility toward Black people caused the NAACP to issue a “Travel Warning” cautioning Black people to stay away from Florida. The Clown mandates Black journalists cannot mention his name without registering with the State Police. Otherwise, they may face fines or jail. He wants to suspend the first amendment for African Americans. He hides his travel agenda from the public while carrying out clandestine meetings with (we will have to assume) enemies of the state.

His narrow-minded WOKE crusade includes fighting with the world’s most famous mouse — Mickey Mouse. WOW!

  • He’s signed a six-week abortion bill.
  • Blocked AP African American Studies
  • Ended Concealed Weapons Permits
  • Banned Gender-Affirming Care For Trans Youth
  • Expanded Laws That Restrict LGBTQ Topics In Classrooms
  • Restricted Drag Shows
  • Prohibited Vaccine Mandates
  • He Picked a Fight With a Mouse. How manly. People who go to Disneyland with their families go voluntarily of their own free will.

The cowardly, inept so-called governor went on Twitter to hide behind a Blue Tweety Bird to announce his presidential bid — Coward.

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The Journal of Record

New York State/City Has More Billionaires Than Any Place Else In The World. Still, It Murders People For Being Hungry. Jordan Neely.


Part Two of Three

Murder On New York F Train. Abetted By Two Other Riders, Daniel J Penny Choked A Hungry Homeless Man To Death.

Subway Strangler

Daniel J. Penny: Was This His First Murder? Was This A One And Done Caught On Camera?

When a wild man with murderous intent pounced upon a frail and weakened homeless man to kill him, he had two accomplices holding him down to ensure he couldn’t get away from Subway Strangler Daniel J. Penny. 

When Jordan Neely was 13 years old, a partner in their New Jersey residence strangled his 36-year-old mother, Christie Neely. The killer stuffed her body in a suitcase and threw it off a highway in the Bronx borough. 

A cell phone video of the brutal beast-like murder showed the Subway Strangler Daniel J. Penny acting with a depraved heart and extreme malice toward Jordan Neely. Reasonable people know we use CPR to resuscitate and save lives. They also know that we use chokeholds to take lives or to kill. They are reports that J. Penny is an ex-Marine thoroughly trained on how to use the deadly chokehold by cutting off airflow to the lungs and depriving the brain of oxygen. “Seventy percent of the blood going to the brain passes through the carotid arteries.”

In 1993 New York City banned the use of chokeholds by police officers unless their lives were in imminent danger. Mr. Neely was not an imminent threat to J. Penny; he was hungry. When you have human waste, such as Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg and Eric Adams, placed in office to uphold White supremacy and get praised by the buckets of scum on Fox News, African Americans will always be susceptible to unchallenged murder at the hands of White bigots.
Daniel J. Penny is from West Islip, New York, aka White Islip. West Islip’s population is 96% White and 0.6% Black.

Fox News Hosts, The Usual Buckets of Hate-Monger Celebrate and Defends The Murder of Jordan Neely By A Depraved Monster. Is There Any Murder of A Black person who They Don’t Applaud?

According to eye and ear witnesses, other passengers on the F Train told the Subway Strangler that he was killing Neely. However, he refused to discontinue the deadly chokehold. Was this (the Subway Strangler’s) Daniel J. Penny’s first kill or the only one caught on video in a public space? It took a while before they caught Ted Bundy.

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The Journal of Record

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