Snatching victory from the mouth of defeat was no cakewalk, nor was it a bed of roses for 77-year-old President-Elect Joe Biden. A president of all the people, not just for those who voted for him, but of all the people is the promise that Biden has made to the American people. A healer, not a destroyer of the American Democracy. Joe has promised to be a man of light, not one of hate, darkness, and divisiveness. The newly minted President has come full circle after serving the nation for 48 years, first as a United States Senator and vice president for eight years.
Kamala Harris gave her first speech as Vice President-elect,In Wilmington Delaware
In his first major speech as President-elect, following his VP-elect Kamala Harris, Biden delivered a speech of hope and healing for a nation that has been torn asunder, over the past four years, by Donald Trump. Below is a snippet of Biden’s unity speech that he delivered in Wilmington, Delaware.
Revelers hold up a sign telling Donald Trump that he has been fired by the American People
We are not red states or blue states, we are the United States of America.
Let’s give each other a chance. It’s time to put the harsh rhetoric aside. It is time to lower the temperature, and to see each other again, listen to each other again. And to make progress, we have to stop treating our opponents as our enemies. They’re not our enemies. They are Americans. The Bible tells us there is a season to everything: A time to build, a time to reap and a time to sow, and a time to heal. This is the time to heal in America.
Now the campaign is over, what is the will of the people? The battle to build prosperity. It is time to get COVID under control. Folks, I’m a proud Democrat, but I’m an American President. I will work hard for those who didn’t vote for me as well as for those who did.
President-elect Joseph R. Biden will be the nation’s second President of the Catholic faith, John Kennedy was the first, and this morning Biden and his family proudly went to Sunday morning church service to seek solace and ask the Lord for guidance in this monumental task that he’s about to take on.
The Ballots or Bullets? In a democracy or a dictatorship, there are only two ways known to man for the changing of or the transfer of leadership or power — and they are through the ballots or bullets. Whenever the transfer of power comes about by way of the latter, it most often occurs via a revolutionary war or a coup. While some coups are “bloodless,” most coup de’tats create a sudden disturbance of normal life expectancy. Revolutionary wars aren’t bloodless coups; they are accompanied by horror, a broad stroke of extreme violence, and unnecessary deaths.
Trump’s Miley — The signs are clear, but no one wants to see them: This is how it all starts
For decades, the United States military has defended democracies worldwide, and it has removed dictators from power and helped to established governments in its likeness, and fashioned a semblance sense of stability. The army of the United States falls under the command of the sitting president of America. He’s hailed as the Commander in Chief and the leader of the “free world,” by politicians and journalists.
President Donald Trump’s festered appendages
What happens when that president — the leader of the free world — runs afoul of the tenets that hold our democracy together and threatens to blow up the foundation upon which the nation stands? Will the military that he commands aid and abet him in tearing down the pillars of American democracy and contribute to the most significant internal conflict and bloodbath the world will have ever seen in the annals of the worlds’ history in the last 6000 years? There appears to be at least one United States General standing in Donald Trump’s corner who is willing to support a “strongman” form of government.
A lust for power and craven to ramrod wickedness on the powerless:Mark Miley,Trump’s side kick
History shows that many madmen have risen to power by hook or crook. Usually, these demagogues speak the language of the “common” people and by appealing to their sense of loss and disenfranchisement. And frequently, those unread people are looking for a savior to protect them from (the others) those who are taking what rightfully belongs to them alone. Those despots are fond of fostering a bond between military leaders and “law” enforcement cliques. When it comes to the behavior and the words of Donald Trump, all the signs are there of a despot in the making.
While other authoritariannations yearn for Democracy, Americans are yearning for Autocracy.DEMOCRATIC BACKSLIDING
As the United States of America goes, so goes the rest of the world. Simultaneously, the erosion of civil rights increase, and several dry runs of martial law is enacted in some states to test the will and the fortitude of the people. The times we are living in are peculiar. As Americans watch its President huddles in private with Russia’s top spy — Vladimir Putin, with no public record of their conversations. What secrets is Putin keeping for Trump? Is Trump being tutored by Putin and Kim Un Jong on how to seize power? Simultaneously many white nationalists who once called for less government intrusion in their lives have now cozied up to Trump and, by extension Vladimir Putin and his totalitarian regime.
President Alibaba and his Lilly White team of 40 merry men
With about 57 percent of 167 countries of the world’s population enjoying some form of a democratic government, attempts of a sudden overthrow of the governments by an internal military (in less powerful countries) than the United States of America has decreased. But with a few corrupt power-thirsty Generals that are willing to play lapdog to a power-hungry President Trump, America could fast be sliding down the road of authoritarianism. There have been many threats made by Trump about switching the current form of government.
Ring the alarm:a peaceful transfer of power?
M1 Abrams Tanks Coming to a City Near You Soon?
When Playboy Reporter Brian Karem posed a question to Trump: “Will you commit to..a peaceful transferral of power after the election?”Trump: “…Wewant to get rid of the ballots, and you’ll have a very transfer—we’ll have a very peaceful—there won’t be a transfer. Frankly, there’ll be a continuation.” So come November 3rd or November 8th; if Biden is declared the winner, will Trump proceed with his plan to overthrow the American government — lead a Coup and over-rule the will of the American people?
Will Trump use the military to keep him in the White House to protect his financial records?
The only time the Constitution of the United States recommends a coup is: “Whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.” There isn’t anything in the constitution that suggests a coup to support the wild lust for power of a mad man to cover his financial crimes nor to prop up a few lost power-hungry Generals.
Using Uber while traveling abroad is a great way to avoid language barriers and sneaky taxi drivers who might want to take you on the longer, more expensive route to your destination. Despite introducing Uber’s newest policy, you can still use the rideshare app effectively for international rides.
Preferred Currency Pricing is a new Uber feature that allows you to pay for rides in your home or preferred currency instead of the currency of the country you’re visiting. On the surface, it sounds like a helpful feature, as travelers will always see the cost of their rides in a currency they understand. The problem is that Uber will also charge a 1.5-percent fee to convert the foreign currency to your preferred one.
Suppose you have one of the many credit cards that offer currency conversion without any fees, such as the Chase Sapphire Preferred or the Capital One Venture. In that case, this automatic Uber surcharge will only make your ride more expensive.
“If you choose to pay in the local currency, your bank or payment method provider may charge a conversion fee higher or lower than 1.5 percent, and additional foreign transaction fees may apply,” Uber explains.
The only case in which it makes sense to use Uber’s Preferred Currency Pricing is if your bank or credit card charges foreign transaction fees higher than 1.5 percent. In that case, this Preferred Currency Pricing will save you money.
Luckily, there is a way to turn off Uber’s newest feature if you need to. Here’s what to do:
1. Open your Uber app and click “Account” on the bottom right. 2. Go to your “Wallet,” which is typically towards the top 3. Scroll down to “Preferred Currency,” click it, and then select “No preferred currency.”
Suppose your card has no or low foreign transaction fees. In that case, it’s always best to pay in the local currency and “decline conversion” when withdrawing money from an ATM. This means that you’re letting the ATM do the currency conversion at its rate, which is often more favorable than the rate offered by your bank or card issuer.
Listening to Trump speak, he sounded more like a strong President than a strong man. President Trump laid down the gauntlet in his first address to Congress since taking office 44 days ago in his second non-consecutive term. To be clear, Trump has ordered more fiats in the first 100 days of his second term—more than any other President in 40 years.
So far, the President has signed 76 Executive Orders (EOs). On day one, Trump signed 25 EOs, although some staff members had promised he would sign upwards of 100 EOs on his first day in office. As promised, on March 4, the President is marching forth with additional taxes on goods from Canada, Mexico, and China.
Canada’s outgoing Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, has joined the fray by imposing similar tariffs/taxes on exports from the United States. Also, China joined the trade riff, with Mexico promising to announce its tariffs on American goods on Sunday. And so the trade war has begun. This morning (3-4-2025), Canada’s Trudeau held a press conference in which he spoke directly to the American people.
“I want to speak first to the American people,” he said. “We don’t want this” [fight]. “Canadians are reasonable and polite people, Tradeau continued, but we will not back down from a fight.” Tradeau should have sent Stormy Daniels in his place when he went to Mar-a-Lago on November 29, 2024. Here, Mr. Tradeau, come kiss on this ring.
The President said, “Other countries charged us more tariffs than we charged them.” Trump also said that on “April 2, reciprocal taxes/tariffs would begin on other nations.” He also said, ‘Tariffs would make America great again and make America rich again.’ The President also claimed, “Over the past three years, ’21 million people came into the United States illegally.”
What The World Was Waiting For.
World leaders held their breath to hear what Trump had to say about Ukraine and its little Prime Minister Vlodomyr Zelenskyy. Since last Friday, when Trump and Zelenskyy had a public disagreement about the war in Ukraine, Zelenskyy attempted to apologize to Trump on social media.
Trump said he was working tirelessly to end the conflict in Ukraine. He mentioned that the U.S. spent billions of dollars on the war in Ukraine. When rhetorically if, “You wanna keep the war going?” The President said Pocahontas (Sen E. Warren) said yes.
Planned Interruptions.
At 2113 hours, the President entered the Chamber; He started his speech at 2118 hours.
Six minutes into Trump’s speech, Rep Al Green stood up with his sugar cane. Rev Green was advised not to interrupt the meeting. Green refused to obey Shorty Johnson. The House Speaker, Shorty Johnson, ordered the Sergeant at Arms to remove the gentleman (Rep Al Green) from the Chamber. While other Republicans shouted, “Sit your ass down.”
Trump reiterated the ‘fraud’ that DOG(e) has discovered at the Social Security Administration. He promised to find out where the money went. Well, Mr. President, look no further than the bank accounts of current and past congressmen and women.
Trump mentioned that 40 years ago, ‘one in ten kids had autism, now the new number is one in every 36 kids with autism.’
Trump said that the Secretary of HHS, Robert Kennedy, Jr., would investigate the cause.
“I have just discovered something that has been hidden in the dark for too long—my publishing they’ve stolen.” The three-time Grammy-nominated songstress recently wrote on social media. The tragic news of the sixty-three-year-old South Carolina native’s accident came on Saturday while she was traveling in a small tour bus. This incident has profoundly impacted the music industry and her fans.
Stone is known for hits such as “I Wish I Didn’t Miss You” and No More Rain,” a song in which she sings ‘My sunshine has come.’ ‘And I’m all cried out. There’s no more rain left in this cloud.’
Initially A Single Vehicle Accident
Ms. Stone was traveling in a Mercedes-Benz sprinter van driven by Leethel Carter, 66, of Atlanta, Georgia. Stone and her band were traveling from a performance in Montgomery, Alabama. According to the Alabama Law Enforcement Agency (ALEA), the Mercedes-Benz was initially involved in a single-vehicle accident, a rollover. While the Benz was on its side, on I-65, a tractor-trailer slammed into it.
Angie Stone’s recent social media post revealed her unwavering determination to reclaim what’s rightfully hers. She boldly declared, “Don’t get it twisted. I’m coming for you, all the dogs who thought they could take what’s mine. “This resolute stand against the song publishing thieves is a testament to her strength.
Ms. Stone continued, “Trust, ready. Like Jamie Foxx said, ‘What had happened was…’ “Well, it’s my turn to speak my testimony.” I don’t know what they might do to keep from paying me,” Ms. Stone said.
Ms. Stone was very spiritual and even said the Lord revealed things to her. There were nine other people on the tour bus at the time of the 4:25 a.m. accident. Angie Stone was the only person to perish from the crash. In the vehicle were: Anthony Majors, Jr., 44, of Atlanta, Ga. Ashton Evans, 31, of Ellenwood, Ga. Dontay Dailey, 32, of Stone Mountain, Ga. James Owens, 33, of Atlanta, Ga. Sheila Hopkins, 62, of Katy, Texas Sherie Murphy, 44, of Ellenwood, Ga. Sherita Murphy, 44, of Ellenwood, Ga.
On Thursday, Andrew Tate and his brother Tristan Tate flew into Florida via a private jet. Their return to America, the land of their birth, has left-wing media panties in a wringing bind. The media’s hand-wringing came fast and furious. Andrew Tate is a social media Influencer with 10 million followers on Twitter (X).
They asked how President Trump could allow them into the country. Regardless of what one thinks of the Tate brothers’ misogynistic views, they are American. Legacy news media sound on President Trump’s menacing birthright citizenship decree for the children of illegal migrants born in the United States. Legacy media calls Trump’s decree illegal.
Now the same media wants the Tate brothers deported. Andrew born to an African American father and a White British mother. Andrew Tate was born at Walter Reed Army Medical Center. These guys did not rush the southern border to enter America by force. The news media attacked Trump’s birthright citizenship decree.
Now, they’re questioning American-born citizens to enter the land of their birth. “A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways.”–Proverbs
Andrew and his brother Tristan from time to spread some outdated cultural ideas about women.10
The Tates came to America after Romanian authorities lifted their travel restrictions. Andrew and his brother Tristan were nabbed in Romania after a woman accused them of sexual assault. They were also charged with human trafficking.
Upon arriving at Fort Lauderdale International Airport, Andrew Tate said, “There’s a lot of opinions about us that go around on the internet. We’ve yet to be convicted of any crime in our lives ever. We have no criminal record anywhere on the planet.”
The Tate brothers were born to an African American father and a White British mother. Andrew Tate was born at Walter Reed Army Medical Center. These guys did not rush the southern border to enter America by force. At the same time, the news media attacked Trump’s birthright citizenship decree for illegal migrants, On the other hand, they’re questioning American-born citizen’s right to enter the land of their birth. “A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways.” Andrew and his brother Tristan from time to spread some outdated cultural ideas about women.
Their father, Emory Andrew Tate II, was a United States Air Force Sergeant. According to Wikipedia, “Tate Senior won the United States Armed Forces Chess Championship five times.” Emory Andrew Tate, III, AKA Andrew Tate, is a former professional Kickboxer.
Andrew Tate is a social media Influencer with almost 10 million followers. He’s on top of the “manosphere,” also known as the king of “toxic masculinity.” Upon his arrival in Florida on Thursday, the media questioned Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis about their being allowed into the state. The governor said he wasn’t aware that they were coming to Florida. DeSantis further stated that they are not welcome here.
They Are Entitled To Their Opinion
The Left Wants To Cancel Everybody until they get canceled by Donald Trump. Then they complain about their cancellation. They have lost credibility and are losing more every day.
“You got to know when to hold them, when to fold the cards, when to walk away, and when to run.”–Kenny Rogers.Ukraine President Vlodomyr Zelenskyy must have listened to that song before.
Had he heard the brilliant advice before, when the President told him, “You don’t have the card,” he would have taken heed. Instead, Zelenskyy rebuked Trump. “I’m not playing cards,” Zelenskyy retorted. “I am a warrior.” “Heroes die young.”– Clint Eastwood. Zelenskyy, yes, you are playing cards. And as President Trump rightfully scolded you, you have overplayed your hand, a cautionary tale for all in the political arena.
On Friday, Ukraine President Vladimir Zelenskyy, the little man with the enormous collection plate, was abruptly asked to leave the White House. The Ukrainian President is sporting a ‘Members Only’ jacket embroidered with a Ukrainian flag.
A tense conversation, spurred on by Vice President J.D. Vance, culminated in Trump’s display of power, asserting his dominance over Zelenskyy. Burdened with the little man Napoleon complex, Zelenskyy desperately tries to pretend to be six feet tall.
The conversation between the two heads of state was relatively polite until Zelenskyy inadvertently made a statement that could be interpreted as a threat to the United States. “First, during a war, everybody has problems, even you,” Zelenskyy told Trump in a near-improved English accent, potentially escalating the situation.
He told Trump, “You have many oceans between you, but you don’t feel it now.” Here comes the threat, “But you will feel it in the future.”That is an explicit threat to the American people.
Zelenskyyhas been thinking and maybe wishing that on America all along. President Trump did the right thing by shutting down Zelenskyy’s threat.
The conversation became heated after J.D. Vance said, “You don’t come to the Oval Office of the United States of America and attack the president.” Trump said, “I’ve empowered you to be a tough guy.” However, Trump reminded Zelenskyy, you can’t be a tough guy without the United States.”
Zelenskyy bought into the legacy media’s made-up theory that he was fighting Russia for America. No Russia, China, or Middle Eastern country is going to attack America—as a military force.
Such an attack on America would create a mutually assured destruction (MAD) situation, a concept in nuclear strategy and international relations. Should there be an attack from another nation, it won’t come out of left field.
Zelenskyy Should Have Humbled Himself.
During his meeting with Trump, Zelenskyy should have humbled himself. When one goes to the bank for a loan, they sign the contract and then the banker. The borrower doesn’t set the terms for the loan. This is a lesson in humility that all negotiators should heed.
If someone breaks into your house and your neighbor invites you into his house, you don’t show the neighbor your ass. That is a sure way to get your neighbor to put you out of his house.
During the meeting, a ‘reporter’ asked Trump, “What if Russia breaks the cease-fire in Ukraine?” President Trump responded, “What if a bomb drops on your head right now?” Classic. A diplomatic president would have said; I don’t answer hypothetical questions.”
Moral of the story: Never count your money when sitting at the table, Zelenskyy.
As Elon (Leatherface) Musk takes a chainsaw to the necks and lives of the American people, Right-wing Republican Congressmen with eyes wide shut are enjoying the drippings of blood in their mouths.
The Leatherface man with the chainsaw slashes livelihoods like Norman Bates slashing unsuspecting strangers in his motel.
Musk’s major accomplices are Amy (Big Mama) Gleason, a 19-year-old Chucky-type monster, and a 25-year-old Boardman. All four mentioned above missed their civics lessons. And all four are bereft of consciousness.
Musk and his team, primarily misfits, have sent (Tell Me What You Did Last Night) emails to terrified federal workers. The scary calls are dialing up fast and furiously as spineless Republicans sacrifice the lambs that sent them to Washington.
Meanwhile, the Democrats cower in a corner, white-knuckled with teeth chattering. And President Trump sits back at his ‘resolute’ desk smiling like Hannibal Lecter. “Oh Clarice.” For the American people, the American Dream is taking on the form of the Nightmare on Elm Street.
So far, about 75,000 federal employees have taken Musk’s offer to quit or be fired. The Trump plan also forced or laid off another 200,000 workers. To the Republicans, the sound of the chainsaw is a million miles away until it’s not. The Leatherface maniac is somewhere far off in an open field. He’s nowhere near my home.
The caller is far away. It’s just a matter of time before they realize the calls are coming from inside their house—the White House. Meanwhile, the nightmare of hundreds of thousands of federal employees continues.
The Elon (Jason) Musk carnage on Elm Street, Main Street, and Wall Street is forcing many lifelong public servants to jump to their deaths or wait to be slashed by DOG(E). Today, in Trump’s first Cabinet meeting since his new term, Elon Musk boasted that he was tech support.
For the past three days, Tech Stock has been reeling. Tech Support isn’t doing a good job. It may be time for President Trump to tell Elon Musk: YOU ARE FIRED!
Argentinian President Javier Milei Is An Enemy of State
When Milei gave Elon Musk the chainsaw as a symbol of slashing American jobs, Musk should have handed it back to him with a leafblower and told him to cut Trump’s lawn. Get the eff outta here—the thieving sum of a monkey.
Is there waste in government? Of course, there is in federal state and municipal. However, managers already working in the company can identify waste and mismanagement. For example, all bus operators can list the work they have performed, all supervisors can list the daily and weekly tasks, and all Bus Traffic Controllers can list the functions they performed. Traffic Controllers can create a list of a thousand things they do daily.
Eighty-five percent of Superintendents performed daily tasks, and 15 percent had nothing to do. Their weekly tasks were to show up and collect a paycheck. The director should eliminate those positions to save the taxpayers a couple hundred thousand dollars.
Summer may seem far away, but now is the best time to make any plans if you want to travel during one of the busiest times of the year. Suppose you’re unsure where to go or have lots of time and flexibility. In that case, one airline is offering an unlimited travel pass.
Frontier Airlines’ ‘Go Wild! All You Can You Fly Pass’ is now available for summer travel and is currently on sale for $399. The pass offers unlimited Frontier destinations flights, usually $499.
The Go Wild! The pass allows travelers to book as many flights as they’d like between May 1, 2025, and September 30, 2025. Frontier’s network offers service to over 100 cities, including international destinations in the Caribbean and Central and South America, meaning travelers have plenty of options for spring, summer, and even early fall getaways.
Travelers enrolled in Frontier’s loyalty program can still earn frequent flyer miles on all Go Wild! Purchases, helping them earn free flights as the miles accumulate in the future. If your frequent flyer status comes with special perks like free bags or seat selection, those benefits can also be used on any Go Wild! Flights.
Supply is limited for the discounted rate on this unlimited flight pass, so travelers should act quickly if they’re interested in the deal. Before purchasing, remember that there are many restrictions with the Go Wild! Pass, including monthly blackout periods that overlap with major holidays like the Fourth of July, although Go Wild!
Flights are unlimited, and passengers must pay taxes and fees on each ticket. For travelers without top-tier frequent flyer status, seat assignments and checked bags will also come with a fee.
Suppose you miss out on the Go Wild! Sale: Frontier has other passes that offer unlimited flights. An annual pass for $599 allows unlimited travel between May 1, 2025, and April 30, 2026. If you want to test out the service before going all in, Frontier also offers a monthly pass for
Rebecca (Becky) Kutler, the new MSNBC programming chief, axed longtime anchor Joy Reid. Kutler came from CNN to MSNBC about two years ago. President Trump often finds Joy Reid’s reports on him irritating. Trump had this to say about Reid’s firing on Truth Social. “Joy Reid. Based on her virtually nonexistent ratings, she should have been ‘canned’ long ago, along with everyone else who works there.” Trump wrote on Truth Social.
Trump also tried to kick in the back of “Lowlife Chairman of ‘Concast,’Brian Roberts, the owner of Ratings Challenged NBC and MSDNC, has finally gotten the nerve up to fire one of the least talented people in television, the mentally obnoxious racist Joy Reid.”
Tonight, Joy Reid ended her almost 5-year run of “The ReidOut.”
The Trump/Musk DOG(E) Cut Reach Private Companies.
Kutler also fired Alex Wagner. Wagner had been substituting for Rachel Maddow four nights a week since August 16, 2022. Maddow was the MSNBC Primetime goose that laid the golden egg. She was on five weeknights. In 2022, then-MSNBC President Rashida Jones gave Maddow a $30 million raise and allowed her to work only one night per week.
That move was ass backward. There are reports that since MSNBC’s downward rating spiral, Maddow has agreed to a $5 million annual pay cut.
In August 2022, Ms. Jones replaced Maddow with Alex Wagner. Ms. Wagner was a great guest and commentator but not a Rachel Maddow. The only MSNBC host who sucked more than Wagner was Jen Psaki. Psaki is President Joe Biden’s former Press Secretary. But old Ginger kept her job during and after Becky’s purge. Ratings are claiming Jen Psaki has better numbers than Alex Wagner.
Will Becky spare Al Sharpton from her blade of death? Sharpton’s show has low ratings, and although Sharpton frequently criticizes President Trump, Becky may spare him for now. Sharpton is a known rabble-rouser. Cutting Sharpton would give him more time to march on MSNBC. Al Sharpton makes a substantial part of his living by scamming and selling smoke from Cloud Nine to Black people. Most of them buy the smoke. Sad.
Rashida Jones Out With Joy Reid Out
Rashida Jones proved to be an “Inclusion” hire. She was cute but dumb and lacked the acumen to make sound business decisions. ESPN sports anchor Steven A. Smith once said that when he wakes up in the morning, he “thinks of ways to make his boss money.”
Rashida Jones took the opposite route. She woke up thinking of ways to misspend her bosses’ money. Plus, Rashida Jones continued to allow Joy Reid to speak unbiasedly about the war in Gaza. Knowing that her boss, Mark Lazarus, was taking notes.
In 2022, when they instructed Rashida Jones to hire Rebecca Kutler as her second in command, the antennae-less Jones did not figure she was training her replacement.
That tactic is par for the course in black-and-white relationships in America. Ms. Jones’ head had become numb from drinking white wine. Nonetheless, Becky got her. Good job, Becky.
Several Factors Led To Joy Reid’s Firing.
Several factors led to Kutler putting the axe on Joy Reid’s neck. (1) Trump’s return to the White Office. (2) Low ratings. (3) Joy Reid attempted to give a voice to the plight of the Palestinians in Gaza. (4) Ried continues to make up false stories about Kamala’s loss. (5) Her continued slight against White men. (6) Joy Reid continues to hammer President Trump and his policies.
Kutler replaced The ReidOut with a Panel Show featuring former Lieutenant Governor of Maryland Republican Michael Steel. Steel will co-host with Simone (Mammy) Sanders and Alicia Menedez. Menedez and Sanders host a weekend show (The Weekend) on Saturday and Sunday with Steel. Since Trump won the 2024 presidential election, the viewership of MSNBC and CNN has collapsed. The “Weekend” show, unremarkably, allegedly has good ratings.
It may be time to question Neilsens. Has Neilsen become like the polls that showed Kamala Harris leading Donald Trump? Or has “shadow banning” skipped the YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter membrane into mainstream media? “Connections and favors rule the game.” — Beyond The Gates. CBS show.
Simone (Mammy) Sanders served as national press secretary for Bernie Sanders’ 2016 presidential campaign.
Major cable channels adjusted their lineups after Trump returned to the White House. The exception is Fox News. Fox News, the leading cable News channel, increased its ratings after the 2024 election. Viewers who fled CNN and MSNBC—some of whom have returned—felt betrayed and lied to because of Kamala Harris’ loss to Trump.
One former Harris campaigner, a Chinese woman, has been traumatized by the shellacking. The last appearance I saw with her was on News Nation — a month ago. The host, Natasha Zouves, could see that her guest was suffering some mental distress.
Hopefully, they offered that lady some help. She really believed the bullshit the Harris campaign was shoveling was absolute. Sad.
Fox News Remains Afloat. The Empire Built On Sand / Bigotry
Fox ‘News’ remains afloat despite its reputation for mass communication lies. Most Fox hosts are known as liars. Their siloed audience lives, breathes, and survives on the lies and propaganda they dish out daily. President Trump said MSNBC should pay the American people for telling lies.
After all, Fox News paid for lying. How much does Fox ‘News’ owen African Americans for all the slanderous and libelous things propagated against them? “President Trump blasted MSNBC, saying the leftist network should pay “vast sums of money” for the “unpardonable sin” it has done to the country.”
It’s not as easy for Reid to lie and propagandize as YouTubers. Corporate Media answers to a higher authority. They have advertisers that they respond to. Some associates question why Joy Reid wasn’t more radical in her approach to Black issues.
Broadcasters act within the scope that corporate sponsors and their customers will allow.
Mainstream media cannot outright become proselytizers of hate, of course, except Fox News. Fox News owes reparations to African Americans….just like they paid reparations to Dominion for telling one lie about their voting machines.
BCT is overflowing with DEI in management. And it’s not the Black women. Black women have degrees. Several Black and White men have upper management experience and military experience. However, two are just sitting there collecting a paycheck for doing nothing. No military, no college.
One day, a guy was cutting the grass, and the next day, someone from Miami-Dade County promoted him to Superintendent. The guy from Miami-Dade had a position created for him to justify a pay raise. The guy is one step above functional illiteracy. The Director needs to ask this guy to write a BCT transportation report.
It is an outright scam. The taxpayers aren’t getting what they bargained for. This guy sits there all day and does nothing. He commands no staff. He literally cannot prepare a report on anything. There are Latinos with military experience and college degrees, yet the County promotes a Latino with no college and or military background. The place is sinking fast.
Acting US Attorney for the Southern District of New York, DanielleSassoon quit her job because she couldn’t ride New York Mayor Eric Adams back to glory.
Ms. Sassoon wanted to add Mayor Adams’ demise to her resume. American Historian David Brinkley compared Danielle Sassoon to Archibald Cox. The late Senator Lloyd Bentsen knew Archibald Cox, and he would remind us that Danielle Sassoon “is not Archibald Cox.” She’s a right-wing loon and an anti-Black bigot.
Left-wing Pundits Are Giving Her Fellatio.
Left-wing pundits are using their noses to tickle Sassoon’s behind. It’s appalling. MSNBC Historian David Brinkley claims, “Danielle Sassoon is an Archibald Cox profile in courage.” “Cox was the special prosecutor who said no to Nixon about the famous ‘White House tapes’ which led to the Nixon impeachment proceedings.” Clowns are still dreaming of Trump’s impeachment.
Mayor Eric Adams Is Crooked.
Most people will agree that New York Mayor Eric Adams is a corrupt politician. There is no reasonable doubt that Adams is a corrupt Petit thief. He’s been that since his days working for the NYPD. However, on a grand scale of danger to America, Adams’ corrupt actions pale next to those of the January 6 insurrectionists.
On September 24, 2024, they indicted Mayor Eric Adams for abusing his power and position for nearly a decade. They alleged Admas used his position to obtain personal benefits and run illegal campaigns.
On September 27, 2024, Adams pleaded not guilty to an indictment “charging him with fast-tracking the opening of the Turkish consulate in Manhattan in exchange for $123,000 worth of travel perks, including a heavily discounted stay in the posh St. Istanbul Regis hotel’s “Bentley Suite,” designed to look like the luxury car.”
See The Hypocrites Run.
The January 6 Insurrectionists, whom President Donald Trump pardoned on January 20, 2025, are deemed more worthy of forgiveness than Adams. OnJanuary 21, Danielle Sassoon accepted the temporary position of interim Acting SDNY US Attorney from President Trump.
She never protested the pardons Trump gave the 1500 January 6 insurrectionists, nor did any of the other six white supremacist cowards who are protesting Mayor Adams’ conditional break.
Where Was The Outrage On January 20, 2025?
Ms. Sassoon has been with the Southern District of New York (SDNY) since 2016, so she’s not new to the District. Where was the protest on January 20, 2025? Ms. Sassoon and her group of six are bickering over one thieving Black man vs. 1500 plus white insurrectionists. They’re hypocrites and fraudsters.
They are shyster lawyers. Where were these closet insurrectionists on January 20, 2025? Where were these Project 2025 supporters? Where were these white supremacists Federalist Society members 28 days ago?
All seven SDNY prosecutors resigned because the Department of Justice (DOJ), based on political expediency, gave one Black man — Eric Adams, a petty thief, a dependent break. Yet none of them blinked an eye for the 1500 mostly violent attackers.
Poor Little Rich Girl Quit Her Job. Oh Wow.
Left-wing pundits hail Danielle Sassoon as a hero. Ms. Sassoon is just a poor little rich girl looking for likes on TikTok, Twitter, and Facebook. She was filling in until Congress confirmed the permanent US Attorney for the SDNY. Danielle Sassoon is eight months pregnant and was about to go out on maternity leave.
She is not a Shero. By the time she returns from maternity leave, Trump’s nominee to lead the SDNY, Jay Clayton, would have been confirmed by the Senate.
A Lyftdriver refused a ride to a Michigan giant, claiming she was too big to fit inside his Mercedez Benz C-Class 300. Now, the giant is suing Lyft and the driver for refusing her a ride in his car. The giant claims she is a “Rapper.” She goes by the name Dank De Most/MOSS. The DUNK is a vulgar “rapper” who touts herself as a BBW (“big beautiful woman”). Some patients have sued doctors after their BBL Brazilian Butt Lifts go wrong. It is not known if the DUNK’s case is a BBL gone bad.
Upon seeing the multitude waiting to get in his car, the Lyft driver politely requested that they call for an XL ride. When the multitude spoke, the Lyft driver realized only one person was standing there. This incident has sparked a legal case that could impact ride-sharing policies.
The driver, concerned about the safety of his passengers, surmised that squeezing and wrestling the multitude into his car would be a safety issue. Plus, getting her out of the vehicle may be more complicated than getting her in. He did not have a Jaws of Life to extricate her from his car.
At no time was the Lyft driver rude or suggested that she call for a forklift. Dank DeMost or Dunk DeMost videoed and posted the interaction with the driver on social media. The brick house claimed to be embarrassed and humiliated by the private encounter. Yet she posted the video for the world to see, an ironic twist in this legal case. The driver explained that she would not fit in his car. Driver: You can’t fit. Blanding: Yes, I can! Driver: Believe me, you can’t fit.
The Dunk hired two shysters who have decided to sue the driver.
The ride-share company has deactivated the driver’s account. A move that is designed to try to identify themselves. The case is simple: If she does not fit, YOU MUST ACQUIT.
The shysters are suing Lyft and the driver based on Michigan’s 1976 Elliott-Larson Civil Rights Act.
They are suing for stress, mental anguish, attorney fees, and damages.
legislators added height and weight in 1979. The shysters equated the DUNK’s case as the same as being Black. People are born Black. There aren’t any big-boned skeletons.
Every sad sack has a cell phone with a camera for videoing their 15 seconds of fame. It is rare to go to the gym and not see a narcissistic buffalo videoing themselves. The crime of the century was equipping cell phones with cameras. The video revealed the DUNK telling the driver she could fit in his car. The driver advised her that his car was a lowrider. She won’t fit. DUNK told the driver she’d fit in smaller cars before. That may have been possible when she was a baby.
The DUNK Weighs 500 Pounds.
Most midsize cars have a weight capacity of 850 pounds. The DUNK, whose real name is Dajua Blanding, weighs 500 pounds. According to Mercedes Benz, “The maximum weight the Mercedes-Benz C-Class 300 can carry is 500 kg (approximately 1,102 pounds).”
Social Media Had A Field Day With The DUNK’s Case.
*She makes Lizzo look like a Victoria’s Secret model. *Bro is addressing the elephant in the room. *Sorry, but Lyft doesn’t offer a flatbed as an option *You’re not suing Uber Eats *When the Earth fails, we can always try to colonize this monstrosity.
Editor’s Note:Unreasonable discrimination of any kind is ‘wrong.’