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The CDC’s ‘No Sail’ Order Expires, Allowing Cruise Ships to Resume Itineraries in the U.S.

The Love Boat Is Sailing Again.

After months of canceled itineraries brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, cruise lines finally have the green light to begin operations in U.S. waters as the CDC’s ‘No Sail’ Order expired on Oct. 31.

According to Axios, there were reports that the CDC wanted to extend the cruising ban until 2021 but landed on the Halloween expiration date following interference from the White House. No matter the change circumstances, several major cruise lines had already decided to cancel sailings until at least December, with others planning to resume operations in early 2021. Royal Caribbean, Celebrity Cruises, Norwegian Cruise Line, and MSC Cruises are among the cruise companies that have canceled sailings through the end of November.

“Climb aboard the Love Boat: they’re expecting you”

However, the end of the ‘No Sail’ Order does not mean that cruise lines can resume operations with pre-pandemic norms. The CDC has issued a ‘Conditional Sail’ Order, which it describes as a “phased resumption of cruise ship operations.” The updated advisory went into effect on Nov. 1.

As part of the new regulations, which are detailed in phases, all crew members will be tested for COVID-19 weekly and be provided with personal protection equipment. Ships must also undergo simulated voyages to “test cruise ships’ ability to mitigate COVID-19 risk [and] certification for ships that meet specific requirements.”

Ships must also establish written agreements with ports, outlining procedures, and approved housing if passengers or crew need to quarantine or a passenger needs to be evacuated to a nearby hospital. Each ship preparing to welcome passengers aboard must receive its “COVID-19 Conditional Sailing Certificate” beforehand. Passengers will also be required to undergo COVID testing when arriving and departing the ship.

These rules are designed to prevent incidents similar to earlier this year when several cruise ships worldwide were stopped at sea or docked for several days due to a COVID-19 outbreak on board.

From US Senator to Vice President to Democratic Presidential Candidate Biden To


American President Joe!

Snatching victory from the mouth of defeat was no cakewalk, nor was it a bed of roses for 77-year-old President-Elect Joe Biden. A president of all the people, not just for those who voted for him, but of all the people is the promise that Biden has made to the American people. A healer, not a destroyer of the American Democracy. Joe has promised to be a man of light, not one of hate, darkness, and divisiveness. The newly minted President has come full circle after serving the nation for 48 years, first as a United States Senator and vice president for eight years.

Kamala Harris gave her first speech as Vice President-elect, In Wilmington Delaware

In his first major speech as President-elect, following his VP-elect Kamala Harris, Biden delivered a speech of hope and healing for a nation that has been torn asunder, over the past four years, by Donald Trump. Below is a snippet of Biden’s unity speech that he delivered in Wilmington, Delaware.

Revelers hold up a sign telling Donald Trump that he has been fired by the American People

We are not red states or blue states, we are the United States of America.

Let’s give each other a chance. It’s time to put the harsh rhetoric aside. It is time to lower the temperature, and to see each other again, listen to each other again. And to make progress, we have to stop treating our opponents as our enemies. They’re not our enemies. They are Americans. The Bible tells us there is a season to everything: A time to build, a time to reap and a time to sow, and a time to heal. This is the time to heal in America.

Now the campaign is over, what is the will of the people? The battle to build prosperity. It is time to get COVID under control. Folks, I’m a proud Democrat, but I’m an American President. I will work hard for those who didn’t vote for me as well as for those who did.

President-elect Joseph R. Biden will be the nation’s second President of the Catholic faith, John Kennedy was the first, and this morning Biden and his family proudly went to Sunday morning church service to seek solace and ask the Lord for guidance in this monumental task that he’s about to take on.

Staff Writer: Clinton Franklin

Dubai Creates New Long-Stay Visa Program For Remote Workers.

A Jewel In The Crown of The Middle East

Working remotely is more common now than ever, as the pandemic has forced many companies to abandon their offices. With all indications pointing to this trend outliving our current circumstances, several countries worldwide are creating new long-stay visa programs to attract visitors who work remotely.

Barbados, Estonia, and the Republic of Georgia are just a few of the places allowing remote workers to stay for prolonged periods of time, and now, Dubai is joining them with its own long-term visa program.

Front Page

According to Matador Network, the visa scheme will allow remote workers and their families to live in Dubai for up to one year while working for companies overseas. Visa holders will open local bank accounts, enroll their children in Dubai schools, and set up phone and internet access for their homes and workspaces.

“The global pandemic has changed how we live and work. People continue to prioritize their health, wellbeing, and ability to ensure a positive work-life balance,” said Helal Almarri, director-general of Dubai Tourism, in a statement. “Dubai is uniquely positioned to offer a safe, dynamic lifestyle opportunity to these digitally savvy workers and their families while they continue to work remotely, whether it is for a couple of months or an entire year.”

Applicants for the remote worker visa must earn at least $5,000 per month and show proof of employment, as well as three months of bank statements. The visa costs $287 plus medical insurance and processing fees.

For those interested in a shorter visit to Dubai, the United Arab Emirates reopened to international tourists in early July. All visitors over the age of 12 must present a negative COVID-19 PCR test taken within 96 hours of their departure. Test results must be presented in its original, physical form in either English or Arabic. Digital copies will not be accepted.

With a negative COVID test, visitors entering Dubai must not quarantine, local media source Gulf News reports. Travelers entering Abu Dhabi and other northern emirates must quarantine for 14 days, regardless of their test results.

BSO Sheriff Tony Captures The Imagination of Broward County.


Sheriff Greg Tony Successfully Fends Off His Attackers.

The minute he was sworn into office, in 2018, as the first African American Sheriff of Broward County (Greg Tony) was set upon by the good old boys’ network. The Sheriff became an enemy to those who paint the back of their necks red. Soon after a rope, a fine Oak Tree was selected for Tony by BSO Union and its president Jeff Bell. Bell and his boys decided it was time to carry out a James Byrd style takeout using high tech lynching methods — the media. In 1998 members of the Ku Klux Klan dragged James Byrd (an African American man) behind a pickup truck down a dirt road until his entire body was dismantled and strewn all over the streets. The chaining of Byrd to a pickup in Jasper, Texas, became known as “dragging.” — not on Twitter but literally.

H. Wayne Clark, construction attorney, ran for Broward Sheriff, got beat by Greg Tony twice in one year

 Tony’s strongest rival H. Wayne Clarke is a Republican is an attorney. Clark’s running to become Sheriff mainly because he’s not comfortable seeing a Black man in that position. Clark has never been a police officer, and ten to one, he is afraid of his own shadow and panics when he hears his own fart. Another one of Tony’s challenger Al Pollock (fell by the wayside many moons ago), stands a better chance of winning an election if he runs for dog catcher of the county. Pollock threw his support behind H. Wayne Clarke after Broward County voters soundly rejected him — in the primary elections.

Two-time loser Al (We Sick sah) Pollock angry that a younger person accomplished what he failed to accomplish

Pollock, who is known for talking out of both sides of his face, said, “He was supporting Mr. Clark because he is the right person for the job.” Excuse me, sir, if H. Wayne Clark was the right person for the job, then why were you running for office in the first place? Make up your mind, will ya? A double-minded man is unstable in all of his ways. So says the Bible. This is why you lost in the first place because you never saw yourself as qualified or worthy of such an office — in the back of your mind. You ran only because you thought another African American wasn’t worthy of the office as well.

Tonight, incumbent Sheriff Gregory Tony won the seat for Sheriff of Broward county with 572,096 votes, 64 percent trouncing his challenger Wayne Clark who came in second place with 23 percent or 290,446 votes.

All The President’s Lapdogs: They’re As Happy As A Fire Hydrant.


Senators Marco Rubio, Lindsey Graham, Rand Paul, Mitch McConnell, Rep Steve King, Jim Jordan, Trey Gowdy, et al.

President Trump doesn’t have any four-legged dogs in the White House with him, like past presidents, because he has a kennel full of lapdogs in the guise of Republican Senators, US House of Representatives, and White House staffers.

There is a growing segment of the American population who believe, The 45th President of the United States of America, Donald J. Trump is a Squatter? Well, if there’s anyone who could trick Americans into allowing him to live fraudulently and rent-free in the White House — it would be Donald J. Trump.

During the 2016 Mitt Romney calls Trump a conman and a fraud. Romney, who is independently wealthy still, to this day, sees Trump as a fraud.

Senator Marco Rubio called Trump a “Con  Artist” during said elections. Rubio, who is from the other side of the tracks (and feeds from the largess of wealthy businessmen such as William Brahman), has since become one of Trump’s favorite lapdogs.

At this rally, Little Marco called Trump a conman more than 12 times, then helped him conned America and its people.

Suddenly in Rubio’s mind, Trump can do no wrong because Rubio bends and bows to his wealthy handlers’ wishes. Anywhere the wind (a fist full of dollars) blows, it doesn’t really matter — Narco Rubio follows. “Friend, don’t let friends vote for a con artist.” So says Rubio, but Rubio has proven himself the biggest game conned by Trump in the last four years.

Nixon vs. Trump.

In the 70s, the late President Richard ( Tricky Dick) Nixon Surrounded Himself With “Men,” albeit dishonest men. In the new millennium, it is safe to say; the United States can boast of having the most corrupt Republican Senate in the Republic’s history. 

Donald J Trump has a kennel full of jaded and dishonest lapdogs.

Chris (Krispy Kreme) Christie, I’ll do anything for a free steak dinner — with Trump.

Soon after winning the presidential election, Trump summons Mitt Romney to his home for what Romney thought was a job interview. Little did Romney know that President-elect Trump just wanted to embarrass Romney. Separated from his “sixth” sense, Mitt took the bait and went to Trump’s house. After he was dismissed from the interview, you could literally see Romney leaving Trump Mansion with his tail between his legs. He looked pathetic — not presidential.

Now fast-forward to the 21st Century and the current President, Donald Trump, who has surrounded himself with mongrels, chihuahuas, mutts, and a host of mangy poodles.

Say no more: This is a face only momma could love

In context, the relationship between Donald Trump and Senator Lindsey Graham is smart, albeit emotional, confused bespectacled, pimpled face high school girl who dreams of marrying the school’s star quarterback — Donald Trump.

The Jock/Quarterback doesn’t like the bespectacled girl, but he knows that she’s an easy lay. She’ll do anything to be in his presence. So every once in a while, the jock takes her to the bleachers and let her go down on him. In Trump’s case, he’ll take Lindsey Graham to one of his golf courses and let him play golf with him; then, Graham becomes super giddy and goes on CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News to utters foolishness for the world to see and hear. Give up that dream, Lindsey! It isn’t going to happen. Trump likes his toys young, tall, and Russian.

How to tell when your panting lapdog is thirsty? Ask Lindsey.

Advice to the lovelorn: Lindsey, please, get over Trump; he’s not going to give in to you. Come out o the closet and find a man of your own. You’ll be much happier.

Little Marco a wart to most Cuban-Americans 

Bright, articulate, and quick on his feet is Marco: but he’s also extremely susceptible to being easily manipulated by his wealthy handlers: Senator Marco Rubio is nothing more than a mouthpiece for the wealthy who pays his bills — he’s not beholden to the majority of his voting constituents who pay his salary. Marco is a let-down to the majority of Cuban-Americans who stand by their word when it’s given.

The aptest way to describe Senator Narco Rubio is a case of a boy from the neighborhood across the tracks who will do anything to sit at the table with the rich kids who live on the other side of town — including prostituting himself. During the 2016 presidential elections, Marco also called Trump a conman. Still, after Trump’s election victory, Rubio became one of Trump’s main lapdogs and a disgrace to many in the vibrant Cuban community. Rubio votes inline 91.5% with Trump’s wishes and supports rump separating migrant children from their parents. Yet he claimed Trump is a conman. Perhaps Rubio is a bigger conman and a fraud than Trump.

Lying Ted Cruz:

During the 2016 Presidential elections, then-candidate Donald Trump made it clear that he believed that Senator Ted Cruz’s father is entangled in the assassination of the late President John F. Kennedy. After Trump won the election, Lying, ted became one of his biggest supporters and abettors to destroying the lives of many and contributing to everything wrong for America. Lying Ted. Trump had him pegged correctly.

During the Nixon and Watergate era, as corrupt as Nixon and his cohorts were — what we had then were men with backbone or spines upon which great nations are built.

Today in the Trump era of corruption — even though; Trump cuddles his lapdogs, he knows that he and the country are cursed with a group of spineless jellyfish parading around like men. Men whose “moral” code is rooted in political expediency and cowardice.

Marco Rubio: What a shameful squat. Rubio and other politicians like himself are poor people from the other side of the tracks enamored by rich men. They will do anything to appease someone like Trump to brag to their friends that they ate dinner with so and so.

Trump losing one billion dollars over a 10 year period, is not a big deal to mock. Anyone who can lose a billion dollars and remain in billionaire status has some sort of smarts that most don’t have. Oh, please wait a minute. The President has lost a Billion? That is a billion dollars that he never had. He actually owes 400 million dollars that he can’t afford to pay to his debtors. Trump’s Billionaire status that he cooked up was just another con job — a hoax — FAKE NEWS.

The fact is: Trump did not lose a billion of his own money. He actually lost a billion dollars of (OPM) other people’s money. Trump took the money from the bank, and the bank takes the money from its customers on the lower end of the totem pole — in credit card fees and exorbitant interest rates charged to poor people. And not paying them interests on their hundreds of millions of marginal bank accounts, with marginal sums of money that add up to billions of dollars given to people such as Trump. Take from the poor and give to the rich.

Rep Steve King, Never met a bigot he didn’t love.

U.S. Representative EVE King (R) IA is a 71-year-old virulent bigot representing a segment of like-minded bigots from Iowa. They keep voting that jackass into office only because they agree with all of his racist, misogynistic and bigoted statements that he makes daily. How often King votes in line with Trump’s position 92.6% of the time, it not that Steve king like Trump. He votes this way because President Trump is as close as any modern president comes to be like Hitler.

In 2016 the media gave Trump power because they enjoyed the clown show, tomorrow the people will take that power away from Trump and send him and his cohorts packing. 

Separating The Wheat From The Chaff: City Of Lauderhill Commission Race.


Without the “right” leaders in Lauderhill, the City could become like Opa-Locka, Detroit, Mich, or Baltimore.

Like a swarm of poisonous bees drawn to a honeycomb, so is the pile of candidates vying for a seat on the City of Lauderhill Commission. The word is out that Developers are eyeing vast open lands or Golf Courses to build high rise apartment complexes. To carry out their scheme of ghettoizing another section of the city into a more concrete jungle, Developers need to have the “right” people in place. They need the most gullible, unsuspecting, cash-strapped, and unscrupulous asses in the seats of the Commission.

The best candidates for Lauderhill Commission now but will need monitoring while in office (seats #1 #2 and #3)

The monthly car allowance for Lauderhill Commissioners is over a thousand dollars, in addition to their annual salary. This monthly Mercedes Benz stipend is more than enough to draw a hungry batch to seek election — some with not the best of intentions. It was just six years ago that sister city Tamarac Commissioners got caught up in a developers’ land deal scandal. Developers Bruce and Shawn Chait bribed several City of Tamarac Commissioners to vote in favor of zoning golf courses to turn them into concrete structures or covering the land with cement. The earth is saying, “I can’t breathe.”

It’s time to separate the wheat from the chaff: You decide

The November 03, 2020 election has brought out a host of political piranhas trying to get a slice of the pie without any regard for the residents and the city’s well-being. And most of them aren’t qualified to run anything other than their mouths, let alone the business of a community that could slip into a ghetto-hood if voters aren’t vigilant and careful of who they select to represent their best interest in local government.

The Chaits in Court: Five Years Probation for bribing Tamarac Commissioners

Seat #1 up for grabs, which will be vacated (November 3rd, 2021) by Howard Berger due to term limits. Berger has been in and out of office since he was First Elected: March 1984.
He’s been a Lauderhill Resident: Since 1978. The candidates running to replace Berger are:

The candidates vying for seat #2 are:

Seat #2 (4 Year Term)
  • Candidate Richard Campbell – QUALIFIED
  • Candidate Melissa P. Dunn – QUALIFIED
  • Candidate Kelvin G. Haynes  – QUALIFIED. The two-year incumbent Richard Campbell is the most qualified, at this time, to sit in the seat. Dunn’s platform is mostly rooted in a feminist agenda and does not seek to serve all the city residents — male and female. That strategy is an old Donald Trump strategy that appeals to a narrow segment of the constituents. Lauderhill’s current demographics stand at about forty thousand females and about thirty thousand thousand males. Come November 3; it is time for the residents of Lauderhill to separate the wheat from the chaff.

The Black And White Chasm Grows Amid The Absence of National Leadership.


America on the precipice of hate

With the 2020 Presidential election and the most crucial down-ballot elections in 200 years just four days away, the American people are choosing between two ideologies at the voting booths — one of hate and the other of inclusion. The Republican party has now wrapped itself in a cloak of hate and bigotry that hasn’t manifested itself so openly since the Civil War. The Grand Ol’ Party (GOP) led by a Gov. George Wallace-styled New Yorker (Donald J. Trump and his family) and an old relic of Robert E. Lee — Mitchell McConnell.

A Korean-american cult led by a foul beast, Hyung Jin Moon — members wear crowns made of bullets

Subtleties aside, the year 2020 will give us a clear vision of the path the United States of America wants to travel.

As tension, hate, and violence grow throughout cities and provinces in Donald J. Trump America, the President continues his reckless bus tour going from state to state — inciting violence. The Americans who are preparing to wreak havoc on their fellow Americans aren’t just the Proud Boys that Trump told to stand by — just if they’re needed to start the engine that would bring this American-style Democracy to an end and introduce a prolonged Mad Max way of living.

Also waiting in the wings on standby are myriads of hyper-rightwingers that are plotting to carry out predatory violence upon a sheep-minded flook of liberals. Then there is the Unification Church founded by Sun Myung Moon. Moon is now deceased, but his vile and despicable son, Hyung Jin Moon, runs a splintered version of the cult, and he’s more rabid than Kim Jung Un of North Korea. This Pennsylvania-based World War and “Unification” Sanctuary of hate have thousands of members of this vile cult openly plotting to murder Americans should Trump lose his bid for a second term as President.

Trump standing with one of the reasons why Mitch McConnell kneels before — his wife is in his pay

On Thursday, in Tampa, Florida, while delivering a speech to hundreds of Right-wingers, the President made veiled threats against a battalion of First Responders who were there to help keep his followers safe. “Who are they, are they friend or foe?” the paranoid president asked, the riled up agitated sect. Trump also made veiled threats against Gov. Tom Wolf of Pennsylvania as he has done against Gov. Whitmer of Michigan.

The one gets when they are in over their head but is too scared to admit

America is more armed than any other time in history, and it’s at a stage where the left is right, and the right is dead wrong. Donald Trump has managed to single handily — while aided and abetted by greedy, unscrupulous politicians and bigots — turn America and its ideals upside down.

People on both sides of the political spectrum are shouting at each other, trying to drown others’ voices. And no one is willing to listen to what his/her neighbor has to say. Under Donald J. Trump, the United States of America is likened to men made drunk on the whiskey of de-civilization. There isn’t any good that can come from these drunken public brawls taking place in America’s cities and sideshows perpetrated by ringmaster politicians such Mitchell McConnell, Lindsey Graham, Marco Rubio, Rand Paul, and the rest of the crew of unscrupulous sideliner pitchmen.

Border Closures Between the U.S., Mexico, and Canada Are Extended Until November

The Politics of COVID-19: The President’s invisible wall used to lock Americans out.

The land border closure between the U.S., Canada, and Mexico was set to expire this month, but officials have announced an extension of this policy until at least November. It could last even longer as COVID-19 cases continue to rise in the U.S., and both border countries have criticized the pandemic response in the U.S.

“To continue to limit the spread of COVID, the U.S., Mexico, & Canada will extend the restrictions on non-essential travel through Nov 21,” Chad Wolf, the acting secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, said in a Tweet on Monday. “We are working closely with Mexico & Canada to identify safe criteria to ease the restrictions in the future & support our border communities.”

It cuts both ways. The wall keeps them out and keeps us into our own country

Bill Blair, Canada’s public safety minister, said on Twitter all decisions “will continue to be based on the best public health advice available to keep Canadians safe.”

The borders between the U.S. and its neighbors to the north and south have been closed since March 18, with authorities extending the expiration date each month. According to the Canada Border Services Agency, Americans can pass through Canada on their way to and from Alaska, but some have used this “loophole” to stay in Canada. Those caught have been issued expensive fines. Exceptions to the rule include people traveling for trade purposes and Americans returning to the U.S., and Canadians returning to Canada.

It is not fair that the President should be behind bars

Although the border closure is now set to expire on Nov. 21, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said in an interview last week that it could last longer.

“The recommendation is to avoid non-essential travel, and that’s for people’s own safety. I know there’s a lot of people anxious about what’s happening south of the border in Florida, in Arizona, in California, and other places where the virus is not under control—far less under control than we are here,” he said.

“We keep extending the border closures because the United States is not in a place where we would feel comfortable reopening those borders,” he added. “We will continue to make sure that Canadian safety is top of mind when we move forward. We see the cases in the United States and elsewhere around the world, and we need to continue to keep these border controls in place.”

America Under Siege


Will, the upcoming Presidential election save the US?

Buffeted by rioters, looters and peaceful protesters on one side, and brutal goon-like police officers on the other side and, a wild-eyed militant President above hovering over them all with threats of martial law — who is aided and abetted by a warped minded Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman who longs for the good old days of Bull Connor and Robert E. Lee — Americans teeter on the edge of an apocalypse. It’s an undercurrent.

With just fourteen days away from the most critical presidential election since the inception of the Republic of the United States of America, there is a venomous undertow that threatens to suck the American Democracy out to sea. In the absence of leadership, morass has formed, and a host of diverse hooligans and demagogues have stepped into the gully of slime to fill the void.

These Boys Are Proud to be Proud

The current President of the United States is hell-bent on demonizing Black and Latino Americans and stoking most white Americans’ fears. He has employed the old divide and conquers strategy with hopes of siphoning off enough Black votes while harnessing enough angry white Americans to push him back into the White House for four more years of wilding out.

At a time in history when the person in the largest Bully Pulpit with the loudest megaphone in America is running from town to town, state to state yelling fire in every crowded theater that will allow a Reality Show B-list actor into the building — with the sole purpose of riling up unintelligent mercenaries with stockpiles of military-grade weaponry as well as a wide swath of cheap college “educated” women who have become mesmerized with their brand of a White Knight in shining armor or the last great white hope to save them from a gang of M-13 raping Mexicans and Black drug dealers.

President unjustly links Ted’s father to President Kennedy but he’s not related to Fidel or Raul Castro

The President has managed to draw once “neutral” minded people (with less publicly manifested hate for people of color) into his web of hate and deception. People such as; the Lil’ forked tongue Marco Rubios, Lindsey Graham, Rick Sanitarium, Christopher Christie, Rafael “Ted” Cruz, the junior Senator from Texas whose father Trump claims had a hand in the assassination of President Kennedy. These are an example of a school of politicians who have all cozied up to the President for a piece of steak, a hamburger, a glass of wine, or just for the fun of kissing the President’s golden ring that he wears on his naked backside. And the list goes on with those who many believe has sold their souls and America down the drain for 30-pieces of silver — such as the likes of Rand Paul and Mike Huckabee.

President’s Proud Boys Moment of Denial

Will the 2020 elections bring some relief from the onslaught of masks wearing Jessie James who have plundered the Treasury and have ruined the lives of so many Americans who once placed their trust in them? It’s time to vote the cowards out of office.

By 2022 Travelers Headed to Europe Will Face New Registration Requirements.

The (Near) Future Has Arrived.

Although Europe still has a ban on tourists from the U.S. and other countries with high counts of coronavirus, leaders are moving forward with a plan to implement extra requirements for travelers headed to the region.

The new travel authorization system is set to be introduced by 2022, requiring visitors from outside the European Schengen Zone to register online before visiting. Initially, the system was set to roll out in 2021, but now it appears the new requirement won’t be fully operational until the end of 2022, Lonely Planet reports.

When the new authorization scheme was first announced in 2019, it set off alarms in the travel community as reports referred to the system as a “visa.” The European Commission quickly clarified that more than 60 countries currently having visa-free access to the European Union would continue to enjoy this privilege.

However, what will change is that non-EU visitors will need to complete an additional step before preparing to travel. According to Lonely Planet, visitors from these countries—including the U.S., Canada, Brazil, and the UK—will need to apply online through the European Travel Information and Authorisation System (ETIAS). The system will work similarly to the US ESTA, which conducts a quick, automated security check on visitors before allowing them entry.

An estimated 95% of people will be approved within minutes, while 3-4% may need a little longer to process. The remaining 1-2% of applicants will be forwarded for a longer, manual review, at which point they may be rejected. For those who are approved, their ETIAS will be valid for three years.

Airlines will check passports for ETIAS authorization before boarding. If you somehow reach a border check without authorization, you will be denied entry. What may confuse travelers is that the ETIAS will not be required for every EU country, but only for those within the Schengen Area. European Union countries that do not fall within Schengen include Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Ireland, and Romania.

A European Commission spokesperson told SchengenVisaInfo that the new system will be fully functional by the end of 2022 but won’t be mandatory until six months after that. The Commission also says that the system was designed to improve security.

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