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Trump Did It Again: Wins Michigan, Beats Haley And Biden

Tuesday night, Trump did it again. He wins Michigan and beats Haley and Biden by exceptionally huge margins. The Republican Presidential 2024 race was over before it got started.

Initially, nine Republican candidates qualified for the August 2023 debate hosted by Fox News. But only eight showed up in Milwaukee for the first debate. Missing from the roster was Donald J. Trump. The former President’s calculations said he did not have to join the other eight candidates. They needed Trump to bring them some shine. However, Trump starved them.

The Jilted Lovers

Donald Trump was the big winner in Tuesday night’s Michigan Primary. With over 70% of the votes counted, Trump enjoys a tremendous lead (565,000) over Biden’s 425,000 votes, at 60% of democrats votes in. Professional grifter Nikki Haley lags with 225,000 votes. The other Democrat in the race, Dean Phillips, has 14,000 votes.

Trump’s calculation proved that he was right not to attend the debates. One by one, Trump peeled off his would-be competition. Like a love-sick puppy, the other candidates pined for Trump to be on stage next to them. They cajoled, berated, and belittled him, trying to get him to come over — still, he stayed away. Eventually, all the jilted lovers gave up to start a “new” life without Trump.

Joe Biden

I’s Not Age. It’s the stage, Mr. Biden, and you have passed the stage.

They have intelligence. The most unintelligent one of the seven, Nikki Haley, is too unintelligent to realize the race is over. What is more troubling? People want to part with their money and still support her.

All told those seven ex-lovers of Trump remember how the relationship was when it was good. They all came back to show their love for their former lover. “Make it like it was, how it used to be when I hungered for your love constantly.” Regina Belle.

The Muslim Population.

Tim Scott, the shameless Senator from South Carolina, darn near kissed Trump’s ass on stage on live TV. Well, he tried to kiss Trump’s ass. Except the other South Carolina Senator, Lindsey Graham, had his mouth already planted on Trump’s backside.

The Muslim population in Michigan attempted to execute a protest vote against Biden for his unwavering support of the war on Gaza. They had no workable strategy. Leaders in the community advised voters to vote for “Uncommitted.” There was no one running in the Presidential race named “Uncommitted.” Marginalization numbs the skull.

The Muslim Community Had One Job To Do

The Muslim community had an opportunity to send a shockwave to the White House. That bolt of lightning would have woken up even Sleepy Joe. Well, Not really. It’s hard raising Lazarus from the dead. But they should have sent the message.

They had one job to do. Rep Dean Phillips was in the race. They disregarded his presence. Yup. Oppression numbs the skull. The Michigan Muslim’s “Uncommitted” plan was a bad political strategy.

They could have garnered some delegates if they had thrown their votes behind Rep Dean Phillips. With Rep Phillips’ 3% and the “Uncommitted’s” 13%–they would be in the mix. And in need, perhaps of being committed.

Extreme Protest Kills U.S. Airman Over Israelis Gaza Genocide. Aaron Bushnell.


US Airman Extreme Protest

As world leaders condone the Israeli Government’s acts of genocide on the Palestinians… one voice in the wilderness cried out—the voice of Arron Bushnell. His cry garnered media attention, and the womb that bore him contracts and weeps. As only the womb of a mother can weep. The extreme protest that killed the US airman shocked many.

 However, Bushnell’s pleas will remain unheard. His family will mourn his death, but his message remains unsent. “I will not be a party to genocide,” he wrote on his final Facebook social media post.

The active duty Air Force service man posed poignant questions for his social media followers. “Many of us like to ask ourselves, ‘What would I do if I was alive during slavery? 

Or the Jim Crow South? Or apartheid? What would I do if my country was committing genocide?’ The answer is, you’re doing it. Right now,” he wrote.

Psycho Cop Aims His Gun On A US Air Force Member Ablaze

I won’t be part of the genocide in Gaza anymore.

“I will no longer be complicit in genocide [in Gaza]. I am about to engage in an extreme act of protest,” Bushnell reportedly said before dousing himself with an unknown liquid and setting himself ablaze while repeatedly crying out “Free Palestine.” 

The US Airman torched himself in front of the Israeli Embassy in DC. His self-sacrifice was to bring relief to 2.4 million Palestinians in Gaza. As Mr. Bushnell lay on the ground engulfed in flames, armed guards pointed their guns at him.

Those are the words of Aaron Bushnell, a twenty-five-year-old United States Airman. On Sunday, the four-year military veteran suffered a mental breakdown and committed suicide. Mr. Bushnell’s extreme protest was an attempt to call attention to the genocidal acts in Gaza. Airman Aaron was a man of conscience.

Unfortunately, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has no soul or conscience. The world has gone nose blind to mass murderers like Benjamin Netanyahu.

In January, the South African Government sued Israel in the International Court of Justice (ICJ). And the ICJ gave a tepid and partial ruling in favor of the Palestinians. “Allegations of genocide against Israel are not meritless,” the International Criminal Court ruled. “Notwithstanding Hamas’ unlawful conduct that started the war last October 7.”

On October 7, 2023, a group of Palestinians, known as Hamas, carried out a brutal attack on Israel, killing at least 800 Jews, including children. The Hamas gang also captured 200 hostages. Twenty days later, Benjamin Netanyahu ordered the Israeli military (IDF) to attack Palestine to root out Hamas.

According to the reports, the number of members in the Hamas gang can reach up to 30,000. The IDF has been dropping bombs indiscriminately on the 2.4 million Palestinians to get Hamas. The IDF bombing raids are equal to a madman bombing an entire house to kill some rats that ran inside. Such bombing is overkill and genocidal.

The World Condones Gaza Genocide.
Tragedy upon tragedy and compounded tragedies. What would make a man doused himself with a flammable, then set himself on fire?
The world and the Palestinians are overwhelmed with fear. 

If anyone raises concerns about the unprecedented Israeli killings, they will be accused of being anti-Shemite.
World leaders stand by wringing their hands and gnashing their teeth. Not even the Palestinians will fight for themselves. SAAAD.

The National Suicide Hot Line Center Is Available 24/7 to help those who may contemplate suicide. Dial 988.


These Major Airlines Are Hiking Up the Cost of Checked Luggage

Let The Hike Begin

It’s no secret that air travel has become more expensive in recent years. Some travelers find it more complex because airlines have confusing policies and unexpected fees. These major airlines are hiking the cost of checked luggage.

Unfortunately, that trend is not going anywhere. Four of the six largest U.S. airlines have increased their baggage fees in the last two months. The last time we saw multiple airlines increase their fees was in 2018. Now, travel experts predict other airlines may even follow suit.

For now, here is what you need to know about the latest changes:

Alaska Airlines

This Anchorage-based airline was first in the domino effect of increasing baggage fees. Although announced in December 2023, the price hike started on January 2, 2024. Now, travelers must pay $35 for the first checked bag and $40 for the second bag — a $5 increase on both fees. 

Those flying first class and those with Alaska Airlines credit cards or business cards will still get free checked bags. Certain levels of elite status will also be allowed free baggage.


JetBlue quietly changed their checked baggage fees. Now, passengers must pay more depending on when they pay for their bags. For those who add bags to the reservation within 24 hours or less of their flight, the fee is now $45 for the first bag and $60 for the second.

 That’s an extra $10. The cost for those with more time before departure is still the same: $35 and $50 for the first and second bags, respectively.

American Airlines

As of February 20, American Airlines passengers must adhere to a new fee chart. The first checked bag costs $35 for domestic flights when purchased online or $40 at the airport. Second bags cost $45, whether purchased online or at the airport. 

Passengers on short international flights, like Canada and Mexico, will pay $35 for the first bag and $45 for the second, regardless of where they buy their tickets.

United Airlines

United Airlines is the latest (and for now, the last) domino to fall in this flurry of rising bag fees. Launched on February 24, United customers will now charge travelers $40 for their first checked bag and $50 for the second. 

JetBlue, United offers a discount ($5 instead of JetBlue’s $10) for those who prepay for their luggage at least 24 hours in advance. United will not be changing fees for international flights.

Nikki Haley Lost Bigly To Trump In Her Home State.


South Carolina Mashup.

Praying for the government to put former President Donald Trump in prison is not enough to win an election. The ex-governor of South Carolina, airhead Nikki Haley, found out today. There is no way in hell that Nikki Haley can beat Donald Trump in a primary or general electoral contest. On Saturday, Nikki Haley lost bigly to Trump in her home state.

Polls showed the former President had a 35-point lead in the South Carolina primary over professional grifter Nikki Haley. Trump went to Nikki Haley’s hometown and raced away with over 60% of the votes (and 107 delegates). Nikki Haley picked up 20 delegates. She lost with 39% of the votes.

Soft coups d’état are taking place all across America.

With no clear path to beating Donald Trump, Nikki Haley refuses to vacate the race. The grafting is to her.

It is fun to watch a horse race. However, those big donors who keep supplying Ms. Haley’s campaign with cash are delusional, or they have a sinister agenda. Can she beat him in a head-to-head general election? Therefore, Nikki Haley’s hate for Trump is apparent. She’s praying for Trump to go to prison so she can get to the White House by default.

This political ruse is how Kathy Hochul got installed in the Governorship of New York State. These are silent coups. This type of silent coup worked on former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo.

The flakey Haley predicted that “Joe Biden or Donald Trump will not become president in 2025.” She boldly declares it will be a woman — her or Kamala Harris. Late last year, New Hampshire Gov John (up his neck in) Sununu made a similar prediction. Do they know a secret they are not sharing with the American public?

Rishi Sunak became Prime Minister in Britain after they compelled Liz Truss to resign. Ms. Truss served less than two months as prime minister. They used Ms Truss as an accessible transitional bridge between Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak. They knew Liz Truss, in her youth, harbored anti-Monarch sentiments before she got made.

Her short-lived tenure made her the shortest-serving Prime Minister of Britain. Liz Truss moved into 10 Downing Street after they forced Prime Minister Boris (Yeltsin) Johnson to leave the Prime Minister’s office. Then they installed Rishi Sunak in Liz Truss’ place. Rishi Sunak is the first Indian to serve as Prime Minister of Britain. 

Do Haley and Sununu know a secret they’re not sharing with the American people? Is Nikki Haley hovering around, waiting for Donald Trump’s demise so that she can slip into the White House? Nikki Haley and her handlers are hoping for a silent coup. 

In the long run, these silent or soft coup d’état are more pernicious than the minor January 6 bloody attempted coup d’état carried out by Trump supporters.


Bruce Blakeman Nassau County Official Bans Transgender From Sports


Nex Benedict

They say love is a battlefield. Today, Bruce Blakeman, a top official in Nassau County, made a controversial announcement. He stated transgender girls will not be allowed to compete against biological girls in sports events. The move will be the first of its kind in the nation. And it follows the death of sixteen-year-old Nex Benedict. Nex Benedict attended Owasso High School in Oklahoma.

Owasso Police Department

According to the Owasso Police Department, on February 7, a verbal altercation between at least three other female Owasso High School students became physical. During the violent attack, Nex suffered severe head trauma. One day after the attack, Nex Benedict died. A February 21 autopsy report indicated Nex had not died as a result of trauma.”

Sue Benedict, the mother of Nex, says her family will get an independent autopsy performed. So far, the family has raised over $ 100,000 on a GoFundMe account. Most of the funds raised will go to support LGBTQ organizations.
Nassau County Executive Bruce Blakeman said his new transgender mandate will go into effect at the time of his public announcement.

Ron DeSantis Eyes 2028 Pres Run: No To Trump VP



Florida Governor Ron DeSantis claims he doesn’t want to be former President Donald Trump’s 2024 running mate. On January 21, DeSantis dropped out of the Presidential race. He was third in the Iowa Caucus, behind professional candidate Nikki Haley. Ron DeSantis eye 2028 Pres run, and said no to Trump VP pick.

Haley doesn’t have a job, but she’s living large off of political donations. DeSantis tried hard but could not shake the Florida drudge he created. He tried going nationally however, he could not escape his swamp. DeSantis supposedly has said no to Trump’s VP shortlist. Ron DeSantis eyes 2028 Prez Run,

DeSantis’s turndown came after Trump revealed that his former political nemesis was on his short list as a possible 2024 running mate. Ron DeSantis’s eyeing the 2028 Prez Run would be like his 2024 presidential run. The froth that he sold to Floridians did not translate outside of Florida. They’re Americans who live outside of the Florida bubble.


Ron DeSantis Has A Nasty Disposition.

While anything is possible, DeSantis’s chance of winning the White House in 2028 remains riskier than his 2024 bid. The 45-year-old governor has painted himself as an old Governor George Wallace — before Wallace’s reformation. He’s got some image prepping to do.

 While George Wallace hated mostly Black Americans, Florida Gov Ron DeSantis Hates everybody. And everybody hates him back—except staunch neo-Nazis, the Miami Proud Boys, and ignorant rednecks. Ron DeSantis possesses a nasty disposition.

Becoming Trump’s 2024 running mate or Vice President would be one way for DeSantis to clean up his image. Otherwise, he faces slim odds of winning the presidency.

Strategically, Donald Trump also released other Vice Presidential hopefuls on his shortlist. Trump mentions ass-kissing S.C. Sen. Tim Scott. Scott is a shameless and balls less despicable who rented a woman to be his girlfriend. 

Other potential candidates for Trump’s shortlist include South Dakota Governor Christi Neom, who strongly supports Trump. Former Presidential candidates Vivek Ramaswamy and Hawaiian Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard are rounding off the.

The former President did not mention Silly Nikki.

New Study Reveals When to Book Your Next Flight to Get the Best Deal

Travelers have debated the best ways to save money on a flight for years. Should you buy on a specific day of the week? What day should you fly? How far in advance should you buy your flight? Well, a recent study is answering these questions and more. When to book your next flight to get the best deals?

To get the cheapest flight, book your ticket between three weeks and 2.5 months before you leave, according to’s Annual Airfare Study.

“This year’s Prime Booking Window extends to about three weeks from your travel date. In 2024, you can wait a little longer to buy, and the window where you will find the lowest fares extends to about 2.5 months out,” the report said.

The study analyzed over 917 million airfares in over 8,000 markets across the United States. Besides identifying the Prime Booking Window, the study also had a few other warnings for procrastinators and early birds.

Travelers Will Have More Flight Options

According to the study, those who book their ticket too early could pay as much as 36% more on average. Booking early does have its advantages, though. You’ll have more flight options to fit your specific schedule needs and plenty of time to pick your seats.

Meanwhile, those who book their tickets too late — less than a week in advance — typically pay about 59% more. Those who push their luck, waiting to book until one or two weeks before their trip, usually pay 26% more on average.

The study also debunks the myth that buying your flight on a specific day of the week will cause a cheaper fare.
“Data reveals that the average meager fare varies by less than $1, no matter what day of the week you buy an airline ticket,” the report said.
What does matter, however, is the day you fly.

The study found that midweek flights are almost always cheaper than the weekends, with Wednesday being the least expensive day to fly.

Sassy D.A. Fani Willis Bared Her Butt In Court



She entered the Atlanta courtroom like a matador, wearing a hot pink dress. “Your Honor, swear me in,” the Fulton County District Attorney said. Fani Willis went to court to take the bull by the horns. She got gorged. The sassy D.A. Fani Willis Bared her butt in court.

They fired up the District Attorney. Then she got cooled. Fani Willis says she can’t take any more. And she wanted the world to know. No mass. The Fulton County District Attorney, who once wanted to prosecute former President Trump, is now being prosecuted herself.

Mike Roman, one of former President Donald Trump’s co-defendants, created a red herring. The hounds are chasing the scent of the red herring.

D.A. Fani Willis invited herself to the witness stand to declare, “I’m not on trial.” When she jumped into the witness stand, she put herself on trial. Donald J. Trump can afford to be decorum less in court. You cannot.

 Fani Willis lost at least three dress sizes to prepare for Trump’s election interference trial. The DA draped herself in red hot pink to test the bull. And the bullish defense attorney named Ashleigh Merchant attacked like a bull. 


“If The Fish Kept Its Big Mouth Shut, It Wouldn’t Get Caught.”

Not that the defense attorney Merchant is strong, but Fani Willis is weak. She got slayed by the bull. Sometimes, the matador loses the fight with the bull. Fani Willis could have stayed in her office and watched Nathan Wade testify. But the sassy D.A. Fan Willis had to be seen.

Nathan Wade exercised control during his testimony. Even where Wade appeared incredible, he was more likable. Defense attorney Merchant baited Willis, and Willis took the bait. She should have kept her mouth shut. The fish could have kept its mouth shut.

Spec prosecutor Nathan Wade Stares In Space

Prez Trump Spec Prosecutor Nathan Wade Stares In Space For 15 Seconds Before Answering Question “If He Ever Rented A cabin With Fani Willis?”

Here Lies Fani Willis’ D.A. Career

The Fulton County DA walked in, and her presence filled the courtroom. She has a presence. Once Fani Willis opened her mouth in court, she started building a structure. At first, the public didn’t know what she was building. However, as she continued battling with Trump’s defense attorney like a skilled craftsman, her masterpiece came into view.

Bit by bit, her chisel, her tongue, revealed her masterpiece. Fani Willis built her tombstone. It read. Here Lies Fani Willis D.A. Career.

Sloopy Bookkeeping / Co-mingling of funds

During his testimony, special prosecutor Nathan Wade proudly told the court that he uses his business credit cards for personal expenses. Wade was trying to justify his lavish spending on Fani Willis. And the District Attorney had no qualms broadcasting that she stole campaign donations. She keeps wads of campaign cash in a safe in her home.

Don’t they know the IRS has its drinking glass attached to the wall, listening to everything said inside that courtroom?

Waving The Black Flag

In desperation, Fani stormed the witness stand, talking Rappers’ street talk—a group she hates and despises. “If my friend tells me it’s a ‘G,’ I give him a thousand dollars. I don’t question it.” Then her father, George Floyd III, took the stand. “well, your honor, I ain’t trying to sound racist. 

But it’s a Black thing. Black folks don’t put money in the bank. We store it in a safe in our homes. No, Mr. Floyd. It’s a class thing. And you and Fani haven’t been in that class for years. There are no Check Cashing stores in your neighborhood sucking you dry. 

Nor any Liquor stores charging twenty percent of your paycheck to cash it. Nowadays, most Black people have a bank account. And most Gen Zers, Black or White, use little or no cash. They conduct most transactions over the Internet.

Now, four defendants have to spend time and money defending themselves. In 2015, Fani Willis and other Georgia prosecutors used RICO effectively against some corrupt Atlanta educators. The dragnet captured 35 educators. But only eleven of the 35 teachers/educators charged got convicted.

In 2022, Willis again used Rico to charge Rapper Young Thug’s YSL. Fani’s ruse was to parlay her experience as a RICO prosecutor into a top federal job. 


Georgia District Attorney Fani Willis spent a considerable amount of time using RICO law to prosecute Black people. The RICO statute can best be described as a dragnet. It is akin to five people standing on a street corner talking. One of the five is guilty of a crime. The police rolled up and arrested all five people.

Such a movement creates guilt by association—civilized nations frown at that sort of collective punishment upon.

In November 2023, D.A. Fani Willis used R.I.C.O. to charge sixty-one people who protested the sprawling militarized police training camp in Atlanta called Cop City.  

The cherry on her pie was the Trump-19—the high-hanging fruits. This Trump-19 case would solidify D.A. Fani Willis as the Queen of R.I.C.O. 

The Only Fan(i) Club

D.A. Fani Willis can start an Only Fans club if all else fails. There are tens of millions of thirsty, desperate fellas wanting to get a peek. The great R.I.C.O. D.A. will become a multi-millionaire in a flash.

New York Held Special Election To Replace George Santos: Tom Suozzi


The Colorful Mr. George Santos

Despite the frigid 40-degree temperature, Yorkers went to the polls today to elect Tom Suozzi to represent them in Congress.

Early polls indicated that Congressman Tom Suozzi and political newcomer Mazi Philip were in a close race. The spread was 40 to 44 in favor of Suozzi, who was familiar to Washington.
In 2016, 2018, and 2020, Suozzi represented New Yorkers from the 3rd District.

In 2022, Suozzi vacated his seat to challenge the incumbent, Gov. Kathy Hochul. In 2021, Hochul became governor of New York State by default after claims of sexual harassment forced Governor Andrew Cuomo from his office.

The Democratic Congressman Tom Suozzi’s challenge came from Ethiopian political Cameleon Mazi Pilip.

Politician Mazi Pilip

Israelis Rescue Ethiopians From Abject Poverty

Ethiopian Mazi Pilip Lost Her Bid For Congress

Ms. Pilip was among those 14,325 Ethiopians rescued by the Israeli government in 1991. Ms. Pilip is a member of the Nassau County Legislature, 10th District.

 Ms. Pilip and other Ethiopians who moved to Israel object to being called a derogatory term like “Falasha.” She has served in the Israeli Military and holds dual citizenship. She has seven children with her husband.

On Tuesday, the House of Representatives voted to impeach Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas by a 213 to 214 margin.

Mayorkas is swimming way out of his depth. 


Congress accused Mayorkas of leaving the Southern Border unprotected. Mayorkas has caused the deaths of tens of thousands of Americans via Fentanyl. In 2022, there were 73,654 fentanyl overdose deaths in the US, which is more than twice the number of deaths in 2019 under President Trump’s administration.

For those who say there is no case against Mayorkas: Tell that to the families of near 74 thousand Americans who died from Fentanyl overdose in 2022 alone. 

With 90 percent of the votes in, Tom Suozzi is leading Mazi Pilip by 13,000 votes.

Taylor Swift Vs. Super Bowl LVIII And Boyfriend Travis Kelce.


Super Bowl 58 Kansas City Chiefs Vs. the San Francisco 49ers

San Francisco 49er Player In Helmet

BetMGM predicted the San Francisco 49ers would win Super Bowl 58, they did not. The Kansas City Chiefs’ Patrick Mahomes was outmatched and out-maneuvered. But a last-minute shenanigan forced the game into overtime. This move caused the Chiefs to win a score of 25 to 22.

The hype that the media built around pop star Taylor Swift and her tight-end boyfriend, the Chiefs’ Travis Kelce, could not live up to the weight of the hype. Most football fans had their minds made.

According to the American Gaming Association, about 68 million American adults wagered over 23 billion dollars on Super Bowl 58. 

Canadian soap opera actor Drake turned Rapper and put a whopping $1.115 million on the Kansas City Chiefs. It was a long shot.

The Republican Party and former President Trump will be happy to know that Taylor Swift cannot sway the minds of the American voters. They will buy a concert ticket; however, they will throw their support behind whoever pleases, according to how they have performed over the years. 

The Halftime Show

The Halftime show, featuring an R&B singer, Usherwas an engaging spectacle. Most of the show was 13 minutes of PG-13 raw entertainment. 

This year Jenny From the Block didn’t show how well grandmas can grind and shake their asses. Nor did Rhianna show how well a nine-month pregnant woman can perform X-rated sexual moves — as in last year’s halftime show.

R N B Singer Performing On Stage

The mega-talented Alicia Keys joined Usher on stage. Other supporting acts included Ludacris and H.E.R..
Estimates claim the Las Vegas’ Allegiant Stadium should have about 60,000 fans cheering on their favorite team.
Other estimates suggest that people nationwide are expected to watch the event from home and in sports bars, with a projected viewership of 100 million.

What is a Super Bowl without a streaker? A partially dressed male streaker dashed on the field in the third quarter. Apex Rent-a-Cop quickly captured the attention-seeking man and hustled him off the field. Performer Usher also did a partial streak show on stage.

What Happens In Vegas Doesn’t Stay In Vegas?

Usher with his baby mama, Jennifer Goicochea. They’re about to tie the knot in Vegas. well, at least his kids have “good hair.”

The cashing in of the chips will be soon.

Kanye said, “If you ain’t no punk, holler we want pre-nup, we want pre-nup.”

Cause when she leave your ass, she gon’ leave with half.”

The Daily Mail reports that Usher and his Baby Mama, Jennifer Goicoechea, are expected to go to a little white Chappel in Vegas after the show. On February 08, they applied for a Las Vegas marriage license.

The couple has been together since 2019 and has two children in common: daughter Sovereign Bo, 3, and son Sire Castrello, 2.

Usher, 45, says it feels great to settle down with Miami-born Jennifer Goicoechea, 39.
Halfway through the game, the 49ers enjoyed a 7-point lead over the Chiefs 3 points.
They kept adding one second on the clock until they gave the Chiefs an additional 4 seconds to play. The score was 19 to 16 in favor of the S.F. 49ers.
The move forced the game to restart.

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