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U.S. State Department Issues ‘Worldwide Caution’ For Americans Abroad

By Jessica Poitevien / 10/31/2023

Media Corp USA

The U.S. Department of State is warning Americans worldwide to be hypervigilant and aware of their surroundings after issuing a “Worldwide Caution” advisory on Oct. 19 — an alert that the department does not issue lightly or very often.

“Due to increased tensions in various locations around the world, the potential for terrorist attacks, demonstrations or violent actions against U.S. citizens and interests, the Department of State advises U.S. citizens overseas to exercise increased caution,” the State Department wrote in the new alert.

Worldwide protests that have, sometimes, led to “violent clashes at U.S. diplomatic compounds,” were also cited as a cause of concern behind the new advisory.

The State Department recommended that Americans stay alert in high-traffic tourist areas. The advisory also recommended that all travelers enroll in the department’s Smart.
Warned Americans advisory. “

Level 1- Exercise Normal Precautions, Level 2 – Exercise Increased Caution, Level 3 – Reconsider Travel, Level 4 – Do Not Travel. Israel and the West Bank are currently at Level 3, while Gaza and Lebanon are at Level 4.
The State Department continues to work to evacuate Americans currently in regions of conflict.

Media Corp USA

The Journal Of Record

Mike Pence Out: Another Loser Bites The Dust.


The Winnowing

If it doesn’t make dollars, it doesn’t make Pence. Pence Out. On Saturday, October 28, the personality-less wall-flower known as Mike Pence, Trump’s former Vice President, fell further from grace. Pence dropped out of the Presidential race and landed with a thud. The dull, gutless wonder that came to national prominence when Donald J. Trump selected him to be his running mate in the 2016 race for the White House.

He served riding on Trump’s coattail. After Trump lost the 2020 Presidential race, the shadowless Pence returned to Indiana to lick his wounds.

In April 2023, Pence joined the Republican race for the White House. But poll after poll shows that he failed to move out of the single-digit doldrums.

True to his tricknology nature, Pence tried to blame his weakness on God. “The Bible tells us that there’s a time for every purpose under heaven,” Pence said as he announced the so-called suspension of his campaign. As if, by some miracle, he will raise his dead campaign from the ashes and return like a Phoenix.

Meanwhile, the Republican six-and-a-half-wheel clown car, occupied by losers, continues down the Yellow Brick Road with no specific driver at the wheel.
Who will be next to come to their senses and join Pence? Will it be Bushy Tail Haley, Tim (ET Call Home) Scott, Vivek (black face white supremacist) Ramaslimy, or America’s Most Woke governor Ron DeSantis? Stay Woke, Ron. Either way, they have reduced these rabid bigots to fumes and discarded into the Discount Bin.

Media Corp USA

The Journal Of Record 

It’s Business As Usual: Another American Mass Killing


Lewiston, Maine / 10-26-2023

Media Corp USA

Uncommon Sense

The surprise is not that another mass shooting occurred in America; the surprise is that it took over six hours in between mass shootings for the next one to happen. In October, there were 43 mass shootings and four mass killings — the last mass shooting claiming 18 lives. 

At about 6:56 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, Auburn 911 Dispatchers received a call of a male shooting in “Just-In-Time” Recreation Center,” a business in Lewiston, the second largest city in Maine.

Government officials consider a mass killing where at least three people are killed — not including the incident’s injured parties. The latest mass shooting/mass killing on October 25 occurred in Lewiston, Maine. According to reports, the shooter (Robert Card) killed at least 18 people, and 15 injuries occurred because of the shooting.

Attempting to look important, Lewiston law enforcement officials are playing coy. They are tight-lipped with accurate information about the shooting incident in at least two locations, purportedly by the same gunman. They have identified 40-year-old Robert Card. They have upgraded Robert Card’s status from a person of interest in the shooting spree to a suspect.

It Appears The Military Has Joined The Search For Suspected Mass Killer Robert Card.

Card is a military veteran from a family of “right-wing” gun enthusiasts. Reportedly, he has been “hearing voices in his head.” No information is readily available on whether Robert Card is a sympathizer with any of the warring factions in the ongoing Israeli-Hamas conflict in the Middle East.


Over Zealous Second Amendment Politician Advocates.

For politicians, this is business as usual. The ones on the left will call for common sense gun control, while the ones on the so-called right will argue against infringing on the people’s right to bear arms. Meanwhile, most are getting rich from possibly insider stock trading information from arms manufacturing companies. Most federal politicians enter Congress unwealthy but leave wealthy on a $185,000 annual salary.

In June 2021, Republican Sen. Susan Collins joined a bipartisan group of Legislators to pass background check legislation. Collins said, “By requiring the federal government to notify states promptly when someone fails a background check, this is common sense.”

It’s time for uncommon sense gun legislation. Of course, the people have a right to bear arms, and arms don’t have to be a musket. Arms components must not amount to whatever weapons the buyer can afford, such as an AR-15 rifle, an M1 Abrams battle tank, or an F-16 Fighter Jet. There has to be a line drawn for what civilians may carry and own. The horse has already bolted from the barn. It may be too late to turn back now.

Media Corp USA

The Journal of Record

Shaft, (Richard Roundtree) An Epitome Of Alpha Males Dead @ 81.

Hollywood, CA

Media Corp USA

John Shaft

“Who’s the man that won’t cop out when there’s danger all about? (Shaft)
Right on?” The answer is SHAFT, John Shaft. Richard Roundtree was the private eye or private dick that exudes coolness, Sauve, heat on the street, and badass in the movie Shaft.

In 1971, Roundtree played an action hero, a Black Private Detective who was bold and non-subservient to White folks. Roundtree was the first to break out of Hollywood’s stereotypical foot-shuffling roles mostly reserved for Black actors.

Following the success of the 1971 release of Shaft, Hollywood released two sequels, Shaft The Big Score, 1972, and Shaft in Africa, 1973. Although this was the era of Blaxploitation films, Roundtree’s character stood out. The theme of the self-tilted song Shaft “won the Academy Award for Best Original Song.” Isaac Hayes wrote and performed the score.

Richard Roundtree has appeared in one hundred and fifty movies throughout his fifty-three-year Hollywood acting career.

Shaft is the Black James Bond Alpha Male, ass-kicking, taking no-names character. Shaft makes his moves while solving crimes with low-tech devices and street cunning. In 2000, Samuel Jackson starred in a remake of Shaft; Roundtree also appeared in the 2000 sequel as the father of Samuel Jackson’s character.

Who’s the black private dick that’s a sex machine to all the chicks?(Shaft)You’re damn right
Who is the man that would risk his neck for his brother man?(Shaft)Can you dig it?
Who’s the cat that won’t cop out when there’s danger all about?(Shaft)Right on
They say this cat Shaft is a bad mother(Shut your mouth)But I’m talkin’ ’bout Shaft(Then we can dig it)
He’s a complicated manBut no one understands him but his woman(John Shaft)
Source: LyricFind
Songwriters: Isaac Hayes


Media Corp USA

California’s Open Air Fish Market: STDs For Sale.



Media Corp USA

Lethal Love

A Female Prostitute Selling Herself Wearing A Fig Leaf, On Figueroa Boulevard LA, CA / Photo Courtesy New York Post

What do I get for ten dollars? Any sexually transmitted disease you want. Any STD? Yes, anything. Anyone who has seen the 1987 war drama classic movie, “Full Metal Jacket,” should know the words above. Or perhaps they have heard the phrase repeated in the rap group Two Live Crew hit song “Me So Horny.” California Gov Gavin Newsom passed the Safer Streets for All Act in January.

As border crossings escalate, commercial prostitution has increased, and red-light districts are popping up in many urban areas. Unskilled females crossing into the U.S. turn to pull tricks as survival work. They are giving Thailand a run for their money. In Los Angeles on Figueroa Street, “women” charge as much as $40 to polish a knob.

Donna Summer Bad Girl: If You Look Half Way Decent And No Man Wants To Live With You — It’s Because You Are A Disciplinary Problem.

Gov Newsom designated 40 blocks of Figueroa Boulevard in South LA for Hoes to sell unsoiled love as the 1930 song “Love For Sale” by Cole Porter professes Appetizing, young love for sale.

Love that’s fresh and still unspoiled

Love that is only slightly soiled

Love for sale, who will buy? Who would like to sample her supply?

Who’s prepared to pay the price for a trip to paradise?

Some prostitutes on Figueroa BLVD are claiming they make $1000 per day. The story the Strippers sell to convince themselves to stay in the game is that they make more than most Executives. Yet they drive old beat-up vehicles and live in dumps. Or the stripper who strips for 20 years to pay her way through college. But we love the Hoes, we love bad girls, and we love the Strippers.

Man Wrongly Convicted, Shot And Killed By Camden Police.


Cure's Mental Illness Uncured

On Monday, a 53-year-old man, Leonard Cure, was fatally shot by Camden County Sheriff Deputy Buck Aldridge. Aldridge pulled over Cure for allegedly doing 100 MPH on the-95 highway.

After pulling over Cure, Aldridge approached his vehicle, yelling commands to get out of the truck. Cure complied with the deputy’s orders, then became combative when the deputy threatened with arrest. The deputy tasered Cure, at which time Cure attacked Deputy Aldridge. Aldridge fired a single shot that proved fatal.

According to noted Psychologists, when faced with a threat, humans have three choices: Flight, Flight/Flee or Comply. For an ex-convict (especially one wrongfully convicted) perhaps that person hears, you’re going back to jail. That alone for some men triggers a fight defense mechanism. Inner Circle’s “Disciplined Child” comes into play.

On April 14, 2020, Mr. They released Mr. Cure from a Florida prison for a 2004 wrongful conviction in Broward County for Armed Robbery with a Firearm and Aggravated Assault with a Firearm. The judge sentenced Cure to a life sentence.

On December 14, 2020, with the help of the Innocence Project, Mr. Cure was exonerated and released from prison after serving sixteen years. On October 16, 2023, while driving back from Florida to his residence in Georgia, Camden County, Georgia Sheriff Dep. Buck Aldridge pulled Mr. Cure over for speeding and reckless driving.

It is unclear if Cure received the proper treatment that would allow him to adjust to societal ‘norms properly’ and not a rigged and heightened sense of fight or flight and never complying to survive. (1) Simply stated: Leonard Cure fucked up. (2) Deputy Buck Aldridge and other knuckleheads don’t always have to make an arrest for every infraction, but they do — just because they can.

 You never know what that person is going through, where he’s coming from, and his life experiences. Meanwhile, Dep. Aldredge is on desk light duty, and attorney Ben Crump is stirring up some rabble. 

Media Corp USA
The Journal Of Record

Trapped Outside of Egypt: Israel And Palestine At War.


Israeli War Planes Reducing The Gaza Strip And Civilians To Rubble And Bones

The first casualty of genocide is truth. It’s not that reporters (Scribes) can kill truth or that the Light can die. Still, dishonest people will heap so much dirt, muck, and gunk on it until it’s buried deep inside a pit of darkness that it becomes indiscernible to many people.

 And while in the pit of darkness, truth sits there, its heart beating continuously, unceasing. It never stops keeping time and keeping the rhythm of life going.

Today, 10-17-2023, a powerful blast hit the Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital in Gaza. Currently, they cannot positively identify the responsible party for the war crime. The Israeli Military (IDF) and the Palestinian Authority are blaming each other for the deadly attack that supposedly killed 400 plus civilians taking refuge from bombs dropped by the IDF. Tomorrow, Wednesday, 10-18-2023, President Joe Biden will make a campaign stop in Israel. Biden’s one-day photo- op will be a short-lived campaign propaganda but an expensive logistical nightmare.

Biden’s one day misguided photo opportunistic, heartless waste of American tax dollars will slip his shallow memory by midnight, but the generational scars on the souls of Palestinian children will grow for ages.

Bombed Out Hospital In The Gaza Strip: Hundred Feared Dead. Israel Denies Responsibility — Placed Blame On Radical Jihadists.

Meanwhile, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El Sisi has turned his back on hundreds of thousands of starving Palestinians trapped at the border between Gaza and Egypt. Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El Sisi is a savage Brute Beast. 

Most people in the West have read or have seen Charlton Heston in the movie “The Ten Commandants” or heard of the Biblical story of the Hebrews fleeing Egypt because of an oppressive overlord — Pharoah. 

In the past, Egypt shut its gates to prevent people from leaving. Today, Egypt has closed its doors in the face of people fleeing and looking for a safety zone from Israel’s relentless bombardment of the Gaza Strip civilians in response to Hamas’s attack on the nation-state.

The tail, corrupted Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, a wanna-be dictator, is wagging the dog to protect himself from going to jail.

Amid a manufactured 21st-century humanitarian disaster, there are the usual political stunt performers such as Ron DeSantis — with no identity of his own — still trying to imitate former President Donald Trump.

At a meeting where he tried to beg for votes from America’s lowest political denominators, the losing candidate said, “I don’t know what Biden is going to do, but we cannot accept people from Gaza into the country as refugees,” referencing the war between Israel and the Palestinians. 

The MoRon said, “I will not do that. Then MoRon attempted to do his worst, President Trump, “some of them are good people routine. “If you look at how they behave — not all of them are Hamas, but they are all anti-Shemite.” “none of them believe in Israel’s right to exist, MoRon DeSantis says.

Bombed Out Palestinian Buildings. Sometimes an Angry Man (Who Has Been Wronged) Can Move From A Stage of Revenge to Wholesale Mass Murder of “Innocent” People.

Biden and his Secretary of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas, have produced no evidence that any Palestinians killed or caused the fentanyl deaths of those 73,654 Americans who died from fentanyl in 2022 that Biden and Alejandro Mayorkas allowed into the United States to kill Americans. If Congress wants to impeach Joe Biden, this crime against the American people is more impeachable.

Media Corp USA

The Journal Of Record

Top Three Tips For Avoiding Bedbugs When You Travel.

By Jessica Poitevien / Oct 17, 2023

Media Corp USA

The Case Of The Bedbugs

Bedbugs have taken over Paris in a widespread infestation affecting hotels, airports, trains, movie theaters, and restaurants. The critters are causing quite a stir, with some travelers considering canceling their upcoming trips to the City of Lights.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. Bedbugs are certainly at the top of the list of travel-related nuisances. They are not exclusive to Paris or even Europe. All technically harmless blood-suckers can be found worldwide, meaning travelers should always take precautions against them. Luckily, there are steps that travelers can take to avoid bringing these unwanted visitors home.

Here are the top three tips for avoiding bedbugs:
Check the bed and furniture for signs of bedbugs
Once you check into your accommodations — whether that’s a five-star hotel, an Airbnb, or a cheap hostel — you should first check the mattress, furniture, and blankets for signs of bedbugs.

They usually hide in the seams and folds. Hence, those are the best places to check for their excrements (usually black dots) or their shell-like exoskeletons. If you find something, alert the property and ask to be moved.
Keep your luggage elevated.
Please don’t leave your suitcase on the floor, where it will be easier for bed bugs to find their way inside. Instead, put your bag on a luggage rack or a hard, elevated surface. Please do not put them on upholstered furniture. It’s also best to use hard-shell luggage instead of fabric bags. For shorter trips, don’t unpack.

Carefully unpack your bags at home.
Once you’re home, the precautions don’t end. If you suspect you might have bedbugs, unpack your luggage in the bathroom or another lightly colored tile surface so you can see if you’ve picked up any bedbugs. You can even shake out your clothes over the bathtub, just in case.

Next, you’ll want to wash all your clothes in hot water, including the ones you didn’t wear. If there are any items you can’t wash, leave them in a tightly closed garbage bag for at least a week. Last, you’ll want to check the crevices of your suitcase and vacuum it just to be safe.
Stay vigilant with these tips; hopefully, you won’t have any run-ins with pesky bedbugs.

Media Corp USA

The Journal of Record

Israel Declares War After Attacked By Hamas

Middle East

Media Corp USA

Massive "Intelligence" Failure

On Saturday, 10/07/2023, the radical Palestinian group Hamas launched a multi-prong attack on the state of Israel, killing at least 900 Israelis, most of whom were civilians — according to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyaho’s administration. The Palestinians claim that during Israel’s retaliatory strikes against Hamas.

 The bombings killed over 700 Palestinians, including hundreds of civilians. Israel has cut off fuel, food, electricity, and water supply to the two million residents of the Gaza Strip, a stronghold of the Islamic Jihadist Hamas. This move could lead to the starvation of thousands of Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip.

Israeli war planes bombarded buildings in the Gaza Strip reducing them to rubble and ashes

Bone heads such as Rep Gregory Meek (D) New York and Sen. Lindsey (the Eunuch) Graham have called for the removal of the Palestinians. Pray tell, Meeks and Graham, by what means do you intend to accomplish that act of the wholesale slaughter of millions of men, women, and children? Are you calling for the Resurrection of Adolf Hitler?

The surprising and sustained attack on Israel revealed acute flaws in Israel’s much-lauded and envied technological defense system known as the Iron Dome and the human intelligence apparatus and assassination agents MOSSAD. When Hamas attacked, they entered homes, IDF (Israeli Defense Force) posts, and lines of demarcations, killing and capturing soldiers and civilians of all age groups and sexes.

Senator Eunuch Graham is pushing to escalate the current Israelis/Hamas conflict into a broader war with Iran. He’s on the take.

Two Israeli-American peaceniks Deborah and Her Husband Shlomi Mattias Were Killed By Merciless Hamas Attackers. Hamas has killed ten other Americans. Benjamin Netanyahu Called Up 300 thousand Military Reservists to Join the battle.

Some Israeli civilians the Jihadists took were sympathetic to the Palestinians and their cause. There are reports of rapes carried out by members of Hamas, runs contrary to the Geneva Conventions. Leaders of Hamas should order the release of all Israeli children under sixteen years to their relatives.

Shooting unarmed civilians in attendance at a concert is highly criminal and cowardly perpetrated by inhumane wilds like Stephen Paddock.

Media Corp USA

The Journal of Record

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Biden’s Mad Dog Commander Taking A Bite Out of Crime.


Washington, DC

Media Corp USA

Secret Service's Secret: A Mad Dog

Pres Biden’s Two-year-old German Shepherd Touched By The Exorcist?

First, President Biden’s comfort animal, Major, kept taking major bites out of crime at the White House and with staff members and visitors. Major gets agitated when visitors drop off baggies of cocaine with no names attached. Well, here comes Commander, possibly better trained than the Major for sniffing cocaine — at the White House.

The two-year-old Commander’s attack rate is in the high double digits. He’s taken out Secret Service agents who have been excellent at keeping the secret of the mad attack dog that haunts the premises of the White House.

The good news is that OSHA (The Occupational Safety and Health Administration) condones workplace violence at the White House. Bravo.

Having a dog as a pet while living in the white house isn’t mandatory, but most Presidents get one just to fit in. Former President Bill Clinton had a cat and a dog as pets in the White House. Donald Trump did not keep a pet while in the White House. Trump said during a rally in Texas that the idea of getting one now feels “phony” to him. “I wouldn’t mind having one, but I don’t have any time.”

It is unclear if someone fed drugs to the President’s dog or if there is another trigger that sets them off. It’s not an ordinary action for dogs to attack humans.


The other two Presidents who did not have presidential pets were James K. Polk and Andrew Johnson. But President Roosevelt made up for the dogless Presidents. Roosevelt had eight dogs while serving in the White House.

Because of the danger Biden’s dog Commander posed to his staff, they removed the dog from the White House on Thursday, as they did with his previous dog, Major. Dogs’ personalities and behaviors are extensions of their masters.

Media Corp USA

The Journal of Record 

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