Joke Scarborough met with President-elect Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago. It’s safe to imagine that the conversation went something like this.
Jo(k)e Scarborough to Trump: We sick, boss? Good morning, Feuhrer. We sick boss? Boss, I left my knee pads. Do you have any spare? Stormy Daniels left any old knee pads in the back room, boss? Mika! Mika, bring your knee pads over here.
What a Simp. What a coward! It’s one thing to kiss another man’s ass after you’ve been talking shit about him for the past seven years. It is quite another to bring your wife along. I’d go by myself and take the ass-whooping for both of us, sap.
I have always wondered what CNN’s weeping willow Van Jones did for Amazon’s Jeff Bezos: give him one hundred million dollars, just like that. I would have to decline that money, big Jeff politely. I’ll take the $100 million, big Jeff, but I’ll have to bring a woman along to take care of that part of the gig. ‘Well, I would do anything for love, but I won’t do that.’
MSNBC lost almost half of its viewers after the election. Many of its fans became disillusioned because they felt like MSNBC hosts lied to them about the Presidential election. We sick boss? Boss. Boss! Mika! Don’t look, Mika. Don’t look. Please, I don’t want you to see me like this.
Trump has made several threats toward some of MSNBC’s ‘Journalists,’ including Ari Melber. So far, Ari has not made the trek to Mar-a-Lago to kiss Trump’s ring—yet. I’m sure Trump would welcome Chris Hayes, Rachel Madow, and Joy Reid with open arms.
It seems like just the other day when Trump tweeted, “I heard poorly rated @Morning Joe speaks badly of me (don’t watch anymore).
Then how come low IQ crazy Mika, along with Psycho Joe, came…” to Mar-a-Lago around New Year’s Eve and insisted on joining me.’ She was bleeding badly from a facelift. I said no. You cannot join me.
Rep Nancy Pelosi defended Mika Branzinsky by saying Trump’s remarks were ” blatantly sexiest.” Pelosi said, “I don’t think there’s any question about it.” Ever since, Scarborough and Brzezinski have been feuding with Trump.
Could you tell me why should anyone be surprised that Joke Scarborough went home to see Trump? Joe Scarborough is a redneck who MSNBC pays $8 million annually to pretend to be a liberal..