Wild Woman:

Rhode Island State Senator Tiara Mack Begging For Votes: The Face of Brown University.
The smallest state in the Union will become known as the largest ghetto in America? Not everybody can handle freedom. On July 4th, while most Americans celebrated the Nation’s independence from the British Crown, Rhode Island Senator Tiara Mack decided to put her mack on by performing a strip show for money in public.
At the end of her pubic display, well public nudity display, Tiara Mack urged the citizens of Rhode Island to vote for her. Send me back to the Senate so I can be a shining example for Black girls. I will show them how to twerk for money. Please, White Liberals, help me to you destroy Black people. Ms. Mack garnered some disdain from a few sane-thinking people in the community. And so she put up a great defense.

To Shave or Not To Shave, Umm: That Is The Question? Red Flag Law?
The public outrage is based on their biased against gay women. No one knew she was gay until she broadcast her sexual preference — and most people don’t care. What you do in the privacy of your bedroom with your chosen partner is on you. People did not see a gay senator twerking for money and votes. They saw a Black woman living up to stereotypes and helping to drag down Black America. We don’t believe government should be peeping into people’s bedrooms, nor should the people peek into the government’s bedroom because the government is comprised of people.
Ms. Mack then bragged that she went to an Ivy League school — Brown University. Well, next time you attend Devry or Phoenix, you will have graduated a better person with some common sense.
Tiara Mack is a Rhode Island state senator. If a police officer had performed a striptease in public, would she remain on the force? If a Nurse or a doctor removed their scrubs and began twerking for money in the hospital’s parking lot. They would be baker acted right away. What is the diagnosis? The degrading and debasing of themselves is fast becoming a trend in the Black community. If trending aren’t dealt with quickly, they become culture. Mental health disease is not something to treat as a toy.
In the scheme of things, Ms. Mack’s wilding out on July 4th is not the worst thing America has to come to grips with. On July 4th, another demented person (Robert Crimo), a White male nationalist, went on a wild shooting spree — murdering at least seven people and causing physical injury to another thirty-six parade participants in Highland Park, Illinois. But I digress: A nation can rise no higher than its women.