Sunday, October 20, 2024
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The Little Man Half The Size Of Napoléon With Twice His Ego — Volodymyr Zelensky.


Frauds Are Us.

MIM-104 Patriot; for a battery about $1 billion. Two Zelensky Trinkets $50 billion. The look on Biden’s face? Priceless.

“A crooked little man once walked a crooked little mile; he found a crooked little sixpence upon a crooked little Stile. He bought an evil little cat which caught a crooked little rat, and they all lived together forever in a shady little hat.” That old English poem describes Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky. He’s a significant fraud and scum sucker playing the American taxpayers through Congress for suckers.

Just over three years ago, former President Donald Trump ordered Acting Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney to hold back on a $400 million gift to Ukraine — the most corrupt country on Earth. Trump wanted the newly elected president of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, to investigate Biden’s son (his political opponent) and release tightly held information on Hunter Biden. How much is Biden willing to pay Zelensky to protect that secretive information? My, we have come a long way. What is $400 million in one year compared to $116 billion in ten months? Is that reparations money?

Since the Russian invasion, Joe Biden has given or pledged more than $116 billion in military help, humanitarian aid, loans that Ukraine will never pay back, and direct untraceable cash payments to Zelensky and his regime. This money includes the $50 billion Biden pledged recently after the miniature man Zelensky appeared before a Joint Session of Congress wearing a mustard-colored tracksuit, minus a hoodie, and delivered his snake oil salesperson spiel. 

Congress loved it, bought it, and foolishly opened the taxpayer’s wallet to the crooked little man. Soon Zelensky’s Ukrainian oligarchs’ wealth will rival that of Vladimir Putin’s oligarchs. This Ukranian Oligarch wealth-building is all at the expense of the American taxpayer.

According to CSIS: The Centre for Strategic & International Studies

  • “Economic support to the Ukrainian government goes directly to the Ukrainian government to allow continuing operations since the war has disrupted its mechanisms for raising revenue.”

Who is the responsible party for this bombed out building and who will pay to have it rebuild?

President Biden, Ukraine President Zelensky, and may in Congress are on a mission to fleece and bleed the taxpayers of America. While the United States of America has lost total control of its southern borders, Biden is spending Billions of Dollars to shore up the walls between Ukraine and the Soviet Union/Russia.

This war is a lose-lose battle for taxpayers. If Russia decides not to win the war and gives in to the thirty-three nations, it is at war. As soon as the war is over, the American taxpayers will be stuck with a much larger bill of $750 billion to one trillion dollars to rebuild Ukraine. The G-7 or the G-20 nations will pledge to help rebuild Ukraine, but America’s taxpayers will be the ones to foot the bill. So if Russia pulls out of Ukraine, Ukraine will have allegedly won the battle, but the United States of America will have lost the war. This loss will bring the number to two wars since Joe Biden has been in office.

American Hero Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Dragged By Ghetto Rat Robyn Rihanna Fenty.


Clueless / Talentless, Congenital Idiot.

Miss Piggy/Rihanna Doing What She Does Best: Spread Her Legs.

Last week a Rump Shaker, aka Rihanna Fenty, made an unfortunate decision to drag Martin Luther King, Jr. through the mud for no reason except that she’s an ignorant savage. The clueless, functionally illiterate, unread dancer whose only money-making talent is shaking her ass, stripping naked, and spreading her legs on stage while squeaking like a bird trapped under a car tire. Rihanna, the escapee from the Gentleman’s club thought that dissing Dr. King was a chess move. ’twas not. 

While we support your right to freedom of expression, we find your expression distasteful. Thus, it is only fair to let you know what we thought of you all these years, but we never publicly expressed those thoughts because folk can agree to disagree. Your recording studio-enhanced vocals and over-wrought, painted-on face makeup does not fool the trained ear or eyes. We see right through your bluff.

Take away the striptease show, and you’re barely qualified to flip burgers at McDonald’s burger joint.

Do you have anything else to sell aside between your legs? Do you have any gray matter between the ears?

The iconic champion of Civil Rights, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (MLK), paid the ultimate price to allow the likes of Rihanna to enjoy the freedom of movement in America. MLK made it possible, so Rihanna didn’t have to sit in the back of the bus upon arriving at the shores of America. They once forced black people to sit in the back of the bus; today, Black people have the opportunity to sit in the bus’s premium seat — the driver’s seat of the bus. Martin Luther King, Jr. challenged institutionalized discriminatory practices such as Jim Crow, the state-sponsored and systematic oppression of Black people. What has Rihanna done for culture or contributed to humanity’s continued development?

This Is The Gist Of Rihanna’s Performance. She Comes On Stage Spreads Her Legs And Squeaks.

It is beautiful to disagree with one politically or philosophically, which makes for great debates and social development. It is quite another to bite the hand that feeds you and drags that person through the mud when they’re not here to defend themselves. Depicting Martin Luther King as a caricatured stereotype reserved as society’s dregs should be met with the sternest rebukes.

Martin Luther King, Jr. paid the ultimate price for uplifting the Black Community and partially redeeming the soul of America.

And ultimately, his children (Martin Luther King III, Yolanda King, Dexter King, and Bernice King) had to grow up without a father.

Had it not been for the bravery, and selflessness of Dr. King and his movement, Rihanna would not enjoy the freedom of movement across America and the opportunity to perform in gala-styled entertainment venues. Rihanna would still function in Juke Joints. Put some respect on his name.

Media Corp USA.

The Journal of Record

Georgians Return Pulpit Pimp Raphael Warnock to Congress to Do More of The Same.


Zero Sum.

Given a choice between zilch and zero, in Georgia’s Senate race, the voters of Georgia chose zero. The election results of the U.S. Senate race gave a haul for the Black community in Georgia zero-sum net gain. The December 6 runoff between Herschel Walker and Preacher Raphael Warnock, whose only substantive pedigree is that he holds sermons at the church where the late great civil rights icon, leader, and activist Martin Luther King, Jr. once pastored.

In the act of clear separation of Church and State, Warnock recently told his parishioners, “I won’t tell you who to vote for,” Warnock preached from his pulpit. “But go out and vote,” — he announced, in the pulpit sermon, during one of his campaign stops at the Ebenezer Baptist Church. 

Herschel Walker Lost His Senate Bid To Unseat Raphael Warnock.

Tonight Warnock barely eked out a victory of the slimmest margins.
While Walker corralled 1.68 million votes in the runoff to Warnock’s 1.73 million votes, there will be no recount. The voters of Georgia have spoken with 98% of the votes counted.
The Warnock win means Senator Mole Manchin will no longer have a stranglehold of the Democratic party and hold it hostage. The Democrats now have a 51/49 majority: the grandstanding Senator and spotlight-hogging mindless back-stabbing mole will have to regroup with his co-conspirator Kyrsten Sinema (R) Arizona.

At 11:00 p.m., Herschel Walker conceded the race to Warnock. Regardless of the liars on CNN (Jake Tapper/Crapper) that keep calling Walker an “election denier.” During the midterms debates between Walker and Warnock, candidate Walker said President Biden won the election. Herschel Walker is a flawed man, and so are you and Raphael Warnock. Dressing up in a suit and tie doesn’t cleanse you.

MAGA-maniac U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon Incompetence and Bias Called Into Question By US Court of Appeals.


Media Corp USA



Aileen Cannon

Discredited MAGA-Maniac Judge Aileen Mercedes Cannon.

On Thursday (December 01, 2022), a federal appeals court publically reprimanded Donald Trump’s hip-pocket Judge, Aileen Cannon, for gross incompetence and misconduct. On August 8, 2022, FBI agents lawfully executed a search warrant on ex-President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort to retrieve classified documents stolen by Trump and transported across state lines. On September 16, the Trump loyalist Aileen Cannon ordered a special master Judge Raymond Dearie to oversee the DOJ action regarding the FBI’s search of the Trump resort and clubhouse, aka Mar-a-Lago.

After Trump’s colossal loss to an unformidable Biden in the 2020 presidential election, at first, Trump refused to accept the election results; second, he attempted to have his followers burn down Washington, kidnap and hang members of Congress. The January 06 insurrectionists mob had Trump’s Vice President Michael Penny and loony chicken Senator Josh Hawley scampering for their lives — Josh Hawley ran with his tail between his legs. 

When his attempted coup failed, Trump made a hasty retreat from prosecution to his Fox Hole in Florida, where he hid hundreds of federal classified files, of which they could use some for blackmail of his perceived political enemies.


To avoid prosecution by the DOJ, the former President’s lawyers sought and found a weak and incompetent MAGA-Maniac person appointed as a judge who somehow made it through law school. They found Aileen Connon to represent Trump’s best interest and not the interest of the American people or the Constitution. Aileen, a third-rate first year law school student in a black robe has a zero concept of the American jurisprudence and Constitution of the United States.

Media Corp USA: The Journal of Record

Irene Cara, A Mother of Fame, Has Died At 63.





When the world first saw Irene Cara, she had a sparkle in her eyes, and she carried that sparkle with her all the way to November 25, 2022. Cara played Sparkle Williams in the 1976 Warner Bros. Black Flix Sparkle, where she starred with Philip Michael Thomas.

A most beautiful and talented singer and actress, Irene Cara, passed away early this morning at her home in Miami. Cara was sixty-three years of age. The actress that kept a sparkle in our eyes and reminded us that fame lives forever was a cultural icon and an inspiration to many.

Ms. Cara’s publicist, Judith A. Moose, posted the news of her death on Irene’s Twitter account. Cara sang the theme song to the 1980 silver screen super-successful movie Fame. She also starred in the movie as Coco Hernandez. She was a smash on the spin-off television series fame that set the tone for many TV series. Ms. Cara’s family is asking for privacy; they will announce the date of her funeral. Her family and fans will miss her.

Is Kanye West Trying To Flee The Plantation, Like Kuntu Kente? Will Massa Cut Off His Foot, Arm, And Leg?


Is Ye’s (Kanye West) Freedom of Speech His Freedom of Death?

Has America become A place where everybody must have the same political point of view or suffer devastating financial consequences? Is America the land where everyone must practice the same religion, meld into one ethnic group, or get branded a pariah and more hated than the black plague, where nobody wants you near them? Whatever happened to America’s celebration of rugged individualism? Is that a characteristic trait reserved for certain peoples of the world and not others?

Is Kan(Ye) West an anti-Semite? Is he anti-Black, anti-White, or anti-Muslim? Perhaps, he’s anti-Asian. I’m not Jewish, so I cannot pretend to know what the Jewish Community felt after hearing Kanye’s statement about “going death con three on the Jews.” I see what DEFCON 3 means in terms of preparedness. The fact is, Kanye doesn’t possess the wherewithal, the clout or power to go “death con 3” on the Jewish Community. However, the Jewish Community possess the power and the trait to perform “death con 3” on Kanye and it did. Today is “D-Day” for Kanye. November 21 is the deadline Jamie Diamond gave Kanye to withdraw his 140 million dollars out of Chase Bank, or have it dumped in his mailbox.

The most aggrieved, abused and mistreated community in America is saying out loud: LISTEN.

Most Black people (of the African Diaspora slave trade) can empathize with the Jewish people and their Holocaust because, not unlike Kanye West, we came from a group of people that suffered a 400-year Holocaust of their own. Black people played no role in the Jewish Holocaust. Thank God for that. But almost every nation played a role in the 400-year Holocaust of the formally enslaved people of the African Diaspora. “Don’t Believe The Hype.”

I don’t know if Kanye’s Tweet about the Jewish people is hate speech. The supreme court ruled hate speech is protected speech even when directed toward a protected group: Black, Jew, Gay, or someone’s religious beliefs, or lecture based on someone’s disability, and so forth. It is up to each individual to govern themselves as we evolve or devolve. The government prohibits physical “discriminatory practices,” bigotry against any protected, or any persons or group or class by law, and rightfully so.

You Will Submit! What’s Your Name, boy? Ye. No, it is Tobie, say Tobie, boy! Ye, “You’re calling me Boy and telling me my name is Tobie.” Which one is it? Tobie or Boy, Massa?

One cannot force people to be “nice” to them — snowflakes. Reggae icon Bob Marley said, “the truth is an offense but not a sin.” The French philosopher (François-Marie Arouet) Voltaire wrote, “I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will defend your right to say it.” Once that was the American way of life, as long as the person isn’t inciting violence against others. And the founding fathers (minus the “American Indians”) of the USA placed that Thought at the top of America’s constitution.

There’s a reason Voltaire’s defense of free Thought has been codified and placed at the top of the Constitution of the United States of America as the First Amendment. It is not only the Alpha; it is Omega. To beat someone into submission to love you is not genuine love: You are ruling through fear and intimidation. That style of rule does not differ from how Vladimir Putin judges the Russian people. 

Ye, Kanye doesn’t speak for the Black Community, however many in the Black Community can relate to the pain inflected upon him just for saying what in his mind. He’s saying I don’t feel at home in my home. Listen. Listen. Those are words that a woman in an abusive relationship to her abusive partner to get his attention. And he never gets it ’till it’s too late. That is when she’ll say: YOU SHOULD HAVE LISTENED. By then, it’s too late to turn back.

Beyonce’s: Song Listen could not be more telling of this current abusive relationship.

Media Corp USA.

The Journal of Record.

Hurry, Hurry, Let The Extravagant Side Show Begin. Donald Trump Is Coming To Town, As Clown Candidate Trump.


Iblis' Act # 3.

Hello dad, if only you could see me now.

He did not come slithering down an escalator at Trump Tower. This time, he appeared before a room filled with about 435 cult members at his Mar-La-go retreat slithering to the song, “I’m Proud To Be An American.” Donald John. Trump, the one-man Act that has turned American politics and, to a great extent, its culture into the most incredible show on earth. Tonight Trump announced he wants lead America down a road to no return to American-style Democracy. Inadvertently Trump says he hopes to go down in history as the man who led his cult-like faction into America’s most disastrous Rebelution—rebuilding the Third Reich. 

“America’s comeback starts right now.” This time he did not label Mexicans as drug dealers, however he did launched a critique of China. He talked about the China virus and deadly drugs coming across the Mexican border. He also reminded the crowd that Russia and China respected him.

Seven days ago, the 45th President saw favorability fading after most candidates he endorsed to help him rig future elections lost their electoral bids for office. It was nine months (June 14, 1946) after World War II ended when Donald John came into this world. Trump was born to German immigrants “at Jamaica Hospital in the borough of Queens in New York City.”

We know the controversial former President for being generous to his immediate, loyal supporters and ruthless to his detractors. He will use any means necessary to punish his perceived enemies. He’s adept at creating demeaning names for rivals such as Little Marco Rubio and lying Ted Cruz. As President, former staffers reported Trump ordered the IRS to inflict harm on those who disagreed with his unconstitutional style of governance.

Trump Announce His 3rd Bid For The Presidency At Mar-a-Lago: Trump Delivers a feel good message to his followers.

After serving one term, when Trump lost the 2020 election, he refused to relinquish the keys to the White House. To this day, there hasn’t been a traditional “peaceful” transfer of power since. On January 6, 2020, the former President incited his followers to attack the U.S. Capitol to stop the certification of the election results. Trump mustered up a sizable group of non-thinking bottom-rung followers, also cowardly members of the U.S. House and Senate, to support his fraudulent claims that he won the 2020 Presidential election.

The disjointed and disconnected ex-president also said under his presidency, “we went decades, decades with no wars.” The radical loon left forces the decline of America on us, Trump said. “In order to make America great again, I’m running for the presidency of the United States.”

Since Trump lost the election to Joe Biden, he started his second Act and has continued Act Two of traveling across the country — going back and forth and up and down in the earth — scamming his followers out of hundreds of millions of dollars. Keep hope alive. Tonight he announced his third Act. So far, Governor Ron DeSantis appears as the only dominant force to stop Trump’s threat to democracy. Other feeble ambitious Republican candidates include Marco Rubio, Nikki Haley, Slick Rick Scott, Lap Dog Lindsey, and Christine Noem are possible contenders. None of those candidates are stand-alone candidates on a national level. They are only fit to ride someone else’s coattail to the White House.

Economic security is national security, Trump said, Joe Biden has erased America’s border, he continues. The former President said we had ten million illegals coming in, we do not know who they are. We don’t know where they are. I will restore public safety, Trump said in between sniffles of his feel good speech, and get out of jail free card rant. 

TSA Has Decreased the Cost Of Applying For PreCheck.

Are you tired of long security lines at the airport? Do you hate taking off your shoes or removing your laptop from your bag? Well, you’re in luck. The Transportation Security Administration has officially reduced the cost of applying for the TSA PreCheck program.

Previously, it cost $85 to enroll in the program or renew your status in person. Now, that cost has decreased to $78. The price will remain the same for travelers who want to continue online at $70.

“For individuals and families with plans to fly this holiday season, now is the time to enroll or renew in TSA PreCheck,” TSA Administrator David Pekoske said in a statement. “TSA PreCheck offers important benefits to those who meet its enrollment standards—less physical contact, fewer items on the conveyor belt, and faster screening.”

Airlines Public Safety Measures.

With TSA PreCheck, travelers save considerable time at the airport. The fast-track security process allows PreCheck travelers to go through a separate line without taking off their shoes or removing large electronics from their carry-on luggage.

As of September, the TSA reported that 93% of passengers with PreCheck spent less than five minutes at airport security.

First-time applicants to the TSA PreCheck program will have to submit and apply online and then schedule an in-person appointment at one of over 500 enrollment centers throughout the U.S. they will perform A background check, including fingerprinting.

Once approved, travelers will enjoy five years of membership, with over 200 airports and over 85 airlines throughout the U.S. participating in the program. In March 2022, the TSA established its first international outpost of the PreCheck program in the Lynden Pindling International Airport in Nassau, Bahamas.

While the price for TSA PreCheck has decreased, travelers should check if their credit cards offer discounts or refunds for the program enrollment fee. For example, the Chase Sapphire Reserve card and the American Express Platinum card offer complete reimbursements for cardholders who use their credit card to pay for the TSA PreCheck program.

The Journal of Record: Media Corp USA.

They Are Coming After Democracy. Was 240 Years the Limit?



The Journal of Record: Media Corp USA.

Coup Plotters.

Left To Right Ron Johnson, Lapping Lindsey Graham, Trump & Cupcake Kari Lake, And Major Coward Marco Rubio.

290 Vocal coup plotters ran for election or reelection to hold public office in the 2022 midterm elections. We know the supporters of those “election deniers” are spread out over several states and municipalities. And yes, there is an overlap in their numbers, but let’s do the math and add the numbers up. The numbers will reveal millions of Republicans are looking to overthrow America’s democratic system of government. Connect the dots, and the picture will manifest as a web of coup plotters. Put an X-ray machine on the leadership of the Republican party, and you will see an internal rot in the nation’s belly. Great leaders lead, and people will follow. Tyrants also rule, and many will follow.

The 2022 midterm elections for Congress had a baseline of 220 and 212 Democrats and Republican in the House, respectively. The U.S. Senate had an even split of 50/50.

The two hundred and ninety “election deniers” — as they named them — are running for Secretaries of State, Supervisors of elections, U.S. Senators, Governors, state, and other municipal offices. There is one thing they all have in common: they are all hell-bent on destroying America.

These coups d’état plotters have a right to think and feel as they do, minus the incitement of violence. However, the multi-trillion Dollar question is: With what type of government they will replace the Democratic Republic?

Colonialism, Communism, Socialism, if that be the case, then sit on the side of the aisle with the congressional MAD Squad, or do you want to establish an Oligarchy, Aristocracy, Theocracy, or perhaps a Monarchy like the one the founding fathers overthrew to create the current system of a democratic Republic? Pray tell Mitch McConnell, Lindsey, Marjorie Taylor Greene, et al.

And how about you, Miss cup cakes Kari Lake, since you won’t accept the election results unless you win? How do you plan on getting from the current system where democratically elected candidates make a peaceful transition into office to the system you want to create? Are you hoping for an expanded January 6 insurrection? Do you’ll know what it takes to have a revolution? Because that is what you all are unwittingly calling for in reality. You guys are prepubescents (on the world stage of history) sitting on a powder keg, playing with matches in an over-stacked dynamite factory and don’t even know it.

In Pennsylvania, the race for U.S. Senate includes a lovable John “Lurch” of the Addams Family Fetterman and an evil scientist known as OZ, Doctor Who the hell are you? Doctor No? Lurch won the race even after a stroke, and NBC reporter Dasha Burns did a critical piece on Fetterman’s ability to serve in the Senate because of his medical issues. Pennsylvanians made the right choice and sent carpetbagger Mehmet Oz packing.

NBC News Dasha Burns Critical Of John Fetterman’s Ability Because of His Physical Disability. He Won Anyway.

Noteworthy U.S. Senate Races.

50/50 Senate.


Val Demings (D) challenged two-term incumbent Senator Little Marco Rubio (R) in Florida. Rubio is a Trump accessory after the fact and co-conspirator in the January 6 insurrection. Two-term U.S. House of Representatives from Florida Demmings paints Rubio as a lazy and shiftless Senator who doesn’t show up to work in the Senate. 

And Rubio is indeed lazy, but perhaps he has a second job at Brahman Cadillac/BMW double-dipping. Rubio paints Demmings as a loudmouth rogue man-hating feminist — as she is. But at least Demmings shows up to do her job. When Demmings started her campaign for the Senate, she ran television ads slandering Black people as criminals that she would shut down. That is what Black politicians — well, all politicians — do when they heavily depend on White voters to win office.

 Rep Demmings pulled the television ads after Tiffany Cross on MSNBC challenged her about the ads. They reelected Rubio for the third term. Miami-Dade County is 70% Hispanic helped push Rubio across the finish line. Rubio is Latina. 

Twenty-five-year-old Max Alejandro Frost beat Republican Calvin Wimbish for Florida 10. Frost will be the first Gen-Z to go to Congress. Frost won the seat vacated by Val Demings.

She appeared on The Cross Connection, and Tiffany Cross called her out soon after Demmings and her team pulled the ads. Of course, that was when Ms. Cross had a show on MSNBC. Since then, they have ended her contract for cussing like a drunken sailor in public. Tsk-tsk, Tiffany, if you didn’t know, most men prefer a lady in the street and a drunken sailor in the sheets — not the other way around.


John Fetterman vs Mehmet Oz.

The race is too close to call.


Herschel Walker challenged Incumbent Raphael Warnock. Both candidates are struggling, in a dead heat race, with all appearances of a runoff election.


Kari Lake vs. Katie Hobbs.

Silly woman Kari Lake lost her bid to become Governor of Arizona. The Donald Trump-backed candidate said she would refuse to acknowledge the result of the election unless she won. Mars to Kari Flake. 

Governors’ Race.

There were 36 governor’s mansions up for grabs. Incumbent Ron DeSantis (R) beat back a challenge from U.S. Representative (D) and former one-term Florida Governor Charlie Crist. 


Incumbent Ned Lamont defeats Republican challenger Bob Stefanowski.


Incumbent Governor Brian Kemp won his seat over professional political candidate Stacey Abrams. 

Pennsylvania Governor’s Race

Josh Shapiro vs. election denier Doug Mastriano. Mastriano presented himself as a kook. Most Pennsylvanians rejected Mastriano’s batshit rantings to give Shapiro a shot at the job. 

Rhode Island Incumbent Democratic Governor Daniel McKee won his seat against Republican challenger Ashley Kalus.


Westley “Wes” Moore won the Governor’s race for Maryland. The 44-year-old governor-elect will become the first Black Governor of Maryland. He is also only the third elected Black Governor or Lieutenant Governor in the United States since Reconstruction. Wes Moore staved off a challenge from insurrectionist supporter Daniel Cox. Wes Moore will take over from termed-out famous Republican Governor Larry Hogan. 


Gretchen Whitmore vs. Tudor Dixon

Whitmer pushed back on Tudor’s encroachment to remain in the Governor’s office.

John Hoeven beat Dem Kristina Christian

New Mexico 

Democrat Incumbent Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham won reelection over Republican challenger Mark Ronchetti. Currently, Grisham is the only Latina governor in the nation. 

New York:

Democrat Kathy Hochul will keep the Governor’s seat for a full term. They gave Hochul the Governor’s position after they forced former Governor Andrew Cuomo to resign amid allegations of inappropriate behavior with some female staff members. Hochul beat the Republican challenger, congressional representative Lee Zeldin. Hochul forced thousands of New Yorkers, including first responders, to the breadline.

North Carolina.

Ted Budd (R) vs. Cheri Beasley (D), North Carolina


Senator Chuck Snake in the Grassley vs. Franken


Incumbent Senator Michael Bennet conquered Republican challenger Joe O’Dea.


Maura Healey defeats Geoff Diehl to become the first woman governor of Massachusetts and the first openly lesbian to hold that office.


Senator Chris Van Hollen (D) maintained his seat over challenger Chris Chaffee (R).


Incumbent Governor Tony Evers (D) holds a steady lead of 73,000 votes over his Republican challenger Tim Michels. They have counted 90% of the votes. 


New Study Reveals the Airlines and Airports Most Likely to Lose Your Luggage.

Lost Luggage.

When traveling via airplane, the only surefire way to avoid a lost luggage catastrophe is to bring a carry-on and nothing else. But if you have yet to master packing light, a recent study revealed which airlines are more or less likely to lose your baggage.

The survey, completed by limo booking service Price4Limo, revealed that 55% of respondents had had the unfortunate experience of an airline losing their luggage. Even worse, only 34% of those people were reunited with missing bags. The situation has left many travelers these days feeling apprehensive. Of the people surveyed, 78% said they get nervous when checking a bag.

If you’d like to decrease your chances of an airline losing your suitcase, avoid American Airlines. According to Price4Limo’s survey, Americans lost 850 bags per 100,000 handled in 2022. That’s the highest number among all national airlines. In second place is JetBlue, with 670 bags lost per 100,000 bags dealt with, followed by United, Delta, and Southwest, with 620, 540, and 380 bags lost, respectively.

It may come as a surprise, but the popular yet often-criticized budget airlines have a better track record than the legacy airlines. In 2022, Spirit lost 530 bags per 100,000 bags handled, while Frontier lost 380. Allegiant had the best outcomes amongst all airlines, losing only 150 suitcases per 100,000 in 2022.

Airlines aren’t the only ones to blame for missing or damaged luggage. Airports also play an important role, so Price4Limo’s study looked at their track records.

Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport lost the most luggage, followed by Las Vegas’s Harry Reid International Airport and California’s San Diego International Airport. Other airports in the top 10 for lost luggage include Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport (#5), Los Angeles International Airport (#7), and Washington Dulles International Airport (#8).

Though avoiding these airports and airlines might not be possible throughout your travels, you can prepare by packing an extra set of clothing in your carry-on or personal item in case your luggage is lost or delayed. You can also place a tracker inside your suitcase, like an Apple Airtag, to help locate it if it gets lost.

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