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The Only Hope For The Republicans To Win The Presidency In 2024 Is Florida’s Governor


Run DeSantis, Run!

Fort Lauderdale, Florida                                               OPINION                                              Media Corp USA

Not all Donald Trump supporters are bigots, but all white bigots support Donald Trump. In 2015 when Donald J. Trump descended on a Trump Tower elevator with his Yugoslavian (Communistic Country) mail-order-bride by his side — America descended with him. “The Mexicans are drug dealers and rapists,” showman Trump declared as he announced his presidential ambitions. Trump spoke the words that over 75 million American voters thought but was afraid to say publicly. So Trump became the sounding board for millions of Americans whose free speech many left-leaning loons have stifled and curtailed using political correctness and cancel-culture. The pendulum swings.

Since Trump won the Presidency in 2016 — not by popular vote, but by Electoral College votes of which Trump raked in 307 votes to Hillary Clinton’s 227 votes, the magnificent conman and super-grifter has been an overruling stench the nostrils of most Democrats and civilized society. Mrs. Clinton beat Trump by roughly three million popular votes, sixty-six (65.85 million votes). During the 2016 Presidential election, sixty-three (63) million Americans saw Donald J. Trump as their white Knight in Shining Armour who would vanquish Black people, beat them back into slavery, and make Caucasians draconian masters of African Americans again. Those were some brutal and barbaric days in the lives of Black people. NEVER AGAIN! Donald.

The 2020 Presidential election saw Trump winning the minds and souls of an additional eleven million Americans. His virulent voting block supporters went from 63 million (in 2016) to seventy-four (74) million Americans who voted for him in 2020. This seventy-four (74) million Americans continue clinging to Trump’s brand of White Supremacy. They adhere to his phalanx lies and grand wizardry deceit like a drowning man clinging to a straw in the middle of the ocean. See you all in church on Sunday. According to the Washington Post, Trump told 30,573 lies over four years of living in the White House. That is a bad hombre. Satan blushes at the number of lies propagated by one man in such a short period.

Ex-President Donald Trump Inciting His MAGA Crowd to Attack The Nation’s Capitol.

The only hope for the Republicans to win the Presidency in 2024 is Florida’s, Governor Ron DeSantis. While; Trump’s virulent brand of bigotry has infected the minds of millions of Americans — Trump will never become President of the United States of America again. Ron DeSantis occasionally flirts with the Trump brand of white supremacy, but like most Republicans, he does it because he’s afraid of offending the so-called Trump base.

Vice President Kamala Harris is an Honorary Black woman and a Ceremonial Vice President. She will never become President of the United States unless (God forbid) President Biden becomes incapacitated during his Presidency. 

President Joe Biden will not win the 2024 Presidential election if he runs. Probably, 10 to 1, he won’t run, and Kamala Harris cannot win if she runs — but she will run. Black America should not put any stock in VP Harris; they must have a political strategy for all upcoming elections — local and otherwise. Black voters must create and build political leverage. They have none. The four (4) million “Mexicans” that erased the borders of the United States over the past two years, bum-rushed the fence, and illegally entered the United States have more political capital and leverage than Black America, which has been here for five hundred years.

Ron DeSantis and his antics of sending illegal migrants to Martha’s Vineyard to gain national attention is but a temporary high. Such a move is a quick fix that leaves him feeling silly once the dopamine wears off. To impress us, Ronnie boy, send fifty Black faces to Martha’s Vineyard. Send some Haitian migrants to the Vineyard so that we can witness the Red Carpet welcome from the liberal Martha’s Vineyard natives. Let’s see how long it would take Sec. Alejandro Mayorkas to send in gun-toting horseback riding jockeys with bullhorns and bullwhips to scorch them.

Well Arranged Cheap Labor Force Flew In To Assist Martha’s Vineyard Residents: Nannies and Store Keepers. Black folk have caught on, they don’t wanna work for free no more — welcome aboard my new Negroes.

Once DeSantis wins the 2022 Florida Governor’s race, soon after that, he will have to make his presidential ambitions known overtly. Currently, he’s making covert moves towards the Trump base by seeking to attack Critical Race Theory (CRT), book banning, and attacking gay rights. The rallies that win over racists in Florida won’t translate into enough national votes to win the Presidency. Lest we forget, Florida is as far south as we get. Deep South. Dirty South. Red neck South. While there are many Red Neck states like Florida across America, Florida should not be a barometer for national votes.

To attract votes, Desanti flirts with kookiness from time to time, attempting to get Trump’s supporters but to win the presidential election, the things that fly in Florida will not work nationally. To win the Presidential election, DeSantis and the Republican Party need a national stratagem.

Category 4 Devastation, Hurricane IAM Rocks Central Florida And Its West Coast.


Noah's Boat Needed.

In the aftermath of Hurricane Ian, the scene looks like someone turned on a super size spigot and left it running in a bathtub full of toy cars, boats, and trucks. Transformers shorted out, flashing colorful orange, green and purple lights that light up the atmosphere as they compete with the lightning show put on by mother nature. Twelve inches of rain created flood waters that cavorted with rooftops of one-story homes and businesses and dashed against the windows of high-rise buildings.

Sharks are swimming across a neighborhood street lined with downed power lines. The movie JAWS comes to mind. Authorities estimated that over two million Floridians are without electricity, which could grow.

The city of Naples, Florida, with a population of 22,000 residents, sits on the Gulf of Mexico. Wednesday afternoon Naples experienced the flood of a century. Naples known chiefly for its white sand beaches, Dolphins prancing around with their noses in the air, and its historic pier built in 1888, now has a new historical fact to add to its timeline: Hurricane I Am.

As the storm moves away from Lee and Charlotte Counties, north and west of Florida, towards Georgia and the Carolinas, first responders rescue stranded people from homes, highways, and neighborhood streets. Gov. Ron DeSantis held a news conference on Wednesday, “We have seen life-threatening storm surge, as was predicted, the Governor said. We have also seen substantial flooding in places like Collier County, Sanibel, and Fort Myers Beach.

DeSantis did not mention the devastation in Daytona, Florida. Dayton is home to one of the nation’s prestigious historical Black HBCUs, Bethune Cookman. The College is full of young Black kids trying to make their way through life by doing the right thing.

On Wednesday, also DeSantis spoke with President Joe Biden about the historical Water World devastation. Biden promised the federal government’s full support to assist the people of Florida, whom I Am’s wrath has impacted. FEMA’s representatives are already in Florida to assess the damage and begin rebuilding.

Cover Photo is of Brenda Brennan of Fort Myers: Courtesy Joe Raedle/Getty Images

Since the early days of the pandemic, these Asian Destinations Are Finally easing their Travel Requirements.

 Countries across the continent of Asia have implemented some of the strictest COVID-related policies for both residents and visitors. After two and a half years of closed borders or severe restrictions, three major Asian destinations are finally relaxing their entry requirements: Japan, Hong Kong, and Taiwan.

Here’s what you should know if you want to visit these places soon.


Though Japan recently opened its borders allowing visitors to explore the country on government-approved group trips, the nation is loosening restrictions even further.

At a news conference in New York, Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said Japan would begin welcoming independent tourists on October 11. That means the country will no longer limit tourists to those who book an allowed group tour. The government will also do away with its cap on the number of visitors allowed to enter Japan daily.

Hong Kong 

Amidst concerns about Hong Kong’s suffering economy, the city is finally relaxing its entry requirements. But the replacement rules still come with their challenges.

On September 26, Hong Kong lifted its formal quarantine requirement for international travelers. Visitors will only be required to self-monitor their symptoms for three days. They’ll be able to do so at home or any place of their choosing. They will also be able to go outside, although certain areas and businesses—like bars and restaurants—will still be off limits.

International arrivals will no longer need to provide a negative PCR test before boarding the plane. Instead, they can provide proof of a negative rapid antigen test taken within 24 hours of departure. As part of the new monitoring system, they will need PCR tests on days 2, 4, and 6 after arrival and a rapid test every day for seven days after arrival.


On September 29, Taiwan resumed visa-free entry for citizens of all countries that previously enjoyed this status for the country. The government also increased its limit on weekly international arrivals from 10,000 to 60,000. PCR tests are also no longer required. Though an official announcement has not been made yet, Taiwanese officials aim to end the mandatory COVID-19 quarantine around October 13.

Governor Ron De Santis’ Fight With Broward Democrats Spill-out In Grand Jury Report.



Broward County, FL


Ham Sandwich "Indictments."

The man poised to most likely become the next President of the United States (Florida Governor Ron De Santis) is showing his political foes that given a chance to bury them, he will bury them any way he can. DeSantis is using all and any power at his disposal to punish Broward County Democrat school board members. In a highly controversial move, On August 26, DeSantis removed four duly elected Broward School Board Democrat members from their posts and installed four Republican politicians to replace them. A fifth member Dr. Rosalind (scarecrow clueless) Osgood would have faced the same fate, except she fled the scene, and went to the Florida Senate—before the axe fell. 


In June 2019, following the February 13, 2018, Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School (MSDHS) massacre, the Florida Supreme Court empaneled a grand jury to investigate the MSDHS tragedy at the behest of Republican Governor Desanti. Its purpose was to examine waste (cost overrun) in the $800 million SMART Bond project, flesh out the “reason” for the shortfall in MSDHS school security, and ensure such senseless tragedy does not happen on Broward County Public Schools’ (BCPS) properties. 

However, as the grand jurors’ final report states, the primary purpose of its impaneling was to investigate the MSDHS tragedy. They attached the SMART Bond project to the investigation because it’s more likely to find corruption among public officials where contracts and large sums of money are involved.

Besides the August 26 suspension of the four (BCPS) Board members, on September 09, Broward Schools Superintendent Vicky L. Cartwright (under pressure) asked three top District administrators (Ron Morgan an Assistant Building Director, Jeff Moquin Chief of Staff and David Watkins Director of Diversity) to resign while they’re under investigation for grand jury accusations of incompetence, misfeasance, malfeasance neglect, and deceit. Suspended Board member Laurie Rich Levenson points out that none of them have been accused of fraud — thus the grand jury has not returned with an indictment. The Board hired Dr. Vicky Cartwright in violation of the terms of agreement for initially accepting the temporary position of Broward County Public Schools Superintendent. On September 16, three of the administrators have resigned, instead of termination. A third administrator Ron Morgan’s resignation will take effect on December 22, 2022.

Dr. Ding Dong Rosalind (airhead) Osgood, another target of Governor Ron DeSantis, escaped the falling axe by the skin of the teeth.

She went to a safe space, hide out harbor in the Florida Senate.

Board Members Gov DeSantis removed from office left to right: Patricia Good, Donna Korn, Ann Murray and Laurie Rich Levinson.

In June, the Governor’s Twentieth Statewide Grand Jury completed its final report. On Friday, August 19, 2022, the Governor’s office made its findings public. The 121-page report reads like Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys novels. The Grand Jury novel makes for a good read. Still, it’s not necessarily a Perry Mason-styled indictment that is free of political entanglements, nor is it entirely fact-based — in all aspects of its conclusions.

This De Santis’ – FINAL REPORT (SWGJ) is not an unbiased-styled Kerner’s Report of 1968. The only parallel between Governor De Santis’ (SWGJ) report and Kerner’s Report is they both make clear lines of demarcation in America’s societies. Kerner points out we live in two Americas, one Black, one White. The Governor’s report makes clear: Today, to a degree, we live in two Americas, one Republican, one Democrat. A Republican party of outright cowards that leans increasingly towards Donald J. Trump’s brand of Nazism — Make America Great Again or The South Shall Rise Again. 

On February 13, 2018, a lone psychopath Nikolas Cruz walked into Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School (MSDHS) in Parkland, Florida, slaughtered 17 students and staff members, and injured 17 others. Not only was Nikolas Cruz’s February 13, 2018 act deliberate, cold-blooded, and well-calculated down to his method of escape — the massacre revealed security shortfalls in the Broward County Public Schools (BCPS) system writ large.

The above statement, “When we arrived for jury duty at the Broward Courthouse, none of us had any idea what they would ask of us.” That is a true statement. But grand juries are like babies. They come into the world with a clean slate/mind. Then their parents paint their beliefs and expectations on the minds of the children. GIGO (garbage in, garbage out.) Before long, kids perform for their parents to fulfill their wishes. Most kids will identify with their parents, family members and peers.

The State or the prosecuting attorneys are the parents of grand juries. Most DAs are more skilled at painting pictures on minds and influencing thoughts and behaviors than most parents. Hence, the phrase “you can indict a ham sandwich”—if that is what the Prosecuting Attorney wants.

The Kerner Report is perhaps the most unbiased Commissioner’s Reports, where a “Grand Jury” examined facts, proofs, life and circumstances to issue and indictment that concludes, “Our nation is moving toward two societies, one black, one white—separate and unequal,”

Governor Ron DeSantis commissioned report, while laden with some facts, they steep its conclusions in political chicanery and retributions on Democrat political enemies.

Forced out: David Watkins Director of Diversity and School Climate, and Jeff Moquin Chief of Staff.

The Final Report of the Twentieth Statewide Grand Jury
(De Santis crew), a non-partisan, multi-cultural, multi-ethnic, multi-denominational group. Me thinks they protest too much. This Tri-Lateral Commission jury, or were they tri-county — Miami Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach County panel, during their investigation they turned up several bucket lists of corruption, or perhaps some actual crime? The Grand Jury has indicted no one, nor has the prosecutor charged anyone for fraud. They indicted Superintendent Robert Runcie for lying to the Grand Jury, but that was to get him out of office so they could install a White woman in his place.

Passport Renewal Will Soon Be Available Online.

Renewing a U.S. passport is about to get easier.

The State Department started a pilot program on Friday, Sept 16, that would allow qualified U.S. citizens to renew their passports online.

“We are committed to the President’s Executive Order on Transforming Federal Customer Experience and Service Delivery to Rebuild Trust in Government,” a spokesperson for the State Department told USA TODAY in an email. “Delivering on this promise, we are working toward providing a secure online passport renewal option. Our new online system will save Americans money, time, and effort, making it much more convenient to renew their passports.”

The spokesperson also explained that applications would be accepted until a cap is reached but did not mention that number. After applications opened on Friday, the program reached its monthly goal by 12:24 p.m. the next day and stopped receiving applications.

According to the State Department website, anyone who creates a MyTravelGov account after 12:24 p.m. on Sept 17 will have to wait until October to initiate their passport renewal online. A MyTravelGov account is free to create and serves as the portal for qualified U.S. citizens to apply for a new passport. The new feature on the State Department website can also apply for an electronic Consular Report of Birth Abroad. 

 There are several requirements that must be met in order to use the government’s online passport renewal system, including: 

 Your most recent Passport is/was valid for ten years. 

  • That Passport was issued between nine and 15 years ago. 
  • You are 25 years old or older. 
  • You’re not changing your name, gender, date, or place of birth. 
  • You are not traveling out of the country for at least six weeks from submitting your application.  
  • You’re applying for a regular tourist passport. 
  • You live in the U.S. 

 The MyTravel.Gov feature is still a pilot program with limited capacity, but I expect a full public launch in early 2023. 

 U.S. citizens looking to renew their passports can do so by mailing in their most recent Passport plus several documents, including some with sensitive personal information, or making an appointment at a Regional Passport Agency. 

 It’s important to note that online passport renewal processing time is the same as renewing by mail: eight to 11 weeks or five to seven for expedited processing.  Despite no change in the processing time, travel industry experts still praise the program as a positive move that will make travelers’ lives much more manageable. 

Carnival Cruise Line Implements Curfew For Younger Passengers.

Carnival Cruise Line may offer family-friendly vacations, but like many parents across the globe, the company is now setting a curfew for all kids and teens.

According to Travel+Leisure, the new curfew policy states that all minors 17-year-old and younger must be out of public areas after 1 a.m.
“Everyone has a better time when children are supervised, and this guideline is consistent with our commitment to safety,” a Carnival spokesperson told T+L.

Like most rules, there are some exceptions. An adult accompanies minors in their traveling party who are at least 21 years old; they will stay out past the 1 a.m. curfew. Young passengers participating in Club O2 or Circle “C” teen activity will also be exempt from this policy. Club O2 is open to kids 15 to 17, while Circle “C” is open to kids 12 to 14.

This curfew is not the only rule that Carnival has in place to ensure that, hopefully) responsible adults supervise younger passengers are supervised by). For years, the cruise line has required all guests under 21 to travel with a relative or guardian who is at least 25 years old.
For parents looking to enjoy an evening without their children or party late into the night at one of the onboard nightclubs, Carnival offers a “Night Owls” program for children six months to 11 years old from 10 p.m. to 1 a.m.

Overall, Carnival Cruise Line has always been very kid friendly and offers several amenities for families and their young ones. That includes onboard activities like mini golf, roller coasters, water slides, kids’ clubs, kid-friendly food, and flexible bed configurations in staterooms.

CNN Leans Red To Compete With Fox News. Brian Stelter Shown The Door — TNN.

Trump News Network?

CNN, The Originator of 24/7 News Programming: The Daddy of The Mac-Daddies Seeking To Follow Fox “News.”

On Sunday, CNN Reliable Sources host Brian Stelter delivered the scoop of his lifetime. Well, it wasn’t quite the scoop because, on Thursday, NPR (National Public Radio) had already beat CNN to reporting CNN’s own inside scoop news story. CNN’s “Breaking News” was already broken. They showed Brian Stelter the one-way exit door. Christopher Licht, the new chairperson, and CEO of CNN, strikes again. Upon Christopher Licht’s arrival, the bloodletting began. His first notable casualty was Jeff Zucker, followed by Chris Cuomo, Brian Stelter and staff. And there is more to come warned Bounty Hunter Chris Licht. 

Brian Stelter was one of CNN’s most loyal company men. He loved CNN. Many times Stelter would use his Sunday morning platform to blast Facebook. He thought Face Book was taking or getting too many advertisers’ dollars. He wanted his company to get a larger slice of the pie. Stelter was a fierce advocate for CNN and, to his credit, free speech — as long as the talk wasn’t coming from Right-wing cable stations like Fox News Channel, OANN, and News Nation. 

Well, it appears CNN is leaning more and more to the right. The shift is gradual, but it is becoming more pronounced. From a business standpoint, it’s an excellent business model to adopt. As it stands, Fox News — notwithstanding OANN and News Nation — is the king of the road of Right-wing perdition. CNN wants to draw some of that viewership—away from “Fox News.” As more opinion news stations switch to the MAGA audience, the trough has more mouths to feed, and before long, that food basket becomes like “liberal” media, where there’s not enough room at the Inn. But the slops will continue to flow in abundance from an array of spigots of right-wing channels.

The knife wielding employee slashing action taking place at CNN is nothing new. Hatchet men/women come and go. It’s just that before they go, they leave a lot of wounded employees in their wake. Why are some employees surprised when it occurs is what is shocking? It’s the same script, different actors. This private sector endemic is now affecting non-elected government employees. The difference is: government slashers are playing with taxpayers’ money, thus they’re expected to give accountability for action taken. 

Chris Licht: CNN/Time Warner Hatchet Man

The Place Where The Bodies (Chris Cuomo, Brian Stelter, Jeff Zucker, etc) Lie Today, Hatchet Men Must Lie There One Day… Marty Robbins — “Running Gun”  — Ballads of a Gunfighter.

Although CNN’s ratings have fallen on some of its prime-time shows, mimicking Fox News Channel (FNC) pro insurrection programming won’t cause a rating bonanza. Hiring quality Journalists (with analytical minds, i.e., Abby Phillip) would help to boost its sweep. The field of right-wing propagandists is getting crowded. With FNC, OANN, News Max, and upstart News Nation catering to the MAGA-maniacs — CNN has a steep climb to get back to its number one slot. 

The two-year-old new kid on the block News Nation delivers a “balanced” reporting dose of “news” between 0600 and 10:00. With reporters, and again from 1700 to 1900 hours. At 1900 the channel switches to a steady stream of mostly Trump followers fringe style programming, where the reporters take a break, and Fox News-style correspondents and commentators take over. Two other stations, rabid News Max and OANN, are in a gutter all to themselves that make even John Metzger, David Duke, dead Governor George Wallace, and others of that ilk appear clean.

CNN will survive — not in its old glory, but it will be around. As the forces in media continue extreme wedge political gathering to rip the country apart — CNN is poised with its experience, methods and mechanical news gathering apparatus to become a Reliable News Source, again. 

Senator Lindsey Graham Tries to Incite Violent Insurrection Across America, By Yelling FIRE in a Crowded Arena.


Senator Lapdog Lindsey. The Panting Senator Threatens Violence Against Americans.

One of Donald J. Trump’s little pom, pom-waving mascots, Sen. Lindsey Graham’s little world, is caving around him. Sen. Graham is dodging subpoenas from a Georgia grand jury to discover his and former President Trump’s role in the attempted 2020 election fraud. He’s scared. He’s frightened. No Mob boss’ wife has been more loyal to a Mafia Don than Lindsey Graham is to Donald Trump.

Donald J. Trump’s Supplicant Senator Lindsey Graham (Right) Bowing Before Trump (Left).

Where does inciting a riot begin? Where does free speech end? They have drawn the lines — even if sometimes the lines appear blurry. The guardrails are in place to prevent cowards and hooligans (such as Lindsey Graham) from causing unnecessary bloodbaths in the streets of America. Brandenburg v. Ohio 395 U.S. 444 (the United States.Brandenburg v. Ohio in 1969 limited band speech to that which would be directed to and likely to incite imminent lawless action (e.g., a riot). They used the word riot for a specific purpose. 

Trump promotes Q’s message that reads, “Your enemy is not in Russia.” To a degree Trump is correct. America’s most potent enemies are the internal rot that continue to fester inside the Republican Party.

Lindsey Graham would rather see America go up in smoke and go down in flames than see Donald J. Trump gets carted off to a lifetime of house arrest. Sen. Lindsey is a deranged person. Whenever someone becomes that lovesick, they cannot think straight or logically. All sense of reason goes out the door/their head.

Most people remember their teenage years the first time they became infatuated and you feel you don’t want to eat. That is where Lindsey—old ass—Graham is with Trump. For teenagers, that feeling lasts about three months or fewer. But Graham has been carrying his torch for Trump for over five years — pathetic. Graham will flush America down the toilet for a chance to play golf next to former president Donald Tramp, a beggar who goes around the nation begging for money.

For Character References, We Asked Trumps Friends And Biggest Supporters. Here’s What Donald J. Trump’s Biggest Supporters Say About Him.




Who Is Donald J. Trump?

“He’s a conman and a fraud,” says United States Senator Marco Rubio (R) Florida. According to one of Trump’s besties and most ardent supporters, Marco Rubio — Donald J. Trump is a conman. Senator Marco Rubio is a University of Miami-educated lawyer. They once considered the U of M the Harvard of the South. 

A Conman doesn’t thrive or exist without suckers. Aside from pulling off tricks and defrauding their targets, the most significant part of a conman’s job is spotting suckers and dupes. They recognize a mark from a thousand miles away and know them like a book they have read a million times. The unsuspecting, gullible are the usual targets of a flimflam artist such as a city slicker like Donald John Trump — but sometimes a con artist will rope in some of the educated folks in a crowd as well — such as Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Kevin McCarthy, Lindsey Graham, etc to form a confederacy of dupes.

Trump’s Possibly Unindicted Co-conspirators. Left to right: Krispy Christie, Narco Rubio, Yella  Hawley & Kisser Graham.

Who is Donald J. Trump?

Let us ask a mouthpiece for Trump, Ted Cruz. Who is Trump? “He’s a sniveling little coward.” According to United States Senator Ted Cruz (R) Texas, “Donald Trump is a sniveling coward.” Senator Ted (Bundy) Cruz is a staunch supporter of gun violence against children and law enforcement officers. He has attached his face to Trump’s ass. Is it because Trump’s Mar-a-Largo residence once held evidence about Cruz’s father? Donald Trump once made strange accusations about “Lying Ted’s” father, Rafael Bienvenido Cruz. 

Ted Cruz is one of Donald John Trump’s most ardent supporters. Look at Trump’s ass, and you’ll see Ted Cruz’s face. He never misses a chance to kiss Trump’s ring.

Senator “Lying” Ted Cruz, AKA Pucker-up Ted.

During his character reference to the former president, Cruz reminded Americans that “Donald Trump is a pathological liar.” He doesn’t know the difference between truth and lies; he continues, “Trump lies about everything. Practically every word that comes out of his mouth is a lie. Everything in Donald’s world is about Donald.” At the start of his presidential campaign, Trump said he would release his tax returns — well, he’s been lying about that ever since. He also said he was worth 10 billion dollars — fake news. 

So, Who is Donald J. Trump?

Senator Mitt Romney, sir, as a supporter of Donald J. Trump, would you mind giving us a character reference?

“Donald Trump is a phony, a fraud; his promises are as worthless as a degree from Trump University. He’s playing the members of the American families for suckers.” These are the words of United States Senator Mitt Romney, a Harvard-educated lawyer and former governor of Massachusetts.

Kevin McCarthy (R) Trump’s Unindicted Co-conspirator

Senator Mitt Romney (R) Utah Tries To Do The Right Thing

Who is Donald J. Trump?

Let’s ask the second most powerful person in the House of Representatives.

Donald J. Trump’s character witness Representative Kevin McCarthy says, ” Donald Trump is responsible for the January 6 attack on the Capitol.” This Means Trump led the insurrection to overturn the final results of the 2020 Presidential election and overthrow the government of the United States of America [by enticing acts of terrorism] against the United States — according to Kevin McCarthy. Days after the “Trump led attack on the Capitol,” Rep. McCarthy went to Mar-a-Lago — where Trump housed stolen documents — to meet with Trump. Now McCarthy knowingly becomes a co-conspirator to overthrow the government (under the RICO statue) 18 U.S.C. § 1961 — after the fact. Also, McCarthy censure Rep Liz Cheney to obstruct justice and prevent her committee from checking to see how deep his involvement in the Trump insurrection goes.

Who is Donald J. Trump?

Let’s ask Trump’s most dedicated servile supporter, the United States Senator Lindsey Graham. Senator Graham, who do you think Donald J. Trump is at his core? “He is a race-baiting xenophobe religious bigot. He doesn’t represent the values the men and women in uniform are fighting for. I’ve been in the Air Force for 33 years.” 

We have men and women, particularly in the Mid East, who are concerned about Trump’s rhetoric because they will use it against us. So what was a concern last week? Will it be DEFCON 4 next week? “Trump puts our soldiers and diplomats at risk. He empowers the enemy,” according to South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham.

Who Is Donald Trump?

“Donald J. Trump is the greatest grifter in the history of the United States, plain and simple.”

Character witness Michael Cohen, Trump’s attorney, said these words when asked about his client’s character. Cohen added [that] Trump doesn’t know or care about you, referring to Trump’s followers, suckers, marks, and the January 6 insurrectionists. Trump’s campaign finance records show he’s collected $107 million for his 2021 inauguration, and more recently, he’s raised more than $250 million for his defense funds.

Who Is Donald J. Trump? 

Let us ask the United States, Senator Mitch McConnell. Most Americans view McConnell as one of Trump’s confederates and a pitchman in the scheme to defraud the American people. Here is what Mitch has to say about Trump as his character witness.

“President Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the event of the January 6 attack on the Capitol of the United States of America — no question about it.” The attack on the Capitol Mitch referenced is the attempt of Trump and his suckers to overthrow the government. These are the words of Senator Mitch McConnell (R) Kentucky. The senior Senator McConnell is a former Jefferson County Judge/Executive and the United States Assistant Attorney.

“The people who attacked the Capitol to kill US Reps and Senators believe they were acting on the instruction of President Trump.”

Senator Mitch McConnell (R) Kentucky Whose Face Looks Like A Giant Aborted Squid. Photo Credit AP

Mitch McConnell is a man lost in the political sauce, and still fighting the civil war of the 1860s. McConnell’s mind still caged in a tattered gray uniform worn by General Robert E. Lee, and fighting ghosts of the past — hoping to make America great again by putting Black people in chains.

Another one of Trump’s character references is his acolyte, former Governor of New Jersey Chris Christie. Christie is a former federal prosecutor, not unlike most of Trump’s character references. Christie is a lawyer and state leader sworn to serve the American people and uphold the Constitution. Instead, former Governor Chris Christie serves Donald J. Trump and defends his crimes against the American people and the Constitution.

Like, most people, I, from time to time, enjoyed the clown show Trump puts on. Donald John Trump’s circus draws attention, but not unlike an audience watching a tightrope walker or an idiot that goes into a lion’s den to taunt lions. Deep inside, the onlookers know Trump’s act is fraught with dangers. After all, Ring-Ling Bros and B.T. Barnum Circus folded up their tents and left town once Trump became President. As the saying goes, there was a new clown in the city. That Trump constantly played the Court’s Jester doesn’t mean he’s not a plain and complete danger to democracy and America.

The FBI’s Reasonable Search and Seizure of Stolen Federal Documents Housed at Mar-a-Lago, Returned to Its Rightful Owner — The People.

Trump’s Attorney Drew Findling, Says Trump Is The Racist Architect of Trump’s Fraudulent “Trump University.”

Christina Boob: Trump’s Deliberately Clueless Attorney And Possibly One Of His Unindicted Co-conspirators.

From defending Rappers and Hip-Hop stars to defending Donald J. Trump. Attorney Drew Findley has pedigree.

According to Findling’s Bio: “Drew Findling has been practicing law for over 30 years and has represented notable clients, including Grammy-nominated artist Faith Evans, former Douglas County District Attorney David McDade, Hip-Hop artists Gucci Mane, and Waka Flocka Flame, Cardi B, and many more. Findling is frequently contacted backstage at events by hip-hop performers, whom he might or might not be well acquainted with, to express gratitude for what he has done for the industry.”

Christina Boob, Trump’s lawyer’s pedigree boasts of being Steeped in spreading propaganda for right-wing news stations. It’s widely reported that she was at Mar-a-Lago during the FBI’s visit to retrieve stolen documents. While doing the television circuit, under questioning Ms. Boob always appears to be divorced from reality.

It’s Getting Easier For Travelers to Claim Refunds For Canceled and Delayed Flights.

The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) is changing how airlines treat their customers, including increasing passenger rights to a refund when they face canceled or extremely delayed flights.

The DOT already requires airlines to offer refunds if they cancel flights for any reason, but airlines keep their policies a bit more vague—and sometimes downright confusing—for refunds for delays. This often means passengers are uninformed about their rights and end up leaving money on the table, money that is rightfully theirs.

To combat this issue, the DOT is creating a new interactive dashboard that will provide “easy-to-read, comparative summary information on the services or amenities that each of the large U.S. airlines provided. When the cause of a cancelation or delay was because of circumstances within the airline’s control,” Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg said in a letter sent to all U.S. airlines on Aug. 18.

We expect the new dashboard to go live on the department’s Aviation Consumer Protection site.
“When passengers experience cancellations and delays, they deserve clear and transparent information on the services that your airline will provide, to address the expenses and inconveniences resulting from these disruptions,” Secretary Buttigieg wrote.

This move from the DOT comes after a tumultuous year for air travel, particularly this summer, which saw thousands of delays and cancellations weekly. According to Secretary Buttigieg, nearly a quarter of domestic flights were delayed. And over 3% of domestic flights were canceled; during the first six months of 2022.

The DOT is now considering setting clear rules and standards for all airlines to follow when requiring refunds for passengers experiencing delays or flight cancelations. The department currently has an open forum where travelers can comment on what they think the DOT should do. The department is also seeking public comments as it aims to potentially regulate the continuously shrinking size of airplane seats.

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