Friday, October 18, 2024
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UPS Driver, Two Robbers Shot And Killed In Police Chase.


Innocent Bystander Killed During Wild Police Shootout — The O. K. Coral Gables.

At about 4:14 p.m. two desperados held up a Regent Jewelry store in Coral Gables Florida — an upper-middle-class area of town — adjacent to a brutally suppressed neighborhood. The “owner” of the store exchanged gunfire with the robbers, at which time his store clerk was shot — condition: not serious. The store’s silent alarm was activated and within 90 seconds officers from the Coral Gables police department (one and a half blocks away from the store) were on scene confronting the armed robbery suspects.

During the exchange of gunfire, Coral Gables’ city hall was struck with at least one bullet. The robbers left the area in a rented U-Haul truck but later abandoned it for a UPS truck that they vehicle-jacked. “What can Brown do for you?” After crisscrossing two counties (Miami-Dade and Broward) and several cities, the two robbers along with their kidnapped UPS driver came to a standstill at the corner of Miramar Parkway and Flamingo Road — a busy intersection in Broward County, Florida.

Seconds later (about 5:34 p.m.) dozens of police officers exited their vehicles with weapons drawn. At least eighty shots were fired, the UPS driver was killed while holding his hands in the air. Both robbers were also killed, as well as an innocent bystander — whose black Lincoln Town Car sustained bullet holes to the window(s) and body of the vehicle.

United Parcel Service (UPS) issued a statement acknowledging the death of its driver but did not release a name. “We are deeply saddened to learn a UPS service provider was a victim of this senseless act of violence,” the company said. “We extend our condolences to the family and friends of our employee and the other innocent victims involved in the incident.

Staff Writer: Clinton Franklin

Media Corp USA

Stephanie Ruhle: MSNBC’s Left-Leaning Spin “Journalist”


Radical leftist spouts Michael Bloomberg’s talking points.

This morning on MSNBC AM Joy show, Stephanie Ruhle had an answer/excuse for everything that Billionaire politician Michael Bloomberg has ever done that many people find questionable. During her interview on A.M. Joy show this morning, Rhule’s bias was so blatant that eventually she fessed up and informed the audience that she once worked for Bloomberg.

MSNBC’s Joy Reid TV Moniker

At this point, no one is sure if Ms. Rhule is still in the employ of the Billionaire Michael Bloom who reportedly is worth an estimated 53 Billion Dollars – or if she was auditioning for another job at one of his companies.

We are not saying quid pro quo, but is it quite possible that Bloomy may have a job lined up for Stephanie Rhule down the road if she spreads his talking points on air.

The 44-year-old Ruhle has been with MSNBC since April 2016. Before her spin gig on MSNBC, Ruhle co-hosted the Bloomberg Television show Bloomberg GO. She prides herself on being a financial expert who propagates the stifling of other people’s ideas that do not line up with hers.

Opinion Writer:

Benton Frye: Conservative Guy on the Fly

Sheriff Scott Israel (D) Fired By Gov. Ron DeSantis (R)


FloriDUH; at It Again. The Stage of the Clowns.

The man who ran the largest fully accredited sheriff’s office in the United States with 5,500 employees and an annual operating budget of $930 million lost his bid to be reinstated to his old job.

On Thursday, October 24, the Florida Senate voted, for the most part, along party lines to “permanently” remove former Broward Sheriff Office (BSO) constitutionally elected Sheriff Scott Israel from office.

Florida legislators voted based on political expediency 25 to 15 in support of Republican Governor Ron De Santis’ decision to fire Israel.

Big Money Donor, Shaq Oneil w/ Broward Sheriff Gregory Tony Not Necessarily a Curry Favor

The decision to remove Israel came amidst pressure from angry parents of children who were killed last year at a Parkland high school: Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School in Broward County, Florida.

Scott Israel, a former Republican turned Democrat, vowed to seek re-election during the upcoming 2020 elections.

Governor DeSantis appointed a former sergeant, Gregory Tony, to replace Israel. Tony, who is a (DINO) Democrat In Name Only, has no administrative background skills and widely viewed as an Affirmative Action hire.

The interim Sheriff Tony says he plans on running for Sheriff in the upcoming 2020 elections, and already there are big names — based on race — such as Shacquel O’Neil, who has thrown their support behind Sheriff Gregory Tony who is African American.

O’Neil, a former basketball legend, who harbors dreams of becoming a real police officer, has donated ten thousand dollars (USD) $10,000. 00 to Tony’s bid for the post.

Sheriff Tony also, at this point, seems to enjoy the support of the many of Parkland’s 24,000 residents who are looking for a stoolie to do their biddings and not necessarily a sheriff committed to serving the two million residents of Broward, County, Florida.

Staff Writer: Clinton Franklin

Media Corp USA

Inflammation Afflicts the Nation: While Druggists Reap Exorbitant Profits.


With more than 23 million Americans suffering from some autoimmune disease, pharmaceutical companies have reaped huge profits from the misery of those afflicted with such a categorized illness.

Drug companies and their paid scientists are more interested in delivering treatments for these inflammatory diseases rather than finding or effecting cures.

Most learned scientists – the learned ones – are aware that the root cause of all diseases is inflammation.

Ninety-nine percent of inflammatory diseases that afflict a person’s organs, tissues, and or cells (the body) stem from poor food choices, dieting, and lifestyle.

To be clear, the phrase “dieting” includes legal over-the-counter and prescribed drugs that we feed our body in hopes of healing any discomfort(s).

Scientists have advised that “the immune system is a finely engineered defense system designed to shield our body from harmful pathogens and cancer cells.”

However, over time, minus the 1% of hereditary inflammatory diseases that some bodies develop – the body’s finely engineered defense system fails due to bad eating habits.

When the body human defense system functionality gets clogged from over-indulgence coupled with a sedimentary lifestyle or an excessive amount of inactivity, inflammation begins to take over the body. Consequently, it becomes a malfunctioning machine — a machine that can be likened to or described as a hit or miss system.

Such a malfunctioning system can be compared to the late Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein’s Scud Missiles defense system.

They are mostly useless to incoming attacks. During the Persian Gulf War, a U.S. Army general described and compared Hussein’s Scud Missile defense system to someone pissing in the wind.

In other words, it’s a hit or miss defense, and for the most part, they missed the incoming missiles or attacking forces, so the targets, in this case, organs, tissues and or cells get destroyed and cause debilitating diseases that could cause the body to cease operation or die.

The bottom line is: inflammation makes it almost impossible for the organs, tissues, and cells to fight off the attacking forces that were created by diet and lifestyle.

Scientists frame their argument this way, “But sometimes the battle gets out of hand, and the immune system turns on the very “self” it is meant to protect.”

So to protect themselves, more and more modern men/women are going back to a Paleo diet to stop the progression of their illness and in some cases reverse the course of their inflammation or disease.

A diet of fruits and vegetables is back on the menu.

Researchers from the La Jolla Institute conclude:

“Investigators have cataloged over 80 such conditions: prominent among they are type1 diabetes, in which immune cells destroy insulin-producing pancreatic cells, rheumatoid arthritis (RA), which attacks the lining of joints, and multiple sclerosis (MS), which irreparably damages the myelin a sheath that covers nerve fibers. Related conditions include pathologies that don’t seem intuitively “autoimmune,” such as heart disease or Alzheimer’s, both of which have an inflammatory component.”

Medical practitioners aren’t sure or refuse to inform patients of the real cause of their “illness”

Pus and mucus-forming foods are responsible for 99% of the inflammatory conditions that ails human and animal bodies.

Staff Writer: Clinton Franklin

Media Corp USA

An Uncharismatic Pool of Bucking Donkeys: Democratic Presidential Candidates.


Beto: His name sounds like an African name from Soweto South Africa — But his roots are Irish

Democratic Lightweights Bolts From the Barn — Seek Likes On Twitter And Facebook Fame.

The Democrats present to the American people for President, a shaky group of builders without a blueprint or floor plan.

So far it’s mostly the he-clowns and she-clowns and half-empty barrels of the Democratic Party who have thrown their hats in the ring to run for president. One of the more viable candidates and fiercest competitor for President Trump is seventy-year-old senator Elizabeth Warren. There is no doubt that Warren is capable of getting some voters to take her seriously. She’s won a Senate race in Massachusettes.

Sen. Warren is intelligent but comes with heavy baggage. She carries around a razzle, dazzles bag of stardust that she disperses on the simple-minded. But most sensible people see her as just a squeaking woman with a penchant for touting super-liberal fantasies. Warren wants to be President Robinhood.

The Three Amigas: Liberal Media Darlings, Set to Battle Each Other — Estrogen On Steriods

God bless Senator Warren’s husband to be able to put up with the squeaks coming from her voicebox for so many years. The nation is not ready for those squeaks on the world stage. YIKES! Senator Warren (a.k.a. Pocahontas) is a middleweight.

Julian Castro, 44-years-old (former Mayor of San Antonio and Secretary of Housing and Urban Development) is a second-generation Mexican American who thinks he’s the reincarnation of Pancho Villa, a.k.a. Jose Arango Arambula. Castro who served in the Obama administration is brilliant but has as much charm as a doorknob.

Julian Castro: Sometimes Brilliance is not Enough

He is hell-bent on seeing to it that Mexico does not pay for Donald Trump’s border wall.

Castro is a Welterweight. To many Americans, Castro is too ethnic to be President — somewhat like Jesse Jackson was back in his hay-day — charming to some but too ethnic to be president. Hey Castro, if you seriously want to challenge President Trump, go get some charm and some bandwidth. 

These Dems are eyeing President Trump and thinking to themselves, hey, if he (a Reality TV Star) can do it, so can I. Trump is charismatic.

Currently, the top-notch donkey to throw its hat in the ring is Senator Kamala Harris. Harris is a former California State Prosecutor. She also is knowledgeable but comes across as someone who is on some (legal drug) medication to keep her stable. During Senate confirmation hearings, Harris is as relentless as a pit bull — latching on to its opponent — with her line of questioning of nominees.

Harris often reduces bold, intelligent men to stuttering, sniveling weasels during their hiring process in the Senate.

Harris seems to get off on humiliating people. Sociopathic?

Fifty-four-year-old Harris is known as a pit bull in a skirt — not unlike gangster-rapper Eve. The difference between them is: Eve used her body to get where she is, while Harris used her brain — though there have been rumors about Kamala Harris’ body temperature.

Harris is more politically akin to Bill and Hillary Clinton. They talk “the Black talk” out of sheer political expediency but secretly conspire to castrate black men. Harris is a media darling, but she is a clear and imminent danger to African-Americans.

Senator Harris is a Middleweight. Harris could punch upwards.

Rep Tulsi Gabbard: A reformed red neck turn Democrat. Gabbard could be easily described as the female version of former Senator Robert Byrd. Gabbard trumps up her past as an extreme diversity denialist of being raised in a Conservative Republican family with bigoted views.

The one good thing Rep Gabbard has going for her is that she is a military veteran. So far of all the candidates to announce their candidacy, she comes across as the more stable person of the pack.

Gabbard and Trump comparisons? The last persons to switched party affiliation based on political expediency, during a campaign, aside from Bernie Sanders and a confused Ross Perot, was Donald Trump. And so far Trump has proved himself to be an awful B J with consecutive lousy hair days — creating one hateful political disaster after another.

Representative Tulsi Gabbard is a Light Welterweight with the potential to punch upwards.

Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY). Kirsten pronounced as curse ten or ten afflictions is known to many as a flip-flopping backstabbing Dr. Jekyll and Ms. Hyde type of person. Kirsten is known for knifing both friends and foes alike in the back. She is considered as a rancid political opportunist of a third kind.

Sen Kirsten Gillibrand Perched to fly over the Cuckoo’s Nest

Having the 52-year-old Gillibrand in the White House would mean the Department of Defense would have to give her pseudo-nuclear codes. Some believe that a major catastrophic event could occur if Gillibrand were to take control of the real nuclear systems — if she won the presidency.

Kirsten Gillibrand is a pip-squeak Featherweight.

The world can say what it wants to about Trump — whether he’s bigoted or not — he has charisma. Additionally, he has the unemotional and detach-ability character of a strong leader.

These are the junior varsity lightweight contenders who have thrown their hats in the ring: Richard Ojeda, Pete Buttigieg, Mayor of South Bend
Indiana. Pete Buttigieg will punch upwards financially but won’t make it to the White House as president. The majority of American voters aren’t ready for an openly gay president — yet. But he will pave the way as Shirley Chisholm, Jesse Jackson did for Barack Obama and even to an extent as the demagogue Al Sharpton has done. Other colts who have bolted the barn are Andrew Yang, and John Delaney.

These are the strategizing slow planners: Cory Booker, 49, the former Newark mayor. Booker is articulate and confrontational. Booker thinks he’s Spartacus — leader of some escaped slaves of the past. 

Well, at least he did not say he was Nat Turner because that would have white Americans looking at him sideways.

Sen. Cory “Django Unchained” Booker

Many people think Booker is comparable to Senator Lindsey Graham, who some say is a gay man who is too frightened to come out of the closet. Booker is a Lightweight.

Hey Cory, you can come out, buddy, ain’t nobody going to bother you.

The question is: can O’Rouke transfer his southern charm to the national stage? O’Rouke is a light heavyweight bogged down by super-liberal ideologies.

Heavyweights: former Vice President Joe Biden, Howard Shultz (formerly of Star Bucks), Michael Bloomberg, former Mayor of NYC, and former Mayor of New Orleans, Mitch Landrieu.

Of the four candidates mentioned above, Joe Biden is the only one with mass appeal. However, Biden stalked by vestiges of corruption charges – involving his son — leveled against him by Trump and his administration. Biden is running on fumes.

 To date, the Democrats have yet to put on display a super heavyweight to take on President Trump. At this point, President Trump and most of his cowardly staff is his worst enemy for the 2020 elections.

At first, Beto O’Rouke,  the former Texas congressman was coy about throwing his hat in the ring. O’Rouke is charismatic and intelligent. In 2018 O ’Rouke ran an impressively challenging race against U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R Texas) for US Senate seat —  O’Rouke lost to Cruz. Cruz also ran for president against Donald Trump in 2016. Back in 2016, candidate Trump revealed that Cruz’s father was involved in the assassination of President John F Kennedy. On Friday, October 18, 2019, Hillary Clinton claimed in a podcast that Rep Gabbard (D Presidential candidate) was a Russian asset.

Since then, most of the other Democratic presidential candidates and other Dems have roundly chastised Hillary Clinton for her comment on Gabbard being a Russian asset. The counter-argument is: Gabard is a military veteran and a sittingU.S. Congresswoman. In 2001 FBI agent Robert Philip Hanssen was arrested for spying for the Soviet Union from 1979 to 2001 – 22 years of espionage.

The man or woman is untouchable or beyond reproach. Having said that: Hillary should present the evidence to the FBI that will lead to proof of her accusations against Gabbard or shut up and go sit down. To date, the Democrats have yet to put on display a super heavyweight to take on President Trump. At this point, President Trump and most of his cowardly staff is his worst enemy for the 2020 elections.

Staff Writer: Glenn Wiggins

Koffee Is Addictive

A Supernova Lights up the Sky and Brings Fyah to Earth.

A Supernova Lights up the Sky and Brings Fyah to Earth.Like the rush one gets from drinking a strong cup of caffeinated coffee; that is the rush or sensation Reggae/Dancehall artist Koffee delivers to her fans with each performance. The Jamaican born Spanish Town native whose birth name is Mikayla Simpson — is taking the world by storm and quickly proving herself as a non-violent, uncontained tempest in the ocean. As she reminds her fast-growing fanbase that she’s never stuck in the Ocean. “Yuh mi have the waves never stuck inah di ocean, Koffee have the style dem smoother dan a lotion
Why?”At the 2018 Rebel Salute, Dancehall legend Cocoa Tea introduces Koffee as the next Jamaican “‘Female‘ Sensation to come out of Jamaica.” He was wrong. Koffee is the next Reggae/Dancehall and possibly Pop sensation to come from out of Jamaica — female or male, period. Once introduced by Cocoa Tea, Koffee jogged on stage, she thanked the audience and walked the entire breadth of the stage.
While exhibiting controlled nervous energy that says, I got this, she then walks back to the center of the stage and takes control of the minds of the concert-goers. She began her chant with the words, “Raggamuffin, Reggae beat;” and suddenly her eyes began to smile and one could tell right away she was in her element. Indeed, she was on the beat — to date, it is one of her best performance. Cocoa Tea’s intro of Koffee is reminiscent of Diana Ross introducing a young Michael Jackson on the Ed Sullivan Show. And the rest is history as they say.

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The newly minted star is growing and getting better with each live performance. For those of us who have recently come to the Koffee table or have not yet gotten a whiff of the freshly brewed Koffee, Koffee is a Reggae/Dancehall artist with the potential of becoming a mega Pop sensation. She has already bridged the Atlantic Ocean between her native Jamaica and Britain and is making some waves in other EU nations and the Caribbean Islands.

She has matched the British chart-topping record of another teenage Jamaican singer, Millie Small who had a 1964 mega-hit entitled “My Boy Lollipop.” Koffee’s flexible writing style has allowed her to fused or paraphrased snippets of lyrics from some US-based Rap artists as well as old-school Jamaican artists such as another UK Singles chart-topper teenage duo, Althea, and Donna “See mi in a ‘alter back, Sey mi gi’ you heart attack” phrase from Uptown Top Ranking song from 1977 that reached number 1 in the UK Singles Chart in 1978. Koffee’s spits the words in her hit song Raggamuffin’s, “Mi gi dem heart attack inah mi ‘alter back.”

Androgynous Look

She has matched the British chart-topping record of another teenage Jamaican singer, Millie Small who had a 1964 mega-hit entitled “My Boy Lollipop.” Koffee’s flexible writing style has allowed her to fused or paraphrased snippets of lyrics from some US-based Rap artists as well as old-school Jamaican artists such as another UK Singles chart-topper teenage duo, Althea, and Donna “See mi in a ‘alter back, Sey mi gi’ you heart attack” phrase from Uptown Top Ranking song from 1977 that reached number 1 in the UK Singles Chart in 1978. Koffee’s spits the words in her hit song Raggamuffin’s, “Mi gi dem heart attack inah mi ‘alter back.”‘Twas a few weeks ago, a Chronixx video popped up in my YouTube feed. My usual course of action in such cases is to ignore such acts that I’m not familiar with — at all. As fate would have it, I clicked on the video and viewed a tomboyish presence delivering a sassy performance. I decided to check out a few other of her videos and live shows. Koffee has a style that works for her.
Her on-stage persona is somewhat of a throwback to Run D MC, Lil’ Bow Wow or more like a Jay-Z and less of a Rumpshaker like Lil’ Kim and others of her ilk. She is decidedly female. Koffee is to date has decided to sell her talent to the world and not her “sex.”

In interviews, Koffee said her life’s goal was to become a Pharmacist (and peddle government-approved drugs) but as fate would have it, she’s become a drug to the brain of many people. She’s peddling a real healing kind of godsent drug — music.
On her way to becoming prolific, song writer she’s known for lining up in the verses of her songs a trifecta lyrics a succession of hits. She seems determined to prove herself as a great musical talent — not a romp shaker — who just happens to be female. She can hold her own next to any act male or female.

On July 16, Koffee joined the pool of great artists who have had the privilege of gracing the stage of the Late Night Show hosted by Jimmy Kimmel.
There was a void waiting to be filled with the right energy and Mikayla Simpson aka Koffee has stepped in to fill that space. So where K is Koffee and R is a Rapture and B squared is the blessings she brings. Like all forces in nature, Koffee is neither created or destroyed, it can only change its form. Her mother should be proud of her and be applauded for her near cultured upbringing.

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