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“We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when “Grown” men Like Gov DeSantis are afraid of the light.”

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Stunted Governor.

Florida Gov Ron DeSantis Is Still Living In The Past: The Good Old Days Of Book-Burning. Cover Photo: Courtesy of The New Yorker.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis could prove himself to be the most dangerous man in America and the world—a more dangerous man than Russian Vladimir Putin. Ron DeSantis is a book-burner. Whenever a Book-burner appears in history, his presence is one of innumerable pain and suffering of the populous — the sacking of cities, towns, and nations. The sneaking, presidential ambitious Governor likes to paint targets on the backs of Black people for target practice to excite the base of former President Donald Trump.

In 2018 Ron DeSantis rode the coattail of Donald J. Trump to victory over former Mayor of Tallahassee Andrew Gillum. The contest between Gillum and DeSantis was hard fought, but DeSantis eked out a small win over Gillum. Ever since the 2018 win of the Florida Governorship, Trump’s light so blinds the Gov that he cannot see that the light is the ex-President going down in flames — therefore, he continues to cling to his coattail while steadily going down with the ship. DeSantis proved himself a book burner that is afraid of the light.

Florida Gov Ron DeSantis Attacks (AP)African American Studies: DeSantis Is Acting Like A Pussycat, Without Cat On The End of The Word Pussycat.

In 641 A.D., Caliph Omar’s soldiers (Arabians) attacked Alexandria and burned the “Great Library.” Their action plunged the world into the Dark Ages. Before Caliph Omar, in 213 BCE, Chinese Emperor Qin Shi Huang was afraid of the Light and Reason, so he ordered the Burning of books and the murder of hundreds of Confucian scholars to stay in the White House. 

Similarly, DeSantis set out on a mission to raze everything from the land of America that has to do with Black people living in America. He starts with the history books, and then he’ll move on to life and limb. The Gov points out that American history includes Black history, and he’s correct. But most of the writings are skewed toward White superiority and Black inferiority. And in many instances, many White Historians whitewash their version of American history.
“Until the lions have their historians, the history of the hunt will always glorify the hunter.” African Proverb.

The little man is at it again, trying to be ex-President Donald Trump. To quote the late Lloyd Bentsen, former Secretary of the Treasury: Ron DeSantis, the American people have seen Donald Trump perform, and you are no Donald Trump. First, Donald Trump is Tall and Charismatic. Second, Trump bears genetic traits and social abilities of which you are the diametric opposite. Just four days after celebrating the birthday of civil rights icon Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Gov Ron DeSantis attempts to ban Advance Placement (A.P.) of African American studies in Florida schools.

Throughout History Men Have Appeared Who Are Afraid of Light, So they Burn Books To Keep Themselves and Others In The Dark. They Burn Books, Then They Move On To People.

The fluke known as Donald J. Trump President Trump was a fluke; he’s gone and will never be President of the United States of America again. The only thing Trump will continue to do is hold rallies to get money from dumb-ass hillbillies and educated dunces, but he is not returning to the White House. Right now, Trump is running in a race all by himself. If DeSantis continues to fit into Trump’s clown suit, he will always be a clown.

The little man is at it again, trying to be ex-President Donald Trump. To quote the late Lloyd Bentsen, former Secretary of the Treasury: Ron DeSantis, the American people have seen Donald Trump perform, and you are no Donald Trump. First, Donald Trump is Tall and Charismatic. Second, Trump bears genetic traits and social abilities of which you are the diametric opposite. Just four days after celebrating the birthday of civil rights icon Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Gov Ron DeSantis attempts to ban Advance Placement (A.P.) of African American studies in Florida schools. What is DeSantis afraid of? Is it that White kids would learn that (the formerly enslaved) Black people significantly contributed to the wealth, industrial inventions, and development of the United States?

There is no debating the fact Florida’s Governor, Ron DeSantis, is desperately trying to make a bid on the national political stage. De Santos has developed this idea that the way to the White House in Washington is on the backs of Black people and by appealing to the basest instincts of the inbred sects and cults of American politics. If DeSantis goes to the White House, he will have to leave the backwoods of Florida to go to Washington, DC. And there are many people along the way who have read books. In the 2022 governor’s election, he may have won big in Florida, but Florida is not all of America. Coattail riding DeSantis has failed to create a base of his own, nor has he increased the size of the Trump base — a shrinking bunch of old fogies, young illiterates, rednecks, and neo-Nazis.

Black People Gather In Tallahasse to Protest Florida Gov Ron DeSantis’ Constant Attack On African Americans Heritage.

At the directive of Ron DeSantis, the Florida Department of Education (FDOE), the operative word “Education,” made clear their plan to block Advanced Placement Studies for African Americans. In a January 12 letter, FDOE informed the College Board of its decision to prevent college-bound students from broadening their minds. They are to remain narrow-minded like Ron DeSantis and his army of dunces.

For Ron DeSantis, it has become clear that his only stringent talking points are “WOKE” and anti-Black rhetoric. That is his platform of hate. When the only words a Governor can use to start his followers up are words that stir the worst passions and desire in people, then people should prepare to thwart, run, or roll over. History only repeats itself when the current generations don’t pay attention to the dark clouds in the sky. From the mid until the late 1930s through May 7, 1945, dark clouds were moving through the skies. Many dismissed it as, well, it isn’t raining on my doorstep. Dismissiveness turned into a category five tornado that sucked folks in that thought the dark clouds were okay because it wasn’t raining on their doorstep.


The Journal of Record

Clinton Franklin
Clinton Franklin
Clinton Franklin is a formally trained Computer Scientist and a writer at heart. Clinton is an avid observer of nature and a lover of people and diverse cultures. He adheres to the adage, “Think globally, but act locally.” It is crucial to be forward-thinking but not a forward person. “Be kind to everyone you meet because each carries his heavy burden…” Plato. Embrace the three Constants: Change, Justice, and Rightness. The thought police are busy at work trying to suppress free speech — if allowed their march to madness — they will arrest your very thoughts.


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